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  1. @Eren Eeager I don't understand your question clearly. It depends on what do you define this bliss you're talking about as. It's definitely not the human emotion. Since only humans can experience human emotions. A rock doesn't experience bliss In Hinduism they talk about the ultimate reality as sat-chit-ananda. Being consciousness bliss. But they don't mean bliss as an emotional state. They mean the state of being unconditional and free.
  2. @CultivateLove that's the events that happen in the course of love. But love in its experiential form isn't hurtful. For example if your mom is giving you affection right now and loving you, it's not hurtful. If you're loving a pet right now it's not hurtful. The process of love is not hurtful And if your mom said something that is hurtful then it's the words and her actions that are hurtful. But the love that she has for you is not hurtful. Similarly if someone dies, the death or loss is hurtful. Love is eternal and love is pure bliss. Whatever happens, the lover has no control over it. But in their intent to love you, it's pure love in the moment.
  3. Well, love can hurt like hell too. Accepting love is bliss isn't always so easy if you're experiencing the rough side of it.
  4. @Eren Eeager you're right with your insight. It is pure bliss. How can it not?
  5. I ended up freaking out as always, oh my freaking OCD. But I think I got it, it cannot be but Bliss, how could God be able to be itself as the driving force for all existence without bliss?
  6. Love is blissful from our experience as human beings trying to understand ourselves but what is it from the Pov of God? Is the bliss gone? Is God left with just pure awareness without bliss? I mean like a bland raw being. This is a tragedy if this is true. I am actually preventing myself from freaking out from the exestintial terror of this idea. P. S: It has to be Bliss right? If not, how it could bear the weight of being the whole universe? How it could be itself without Bliss? I think.
  7. that's some non duality happening right there. (that wasnt me who posted that). I didn't realise Connor was into tantra sex now. He always gave me sinister/showoff/arrogant vibes so I never really watched his content. But if he's into this tantra sex stuff now, maybe my judgements are seriously deluding me. Maybe I should start watching his content. Recently I've been really applying a rethink of how relationships work within myself (just through my own derivations from contemplation), where relationships are more of a scaffolding for reaching the infinite, rather than something to get attached to. There's lots of toxicity in how relationships work in society (and even among personal dev junkies like on here) that is just a distraction and waste of time. Getting attached to someone else is just an absurd thing to do when breaking up is largely inevitable and necessary for growth for most people. The archetypes for males and females are largely toxic and outdated (even though normalised). And what both men and women want is to override these archetypes, attachments and to see the divine that sparkles through relationships, so why not go in that direction? If instead of viewing relationships as a way to get sex, or a way to get happiness through a human form (the other person), what if you viewed relationships as a way of exploring the consciousness that you are. A way of knowing Thyself with greater intensity. Every interaction with a women is an opportunity to explore how your body and mind interacts with the opposite sex, how our chakra and energetic systems mingle, and what they actually do and want. What if its an opportunity to explore and release traumas, an opportunity to explore bliss and joy and happiness not from the vantage point of it all coming from the opposite sex, but from it coming from within. When seeing a women on the street, you're not seeing someone to have sex with, you're seeing a library of information about your traumas, chakra system, energy system, different states of consciousness you've never explored before. And approaching her means the opportunity to open that library and see what YOU are made of, actually. And every woman is not just an opporunity for you to explore what You're made of, but to help her explore what she's actually made of. You can literally transform a human being through a relationship. Instead of making relationships about maintaining titillation through a binding contract for what the other person must serve you, and how how long (short or long term relationship) see the relationship as a course or journey of transformation of your own being. In other words, it doesn't matter if you break up, because it never was about staying together, it was always about transforming yourself and the other. And choosing to stay together is only about whether that helps both of your journeys. I've been experimenting with this mindset in pickup, and it seems to be working, given the right techniques and processes used when doing pickup.
  8. it’s kind of silly to argue for distinction in a nonduality forum, I don’t know what to say. But boredom is not a response to a threat and neither is irritation, and that’s what fear is. A response to threat. A lack of engagement or satisfaction is not a threat to the ego. I suspect you’d argue it is, tho, which is why I don’t really want to argue. I guess I have tho, lol. You know, I could see my incentive to disagree comes from fear. And that makes me want to double down on my position. Fear is not present for me when I’m bored. Irritation and boredom are sisters, a response to dissatisfaction. A claim that fear is dissatisfaction would be a bastardizing off what fear is. But again this feels silly in a nonduality forum. Distinction is an illusion, in the end. Might as well say love is fear. Edit: boredom is like the incentive to play. boredom is a sister to playfulness, that’s not fear. Now that I’ve had my say, I’m curious rather than afraid. it’s additive. I’m afraid you’ll tell me I’m wrong, and I’m curious what your response will be. two different emotions. Edit2: ultimately I’m saying my desire to awaken stems from curiosity Edit3: one thing Leo said in another thread (I wrote it down) is this - “one thing you can bank on is this - all fear is illusion and falsehood “ and honestly this applies to emotions in general. Emotions are driving when we’re identified with them, and when we practice mindfulness emotions become fleeting and illusory. Perhaps the desire for enlightenment comes from suffering. You had that in your initial analysis. Ultimately suffering is the bigger picture of emotional experiences. There is suffering and there is bliss, two halves to the same coin. Practiced meditation leads to bliss and ego transcending. And an unpracticed mind is rife with emotion.
  9. @arlin the secret to everlasting happiness has been found thousands of years ago by great sages - that secret is that happiness can only be found within. The truth is, you are being a bit overdramatic and can't see yourself as a beautiful divine creature. We are sad and angry at the world because people don't see us in our infinite divine nature and beauty. The world is cruel. We can't live with an open heart. We can no longer love. But it's our own fault of rejecting the love of God. The ego has inferiority complex, it was created by the social system in order to satisfy and please others. The truth is that you are NOT the ego. The real self has NOTHING to do with the body, with gender or past. The question of who you really are is a very intimate one. God loves everyone and he sees everyone as beautiful. There is no favoritism. To find out who you really are, you need to abide in the heart of your being, which means that you have nothing to do. It's our center deep within, the core full of divine love, the secret to unending bliss. We crave attention and love from others because we see God in it. And if it's not women but money then it's still love/happiness/bliss. Why not go in for God's love directly ? It's like rejecting someone giving you billions of dollars for free (without any malice).
  10. swadishtana - sacral centre or navel centre manipuraka - solar plexus chakra In my experience with this practice, and many others these become actual physical points of bliss, but that's with chakras in general.
  11. What you can really do is that you can re-experience those events in emotional layer to relive yourself of thek which will make the interraction like 90% easier foward. You sit with yourself, close your eyes and then remember the event in the past exactly as it happened. So now let it get to you emotionally, remember how the event felt, example. I was being gaslit by my neighbour. He is personally insulting me, creating fear in me, he said this and that and did this and that. Now after describing that in more detail, i notice that i am feeling bad. So now you write down how you feel - he made you feel powerless, angry, upset, envious, inferior, sad, depressed, shocked, e.c.t. and now you stop the mental argument and purely focus on the emotions experienced in emotional layer. Like feel that powerlesness as it is with no mental arguing or proving some point in your head but experience it like the feeling got to you, really and be aware of it. And keep tgat intensity of emotion. Experience it as Preety with that mindset that identity at that time and place, not as now with new information. That also works good especially with childhood traumas. Now after a while what you will experience is feeling relieved. There will be bliss in your swadishtana and manipuraka. Energy from depth will reach your body. If you do this consistently then you will see there will be even lesser subconscious reaction to the next encounters. Or use it to become more fit and improve your eating habits, exercise routine, health, and mental fortitude with this technique. I tend to respond with more action when I am treathened. Just like Obama said: "Our enemies keep us on our feet." Good luck! I might start a journal based on this technique, it is called the completion process or samskara dahana kriya or smth like that.
  12. Yes, that's the point. Doesn't matter how that realization comes about. Cessation is not necessary, it's just one way -- and sometimes rather than providing the realization, cessation just becomes a nice toy that one can use to experience the bliss wave that comes after it.
  13. Take from the Hindu concept of "Lila", that creation (all creation) is a divine play of the Supreme. "The world is a mere spontaneous creation of Brahman. It is a Lila, or playful sport, of Brahman. It is created out of Bliss, by Bliss and for Bliss. Lila indicates a spontaneous sportive,playful activity of Brahman, which is distinguished from a self-conscious volitional effort. The concept of Lila signifies freedom of creation, distinguished from creating from necessity. A playful, aimless display which precipitates pain ,as well as joy, but in its bliss transcends them both.
  14. Going by the Buddhist framework: Piti is another name for kundalini energy. Caused by concentration and mindfulness, it is a feeling of pleasant exhilaration, and it is the proximate cause of bliss/sukkha/happiness. Kundalini awakening is another name for The Arising and Passing Away (caused by penetrating the object of meditation and separating it into its components, which are separated into their components, and so on down to pure impermanence-information-flux), the experience and layer of mind that is the home of the second Jhana.
  15. As Rupert Spira has said, it's actually easier than breathing. It's so obvious and in our face that we overlook it. I don't want to be preachy but I'll just share two instructions that may help you: 1. Relax the attention. 2. Notice the fact that you are experiencing anything at all. If you follow these two steps, and wait patiently for the bliss to emerge, you won't be disappointed.
  16. @Nahm On a subjective level: I am talking about the perceiver that is trapped in this Body/life. Ego is the thing that distorts reality, making things up, drawing conclusion, having beliefs, judging, filtering reality in a way that's useful for survival, avoiding pain, and seeking pleasure. Those awakenings are not there NOW, but occur once in a while before they dissapear. Right now reality is thinner than compared to other days, but not even close to a full or even partial awakening. Right Now, I'm trying a little bit to get somewhere I am not. Which I know is futile, but trying not to try is harder than trying ^^ I try to accomplish an end to suffering and starting 60 years of bliss. I'm trying to avoid the suffering of daily life (and the mind). I don't know if that is going to lead me somewhere, but that's just where I am at right now. What can I do? I'm lost and trapped into this spiritual vicious circle.
  17. Would you call that the bliss of ignorance? Surely some devotion to curiosity is necessary for enlightenment?
  18. Rupert Spira talks about this all the time, but it really can't be overemphasized: in being aware of being aware, it is important to relax the attention. Normally, our attention is always moving outward toward externals including thoughts and feelings. Well, one of the major keys in being aware of being aware is allowing that attention to rest rather than moving outward towards objects. Allow your attention to sink inwards and rest within itself. When your attention is fully at rest, it becomes quite easy to be aware of being aware. I should also mention, don't expect the peace or bliss of your true nature to be experienced immediately. It takes time to emerge. Because of this, people tend to get discouraged and mistakenly believe that they aren't being aware of being aware properly. In reality, they are probably doing it correctly but are simply losing patience with the process before the bliss has been given a chance to reveal itself. The peace emerges gradually over time. Patience is required here. I wish you all luck in being aware of being aware. Though, if you can allow your attention to relax, you won't need any luck at all. Peace, and much love to you all.
  19. I tend to think everybody has ambition - acctually something more basic than that, the ambition producing facility in you, just like we have emotions, body parts, toughts e.c.t. "Lack of intrinsic motivation" or i don't care is more like a clogged up pipe or a closed chakra, if it is directed it is bound to find it's expression and he shows intelligence to attempt to solve this problem by the same mechanism. He has enough ambition to find the problem for his lack of ambition - so therefore I mean he absolutely has amibiton. He is in the beginning of the journey where you are crossing multiple laps. It is after all exponential-like growth in self-dev. From 30 minutes of visualiation to intense years of action towards big projects. The actual problem of the clogged pipe - and this is just the case with most of us - it is clogged by our dietary choices, mindset, lack of exercise, media, instant pleasures e.c.t., so that muse never finds expression, but the mechanism is there and it's in fact working to some degree. You described it pretty well in your - getting in touch with your higher self video. That is literally a starter for directed desire, where ambition shows. I am very suprised that you are not saying the following things: Visioning is the cure for lack of ambition; Self-development is the cure for lack of ambition; Meditation and spirituality is the cure for lack of ambition; Taking yourself less seriously, detaching from outcome, mastery, hero's journey, more emotionally motivating concepts are the solution for this problem; Stopping dabbling, taking decisions e.c.t. are cures for lack of ambition; Sure we are dealing with a complex problem here, however, there are steps to infuse that instrinsic motivation which is synonymous with ambition; I guess you have forgotten about the value you keep providing. And people HAVE IT just like they have arms and legs, just like some people have never in their life experienced bliss, because they havent awakened these faculties. But it is there, even if its malfunctioning in a form of regret, dissatisfaction e.c.t., that is a projection of unused ambition units, which is what this post is about.
  20. I have to disagree, there IS cure for lack of ambition. And there are MULTIPLE. 1) Enabling your well being so you feel better during the day (reduces the need of instant gradification needs); 2) Directing your desires and efforts to a larger project, for life purpose, hobby, responsibility e.c.t., larger vision than you basically; 3) purnattva based spirituality; Ambition shows when you feel like you are wasting your life, when you feel you could have been doing something more productive and you are doing something boring - 9to5, too many instant gratification e.c.t; Acctually @Godhead has ambition. Why? Because this post exists. He is somewhat troubled by this and is in fact looking for something different. I would suggest that @Godhead would try to decide something to do (as Leo's life purpose course suggests) and do something, develop a taste for intensity, activity, problem solving, creativity and explore the rewards, process, feeling or bliss of that and appreciate the pletau's and struggles and the bittersweetness of the process of directed action by directed desire. There seems to be a problem that limits intrinsic motivation, but it is there as a working mechanism in everybody; What I mean in short is - hobbying, career, relationships e.c.t. - journaling, finding out what long term activities fits your skillset e,c,t, and put effort into that, at least try for a year; I don't think things like boredom is the same as lack of ambition - lack of ambition is more like a form of self-denial where you don't think you are good enough to even try and enjoy something in a really shady and sneaky way. That's my two cents, suggesting LP course here.
  21. What will happen if someone went mediating for a whole month without moving a muscle, no drinking water, no eating, no urinating? Wil he be even able to do it? Will he die in his bliss or will his needs be satisfied through meditation? I once saw a bbc video for a kid who was essentially mediating 24/7 for days and days, but maybe he is a genetic freak.
  22. So this has been on my mind for several months now. Why do we avoid suffering? After a bit of thinking it's clear to me that pleasure and pain are just feelings we give meaning to. Same with bliss and suffering. Even after seeing this, why it is that I still want to avoid suffering and attract bliss most of the time. I don't resist my mental suffering anymore, i try my best to not get attached to any pleasure or bliss. But I still fear my death (maybe that'll be the case until an actual ego death). I fear feeling large amounts of pain. What is this? Can't I be cautious without feeling fear. But if i dont fear pain, what will be my reason to be cautious? I know hating pain and suffering is for us to survive, however, how does one go beyond survival? Maybe asking to go beyond survival is asking to eradicate the fear of death. I just noticed that when I ask to go beyond survival, I am hoping to survive after i go beyond it. Lol. What to do?
  23. @meow_meow I think I've experienced similar things like this during meditations. I do them daily since ~ 4 months now, and I did the strong determination sitting technique (30 minutes a day) for some time. I had physical sensations that were almost painful, not located, just painful in my mind. And such a strong urge to stop meditating, or to distract myself. I had thoughts upcoming like "this meditation is already really deep, so you can stop now", "you've been meditating so long now, its ok if you end it early today", "you're doing it wrong, it shouldn't feel bad / painful in some way". These sensations were pretty intense and unpleasent, Idk if I would call them torture, but they defenitly were on a good way. It was difficult to just watch these sensations just like the other ones (itches, which are unpleasant at first but I get uset to them very fast, or muscle pain during the sittings). But a few times i managed to do so, and 1 time I think I overcame them during the sitting. They somehow stopped and I felt like meditating at the next step, felt a bit of peacefullness and bliss, but not that intense. If you can endure these sensations one day, I recommend you to try just accept them. Do not resist them. It's hard, but once you've done so successfully, the sensations change in a way. Like they are still there, but they are somehow... different. And better. Idk how to describe, but not resisting to them will help you, but I'm sure you already know that. Good luck!
  24. I would say they are distinct techniques; both bring you to the same destination ultimately. The two methods that have worked for me are: (1) Being aware of being aware, and (2) Allowing everything to be as it is. Being aware of being aware may be the easiest to do, if you can recognize the experience of being aware (some people struggle with it--I certainly did for a long time). The alternative is to allow everything to be as it is, also known as 'surrender'. It may just be my imagination, but I seem to experience more bliss when I am aware of being aware, whereas allowing everything to be as it is is felt more as peace. But no, I wouldn't say there is anything 'better' than letting everything be as it is. All these different methods bring you to the peace of your true nature. Just go with whatever you feel drawn to.
  25. About the inner journey and meditation part don't worry, if you keep nourishing it consistently it will make you pick and drop many mindsets and not very long for a tangible place for truth, bliss and joy will be here for you. Even if the rest of the endevours fail, in my experience, this does not fail if you just keep meditating and growing. This is more rewarding than any other endevour also. It is almost like to be sought by design, it is so good. And so much more accesible too for you, won't even have to go anywhere or do anything to feel it.