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  1. @PepperBlossoms The reductionism you use makes me doubt that you've really accessed any nondual state. Have you ever tried psychedelics? When you're in a nondual state, it goes very meta. It's not about 'believing' or 'falling for it'. You become actuality, prior to the unconscious biases that filter and narrate our perception. A pure awareness not distorted by the ego. Of course there are teachers whose ego will use "spirituality" or "non-duality" for selfish egoic reasons. Most of which have never even been in a nondual state. However an actual awakening is to see exactly how all dualities collapse and in this fashion deconstruct the mind, removing the biased filters on reality. For example you say our in your comment that 'our inputs are limited with our eyes, ears, nose, mouth, and skin as well as the brain processing'. This is a reductionist assumption. What about the stomach? Why is "brain processing" an intelligent process anyways? You would need to do a lengthy investigation to explore all the ways that statement is a belief. And if we're hooked up to a machine, why is there a machine? Is the machine hooked up to another higher-dimensional machine? Such thinking is mental masterbation because none of that matters when you're searching for real answers: Why can anything exist at all? Why is reality intelligent? Why is reality aware? I agree that non-duality is not 'the final answer to the understanding of all of everything'. Another reductionist perspective though. It's not an answer, first off. You're not going to understand computer science by entering a nondual state. But it is possible to understand at a penetrating level the simultaneous infinitude and nothingness of reality.
  2. No? Have you ever gone under anesthesia? It's pure nothingness....but not even that because there are no arising thoughts to even label it.
  3. @hyruga Something interesting I learnt from Alan Watts: When you die, you will immediately start your next life. Why? Because the gap between lives, which you might call ‘nothingness’ has no time element, so effectively it doesn’t last any time at all. So whether your next life starts in 10 years, 10 million years or 10 trillion years, it will be immediate because the nothingness has no time, therefore it will pass in a flash. Hence, the moment you die you will be reborn. Not a moment will be wasted ‘in between’ lives.
  4. So I was feeling bad about something. A thought came to me saying 'observe'..So I stopped to see what I can find. I closed my eyes,it was quiet anyways (so that helped) and I searched my body sensations for a little while. I didnt have any thoughts for some moments because I was trying to feel so my attention was fully focused on my body, I was scanning. so It was only thoughts. I stayed there.Nothing else. Thoughts were bombarding me and I was aware of them the midst of living my life and doing something (I was on the internet like now) I think that I miss some of my thoughts,they are left unnoticed. But Im not aware of this. So....overwhelming thoughts are making me miserable. But Im not feeling it somewhere in my body.Im just experiencing it. Is it maybe because Im not trained enough to spot the feeling in my body? I sensed nothingness there. I dont know.I was calm.No it only thoughts?Thats it?
  5. Infinite is something that you have learned. limitless or endless in space, extent, or size; impossible to measure or calculate. This is the vocabulary explanation of infinite. It is very identical with what you say. But truth never comes from learning. Not knowing is nothingness. If “you” can name and label the experience thats an illusion. Do you remember anything before your birth? Was there any infinite before your birth? No it wasn’t, because before birth was genuinely not knowing. Thats why your so called birth happened with learning and knowing. Awakening is genuinely not knowing, which is before birth. Read the page before Samādhi stages, when universe and space conceptualization collapses before the last stage. Cant be more clear than this. You should listen the men of intelligence.
  6. @James123 You're missing the point. They're pointers, of course infinity cannot be grasped through mind neither can nothingness so every image you make will not be IT, but we use the word to point to something (which is nothing) that cannot be shown. We might as well talk about infinite nothingness.
  7. I clearly explained brother, differences between nothingness and infinite. What is not clear about?
  8. I'm not disagreeing, just saying it's word plays, of course when we use 'God' we Know with a capital K that we're talking about the same source. We're not perceiving the world from a religious perception. When one uses Infinity he might as well be talking about Nothingness. I think there are some miscommunications here also.
  9. @SpiritualAwakening Because when you say “infinity” you identify or form it with “something “, and naming or labeling the so called “experience “. Nothingness has no identification nor form. As an example, deep sleep, what was before so called birth. If you dont think during the day, there will be no “during the day”. When you “think” as even saying infinite, you are right in duality. (Even nothing is a word, which is something , but cant explain without that word). If you never learn what infinity is how can you know the experience that you having is “infinity”? You can realize at that moment, “not thinking” gives you sleeping quality and realize that only thinking create so called universe. Therefore if you dont think, you are before birth. Thats why it is called “awakening “. You are already nothing, if you forget everything you have learned you are already yourself. You dont need to name and label to become yourself. You are already. Just empty your cup. Peace!
  10. @James123 you are playing with words brother, even your definition of nothingness is not nothingness. Why don't we just talk about the fountain of youth and the philosopher's stone
  11. @gettoefl i know brother. This is what osho talk about in that video. There is no such a thing as infinity, time or space. They are Just thought. You can read the below. Nirvichara Samadhi For the first time, true one-pointed concentration becomes possible. Even subtle thoughts do not occur. The perceptual limitations of time and space are transcended; this state is called Nirvichara Samadhi. Kaivalya Samadhi The final stage is to reach Kaivalya Samadhi: complete, final, and eternal union with the real, eternal form. Which is nothingness. Osho is talking about final stage as this. Thats why he is saying that he has been nothing for 30 years.
  12. Call them "thoughts" or dream, or real, it's the same. They are. They come from the nothingness, so the nothingness create them. They are nothing but they are. So? Something is lost here. a piece is missing in your puzzle
  13. There is no such a thing as duality, universe, infinite consciousness, time or space. There are Just a thought. As saying infinite consciousness, it is clear to see that you are stuck in duality. Because it is something that you have learned. But you can never learn nothing, because you are already. Which never comes from knowledge or learning. Truth can never be told, can just be. You can Read the below. There is no such a thing as infinity, time or space. They are Just thought. You can read the below. Nirvichara Samadhi For the first time, true one-pointed concentration becomes possible. Even subtle thoughts do not occur. The perceptual limitations of time and space are transcended; this state is called Nirvichara Samadhi. Kaivalya Samadhi The final stage is to reach Kaivalya Samadhi: complete, final, and eternal union with the real, eternal form. Which is nothingness. Osho is talking about final stage as this. Thats why he is saying that he has been nothing for 30 years. Peace!
  14. @dflores321 At last stage he talks about Samadhi, which is nothingness brother. Same thing. ? as the video i shared for you. Thats why he says that he has living for 30 years as nothing. Peace!
  15. Let me explain what he is saying, everything that is happening, exists is thought, time is thought. you are thought, your friend is thought.. this comment is thought. your thoughts are thought. and all of them together make this experience, you can use other word if thought does not suit you well, it just means that everything is construct that is fully made to feel exactly as you experience it, but never the least they are just construct that appear in nothingness. Find your own truth, there is way more out there.
  16. Truth is not being nothing any more than it is a chair. You are stuck on the nothingness side of the coin. You're missing the complete coin. So ironically you're stuck in duality.
  17. @Endangered-EGO Inner 0. Nirvana. Nothingness.
  18. @James123 The buddhist say the 8th jhana is the state of neither being or non-being. Maybe that is what you refer to as "nothingness" "pre big bang". Because you say nothingness, but there is still input during a nothingness awakening. I have heard about people who call the state of neither being or non being "absolute nothing" which is not the same as "nothingness"
  19. I have done deeper than that 8 and 10 gr dried shrooms. Infinite consciousness is still something that “you” have learned. Truth can never be learned. You did experience something as infinite, thats why you can communicate as infinite. Truth can never be communicated, you can just be it. Nothingness can never be learned, can just be it. Therefore you dont remember before your birth. Because you learned your “birth” as “infinite consciousness”. When you say infinite consciousness it is still something. I have experience so called infinite consciousness or nothingness on shrooms. But thats an still “experience “. There is no “i” to experience anything. You have to go deeper till crash every knowledge that you have learned and experienced till become nothing. When you become nothing, it will be a before Big Bang. Because everything is exist within your thought process such as infinite. Do you think you are in universe now, and something exist as infinite? Go deeper brother, till no one left to experience anything. Become nothing. Than you will get it. Get awaken without psychedelics. Because of your thought process doesn’t stop with psychedelics, you can never comprehend what being nothing is.
  20. It's funny I just asked a question on the forum about an experience I would call infinity. Maybe some of you are able to tell me if I have tasted a drop of infinite consciousness, or if that is something else? I know it is different from the nothingness. It certainly doesn't feel as incredible as nothingness, but that is maybe because I wasn't all the way trough it. (click on the link to see my post) Infinite consciousness or something else? - Meditation, Consciousness, Enlightenment, Spirituality - Forum
  21. What is infinite consciousness? You can keep telling yourself that, but there is many things you are not yet conscious of. Nothingness is absolute. You lost yourself within the thought process. Formlessness can take any form. Therefore no form as infinite consciousness, it is just a thought, you havent dive in deeper. You need to crash that infinite consciousness to singularity. Even “infinite “ or “consciousness “ is something that you have learned. But nothing can never be learned, can just be. So stop misleading people. It will take decades for people to get awaken from this perspective, just conceptual-zing. You lost your way man. “Me” is just a thought. How can i “say” (another thought) something to “myself” ?
  22. I sometimes have that experience, and it's distinct from the nothingness and it is definitely part of the source and not really an object of awareness/perception. I wasn't that deep into it yet but it occurs sometimes, longest was probably 10 minutes during meditation. I can in some sense describe the nothingness, the change in perception, but I don't know how I would describe the thing I referred to as infinite consciousness. How I enter it: 1.sometimes I just fall into, I remember having high fever as a child and dreaming about stuff with the "feeling" of "infinity". It's the same infinity (I didn't call it infinite consciousness back then just infinity). or 2. When I fall into infinite space, where there is no up, no down, no forward, no location not nothing, just pure space, and I try to merge with the object of the infinite space, I get that "infinity feeling arising" It basically feels like this wavy energy that is the zooming in on consciousness. The more it is present, the more the Body feels heavy and just every sensation on the Body seems to have no limit. like there is the "heaviness" of the legs, and the heaviness is... not limited, not somewhere, it like the feeling of heaviness can bee zoomed in infinitely. It becomes an immovable thing. I struggle just to explain the effect "infinity" has on the body, because the only word I can use is infinity. It's very strong, it feels like a vibrant energy through my entire being. (Not physical energy like kundalini) Is that what people refer to as infinite consciousness? Are there other methods to enter it, or how can I check that's it's really it and I am not only bullshitting myself. Where can this lead me? I realised that becoming space leads me there, how can I get from infinite consciousness into "infinite nothingness", any tips? I believe it helps to put myself in a deep trance an detach from the Body. A god realisation would be nice lol. (I don't use psychedelicss)
  23. Sure, they are around, to various degrees. I'm not gonna waste my time guessing what other people have realized. I will just stick to what I have realized. Infinite Consciousness But it is not other than Nothingness and not-knowing. Infinite Consciousness is not a thought. Your own experience contradicts this. You can keep telling yourself that, but there are many things you are not yet conscious of. I disagree. It's not superior per se. And it's still nondual. What I say doesn't contradict nonduality. It is nonduality, just at a very high degree. Modern psychedelics like 5-MeO-DMT and DMT are new. And just because people in the past used them doesn't mean their knowledge has reached your ears. It died with them. What I say fundamentally aligns with all mystical and spiritual traditions and teachings. It's just a question of breadth and depth of understanding. I know the Nothingness/Emptiness of which these Advaita and Zen teachers speak. But there's more beyond that. Your consciousness is the final arbiter of everything. Find out for yourself what is the case. I'm just pointing out things that you might otherwise overlook.
  24. Sorry Leo, but you have no idea what are you talking about. You lost yourself in wonderland. You are deluding thousands of people now. These people will never get awakening because of you. Of course psychedelics are helpful, but you lost yourself within the egoistic gaining as infinite consciousness. Awakening is completely letting go. Stop brainwashing these people man. Awakening, nirvana, all spiritual work is directly experiencing of nothingness . Guys Listen, Ramana Maharshi, Osho, Raltson, Papaji, Krishanamurti vs. Our entire birth is just a process of thoughts. Infinite consciousness is just a thought. What can be more deeper than not knowing? Even knowing “infinite consciousness “ makes you limited. Stop brainwashing these people.
  25. ?? you are a funny guy brother. What can be more deeper than nothingness or not knowing? Infinite consciousness ? ? “you” lost your way man. You “think” you will become infinite consciousness? “You” and “infinite consciousness “ is just a thought. There is no such a thing as something, there is just nothing. Nothingness is pure consciousness. Yet it is not 0. 0 and infinite consciousness is just a thought. Nothingness is all there is, before birth , now and after death.