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  1. Sorry Leo, but you have no idea what are you talking about. You lost yourself in wonderland. You are deluding thousands of people now. These people will never get awakening because of you. Of course psychedelics are helpful, but you lost yourself within the egoistic gaining as infinite consciousness. Awakening is completely letting go. Stop brainwashing these people man. Awakening, nirvana, all spiritual work is directly experiencing of nothingness . Guys Listen, Ramana Maharshi, Osho, Raltson, Papaji, Krishanamurti vs. Our entire birth is just a process of thoughts. Infinite consciousness is just a thought. What can be more deeper than not knowing? Even knowing “infinite consciousness “ makes you limited. Stop brainwashing these people.
  2. ?? you are a funny guy brother. What can be more deeper than nothingness or not knowing? Infinite consciousness ? ? “you” lost your way man. You “think” you will become infinite consciousness? “You” and “infinite consciousness “ is just a thought. There is no such a thing as something, there is just nothing. Nothingness is pure consciousness. Yet it is not 0. 0 and infinite consciousness is just a thought. Nothingness is all there is, before birth , now and after death.
  3. 1. Nothing. Reality is One/Infinite so it doesn't need a how. 2. That's a good one. I don't think I can come up with a linguistic answer. All thought answer would fundamentally temporary and impermanent therefore false and not 100% certain. 3. Right now I'm dreaming 4. Nowhere, exactly. In absolute Nothingness, in the centre of infinity, in the mind of 'God'. Unfortunately I can't escape this dream lol. Can't destroy myself 5. The earth is round. I haven't seen it but I don't practice 100% scepticism with everything because of useful/survival purposes
  4. evident . what is infinite by definition? the nothingness. What happens when something, no matter how large, a finite universe, dissolves into infinity? which is revealed as 0. the absolute is nothing But it's also evidently that the nothingness is. If not, who is perceiving now? The nothingness of course
  5. At the level of experiences, thoughts are objects similar to perceptions. At the level of experiencing, absolute or consciousness, thoughts are temporal modulations, vibrations or coloring of nothingness or consciousness. On the other hand, the whole life is in a way a great thought or hallucination that is imagined into existence.
  6. I still do a little bit of yoga a little bit of meditation. Maybe I should increase. I´ll try to meditate every day. Lazy me... Awareness check. I am not sure that I need it. When I am dreaming I´m always aware, that it´s a dream. It´s not a problem, a problem is that I am not dreaming. Smoke pot. Never tried any of drugs. Maybe it´s a prejudice, but I don´t like even the idea of them. I don´t know anybody who has become enlightened by them, I don´t mean the ocasional glimpses but steady and clear state of enlightenment. Well, Leo seems to be an exception. But! I know enough people who ruined or even killed themselves by drugs. Generally I learned to appreciate the clear state of mind. I don´t even like alcohol. Even if I would change my mind and try cannabis, I have no idea, where to take it from. It´s illegal in my country. I think, I am beginning to understnd the idea of drugs. All the teachings are useless, if you don´t experience at least once this special state of consciousness. Nothingness, Existence, God are beyond imagination, they must be seen. But drugs won´t help you to make enlightenment steady, your normal state of consciousness, won´t they?
  7. Merry Christmas Self-Actualizers! May we all succeed raising our consciousness to Christ Mind where everything becomes nothing, where nothingness manifests itself through... Thank you Leo Gura for all that you brought into the existence.
  8. Yes I know, first time I did 5 meo I was thinking: well, let's see what is that infinite love that all people talk about...and after 2 seconds there is nothing, This is the ego! A definition. All those concepts must wait out of the nothingness. My ego in that circumstance said a similar judgement: I am nothing and this is horrible, but wasn't words, was only the horror That is the point! it's supposed that it's only one conciousness. If there is you awareness, you can't realize the conciousness. You have to absolutely die. That awareness is you, the ego. To realize that you are the infinite void that is, there haven't be any "I" there. When I was in the void was like there in not me, nothingness, but it's the horror, even with big dose, so I really reject the void, but it's great because I have the opportunity of work in the ego. When it's the void, the ego screams with all of his strength, so it gets exposed. The ego isn't only your judgement, is you! When you see thst, and the infinity, all changes, at least for me. Analize that . There is not conciousness that is aware of your existence? It supposed that you are the conciousness. You are alone in a state of infinite emptiness? Exactly, and you are the infinite emptiness I might as well not exist? No ,you as ego don't exist. When you contrast your ego , and all the universe, with the infinity, you realize that it's nothing, a zero. You must realize the infinity first. I had nightmares a couple of nights and I stayed trembling for a while after. The infinity.... Little by little, I'm changing totally what I thought about spirituality, god, enlightenment, etc. It's right here right now, it's nothing, but it is. It's not like find something, it's more subtle, and seems unthinkable
  9. seems that the void is our real nature. Others call it god. In meditation I realize the void and it's not horrible, because you are still there, but with 5 meo it's nothing, infinity, but still a scream of terror perceiving the eternal death. I think it's the ego, that is going to absolutely dissapear in the void. That is obviously the ego, that is doing all his tricks to avoid the void. We have to surrender completely to the nothingness, give our lives as an offering and disappear, to realize the truth. It is obvious, but it is absolutely terrifying for us, if it were not like that ,it would have already happened. for many people it is very easy, they do 5 meo and voila! for others it is scary, depressing, dead, a real Challenge, but it can be worked on. meditate on emptiness, emptiness is who we are, the ego must die. that's the job we're doing
  10. I have no conscious control over sensory data. Meaning I can't wish you out of existence if I want. Therefore these appearances are held within my consciousness because that's the only way to experience a world. That doesn't mean these appearances in my experience are the only thing that there is. I make a distinction between the small you(ego) and the big you (God) . The small you and it's perceptions are held within the big you but the big you extends beyond just what is accessible via the small. Nope! Go ahead and wish this screen out of your consciousness if your consciousness is all that there is. I don't know. See this is tricky. You don't even know if right now you are so called "dreaming" or in the "real world". Precisely because there is no distinction. You can't appeal to that comparison in the first place. Dream is just a metaphor. Reality is NOT a dream my dear. Dream is just a limited configuration within reality. You can't define or capture infinity in a limited way. What do you mean by "me"? I am consciousness. Not that there is a me who is conscious. This brings us back to your earliest point about "others". Others are also consciousness. They are not "conscious". But that doesn't mean they are not conscious. It's really just a technically difference. Better to say that awareness is always so.. everlasting in everpresent nothingness.. either dreaming.. or in a state of dreamless sleep. Dreamless sleep is the closest you will come to the possibility of “no awareness". When you are not aware you believe that youe awareness will pop up again right? Because there is something outside of your consciousness that is holding it. Which is what consciousness is. See there is a distinction between consciousness (reality itself) and "your" little human limited consciousness. Don't delude yourself. All time? You mean forever? It’s hard to answer this question because there is no such thing as time.. so what exactly is "forever" referring to?
  11. there is nothing, emptiness, and suddenly ... there is a thought. If you look at it you will see that it is like a shape, a wave. it is you undulating, taking a shape. good or bad thoughts are the same, shapes. they are created from nothing and disappear into nothingness. you create them. how and why? because you are a ripple out of nothing, a form that vibrates, and they are one of the creations of that vibration
  12. Thought is a “thought “ itself. So called “thought” is naming, labeling and putting meaning on the words, such as saying “word” or “thought”. There is no such a thing as a thought, if you “think” it is “exist” if you dont “think” there is no such a thing as “exist” nor “not exist “. So called “creation” of so called “mind”, which is a thought again. There is no something (including the thoughts), just nothingness.
  13. I’ve never been shown something that exists outside of me, and I could never be shown something that exists outside of me. Thus is the nature of consciousness. I’ve even been possessed in this human life by what most would call another entity, but it was all experienced from the perspective of the same old thing, my consciousness. Are the characters in your dreams conscious? What real evidence do you have to prove one way or another that they are/aren’t other than your baseless speculation? Now apply that same realization/thinking to this reality/dream. Finally, apply the same thinking to the question, “Is the body/mind in my dream conscious, or is there just consciousness alone as all parts of the dream?” The real question is, “why am I shouting to myself in these forums, thinking that I’ll somehow hear an answer that didn’t come from me?” The Truth is that there is no consciousness outside of yours. This is how it finally makes sense that Atman is Brahman. The “little consciousness” is the same as the “big consciousness” because neither of them ever existed separately. They were always just one consciousness. Even the human being typing these words is just as fake/illusory/as much of a dream object as any of those who will respond. I’m 100% alone, and for it to be 100%, that means there can’t even be a me. At the end of the day, this is spiritual nonsense as much as any other spiritual teaching. What does it really pay to master the dream when you’ll only wake up into another dream with different rules? Jesus Christ fighting off a T. Rex in his dreams is just as fucked as you of anyone else. Do you see how this thing of spiritual mastery results in nothing? It only pays your imagined, illusory, and temporary self transient benefits the same as if you had went chasing money your whole life. The spiritual path is no better than any other. Once you’re in a new reality, you’re either blessed or fucked according to the rules of that reality which you have dreamt up. Understanding spirituality and understanding physics both yield the same result - absolutely nothing when all worlds are just illusion. The closest thing you’ll get to Truth, if there is such a thing - don’t be too hasty to assume, would be to strip consciousness of all its traits until it ceases to be conscious. Consciousness without time or memory? Now we’re getting somewhere. But no one can ever verify such an experience as a state without time or memory cannot be experienced. Just look at where you were before birth. That might be close to this “Truth” thing. Anyone who thinks they’ve experienced nothingness is a complete hack. There is no experience of nothingness. There’s just nothing. In your “experience of nothingness” there was always something. The same mouth that always chases your own tail around ad nauseam. CONSCIOUSNESS. See - there wasn’t nothingness in your experience. By the very nature of you having an experience there was something, and that something was - drum roll please - consciousness.
  14. Agree, the ego is all, if you remove the ego , the nothingness remains, but the nothingness is you...the ego is a gift, the world of colors and shapes is wonderful. But most of people when they say ego they mean the mental talking, the concept, memories. This ego isn't wonderful at all!
  15. Absolute nothingness, empty void of something which is nothing. Beautiful. Those ego death moments are something magical.
  16. Because he's caught in a classic spiritual trap where he thinks he's escaped dualism, but he's just basically taken a left wing atheist worldview coupled with buddhism and nu age. Anti religion thinking God didn't design religion exactly and perfectly as it is Anti conservatism thinking God didn't design conservatism exactly and perfectly as it is Anti science (nu age) because he's too lazy to pick up a physics book so it's easier to play gotchas, the same way atheists inevitably defend their position by implying everyone who believes in God sanctions child rape Buddhist nonsense of nothingness which ironically he and Frank Yang make HOURS of content on lmao He used to be willing to do the work: Lifting weights Actually learning REAL things Avoiding politics like the useless plague it is Now it's just drugs, porn, left wing ideas and solipsism. It is what it is, but he is capped on his growth, he already BTFOd so much in: Beating his past addictions (food, guilt, shame, shyness) Beating left wing whinyness and actually learning/weight training Beating the typical atheist dork know it all as he does actually have a bit of science knowledge beyond talking about evolution lmao Beating buddhist worthlessness in their do nothing attitude by actually producing videos with tangible, verifiable and true claims But yeah, that's it for him. There are more levels, but it's just too easy to chill where he is at: Jordan Peterson Ken Wilber Tai Lopez Richard Koch Tony Robbins Robin Sharma Tim Ferriss Osho Sadhguru Eckart Tolle Tom Woods Dawkins Hitchens Lex Fridman Tom B Valuetainment Everyone plateaus, we'll see if he can pull through it. "You still don't know anything about reality, accepting all the cultures and norms of whatever culture you grew up in, the standards are extremely low, so there is an artificial glass ceiling created on your potential. You have no idea what you are, on every level, not at the physical, not at the psychological, at the emotional level, at the spiritual level, you don't really understand yourself" If you know how to read it, you'll see. Let those who have eyes see Let those who have ears hear
  17. It is created by nothingness as nothing. Therefore nothing was never created, therefore separation has never happened. “You are already awake” says comes from that perspective. Because Whatever you do, so called believe in thoughts or life dont matter. You are already what you are.
  18. Whatever you have learned since your birth is a thought. “Awareness “ is a thought, but the word of “awareness” point out to emptiness or nothingness, where the so called thoughts rises. Anything happens within the “awareness “ including thought of word “awareness “.
  19. I see Atman as more for the word for the little self or ego. Because Atman literally means self. I see GOD or big Self as Parmatman(which literally means Supreme Self). Shiva I see as Nothingness that permeates all. And Kali as the dance of this nothingness, all these sensations and feelings. I see them as one. And that oneness is what I call Parmatman. And that there is no Atman, or ego to begin with. That's my semantics and understanding for you.
  20. What is the relationship between these four entities or principles? This is how I see it, from the observations I have made in recent days. Well, let's start with Atman. Atman is the One without the Other, and thus it is the Other, and All that exists. The Atman is the Soul or Jiva at the Centre of the Universe and everything that exists. Shiva cannot be in the Centre, because he is the space in which the Centre exists. Kali is what works around it (the Centre), and is thus One with the Center just as Shiva is. Shiva is the space, Kali is the energy. Atman is both. Atman is the only being or entity that can be both Shiva and Kali at the same time. Atman Shiva ---> I <--- Kali Shiva and Kali can play around together and be One, switch roles etc, but they cannot impersonate a single form as one without being One with the Atman. The Atman is the Center of every point of space. If you were to imagine the whole fabric of the universe and all dimensions possible (infinity), as being composed of infinitely many dots, infinitely close together, then you would have the understanding that the Atman is at the centre of every single one of those dots. Where does the Atman's Shakti come from? Not Shiva, not Kali. Atman is Shakti and Shiva at the same time, so Atman created Shiva and Shakti, and Kali as a result. Kali is awakened Shakti. The Shakti that Shiva has given to Her. It is her, because she is energy. She needs Shiva to move Her. She is Shakti that is intelligent and able to communicate with relationship. Shiva is what can move control and harness Shakti in whatever way He wants, and thus he is able to control the Shakti and feed it to Kali, who will use it to bring justice to the universe. Brahman is all that is, without a center, and thus nothingness like Shiva. The only difference between Brahman and Shiva is that Brahman cannot be impersonated by anyone or anything, while Shiva can. I hope this helps anyone trying to understand. Yet I am sure this is still a work in progress, so please share any of your observations or insights. I encourage you to do so Om Tat Sat
  21. my feel is that there are multiple layers here: non existence, concept, existence. Concept is a subset of existence, along with other layers like material reality, sleep dream reality, psychedelic hallucinations. An apple may not have physically manifested as material, but may have physically manifested as a concept or in sleep dream. If the apple is in concept but not in material reality, then relative to material reality, the apple exists as non-existence. Yet this is all occurring within existence. An apple though could never occur in non-existence, because non existence does not contain the material, conceptual or sleep dream realms. It contains no realms, pure mu or nothingness. For example, its wrong to say a pink elephant existed as non-existence throughout this entire reading, because the elephant just manifested in the concept realm as soon as this paragraph was read. There was literally no pink elephant before. Therefore that non-existence cannot have any manifestation or form in actuality. Yet non-existence is much more akin to dementia/amnesia. If you're saying a unicorn does not exist, IME that non existence is happening in existence.
  22. There is this popular example with the cinema. Imagine, you are in the cinema and watching the movie. You see people, cars, trees. But they are just the projection on the screen. And now go further. There is no projector, no screen, no spectator. The pictures (nor sure, this is the right word) come from nowhere to nowhere for nobody. In nothingness. I hope, I wasn´t inaccurate in the explanation, since I haven´t had direct experience.
  23. I listened, even I think that jiddu was a fake. Was the first master that impressed me , and now I read and I think that he only want to sound misterious. But you never know. He says that any believe have not worth. Of course I agree. Only direct experience has worth, words and sistem of beliefs are empty, but some ways of thinking could help to make the ego less hard. Yeah normal, thats why I used that word. But I used after to perceive. When the mind dissapear , the limits dissapear. You realize that the mind is that: a limit that shape the nothingness. Without limit you perceive the infinite ,or the nothing if you prefer. But my realization finish there. After the experience, if I meditate, there is not a wall in front me anymore, there is open, no limit. I think I'm going to costume to that and be nothing. But it isn't the point. The point is that I'm sure that itsnt all. Go for a walk in the country, yes, all is a thought, but what a thought! The nothingness must be only a face of the infinity I don't know because I wasn't more deeper, but I think yes, it's possible be. There is a mistery to understand, the being.
  24. Infinity is nothing that I learned. 5 meo stopped my mind , and infinity was revealed, as the limits created by the mind disappeared.(no wonderland at all) I can assure you that there was nothing learned there. The idea that was in my mind when I came back was: absolutely unthinkable (and horrible too because it's more nothing that I ever imagine) . I don't doubt your perception of pure nothingness but what about this, maya, the dream, what do you want to call it? for you it is nothing ... but it is a very rich nothing, very perfect, very deliberate. dont close the door to more deep understanding
  25. Go deeper. That infinity will crush into singularity, which is nothingness. Pure and empty. Before the big bang. Forget everything you know. Infinite is still something that you have learned. Anything you have learned is not it. Stop believing in 5 meo too much or stay in wonderland. EVen if you don’t believe in “me” listen the man of intelligence. Go deeper till there is no one left to experience anything. Be no one, be nothing. Definitely. Forget everything you know, such as infinite, infinite, intelligence, mind or whatever you have learned. Question is this, what is the only thing that you can not learn, feel, sense or understand? Empty your cup. Lol. ?????If “i” shaved my head and wear some guru close stuff. You might think that “i” am a saint instead of wearing black suit, because gurus or saints wear guru’s clothes. Mind loves to conceptualize everything. ??? you made me laugh man. Love you! But let me give you hint, when the so called mind goes, there will be no more awakening. Because every moment is identical and meditation. Because naming and labeling of the words ended. “I” said meditation for your perspective. All wrong-doing arises because of mind. If mind is transformed can wrong-doing remain?” “Buddha”. Forget EVERYTHING THAT YOU HAVE LEARNED. What is the only thing that can not be told, understand and conceptualize? You are already NOTHING. Stop learning, forget everything. Let the clouds go. You are me, because we are nothing, therefore unconditional love.