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  1. @Artaemis Jesus Christ ?. We're all talking about wether Leo's right or wrong calling Sadhguru and all teachers as not fully awakened we're focused on talking about awakening, and out of nowhere BAM! "Leo's like Hitler, we gotta balance the masc with the fem! Watch out!" ???
  2. Speaking to Leo on here was like speaking to Hitler. And that's not an insult. Hitler was incredibly charismatic, influential and powerful. It is extremely possible that Hitler was an accidental highly awakened masculine, who didn't properly balance the feminine. I mean he didn't just get followers for no reason. Masculine (truth) and feminine (untruth) need to be balanced.
  3. I can relate. In the last few days, I have experienced a range of emotions after reading Leo's recent forum posts... from anger, doubt, frustration to awe, excitement, profundity & laughter. The same objections arose within me but It is apparent that most 'awakened' people in this world completely ignore the massive field of psychedelics & Leo is the only one who has cultivated enough balls to dive deep. All and all... he's not saying anything negative and seems to be providing the highest teaching. You don't know that you don't know and you'll know when you know. Our 'spiritual traditions' have not existed in larger time frames than 5000 - 10,000 years & what we see from Leo is possibly the way from which Spirituality reaches towards its pinnacle. Contemporarily, we have too limited of a scope to determine if the awakened beings we know about are truly awake. Learn to embrace his teachings, the man is pointing to the moon and we are objecting the pointer.
  4. So there is the awakened state and the non awakened state the omniscient state and the non omniscient state. Nice dualities.
  5. I agree with you in terms of the Francis quote below, and that realisation of I Am The Self/ Awareness etc and that’s ALL that exists is it. This is it. However, not every awakened being has this understanding. go listen to Eckhart or Tony Parsons Then go listen to Rupert/ Francis and you’ll notice subtle differences. I agree there’s an end to seeking though, and that comes with realisation of The Absolute, of This, and with it all concepts and notions of enlightenment and spirituality are simply destroyed. Anyone who says they are an enlightened person has much further to go. Enlightened people don’t exist, all that exists is The Absolute, and those who are conscious of this and those who it is veilled in. and, all that is left is THIS. It’s ridiculously simple, yet paradoxically can be so hard to “get.” But, God is literally staring us in the face in every moment.
  6. @Leo Gura God+ Goddess= complete awareness. You've awakened into the masculine expression of the divine only partially the feminine expression of the divine. Meditate more return to breath to no thought and return to me.
  7. Leo how would you describe the world God with a big quote.The consciousness of God is the self consciouss consciousness but you mentioned some states which the consiousness lacks self awareness.Can you analyze it a little bit more?I also want to answer you on the (If awakening was permanent how could anyone ever awaken? -- since they would already have been awake!)There is nothing permanent the only permanent are the invisible laws and the nature of consciousness, every non awakened consciousness is gettind driven to awaken and i believe the awakened ones return on the darkness after some unimaginable numbers of time.This represents the symbol of ouroboros serpent, the infinite cyrcle of everything.
  8. @Haumea2018 What is the solution for the person who is reaching for those higher states of consciousness? Wouldn't the solution to their problem be finding an alternative state of consciousness that doesn't require the incessant seeking? Anything you would recommend to that person in spite of psychs would be an alternative form of "self medicating". Unless you're awakened and stabilized, everyone is self medicating to one degree or another.
  9. Leo, i wanna give you deep appreciation to everything that you are doing right now.. it is really hard.. i know that after what i experience lately in my trip, people here underestimate the hardships you are experiencing, for every awakening you have, plus the survival that you must consistently do.. it is really really hard... after that trip i realize that this kind of work is hard.. what i am doing to myself is hard, I don't know if challenging, but it is very very hard.. if you are in the middle of insanity or in the middle of hardship you are the one who will stand up And really go on with life and face it and do the necessary action whatever things that will show up to you, either you do the laundry while pursuing your life purpose.. eating, cooking... cleaning the toilet.. doing videos at the sametime.. or you're in the trip and your trip is insanity... you are the one who will accept it and win it... oh man! So given what i said, props!! to you Leo!! And given you are awakened as fuck! Like you go beyond anyone else in the history of human being right now.. my awakening is very huge i know is hard.. what more to you.. !! so i want to give you my deepest appreciation, not as someone who idolizes you but someone that i also knew how hard this kind of stuff is... it is really really hard.. you cannot rely on someone.. given your current situation how can you do it.. nooo.. in our own journey ourselves is the only one we can rely on.. we can ask for help but nothing can really help us but ourselves.. we need help sometimes.. do this for me kind of things I IMAGINE YOU'RE MAMA IS CRYING , what happen to my son.. he is completly gone... maybe, to you , you cannot help yourself to give love and give compassion to the ignorance of all humans,. I know that Leo.. i Know that.. maybe i am not enlightened as you, but.. i know that, this kind of love i wanna give to myself that is until now ignorant, and for all humans i know i am still ignorant given your current awakening.. So i wanna give you deepp appreciation Leo Deep Appreciation
  10. I would say no, not really. He could, in a sense, understand what the heart is all about... but that's not the same as actually being grounded in the heart. Ime; there's awakening of the universal mind, and the awakening of the cosmic heart. Wisdom and Love. The integration and embodiment of both would result in what we may call "a fully awakened being".
  11. @Gsk Sorry to hear that you're going through a lot. I don't think you're in a state to be taking in these kind of teachings. Sounds like you got a lot of shit to work through. Start there instead of trying to figure out the fundamentals of reality. I'm sure you have a lot of objections and confusions, but awakening is the only way you'll truly understand. Your ideas of imaginary and real are not the same as it is to an awakened person. When we take on teachings as beliefs and not from direct experience, the teaching immediately becomes distorted. Your understanding of Leo's teachings is not what he is trying to say. It's only a pointer to it. This is a huge source of suffering. And even if we were given the truth, you seemed inclined to deny it. I wonder why that is? Truth will not baby your survival needs. This is a huge hurdle people struggle with. Whether you are ok with it or not, will not change what reality is. What it always has and will be. There's a reason ignorance is bliss. While the truth can set you free, it is not without its own challenges. You must be prepared to give up life as you once knew it and radically accept what is.
  12. @LfcCharlie4 Are you open to the possibility that understanding goes deeper than you and others that have awakened to the true self are aware of?
  13. @fridjonk No, it was actually me that brought up the conversation as I suspected for a while that Leo wasnt, I’m not doubting he’s had awakenings on these trips, but that’s very different to abiding as The Self. Plus I’m not talking about the most awakened being of all time, I’m merely saying Leo isn’t, I don’t really see a need for a “most awakened being of all time” like I said there’s simply those that have recognised the truth of their own being, awareness becoming aware of itself. And, I never said it mattered or had authority, and I am not saying they have anymore authority, I am just saying what we discussed, you’re free to disagree with me, it’s up to you what teacher resonates with you, I’m just sharing what I think about this. And, sorry Leo doesn’t come across at all as the most awake being of all time lol. Yes, I am aware I’m biased to what helped me awaken, I am aware that all of reality is simply imagined and a dream, and is simply The Self, and yes I am aware I am very early in integration work and have a lot of integration work to do. Just to be clear I only link teachers to reflect my direct experience, maybe I should stop but I just feel since they are more experienced in verbalising these teachings they can often say things better than me, not as a means of giving away authority. There’s a reason I only usually link teachers such as Rupert, Francis, Ramaji, Ramana etc as these are Self-Realized beings, not simply awake. And, yes of course the 2 images you presented are equally beautiful absolutely speaking, I see what you tried to do there of course ? And, just to be clear I have ZERO problem against Leo at all, and I have repeatedly praised many aspects of his work, I am merely pointing out the issues I can see arising and why I don’t think he’s as awakened as he says he is, sorry. And, like I said, if you believe he is, that’s up to you. And to your highlighted point, it is simply Consciousness becoming aware of itself and waking up to its own being.
  14. OK, I think there is real confusion on this forum about what being "awake" entails. Leo keeps insisting that it has to do with what appears to be a certain metaphysical understanding/knowledge -- which is basically "a story" - concepts. But that is his opinion, his idiosyncratic definition. As far as I know no other reknowned spiritual teacher agrees with that. They all point to realizing The Self, or The Absolute. So you have a choice at this point: either Leo is right and everyone else is wrong, or Leo is wrong, that he has a skewed understanding of what being awakened is. How many other spiritual teachers have claimed supremacy in being awake? How would one know such a thing - because of certain assumptions about what others know? Is Leo psychic, or is he making some unwarranted inferences based on what he thinks others should have been teaching were they as "awake"? Ultimately, this boils down to Leo's "because I say so." There's no way to crosscheck it with other independent sources. What would a reasonable person conclude, presented with such a stark choice?
  15. So you take their word for it? Are you aware you are imagining those awakened people, then you project your authority onto them, why would they be correct or have any authority on judging who is the most awakened being of all time? Fame and recognition have nothing to do with how awake a person is. They are also probably biased towards psychedelics. Just because they are your awakened buddies does not make them correct. Are you aware that you might be biased? Are you aware that you imagine all of reality? Are you aware that you are very early on your journey, and still project authority onto other awakened people and teachers as if they know shit, when a direct experience is the only thing that counts?
  16. Being God means that you occupy the highest reality. You take responsibility for this universe and its course. Seeing this entire experience as one (time as one, this life as an endless paradox, dying into this life over and over again) puts you in the center of the highest reality, this present moment. That is why it is worth considering. It brings you to a point of maximum oneness and deep awakening. The present moment never ends or begins. It could very well be assumed that it in fact does begin where it ends! Here is a example of the thought process. Wow this definitely could be the truth. If this was the truth, and I am awakened now, what is stopping me from succeeding in life? I am totally accepting of the fact that this life may be the only experience. Of course it is the only experience. My entire personal experience of life may definitely be the thing that is one, and everything would tie into this. Even if it isn't, I am deciding to save myself for the express purpose of preventing avoidable suffering in the future. I know that suffering before this moment was only leading into knowing I must tread the path again to experience the bliss I do right now. In a way, I am experiencing the Nirvana of past lives and future lives, right now. I would love to know if there is anything more deep and profound than what I am telling you right now. Even if I give this idea up, I am still living it. This idea melds so easily with Being to the point that it is one and the same with the experience. Seeing that I am posting, replying to myself--alone in this topic--suits the purpose very well I suppose! This thread is an almost-contained paradox(give or take a couple replies) in which I further on this insane idea of reality for others to sit and judge. What could you expect? People to be open-minded? Hey Leo, Your audience is not open-minded enough! They could be discovering experiential insight into the repetition of this experience on micro and macro levels! Yes! Even if Reincarnation is true, Even if it isn't! You've found yourself totally accepting of being in any cause, in any situation, directly from the point of your life, right now! It's the only life that has ever been!
  17. @fridjonk When did I say there was? If you’re referring to the LOC map that is just that a Map, that shows depths of awakening, and points out beings who have realised this deeply. (PS if you want to go down that route I’ve been speaking with several awakened beings who wouldn’t even regard Leo as in Non-Duality, hence why I doubt he’s the most awakened being of all time?) I know how it sounds though. Rupert says is bette than this vessel can
  18. Deep selflessness sometimes appears as deep selfishness. One who is deeply deeply awakened can talk about how they are better at loads of things than you. This either requires a huge ego or no ego whatsoever...the only reason someone wouldn't want to say that they are better than you at a list of things (if they actually are), would be because they care how their going to look after saying it. Someone who is really selfless won't care. They'll say things that they know will sound proud, and not care anyway...because of how selfless they are. This is leo down to a T. I can see that he just doesent give a fuck lol. Absolutely selfless. He knows that he will look incredibly proud saying (true) things like, he is more awakened than anyone else...and the funny thing is, him saying this actually proves that he is probably right! He knows he will look proud saying these truths, and he still cares more about us receiving the truth than he does about how he looks! He's selfless as fuck lol. I will hopefully be as selfless as leo some day. I'm already pretty humble, but I have a real gifting for this work it would appear. So I can't wait to continue to grow and I will also look proud doing so ?
  19. @LfcCharlie4 How much of Leo's content have you actually watched because he has dismissed every part of this inflation description throughout hundreds of his videos. For example, Live Awakening Part 2. There was no Leo in that video, it was purely god speaking through a vessel. I watched it on LSD and it was so pure and clear how far he has gone, deeper than almost any known human I've ever heard of. Notice how everything he said in that video is the same thing masters have said for thousands of years - AND MORE. The website you linked is also biased towards psychedelics because they clearly have not experienced them. Are you aware that you imagined Ramana, Rupert Spira, and Francis Lucille? And then projected your authority onto them. Leo has gone beyond that. When one is in such high god consciousness, there is no way of deluding yourself like this inflation points to. At that point, you are way beyond some silly ego-clinging. You literally die. Truth is Truth. I don't like to be the guy who's defending Leo, because to me it doesn't mean shit if he's more awakened than some other mainstream masters. I do my own thing as others should too. But it's blatantly clear how awakened the man has become. And it's clear that to some people have some idealistic standard for how "the most awakened" guru should look like, and how he should speak. Of course, a guy who lives in an apartment in Las Vegas and does psychedelics couldn't be more awake than MY favorite Indian Yogi master. No! the most enlightened master has to live in a cave in a diaper.
  20. @Pilgrim Its definitely the unpopular that are the most awakened @LfcCharlie4 This post is turning into the 'guess what psychedelic Leo is gonna pull out of his ass next' I don't know much about Ramana, but the most enlightened people I've spoken to, read about, and listened too are not public. The more public ones are people like Jann Esmann, Franklin Merrel Wolf. And ive spoken to people not on seen anywhere online that I resonate with much more than them. So it wouldnt suprise me if ramana didnt go as deep as some others.
  21. Personally it would make sense to me that we do not know the most awakened people, because they are just not likely to be in public. I can only imagine how ridiculous human behaviour and our earthly game must seem from a truly awakened point.
  22. Yeah I feel ya, 18 (just turned) and kundalini has awakened about a year or so ago. We're in the same boat. Like today, I was walking around at work and it literally felt like no one was in the body. Although, I wasn't scared, I felt very peaceful and have felt recently moments where I have felt absolutely no fear, there are times when I'm dying in fear and I distract myself for hours from myself because I'm deeply scared of my own mind. I can't even get myself out of it, like you, because awareness eats it up. Although I don't like it, as @Anna1 hinted at, this is still something that I'm not going to stop (I couldn't really stop at this time) because I'm enjoying the non-ego life more & I can feel this deeply, down to my soul, that this is what's meant for me. It may be different for you, just know I feel you my man.
  23. @RendHeaven Yes exactly that, and I would also propose this video by Rupert Spira explains is really well. It's all about meeting people where they're at, some people just want to meditate to reduce anxiety or manage stress after work and that's okay too, because like I said it's planting a seed at least, and regular meditation will start to help open gaps in between thoughts and maybe get them interested in going deeper, or maybe simply helping people with Anxiety could be their path in this lifetime and that's okay too, as dealing with Mental Illnesses is a critical part of life, and the path, although of course awakening can help with that too. Also, a lot of people simply just aren't ready to dive deep into the depths of their own being, but it doesn't mean you can't still help them, for example a stressed out banker, Mindfulness and meditation could still help him massively both in his personal and professional life, then who knows maybe in a decade he'll read I AM THAT by Nisgardatta Maharaj And like you say true Non-Duality literally can't be taught, even Non-Duality and Spirituality are simply concepts, all there is is THIS, but even that is saying too much. That is why Transmissions and silence have always been regarded as the highest teachings, it was Ramana who said 'Self-Inquiry is for those not ready for the silence' but Self-Inquiry helps people 'get to' that silence! But, even beyond that, post-awakening there is still room for personal growth and things such as Health& Fitness, Business teaching, etc, you are still a human and human life continues until this body is dropped, the evolution in the human dimension is never-ending. We still have personalities, an Enneagram type, relationships, jobs/ businesses. So, to me it's about finding something you LOVE and expressing the understanding in your unique way, whether it's a health and fitness business, a waiter or becoming a streamer/blogger if the motivation and desire behind it is from love and truth, I'm sure there are ways to make it work. And, in @Raptorsin7 case, it may take a fair amount of work and figuring out but I'm sure they'd be some sort of way of dealing with it. A random idea I had just now is creating an online course on 'Overcoming Video Game Addiction' and introducing concepts such as Meditation, Mindfulness, Exercise, Healthy Eating, Holistic Living etc in helping these young people overcome this addiction, I think he might have to pay me to become his business advisor at this rate Alan Watts is a great example, I actually think he was awakened, just not 'all the way' like say Ramana and Nisgardatta and Rupert Spira are, but I don't regard many teachers as fully self-realized. I think the best example right now as the perfect bridge is Eckhart Tolle, he's taken the western world by storm, made millions in the process and is introducing many to Non-Duality without even using the word! Simple words such as Presence& The Now, are allowing complete beginners to get a taste of truth. He was my introduction into this work, and to be honest I was a fanboy of his for a while when I was 16, and I'm certainly not saying he's not awake, he clearly is, again though awakening has many depths and your average westerner isn't ready for 'All that exists is The Absolute, the world doesn't actually exist how you think it does, and by the way you're not the Doer, never have been and The Absolute is behind EVERYTHING!' but many can comprehend 'All that exists is now, investigate time and see that the past and future are merely concepts' So, yeah, I feel watering down is actually essential to getting more mainstream audiences interested in this, I know in my own business I'm attempting to do this by helping to teach people to meditate by publishing Guided Meditations on Audible, among building a 'brand' of books around Spirituality on some of the topics we discussed. Eventually, I do want to become a 1-1 teacher (I think there's enough talking with a flower right now!) and help people directly awaken, but I also LOVE building businesses, and am only 20, and have a lot of integration work left. I also want to be more of a holistic teacher than just 'There's nobody there blah blah Non-Dual nihilism blah' and include things such as Holistic Living, Health& Fitness, Diet, Breathwork, Cold Therapy, how to deepen relationships, live in abundance etc so for now, building the online business it is! Plus, if I manage to create financial freedom through my business (which I've had to change recently) then I would be completely free to pursue a fully passion-based business & 'teaching' and wouldn't have to charge much at all which would be ideal!
  24. @RendHeaven Sorry! It sounded a bit like Nihilism at first glance as I thought you meant Spirituality can't be expressed in all areas of life, but I now realized you mean the seeking phase. And, I get you I guess I was more talking about a typical awakened beings embodiment, it's exactly what I'm trying to do in all areas of life is embody this understanding and love, even including when I play Fifa So, sorry the misunderstanding there! In regards to my own journey, I'll keep it brief, I worked with my teacher Ananda Devi 1-1 for 9 months to help work through any blockages, issues, confusions etc, and it always finished with a RASA transmission, and honestly, before that, I was a typical overthinking western seeker who believed they could figure this out with my mind! Self-Realization humbled me extreme amounts, to the point of realizing there is NO hierarchy and that The Self is literally ALL, and that 'I' am Simply The Self, although of course there is no 'I' to awaken, it is simply awareness becoming aware of itself as Rupert says. In other words, The Realization of The Truth of My Own Being has occurred, hence why I shoot towards embodiment as that's exactly where 'I'm' at. Please, don't think I'm trying to say 'look at me I'm so enlightened!!!' as like I said I'm not an enlightened person at all, simply the realization of my own being and nature of reality has occurred, as well as realizing things such as the true nature of Love, feel free to PM as I'd love to discuss more about your journey, and where you're at All I will say, is to anyone reading this, KEEP GOING, absolute peace and happiness is worth whatever it takes, and beats ANY state! Anyways, I now see your concerns, as a seeker, it may be best to stop the games for a while and like you said it may be like before the 1st Zen picture! So, I see the issue of teaching consciousness in this way so to speak, my 'hope' for this idea is introducing potentially 1000s into Spirituality/ Non-Duality through the medium of video games. Like I said, Non-Duality may be way too heavy for most to begin with so maybe it will have to be watered down to more mainstream topics like typical Mindfulness and Meditation to begin with. Maybe he could do sort of beginner streams, and then more 'advanced' Non-Duality streams for those wishing to dive deeper? I understand the Meshing point now, you meant as in helping seekers, often you do need a direct teacher I feel to go 'All The Way' so to speak, most modern teachers - Rupert Spira, Francis Lucille, Jean Klein, Ramaji, Nisgardatta Maharaj, Adya - all had some form of a teacher or 'help' along the path. But, maybe Raptors could also offer 1-1 teaching or group Satsangs for those who ask and are ready? And, yes for many who awaken they could drop gaming if it doesn't serve them anymore as Leo has done, and for others they may play in a more 'Conscious' way, either way as you said once someone is awakened there is complete freedom. Gaming won't be the same as it was before as chasing happiness and raging etc, more of an expression of the innate happiness and fulfillment within, and a simple way to have fun with friends. I guess Raptors could also help make gaming more conscious? Like help them express their emotions in a healthier manner etc, or maybe that's wishful thinking from my end, but I just see a HUGE group of people like 16-25 who could be attracted to spirituality through this, and nobody is really doing it, and it could help make the gaming community much happier and healthier if they go deep into this work, and many may drop games altogether like we mentioned. I've dropped things that no longer serve me in my own life, or I don't feel are an expression of this understanding of Happiness, Love, Understanding and Truth. But, some things came back naturally, maybe they are meant to be there right now. Like I said, absolute freedom allows us to do what we want, naturally and spontaneously! And, Post-Awakening in terms of work/ relationships etc, whatever we do will come from a place of Love and Understanding and wanting to be of service to help others, and that doesn't mean being a direct teacher always, you could be an athlete and express this as it's what you LOVE to do. I'm a BIG fan of beings doing what they love and expressing their understanding through that, whether it's Art, Sports, Coffee Shop worker or Conventional Teacher, here comes some New age optimism, but imagine a world where people dedicated their careers and lives to doing what they love? And, yes serving coffee with love is amazing! P.S. Running in the park during this Corona stuff is an awesome way to start the day, get some natural light and some exercise, as is walking!
  25. @h inandout Don't be too quick to judge the guy. Did he access high levels of awakened states? Yes. But his worldview was still very limited because of how low of a stage society was back then.