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  1. I agree with Nyseto that it is important to allow whatever thoughts or feelings arise, without actively resisting them. Whatever you resist, you strengthen. Instead, simply observe them, without being defined by them. It is like sitting by yourself on the back row of a dark theater, and from that distance, casually watching any thoughts or feelings flow across the screen of your mind. It's even better if you are able to let feelings come and go, without labeling them. For example, notice what "depression" feels like in your body, then drop the label. The next time it happens, hmm...there's that feeling again. Allow it to enter, notice it without being drawn into it, and notice when it leaves. Don't give it any more attention than that. Focus most of your attention on the space around the feeling. You are sitting way back in a dark theater, all by yourself, with that little feeling making is way across the screen. You are not the feeling. You are the moviegoer. Also, don't fall into the trap of chasing the bliss that you felt earlier. Anything that you run toward, or run away from, is an attachment that will ultimately make you miserable. Your natural, unconditioned state is inherently peaceful and joyful. There is no need to seek anything, because you already are infinitely abundant. The more you practice this, the easier it will become. This is why meditation and mental discipline are critical, even after you have awakened. The Buddha compared it to swimming upstream. The mind has tremendous gravitational pull, but the more you exercise vigilance, the better you will be at swimming against the current. Be the Michael Phelps of meditation ?‍♀️
  2. It's been 7 months since my first and profound awakening experience. After meditation, I was in this state for about 5-6 days with 3 peak experiences of bliss and profound realizations through non-attachment. I thought to myself in tears "How could I have forgotten this?". It was so profound and different yet so natural, that my mind started to question my experience (it came back when I repressed tears of bliss because the third peak happened after I went jogging with friends, didn't want to make things complicated). Anxiety came up because of the repression of the upcoming bliss, with it my mind. The thought loop of "Am I going bipolar?" threw me into 7 days of anxiety and insomnia. The first night was the hardest. Signs of psychosis rose up, paired with hypnagogic hallucinations (auditory, basically thoughts that were not mine, like many different movies that are playing at the same time) (I've never done any psychedelics, but states that came close to that anxiety were kinda trippy experiences with edibles) Integrating this one might think, that I had 2-3 symptoms of a really grounded hypomania, but in this experience my mind was way less involved than in Maniac states. I knew no one would understand my situation and I just enjoyed the moment. My friend just told me that I appear much more happy and confident (I felt the most authentic, most alive and most peaceful for the first time, yet I knew this state would pass). It was more than an experience one would pathologize. I deeply wished this state/experience to every being, even the "worst" beings. Now I've gone through months of depression cycles, and since 3 days, I'm slipping into my next one. I feel there's resistance, the first times I could work it out with faith. Now the depression feels different, it's not getting more painful (still can feel like an open wound tho), but I tend to have less faith since it's so exhausting and I can't see the end. I know in these states you can feel worries and despair creeping up, I can't help it, but I know it's only my ego kicking. To my questions: How does one cope with these cycles? I can't bear thinking about potential next cycles, I feel that I'm still in the beginning, I feel that I still have a lot to process. But it is getting really exhausting. Last time I didn't have stuff to do and could focus only on processing it, but now my university is calling me and I want to finish my degree so I can start my life. How do you cope with unconscious resistance? I agree with "surrendering is key", but I feel that everytime I cycle into darker phases again, something in me will kick and scream again. This is more of a background theme. Yet I think this is making it so much harder. Why can't I convince myself that everything will turn out fine? I still have the fear of becoming crazy, especially after some "psychotic" like states. (Had some dreams after my awakening where I literally lost my mind) There's a fear in me where I think about becoming crazy, like where I will be lost in my own depression with no way out. I'm certain most of the questions I can only answer myself (or I already know them), still if somehow had some similar of this experience himself, what would be your advice?
  3. Hello everyone, This is my first post! Much love to you all. Spirituality, consciousness, etc. has called me at a very young age. My father experienced a lot of astral projection in his teens, followed by visions of alternate dimensions, and sat me down and told me I would experience odd things and to be careful who I shared these things with. I don't want to go too deep into the back story here as I have a specific situation happening and I'm not sure if it's normal or what to do about it. My partner introduced me to 5-MeO-DMT through her shaman. My 5-MeO experienced completely changed my life as it does with most people, experiencing "oneness" with all and a realization of the truth of reality. I believe it is called "Samadhi". This was about 3 weeks ago. During my 5-MeO experience, the more I completely surrendered, the more my body would move into this very odd, snake like "wave" while laying on my back, my arms would move in a symmetrical fashion starting from my root chakra, top of hand opposite of top of hand facing inwards, up my chakra line to my shoulders and and out to repeat again. When I would completely surrender, I would breath out HEAVILY and even let out a moan with all of my might (I was not in control of this) and in that moment I would experience oneness within the full surrender. I figured it was just the 5-MeO as I read most people lose control of their bodies in the state. Now, since experiencing this state of consciousness, I am able to get very very close to this state while meditating within 30 or so minutes. It's as if the 5-MeO unlocked something in my consciousness. The problem is, the closer I get to the state, my body again begins to move in this peculiar way. My eyes are also forced open which is also super odd. The more I surrender, the more intense my body moves. Just about 20 minutes ago, I found a meditation that helped me get there very quickly - right before I hit that non duality state of white light and bliss and infiniteness - I was contorting so much and breathing loudly in my condo, I could feel all of my bones cracking (not in a painful way) and it pulled me out of focus. I was honestly freaked out and felt my neighbors upstairs could hear me. I'm not sure at all what is happening. If anyone could help me that would be amazing. Since my experience, my curiosity as in overdrive and my vibrational frequency has been insane. I love so much harder. I am more patient. More understanding. I see things from a higher perspective. Something beautiful is happening, but I want to be able to meditate and get into this space without my body completely losing control. Thank you for any help and guidance you can give me. - Henry
  4. Creativity to me is a flow state, an allowing you just know by how it feels. The book "The Artist's Way" by Julia Cameron is a great resource. Journaling, self care, taking time to yourself, appreciating other's art and creativity, listening to music, time in nature and generally following your bliss are all key for me. I find that trying to please others or trying to own the end result too much hampers creativity.
  5. I know what you mean, in do nothing meditation, when one gets really really relaxed, it's almost when the mind ( which is no mind and just activities of awareness ) are about to fade away, it's when the pure awareness existence remains in its pure form, really you just 'Are', the peace is beyond words, it's amazingly beautiful when 'you', 'mind' and all the stories are slowly fades away and the awareness remains alone, One can get into this state without help of any psychedelics but what if Leo is right actually and this is baseline consciousness and the work begins from here, you empty the awareness from the garbage of the mind (unconscious awareness activities) first then consciously fill it with infinite love, joy, bliss. I don't see any limits for absolute Nothingness.
  6. Astral sex is the new fad! Here's how to do it the simple way People say you need to learn how to astral project and astral travel (which everyone already knows) lucid dream, and many other BS talents. Everyone knows how to daydream, go into that state of mind see yourself and your target subject and have sex. Having trouble, Pretend to do it, everyone can image-in things. Remember seeing that hottie, and your eyes scanning up and down head to toe, and as if you could just see yourself making out with that person, you'd see yourself remember how good they made you feel all the time, the warm comforting bliss you felt just being in their presents, remembering the explosions of pleasure when the two of you would hug, the strong electrical current flowing through every part of your body as you kissed, the insane amount of fireworks bursting into the greatest bliss ever, the everlasting pleasures as the sex continued and all you could think about is how right this is, everything is happening just the way you like it, this one greatest moment lasting a lifetime, even when everything is finished and you go about your life that moment lives on forever inside you. Gods, Demons, Angels, Souls, Ghosts, Other People, Dead or Alive everyone loves intimacy, astral sex is safe, fun, and everyone benefits, plus no pain in the astral world, plus it's very easy to communicate as the messages are all telepathic and you can do whatever you like, and however you like, and wherever you like, possibilities are infinite. Strap on your boots and prepare for a wild ride in the astral world...
  7. I wish you guys all the best -- may we conquer our fears, may we heal our wounds, may our days be filled with wonder and may we all find our true bliss... Peace!
  8. The name is incorrect but the practice works. Id recommend not just a detox day but doing a full day of meditation with it too, makes you super mindful, its pure bliss. Maybe a "Do Nothing Day" would be a better name for it.
  9. 30mg, dissolved in vinegar, + coconut milk, inhaled... Felt like a kitchen cleaning sponge ran through my body, top to bottom, and removed all traces of impurities, thoughts, concepts. I had no sensory input whatsoever, and I became this .... cool (low temperature) superconductor for what felt like Pure Will, shimmering and trembling. I was in pure bliss, only 'thought' was "whaaaaaaaat ???!!?!?!?!" Because I didn't have a body anymore, and ego was gone, I experienced absolutely NO Resistance, (hence the idea of superconductor), and it was absolute bliss. Also the certitude that that is the original state, and when this body dissolves, I'll return to that, lead to the realization of Eternity, and fear of Death gone. Is this what people mean by God/Godhead?
  10. Bi-location Multi-location Astro-travel And yes I follow myself, who better to follow than yourself. Who's ideas are better than your own. That's the thing about the 0.1% of this world, why follow idiots when you can follow a unique genius like yourself. And if anyone has a problem with it fuck off and die. It's funny people always say to me, "You never do what I say." 55555 Think of it, you understand exact what you are saying, why you do the things that you do, you understand everything about yourself, even why your stupid jokes are so funny, you can just sit back and laugh, or give yourself multiple full body orgasms, no other person can do that for me, why you ask? Because it's an internal process, everything is internal, once people realize that this world will be very different place. You see the world the way your brain wants you to see the world, like a computer, it processes information, use it like artificial intelligence, machine learning, the more information you feed it the smarter and more accurate it becomes, we have unlimited cloud storage, you can upgrade your brain to have infinite speeds there are no limits, the fastest computer in a million years is a fraction of what every person carries with them all day every day. Like the EMS 0.0035%. People are programmed to believe the stupidest things, deprogram yourself, system reboot yourself, switch operating systems, change is great, life is great, everything is great, change thoughts, change beliefs, change occupation, change clothes, change your life, staying the same only gets you stuck in a rut, in your own prison, where everything is boring, life sucks, work sucks, everything fuckin sucks, free yourself ride on top of the waves of life, live in complete bliss 24/7, everything is automatic, relax and enjoy every moment of life, create massive happiness inside you instantly with the new drug your liver aka chemistry lab made for you, the only side effect complete bliss forever, forever on top of the world being the godhead forever, Life is whatever you want it to be, everything is free, your super computer, the mass amounts of entities you create to do your bidding, bliss is free, people think that something external will cause bliss, sorry to say you create it internally, you can travel to other worlds or explore this one free, they call that astro travel, whatever sounds challenging really it's as simple as tying your shoes, Here I'll explain how very simple; First get into the day dream state of mind, (don't worry closing your eyes is only for people that think you can't do this with your eyes open, Idiots!) Think of a place you want to visit Now go there in your daydream state The more you do this the more real it becomes sometime you'll wonder which one is real, or are they all real. I bet if you went back to the exact spot people will remember you! Sorry I said astro travel this is more like bi-location being in two places at once or multi-location being in more than one place at the same time You can practice this anywhere, at boring school, at boring job, at home being bored out of your mind, while your doing other things like typing how to do this! And to think only the elite people know this shit. Confidential US Military Secrets So simple yet stupid society makes everything look impossible, and we already have this talent, like can you remember the first time you ever daydreamed? Did you close your eyes first? 555 want to relax completely say"relax" and repeat it, pretend your entire body is totally relaxed, see everything in life relaxing with every step repeat the word "RELAX" (anchor word) believe that as soon as you say the word you will relax each time you say it the more relaxed you become, turn the knob/push the button to relax more or less, scale it 1 little relaxed 10 very relaxed think of the number and relax that much, practice acting like your the star of a movie and in the scene you are completely relaxed. The brain doesn't know the difference between acting and real life events, tell your brain something and that will become a belief if done in a daydream state of mind Instead of speaking act as if you are doing what ever you want, pretend you don't speak the language. Be Creative, people will like it and if they don't they can fuck off and die. People say I can't go into trance, daydream is trance, ever been hypnotized? Your always hypnotized. Every moment your mind is being programmed, mind control is always happening, by you or someone else or something else!
  11. All spiritual pursuits I’ve come across in the past seven years of really studying spirituality can be boiled down to humans developing methods to experience states of consciousness or experiences that are desired, if we are being honest with ourselves. To be short, people want everything other than suffering, and spirituality is potentially the most potent method we know of to escape suffering. It shows us the highest of highs possible, but it is ultimately manipulation of this reality to make it more palatable and pleasant. I use the word reality here to describe this thing we currently find ourselves in, so I will use the word reality to describe dreams as well as there is ultimately no fundamental difference between nighttime dreams and this reality on an existential level. It’s all just consciousness at play with itself generating appearances that feel most real when experienced in the home reality/dream. Why do I bring up dreams/the other realities you experience every night? I do so to present the possibility of viewing interacting with realities in a more purist way. If you were to take the spiritual person’s approach to the dream world, they would read some esoteric texts in the dream to teach themselves how to lucid dream, and then they would proceed to remove all things they didn’t like from the dream. The normal person’s approach would be to just go along with the dream/reality by its rules, enjoying simple pleasures whenever they can be found. Isn’t kind of the point of a nightmare to be scared? Sure, suffering in any reality isn’t pleasant, but isn’t it an integral part of the game? I think removing suffering only seems desirable from the limited perspective of one lifetime (at least that you have direct memory of) spent as a human or other living being on planet Earth. If you lived in a reality of constant parties, pleasure, and bliss and possessed the qualities of a full-fledged god, I think you would eventually want to add something else into the mix. Theoretically, in comes suffering and the idea to erase your memory when entering into a new life. Alan Watts actually has a good talk about this concept. I’ve embedded it. As another example, if you were to take a spiritual person’s approach to movies and literature (assuming the spiritual person were living in this movie or book), you would take away all conflict from the story as soon as possible. Where is the fun in that? How boring would that be? Now, of course, spiritual people aren’t the only people who to try to evade suffering, but it seems to be the highest order solution to the problem of suffering. The highest of spiritual masters have supposedly been able to transcend it altogether. In summary, spirituality is the biggest escapist mechanism humanity has ever found. Maybe we should just live with life as it is without trying to alter consciousness to present itself how we (our egos) want it. Ultimately, survival itself, in any reality, is the attempt to manipulate reality and bend it to your will. Maybe we should stop bending.
  12. This gave me a realization just now. If we are to take direct experience as a source of truth, wouldn’t the direct experience of suffering be just as true and valid as experiences of infinite bliss, love, etc? I think spirituality as a whole is the human mind glorifying what is most desired. Everyone talks about the Truth in bliss and love, but who is there preaching about the Truth in the suffering? Who is rejoicing in the suffering? Don’t mistake me. Being a Buddha who does not experience unpleasant events as sources of suffering is not the same as rejoicing in the suffering. Maybe I should work on a post about the spiritual value of suffering.
  13. Life is always conspiring to give you everything you want. Every time you stumble upon something undesirable, an unpleasant situation or event, you create a desire too. This desire life then conspires to bring to you. Everything you want is not something you have to do, it is already on its way to you. If you want something, you will get it, unavoidably so. Nothing too hard for life to give you. There is nothing that this physical reality could produce of desires in you, that life isn't able, or isn't going to, give you. All the manifestations of your desires are already going to manifest in the perfect order, the perfect timing. In this life or the next. There is nothing you have to do (that is efforting) to life a life of happiness, bliss, peace, wonder, or whatever you desire. Life is always supporting you 100%. You also always get your own vibrations, your own beliefs, reflected back at you. So life is always supporting you in what you hold as true and what you are being/doing vibrationally. So if you think you need to do effort, to struggle, to get what you want, you will attract circumstances and people that will support the vibrational reality underlining the idea you hold there. If you believe you're a classy guy, a poor woman or a big dick, you'll get that back too. Therefor, you only have to lower your resistance, to let go of the beliefs that aren't feeling good for you. Because your choosing of the thoughts that aren't feeling pleasant or natural to you are the things that create the unpleasant life. But you have an inner being, or a higher mind, who is with you, loves you and is all there for you. It knows all your beliefs that are blocking you from attracting all you would want, knows your circumstances, etc. Considering where you are at and your circumstances, it is guiding you by your inspirations, passions, attractions, curiosity, excitements, joys, etc. By acting on these inspirations, excitements, etc., it is guiding you through the path of least resistance to all your desires, to all that will fulfill you. If you act on its guidance it navigates you around all the obstacles. To you it might seem like this path is going in a roudabout way to what you want when you follow it, but it is the shortest (and perhaps sweetest) path. So the only thing to do is to let go and allow yourself to do the things that make you feel good, whetever that is reading a book in the moment, taking a walk, watching a movie, making a website, etc. and life shall become the stream of ease, wonder, peace, magic, joy, love and excitement you so desire.
  14. @BlackMaze I've never lost a child, but I lost my baby brother. This is bliss because it is essential in feeling pleasure and happiness, without suffering there would be no opposite.
  15. Everything is one massive firework of pleasure, enjoyment, thrill and fun. It's all a joke, a play, a fucking BALL! THRIVE!!! LIVE!!!! IT'S SO MUCH FUN!!! Literally everything is an extension of the one true self. If you use a camera to capture an image, that camera essentially becomes an extension of your eyes. The same way you are a biological extension of awareness, unraveling into infinity and feeling the endless flow of bliss
  16. In Spiritual community, Jesus Christ is seen as the enlightened Mystic who found the Truth or the Kingdom of God within. Much of his original teachings got distorted when they were put in writing. Some of the messages were intentionally modified or hidden in order to escape persecution. But one can still see the original Vedantic wisdom in many verses of the Bible. In this video, I have discussed the true message of Jesus and how the original Christian teachings guide people towards Spiritual Enlightenment or Self-realization. Bible Verses discussed in the video: Luke 17:21 The kingdom of God is within you John 14:6 Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. 7 If you really know me, you will know my Father as well. From now on, you do know him and have seen him.” John 3:3 Jesus answered and said to him, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God.” Matthew 18:3 And he said: "Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 5:4 Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. Matthew 5:8 Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God. Matthew 6:19 “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, 20 but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. (A related verse, Bhagavad Gita 2:23 is also discussed). Matthew 6:26 Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Isaiah 61:1 The Spirit of the Sovereign LORD is on me, because the LORD has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners, Mark 1:15 "The time has come," he said. "The kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe the good news!" John 10:11 I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. Matthew 11:15 Whoever has ears, let them hear. ******************************************************** I have discussed the connections between Christianity and Vedanta more in my book 'Discovering God: Bridging Christianity, Hinduism': If you want to support my work, you can donate. Visit this link for the details: Here is the poem discussed in the video titled "Good News": Your life is the most beautiful mystery And the screen which plays your private history; Your life is the truth, consciousness, and bliss That can’t be pointed out as that or this. The life screen is the only truth you know; All that are manifest move in its show; This essence of life is your true nature; Knowing this ends the distress and torture. The one truth that pervades the time and space Shines in the heart and showers love and grace; By the veil of darkness it is concealed; By nonstop inquiry, it is revealed. That one truth is called by various names; Deep inside you, it eternally flames; It is the immortal life and the way; Look inside, you can find its sparkling ray! From the dawn of life, seers have seen this And were reborn by its transforming kiss; Unless you’re reborn as a wide-eyed kid, It remains tucked away by a dark lid. Those who mourn will be appeased by its shade; Their craving thirst will be killed by its blade; Those who cleaned their heart are blessed by its touch; The mere words can convey only this much. Neither moth nor rust can impair this truth; None can steal it and none can cause your ruth; No spade can cut it and fire can’t burn it; Water can’t wet it and wind can’t dry it. The birds of the blue sky don’t sow or reap; About tomorrow, they don’t grieve or weep; Like those blissful birds, you can become free Then You’re not the wave, but the boundless sea! Listen to this good news and wipe your tears! Wake up from your dream and destroy your fears! The guiding good shepherd is inside you As a light that shines with a golden hue! Whoever has ears, let them hear this song; With their friends and foes, let them get along! The kingdom of heaven is filled with love where the peace descends on you like a dove! The poem is also published here: I am looking for someone to volunteer to compose music, sing and create a professional music video for the above poem. If you want to help, please contact me here:
  17. I’ve found family, having kids, to be the single most fulling aspect of experience possible. Much more so than enlightenment, which is who I am either way. An inexplicably mystical groundhogs day of love, joy, laughter, learning, self discovery and togetherness. Bliss. Nowhere I can turn, nowhere I can go, which is not radiant visceral love. Infinite L??P. “I mean what's the point of it all right?”. Nothing like a kid to make you realize how full of shit you are. ? Inspect those who avoid and can not tolerate such interaction. Contemplate this, child.
  18. @Dodo @Hotaka I have read the bible many times, and my view of Jesus has evolved. I tend to prefer the direct quotes of Jesus to the writings of his disciples, and when I read what Jesus actually said, the meaning is more profound than I used to realize. For example, I used to think "heaven" is some physical plane of perpetual bliss, where I would live with Jesus, both of us as separate entities, forever. I now read Jesus saying the Kingdom of Heaven is within, and the realization of what he meant by that has made all the difference.
  19. The best pranayama: I'll share the most blissful pranayama I've ever tried. It's very poorly explained on and it's the one SantataGamana modified to his own. It requires the ability to feel the first 6 chakras. Gently point your eyes towards the 3rd eye. Do ketchari mudra if you can. Gently do ujjayi breathing. On the in breath, bring up the memory of the 1st chakra in kutastha (middle of the 6th chakra). Mentally chant OM in the 6th chakra to open the remembered chakra. The chant should create a felt vibration in the head, just like you were chanting om out loud. The You should get a sense of comfort in your head as the 1st chakra opens in your head. Repeat for the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th chakra and lastly chant OM in the 6th chakra alone. This should all be done during the in breath, as a total of 6 OMs. During the out breath repeat but go down instead of up. If doing 12 OMs during each breath requires efforts. You can do one chakra per breath with a long OM on the in breath and another on the out breath. All chakras are reflected in the 6th chakra. This is why they can be opened in it. To feel a chakra in the 6th chakra you can start by feeling it in it's location, then replicate the same feeling in the middle of your head. After a while you will be able to bring up a chakra in kutastha just by remembering it, with no need to divert your attention from kutastha. When chanting OM, your head you should feel blissful. You should feel comfort, pleasure, joy and love for the first 4 chakras respectively and a sense of purification for the 5th chakra. At the same time you should feel still and at peace. The point of opening the chakras in the 6th chakra is to collect your prana there. It should make you very pressent. The road to God in paved with bliss. The technique is not set in stone. There is an idea behind it but do what works best for you. Krita yoga is about results, not preforming a technique perfectly.
  20. @Hatfort I love what they did anyways. Things became much better and life got much more interesting for me personally than when Saddam was in power. I don't care how many people died. Saddam Hussain unlike say UAE or SAudi rulers have proven he's not reliable and he has to go period. I never ever regret what has hapenpend, but what I regret is the stupidity of, yet again, guys like you, because you are stil clinging to an idea of "if Bush had not invaded Iraq" You did choose this point in time and you decide it to cast the blame on it ignoring everything else. I am telling you it is so stupid to choose one point in time. Why don't you choose the point in time when Obama did let a genocide happened in Iraq, when in 1 day, 5000 Yazidis were killed and 3000 women enslaved? Why Didn' you choose a point when 1/3 of Iraq was occupied by ISIS while obama was watching? I know your whole identity hinges upon this, an I will not regret pushing you into an early life crisis for this, cuz you are wrong. I love George Bush, and he's a saint in my eyes, and I saw people who are way more evil than he ever was or could ever be. In fact I will order his book of paintings that he did and hopefully I can get it signed while thanking him for saving the young me. YOu know why? because for me everything has passed. AS I mentioned, Iraq now is not a country anyways, but I am here, and I am developing myself and growing in knowledge and wisdom, and this is all what matters to me. But to you, you are imagining he existance of nations like Iraqis and Kurds, and all you care about is for these nations to be well and happy, maybe ust maybe because your ego cannot deal with the fact that you as an American, you are also responsible for demolishing some nations, like the original indians, and you don't want to happen again, especially with nations that you know and love, It is your issue that you are unable to live with the fact, and maybe because you want things to be ideal and you think you can achieve that, and for this I invite you to look at the success story of Japan after WWII , the prosperity of nations like South Korea and other nations supported by western powers. It is disgusting that you try to lessen what I could have been through if I joined the Iraqi army. Cuz You have no idea about how bad it is jst to join the army in Saddam's time. It would have been another shocking experience that I managed to avoid by the bliss of the Iraqi Freedom Operation.
  21. "The best model I have currently is that there are an infinite degrees of consciousness and none of them are permanent." Sorry Do not know how to quote yet I have read all except for the rant(not much of a rant mood now) I agree fully No state is permanent. I feel like you open a doorway more than "Become" Enlightened . And you kinda get the "feel" for it and can go to God consciousness with much more ease after huge breakthroughs. The Zen masters try to go beyond the enlightened state looking for "More" and fixating on some "samadhi". Zen for me is a forced enlightenment while the buddha focused on the truth: "There is no permanent state" Enlightenment for me is more of a way of being and acting than a blissful flight through life. Service to others and no Ideal war on who has the sharpest mind and longest tongue. A permanent Enlightened State is a prolonged psychosis.(very hard to sustain) The middle way is to give up this bliss to address matters of most importance. In the time of the buddha it was the most influential to be either a spiritual master or a king. In our days I say it is to be: " A hacker " [mind is also a computer][Ideas are viruses][or rather a seed which will ripen] or to be: " Very very rich " [care not to get posseted by your possession] That is the truth, by Leo's principle of "do the thing which is emotionally most difficult to do" I feel we all need to crush the static hell we actually live in . Sorry . Its no time for bliss.(my view) More of a time for war Do not know about god.. . But I had enough. Will do my best. Promise P.s please proof me wrong for The best battle Is that which did not take place.. . Daniel Li Rodenko or The play ._.__._|
  22. I really don't think they are uncommon. I do think they are commonly misinterpreted. Following becoming very interested in the forum and talking and fighting with a lot of members here I had an intense purge of shadow stuff followed by a realization of oneness, synchronicity and intuition. I would sleep for short bursts at a time and wake up with revelations and write them out. Felt like channeling, like I couldn't rip myself away if I tried. My biggest judgments, fears and traumatic moments were seen in an entirely new light and Understanding of Love. Things I had always loved and were drawn to and never knew why were also included in this Understanding. I realized that this was just a story, brilliantly, creatively un"written". There was a moment after a big realization where it seemed like "something" popped, but it was something and nothing at the same time, just like... awareness. Then just bliss, and more experiences of realization for days. People glowed. Everything glowed. People's faces seemed bathed in a light of love. I had no sense of time, it sped away. I'd observe my parents lamenting over something in their fridge that spoiled and intensely knew in my heart that it was the most ridiculous thing, of course nothing could be wasted. I had almost perfect balance, I had an intuition to turn a rock over and it was covered with fossils. I knew I couldn't die, it was laughable. The bliss lasted for a few weeks. Then hedonic adaptation ensued, some old thought patterns snaked their way back in, I had to stop being a blissed out asshole and come back to earth, but I knew that I had been given the most priceless non-map I ever could have been given. I've since had smaller minor purges of shadow stuff. @Delis Have you looked into reiki or any similar kind of healing therapies?
  23. Maybe you are supposed to forget some things. Maybe ignorance is bliss sometimes.
  24. Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? A watched pot never boils and there's no "we", "there" or "yet" Your thoughts are an object of awareness, and mind notices contrast. So if you've been holding a lot of beliefs that are causing you to resist, and then one or more of those beliefs is let go, the feeling of lightness is incredible, blissful. Mind notices the contrast, just like when you have the stomach flu for a day and suddenly recover, you feel a sense of bliss. Contrast is created by mind. You didn't gain anything but you released an unconscious tension. It's ok to want the bliss, but to get it you have to not hold it apart from yourself in mind created tension of time and space. So when people are like, "it's already done, there's nothing to want, you're enlightened", they are 100% right but can in their own experience unconsciously cover over or resist desire. Resisting desire or search is resistance and an unwillingness to explore desire or search. Then when people are like, "there's infinite levels", they create a story that of themselves in a position on a ladder or path suggesting that they are somehow lacking, or not where they want to be, which can hold them in an experience of lack. Either take-a-way or conclusion to this problem can perpetuate resistance. That's why we debate this so much. Someone tries to find security in one or the other, and the other senses the security and feels insecure in response. Neither of these take-a-ways are right, yet they both are true. All you can do is become aware of your own resistances by feeling into them. Excitement, mystery and anticipation of what may come is an amazing feeling that can only be experienced right now. In the actual experience of that feeling, there's no story of time or location.