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  1. Because, as an animal, i naturally act in a toxic/unconscious manner and this brings suffering. Suffering. Bliss, yes, i want it. A chance to feel blissful.
  2. @Leo Gura your advice in this thread seems to contradict the example of Joseph CAMPBELL WHO IS QUOTED IN THE LPC. Campbell had savings and a desire to study independently without any means of income, but by following his bliss he realized his purpose. Does this mean your views on this have since changed?
  3. Experienced those same thoughts! Thoughts which are already appearing & disappearing, about perception which is already an appearance. Before enlightenment, chopping wood, carrying water. After enlightenment, chopping wood, carrying water. - Buddha Nothing changes. You, do not change. Consciousness, does not change. No ‘thing’ is lost. What is actual is of course already what is actual. Change is not the actual challenge, change is illusory. The actual “challenge”, is siddhis, bliss, clairvoyance, etc. Imagine trying to type your reply now while in the middle of a fourteen hour organism. Wonderful, not a “problem” or “challenge” per se, yet, the challenge becomes “dialing it” down a bit. @Javfly33 ?
  4. Many of us are interested in Shadow Work. Until Leo decides to publish an episode sharing his knowledge on the topic, this book (and Carolyn's work in general) is something that I would recommend every one must check out. Existential Kink (EK) is a powerful shadow work technique taught by Carolyn Elliott. The basic premise that she starts with is, 'Having is the evidence of wanting.' Which means, a part of us deeply desires whatever shitty circumstances, situations, people, patterns etc. we have in our life. Nay, (the part) not just deeply desires but loves them tremendously, gets orgasmic bliss out of them. This part is our Shadow and it's unconscious. Before you jump up and say there is no part of you that deeply desires these challenging situations, please note that it's unconscious, which means you are not aware of it. The technique (EK) is about getting on the side of this part and deeply loving, getting off on the situation (and the sensations it causes in your body) that you don't like. This act of loving the Shadow, 'Unites our Will.' Most of us have divided wills. For example, let's say I want to make money by starting a business. Then, of course, the conscious part loves the idea of making money and being my own boss etc. But on an unconscious level, I might love comfort more; I might have an aversion towards all the hard work, decision making, marketing, learning etc. that is required in order to successfully run a business. This division of will would keep me stuck. I would find myself starting to work on my ideas but after making some progress I would self-sabotage my efforts. Well, there is actually no self-sabotage! It's just that the Shadow, which loves the comfort, decides to take charge and push her agenda over my conscious intent. This, to my conscious mind, would appear to be so confusing. 'Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.' - Carl Jung However, if my will was united, I would find myself working effortlessly and joyfully and harmoniously towards my goals, even if I continue to fail or see lack of results. My experience: I wanted to work on my life purpose for a very long time. I 'struggled' for 6 long years to finally start working on it consistently. The pattern was that I would start working on something, then see no results or get tired of all the hard work, and stop working on it. For the first two years, I tried and failed many times and then stopped trying. It felt like I met a dead end. Thus, I started working towards getting a job. It took me around a year to prepare and get done with the process of getting a job in a bank. I worked there for three years. I recently quit my job in order to work on my Life Purpose. I was living on my own when I was in the job, in a different city. When I quit the job, I moved in with my parents. It's been around 2.5 months since this move. I got to know about EK around three years ago through Carolyn's blog, around the time I started preparing for the job. But back then, the book wasn't published. So even though I tried and did see good results with the technique, I wasn't able to do it properly and consistently. A few months ago, the book was published and I was quite excited about it. I pre-ordered it and received an EK guided meditation as a gift, too. Lucky me! So when I returned home and started working on my Life Purpose, I also started practicing EK consistently. And man, did everything shift so quickly! I started with the practice by loving the pain of having this, 'start and stop' pattern. As I continued to love this pain, I discovered a deeper unconscious pain of being a burden on my parents. I discovered a part of me that deeply loves being dependent on my parents. I was totally unconscious of its existence. If someone had pointed this out to me, I would have shrugged it off as something so stupid. Consciously, I have not a tinge of desire to be dependent on my parents. Of course, it is quite taboo for a grown up to be dependent on one's parents. But the 'inner child' loves it anyway. The result is guilt and shame. Guilt and shame keeps us stuck. Which is what was happening with me. I have been doing EK on this pain and it has significantly dissolved. I have been working my ass off on my life purpose and LOVING the process. I work for hours in FLOW. PLEASE NOTE that EK practice is not all roses. It's the very opposite of that. It's like going through deep shit and not minding it. For example, I don't mind being a burden on my parents for the rest of my life. You can imagine how hard it is to accept and love an idea like that. On the other hand, there is so much freedom in being able to love myself so deeply. This freedom unlocks so much energy to work on my conscious intentions. I know I have written such a long post but I want to get across the power of EK as accurately as I can. It is LIFE CHANGING. I wish you a profound life. Warning: You might find Carolyn's personality a bit weird (she calls herself a witch). However, be as open minded as you can about studying her work.
  5. Day 12 - 27/01/2021 - 30 mins - Morning - Done - Good I Started Shamanic Breathing while listening following Tribal Drumming: After a few minutes while breathing I started to feel really cold. There was a lot of Tingling in my whole body. My arms & hands are totally numb, Tight, hard and I started to feel pain in my hands. My whole body started to become so hard that it felt like it’s made of stone. As soon as I stopped doing shamanic Breathing, I held the breath inside. I felt really deep peace & Healing. The feeling of the body transforms into just a few sensations, flowing energy and currents. My Mind & Body was filled with Bliss, Joy & Peace. I had earphones in my ears from the beginning so as soon as drumming music terminated while shamanic breathing, following music started playing automatically in my ears. (I didn't need to come out of the trance to play the music myself using my hands): I achieved the automatic Music phenomena through the following android app: And it was an amazing experience to listen to music in that state of consciousness. In the end, I was very lightweight and was feeling healed.
  6. So far no man has answered yes hahah. Which is to be expected. Everyone is like "It's amazing and magical and all, but no thanks" lol. To answer your question. I like being a girl very much, but I would want to be a guy just so I can experience the bliss of not ever worrying of being pregnant (when you don't plan to be ofc). That's the only reason.
  7. This guy is a kriya yogi and knows breathing. His method of breathing to reach deep states of meditation has worked well for me,and I've tried various methods over the years. If you get the chance check out 4th Phase - Tranquil Breath:. It's worth getting. As far as yogic breathing(pranayama) goes, fill the belly first with the breath expanding the diaphram,and then up into the chest. So in one smoothe motion, breathe into the belly until it is expanded then on up into the chest. Breathing out,the chest drops first and then the belly draws in as you continue to exhale to completion. As you'll see in the vids. the exhale should be longer than the inhale, (say a 4 count inhalation, and a 6 or 7 count exhalation), this induces the heartrate resonance variability. In the 4th phase training above it goes into more detail of how and why it works and he adds info on how to do the bandhas(body locks) which really kick in the "bliss" phase of the breathing.
  8. Day 11 - 26/01/2021 - 30 mins - Morning - Done - Good I Started Shamanic Breathing while listening following Tribal Drumming: After a few minutes while breathing I started to feel really cold. There was a lot of Tingling in my whole body. My arms & hands are totally numb, Tight, hard. My whole body started to become so hard that it felt like it’s made of stone. As soon as I stopped doing shamanic Breathing, I held the breath inside. I felt really calm, deep peace & Healing. The feeling of the body transforms into just a few sensations, flowing energy and currents. My Mind & Body was filled with Bliss, Joy & Peace. In the end, I was very lightweight and was feeling healed.
  9. @No SelfThat has been my goal for a few months now. Whats driving me insane is that its technically possible that I can just become enlightened right now. Especially when I feel so close to getting there. Or when I feel a deep sense of bliss, but lose it a few seconds later.
  10. So, let me do 3 completion technique examples today by writing out 3 experiences leading to incompletion and my course of action. Incompletion incident #1: i was around 9 years of age, staying at grandparents house. One evening he requested that I go outside and wash by using a bowl. So I went and did that. So after that I did wash myself quickly, it was very cold washing outside with cold water and when I finished I came inside the house and told my grandfather that I have washed myself. He said he didn't believe me and I kept saying to him that I did. He kept insisting that he didn't see me washing and then pulled his belt and threatened to spank me, so I got extremely upset and washed myself again and then came to the house and went to sleep. Now I am trying to remember how I was like when I was 9, what did I tought the world and life was e.c.t. for completion to work. First of all, all of a sudden - being forced out as a child to wash with a cold water, being almost lile threatened to do it. I felt frustrated that I have to go and do this so unexpected and felt so powerless that I have to follow his obedience. Feeling exposed and vulnurable to so much anger. I felt like my whole life is threathened. When I came back and washed and he threatened me because he didn't believe me. I felt frustrated that I can't do anything, that I got nobody by my back. I felt so confused and frightened that he is going to spank me. I felt paralyzed in fear, and it was so unfair what he did. Now I am going trough these visualisations of my memories as I am that 9 year old. Now only the feelings of powerlesness, fear, confusion remain as I am sitting with them, they slowly dissolve into bliss. Then there is a deep peace appearing and a wave of bliss troughout my whole being. Incompletion incident #2: My great grandmother died, my mom recieved a phone call, i was not very old also. I came and asked: "Whats the matter?" My mom was very shooked and she said that my great grandmother has died. I said that it is ok and tried to console her, as she gave me a slap in the face and I started crying and went away. Again, me at 8 years old and recieving a slap in my face - I felt hurt, violated, shook and confused, frustrated. I felt so shook, conflicted, guilty even for getting slapped. Inconpletion #3: In my kindergarten, two people conspired aginst me to trap me in the toilet room. When they pushed aginst the door as I tried to open it, I started crying. I was about 7. I felt violated, I felt powerless aginst two people. I felt being treated so unfairly, I was affraid they are going to do something to me or they are not going to release the door. I felt very much powerless and unable to act, do anything. I felt like they are my enemies, they did harm to me. I felt so angry at them, very much irritated. These 3 examples are from childhood, because they show a very clear contrast how to get to emotional layers of you. You need the same conditions as you remembered yourself, when you went trough the incident, only then deep untying happens, otherwise only defending intelectually happens, you have been doing that all your life with very little result, fears have not left you. Earliest memories also are good for striking at the root of the incompletion patterns. Going trough the same incompletions are very helpful as the purification gets deeper and every session will bring more and more depth and acctually more painful memories to work and expose/complete. Otherwise our whole lifes we are suffering something we have forgotten long time ago but the same emotional reactions are happening and getting stronger - then confusion gets stronger, parania gets stronger, guilt gets stronger, cunningness gets stronger and it destroyes your life. If you like, you are welcome to participate and try this completion technique out or pm me or whatever works for you. This is a further extension from samskara/samhara dahana kriya. Yes, this technique is a kriya. It will work with your energies as you do it. It is pretty unique than any other meditation techniques I have done. IMPORTANT: If you do, write the incidents and how you felt as much in detail as possible, that will help you to remember you how you were and the intensity of the feelings created by those events.
  11. Day 10 - 25/01/2021 - 15 mins - Morning - Done - Good I Started Shamanic Breathing without listening to any music. After a few minutes while breathing I started to feel really cold. There was a lot of Tingling in my whole body. My arms & hands are totally numb, Tight, hard. My whole body started to become so hard that it felt like it’s made of stone. As soon as I stopped doing shamanic Breathing, I held the breath inside. I felt really deep peace & Healing. The feeling of the body transforms into just a few sensations, flowing energy and currents. My Mind & Body was filled with Bliss, Joy & Peace. In the end, I was very lightweight and was feeling healed.
  12. A few questions: 1) What is your definition of heaven and hell? 2) Can a person do very horrible things, that in ordinary circumstances would affect anyone deeply, and still be in a state of heaven, considering people tell that these are mental states (example: enlightened serial killers)? 3) Now, we are aware of certain laws surrounding our existence — what if there’s actually another dimensional physical hell for not having acted out of love here in this human existence? Like, a specific law governing that — something like the laws of physics? What if? And where does one draw that line concerning love — love for self / others / no hurt / kindness? God is infinite, right? What’s stopping it from doing this? It very much can do that, too, among the infinite other things. In this case, how do we lead our lives? Is there a blueprint? Probably we are a part of the plan of a physical heaven and hell for God? How can we be sure that we are not? (Take the movie Interstellar {using this just for the sake of an example} — hell could be that we are stuck in a space of just experiences, and these are solely bad, and they keep playing again, and again — an infinite loop of hopelessness?) 4) In our human form, how exactly should heaven feel? The other thread, on happiness got me thinking about this possibility. Can the feeling of heaven be eternal? If it’s all so mental — what’s stopping us? 5) Is heaven the transcendence of the ego, or a dwelling in the ego? For you cannot feel anything outside your ego — and states of happiness and bliss are felt. 6) In the case of the aforementioned scenarios regarding the mental states— is hell is a permanent state of being (our lives being deeply rooted in survival), with heaven just a temporary state, with a lot of limits? Shall be happy to hear your insights.
  13. @ciclonado From "I Am That", a compilation of dialogues with Sri Nisargadatta Q: What am I if not human? M: That which makes you think that you are a human is not human. It is but a dimensionless point of consciousness, a conscious nothing; all you can say about yourself is: ‘I am.’ You are pure being — awareness — bliss. To realize that is the end of all seeking. You come to it when you see all you think yourself to be as mere imagination and stand aloof in pure awareness of the transient as transient, imaginary as imaginary, unreal as unreal. It is not at all difficult, but detachment is needed. It is the clinging to the false that makes the true so difficult to see. Once you understand that the false needs time and what needs time is false, you are nearer the Reality, which is timeless, ever in the now. Eternity in time is mere repetitiveness, like the movement of a clock. It flows from the past into the future endlessly, an empty perpetuity. Reality is what makes the present so vital, so different from the past and future, which are merely mental. If you need time to achieve something, it must be false. The real is always with you; you need not wait to be what you are. Only you must not allow your mind to go out of yourself in search. When you want something, ask yourself: do I really need it? and if the answer is no, then just drop it. Q: Must I not be happy? I may not need a thing, yet if it can make me happy, should I not grasp it? M: Nothing can make you happier than you are. All search for happiness is misery and leads to more misery. The only happiness worth the name is the natural happiness of conscious being.
  14. that's what my friend is doing right now. We had a trip together and he also realized the Truth, but he couldn't handle it. He is enjoying the illusion and doesn't want to deal with the Truth. "Ignorance is bliss". Sometimes I feel Love, but also I feel some kind of depression. My family, friends, people I love all of them trying so hard to live, to struggle, without realizing that all of this is just the illusion. Nothing is matters, only the present moment.
  15. Day 09 - 24/01/2021 - 15 mins - Morning - Done - Good I Started Shamanic Breathing while listening following Tribal Drumming: After a few minutes while breathing I started to feel really cold. There was a lot of Tingling in my whole body. My arms & hands are totally numb, Tight, hard and I started to feel pain in my hands. My whole body started to become so hard that it felt like it’s made of stone. As soon as I stopped doing shamanic Breathing, I held the breath inside. I felt really deep peace & Healing. The feeling of the body transforms into just a few sensations, flowing energy and currents. My Mind & Body was filled with Bliss, Joy & Peace. I had earphones in my ears from the beginning so as soon as drumming music terminated while shamanic breathing, following music started playing automatically in my ears. (I didn't need to come out of the trance to play the music myself using my hands): I achieved the automatic Music phenomena through the following android app: And it was an amazing experience to listen to music in that state of consciousness.
  16. Day 08 - 23/01/2021 - 15 mins - Evening - Done - Very Good I Started Shamanic Breathing while listening following Tribal Drumming: After a few minutes while breathing I started to feel really cold. There was a lot of Tingling in my whole body. My arms & hands are totally numb, Tight, hard and I started to feel pain in my hands. My whole body started to become so hard that it felt like it’s made of stone. As soon as I stopped doing shamanic Breathing, I held the breath inside. And suddenly it felt like I had detached from my body and had become an infinite void. The feeling of the body transforms into just a few sensations, flowing energy and currents. My Mind & Body was filled with Bliss, Joy & Peace. I could feel that all the blockages and knots in my body are opening and I am becoming more lightweight. Negative Emotions, Regret, Sadness, and contraction in my body, chest & brain start to release. There was some kind of blissful source of energy that was in my control and I was using this energy to heal different parts of my body and brain. I could literally move that energy to where I wanted any kind of feeling. I was getting aware of the areas which needed healing through my intuition and feeling. Using this energy I healed many emotions and negative sensations. I was able to scan my whole body and find areas that needed healing. I was like Laser-Sharp attention like a sharp line in the middle of my body. I was feeling like all of the cells of my body were blooming like flowers. It was a really blissful feeling. In the end, I was really Peaceful, Happy & Lightweight. When I came out of my room I was very fresh, active and I was able to look at everything in more colors, refreshing & alive. I was highly alert and my senses were really focused and sharp. I was able to look at others in a more focused and amazing way. My wife said your eyes looked a bit different and your whole overall face looked much more alive. Then I saw myself in the mirror and everything was very clear. I was able to notice each hair, pores on my face. Then in the mirror, I focused on my forehead between my eyebrows. It could see a bit in a different way than I do in normal states. Then Suddenly skin of my forehead which was in my focus filled the whole of my vision and everything else disappeared. Then after a few seconds, I came back to normal.
  17. Techniques to acess the turiya state of consciousness in sleep Death process meditation - Nirbaya Dhyaana In one of the akashik reading sessions trough Nithyananda, the Kalabhairava form of Shiva describes the Death process meditation process of Nirbaya Dhyana to help seekers and human beings move towards enlightenment. This technique is complimentary to the previous one I mentioned. So anything that intensifies/quickens the process, is fine by me. Narration from the akashik readings: "Every fear you accumulate, every fear makes you agitated, every fear which you do not want to think or remember, go trough. Go into all these fears consciously, neither deciding to save yourself from that fear nor having greed to achieve what you are afraid of. So without having the greed or fear, enter into the fear. Naturally the fear will lose it's quality of fear when you do not carry fear or greed for the fear. Greed has it's quality of greed and fear about the greed. Same way the fear has the quality of fear because your fear for the fear and indirect greed towards the fear. So when your fears are approached with fearlessness and greedlessness, the sttraightening out of your consciousness everday happens. The change of consciousness from jagrat to swapna, swapna to sushupti, the waking state to dream state and dream state to the deep sleep state, happens because your awareness is not straightened out. Either the bumps of the fear or bumps of the greed responsible for your consciousness jumping from waking state to dream state or dream state to deep sleep state. If you remove all the bumps of the fear before falling asleep, you will not fall asleep, you will fall into something called restful awareness which is recorded by the word turiya by the earlier mantra drashtas. So the word turiya denotes the state of falling into restful awareness without the bumps of fear or greed. Every night remove all the bumps you created during your daytime trough fear or greed. Continious practice of removing all the bumps of fear and greed by facing them will help you to fall into state of turiya. This is what Mahadeva calls as death process - nirbaya dhyana." So the next thing comes to mind? How to do it? More details in this particular technique in Living Enlightenment - Gospel of Paramahamsa Nithyananda "Witnessing and acceptance When you are faced with fear, don’t try to resist it or suppress it. Just look at the fear, note the fear and accept it. Acceptance of the fear dissolves the fear. Allow the fear to shake you. If your body trembles, let it tremble. If your eyes water, let the tears come. Just be like a blade of grass in the wind - bending without resistance. A small story: On a dark night, a man was walking on a narrow path. Suddenly, his foot hit a rock and he stumbled and slipped down. He managed to catch hold of a branch hanging over the rock. It was completely dark. The man tightly held onto the branch. He shouted for help but the only response was his voice echoing back. Hearing the echo, the man was terrified that he might be at the mouth of a huge abyss. The night seemed endless and the man was desperately holding on, hoping he could get some help. Finally dawn arrived. The man looked down to see how deep the abyss was, but there was no abyss, just two feet down was a big rock! Your fears are exactly like his. You think it is an abyss but it is actually just a few feet. If you can face your fears, you see they have no depth. Because you magnify the fears, you imagine them to be an abyss. It is your choice, to let go of the branch, the fear, or to keep clinging onto it and torturing yourself. Acceptance is the only way to conquer inevitable things. When you accept, suddenly you see the fear disappear. The moment you accept, fear loses its power to frighten you. When you don’t fight with it, you will see fear as deep peace. When the fear stroke happens, just live it. That is the only way. When you have an object connected to fear, accept it. That acceptance transforms. The more you fight, the more you empower fear. Diverting your attention away from the fear is also not the way because then the fear still remains with you. It does not mean that you are out of fear. Allow the fear to take over itself. Go into the fear two to three times. Live the fear intensely without any reservations. Suddenly you will find that it doesn’t touch you anymore!" 45.p "Visualization A very powerful way of overcoming fear is to visualize going through that fear as clearly as you can. The beauty with this technique is that it can be used when you are not in the fear situation, when you are calm and able to handle yourself. You can sit by yourself and visualize the situation that causes fear. Feel clearly the fear coming up in you; face the fear with deep awareness. If you suffer, if your body feels uncomfortable, it is fine. Don’t suppress the fear, just allow it to happen. When you experience something completely, you drop it." An important notice to see the connection that anger an expression of the root cause of fear. "Anger – the active form of Fear Fear is what leads to anger. Fear is the passive form of the energy while anger is the active expression. A small story: A man rushed into the post office very angrily with a bunch of papers in hand, saying, ‘How dare they send me threatening letters like this!’ The official at the post office said, ‘Yes, sending threatening letters is a legal offense. Do you know who has been sending you these letters?’ The man shouted back, ‘Of course, I do! It is the Income Tax people!’ When you are angry, just look into the anger. At the root of it, you will find a deep fear. Try this for yourself: if you are feeling fear, express anger at that time. Throw your hands, stamp your feet – express the energy. You will see the fear disappears. You will see for yourself how fear can simply transform to anger. Similarly, fear can also transform to hate. You just need to be aware of yourself and witness how the emotions subtly change from one form to another. When you understand this play, you can easily get out of the game." 43.p It is also said that this meditation technique is applicable for any kind of greed, therefore lust, desire e.c.t. I will cover these in a similar meditation techniques like Nithyananda's completion process or also known as samskara dhyana kriya - at the end of the day these techniques can be used for any feeling except restful awareness. So any irritation, suffocation, powerlesness, delusion, lust, loneliness, depression, boredom, fear e.c.t. Later I will be providing examples of me writing down my own fears in a detailed way (doesn't have to be fears of today) and writing in detailed way, how it makes me feel and what is my experience for continiously doing so. I practiced this technique going to sleep in few 30 minute breaks at work in my night shift and when I went asleep at home. Luckily I didn't get my sleep disrupted today, because I didn't play guitar yesterday. Anyhow I was gently aware of my third eye region, as I was looking panoramically, in a relaxed way at the darkness, as the focus of the third eye got stronger, I switched my attention to the breath so that I don't concentrate too much, and like that on and off I did it. At the breaks I didn't fall asleep but I was experiencing tremendous bliss in my pineal gland as I was doing some form of third eye meditations. Suddenly my problems and current situation felt less of an issue as I was able to continune my work, even while a bit sleep deprived. At one moment I remembered the bliss of being happy for no reason laying in the darkness with the gentle pressure of my third eye, I never tought you could go to sleep with awareness, altho I do not know how much deeper it goes. It feels somewhat weird as my sleep gets delayed, because I am not using any immaginations of sexual desire or any other pleasure to fall asleep and I am not so entirely focused on thinking, either negative or pleasant aspects of it. As I am more aware of my breath also I felt more prana being infused in my body and it feels blissfull and relaxing and there is less disturbance or chaotic, irritating energies in my manipuraka - as it would be if I knew somebody is trying to disrupt my sleep and then trying to go to sleep - that feels less influential. Another thing I can recall, the process of my awareness dissolving into sleep is slightly more lucid and progressive, however I could not concieve the point of me falling into deep sleep, and I don't remember what I dreamt also, but I don't think it was turiya. I have had nights in 2017 when I was playing with these techniques when I did fall to something unusual other than sleep - when I clearly knew I am sleeping and I was aware that I didn't choose to dream. So my goal now is to make it happen for a lifetime! (Altho I don't remember any particularly amazing experience or blissfulness, however I feel with continiuty it will deepen to extraordinary levels, as spiritual practices do). Over all it feels like a cheat code to how blissfull your third eye region can be, when you are just merely going to sleep, but your sleep will be delayed - also it will be of a more quality, so less sleep is needed and it will not stress the body as much. I remember doing all these third eye meditation techniques and getting some small benefits here and there (also because of lack of the practice), but they clearly do their job in some aspects, some may be powerful than others and produce different results. Here are some of them if you like to try. I am sure there are many many more advanced ones, I wish I was aware of them to really transform my life... I wish I knew some section of asanas for really transforming yoga sessions to alter some aspects of my very physiology. Anyhow, I have more experiments coming with the Saraswati figurine and more techniques by Nithyananda.
  18. the realization that you are pure awareness, knower, perceiver, and there's actually no rigid "I" is the beginning of the work according to Rupert Spira, so yeah you need to go deeper and deeper and contemplate the nature of awareness, so does awareness gain anything from any state's either infinite bliss, Love, or just simple ordinary state we are in while it's just pure knowing or awareness? does a TV care what it is that being displayed in itself as screen? it's nice to experience those states (that just requires more work and practice) but if you really contemplate the nature of knowing, it's just knowing! pure knowing! it's awareness in any states no matter what. the state itself cannot change the awareness, knower!
  19. Oracle Deck 2 1. Earth Star Chakra. Initiation 2. Root Chakra. Ground and center 3. Sacral chakra. Core of creation 4. Solar plexus chakra. Radiant illumination 5. Heart Chakra. Back to love. 6. High Heart Chakra. Ecstatic bliss 7. Throat chakra. Express your truth 8. Third Eye chakra - pineal perspective 9. Crown chakra. The unlimited self 10. Soul star chakra. Emerging with the divine. 11. Aether. The seamless unspeakable. 12. Water. The overflow 13. Air. Paradigm shift. 14. Earth. Nurture. nature. 15. Solaris sublime. 16. Loving compassion 17. Awakened Awareness 18. Alignment 19. Balanced forces 20. Beyond the mind 21. Communication co-creation 22. Crystal keys 23. Endless Opportunities 24. Evolution 25. Freedom 26. Full Spectrum 27. Furred and feathered friends. 28. Gracious Receptivity 29. Harmonic flight 30. Healing 31. Home 32. Internal Explorer 33. Journey to Wholeness 34. Life force Energy 35. Lumin Essence. 36. Manifestia. 37. Mount Shasta 38. New Blueprints. 39. Our Ancient future 40. Radical Expansion 41. Realm Bridger 42. Reclaim your energy 43. She of the lotus 44. Shine your light 45. Starseed elemental 46. Star seer 47. Stepping through 48. Surrender 49. The infinite 50. The portal keeper 51. The sound of the universe. 52. The violent flame 53. Transformation 54. Trust your innocence 55. Unique gifts 56. Vulnerability.
  20. Refer Tarot Oracle Deck Reference guide. Tarot Oracle Deck 1 1 wordless 2 always remember.... This 3 try to relax 4 tee hee. Ha ha 5 pigs and fishes surround you 6 love 7 let George do it 8 Monday messages 9 does consciousness ring a bell. Consciousness 10. The Valley 11. This is central headquarters 12. Empty card with Circle 13. Baba 14. Tomato, potato, eggplant 15. I come from a different planet 16. The war has reached a critical point between Atlantis and mu 17. Forget it 18. Empty card 19. In significant change 20. There are no others 21. If there is a judge, you're it 22. Speed 23. Empty card 24. Orders 25. From here on, it's nothing but a down hill run 26. There is no you 27. Door to the Akashic records 28. The universe not unfolding the way it should 29. Stop stop 30. Eternal bliss 31. Far out 32. Ignore the preceding 33. It's a dog at the dog food world 34. Hand 35. Du wacky Du 36. You are our God 37. The dream 38. Maya the field of the lord 39. As above so below 40. You are a pawn 41. Power 42. Drug dragged 43. Boo 44. This may not be a perfect circle but it is perfect whatever it is. 45. Your doubt is your faith if necessary in your particular case perhaps 46. Yesterday's truth or what was it I was doing a minute ago 47. Reigns 48. Nobody here but us folk 49. Down home funk 50. Mushroom 51. You're experiencing an illegitimate feeling 52. Who is watching the cosmic drama 53. Awake 54. There is nothing you can do 55. And there I was surrounded 56. Grass 57. What's happening 58. Drink gold 59. What are you feeling now? 60. Empty card 61. The path 62. Trip 63. No trips without a tripper 64. The Virgin sun queen 65. Ball 66. Somewhere there is an energy leak 67. Be careful going around curves 68. Freak 69. Heavy 70. Death 71. The one mind is rootless and foundationless 72. Someone is laughing at you, hah ha ha. 73. Don't worry you can do no wrong 74. I still don't understand 75. Think about it for a while 76. Do not meddle in the affairs of wizards for they are subtle and quick to anger 77. Whatever's right 78. Who am I? 79. Keep up the good work 80. I think I'll make a Buddha 81. Do it now 82. Go ahead on 83. It is not what you do that counts . It is where your head is at 84. Passion 85. There are no misteaks 86. Your mission is to not yet complete 87. Transmutation through union of opposites. 88. Empty
  21. @Preety_India I thought it's a state where there is no perceiver and you're one with everything, in a complete bliss. Like satchitanada.
  22. @Preety_India i mean yes but still i clearly saw thoughts coming and going even tho there was no me in it. So can't i able to "experience" that bliss state even tho there was no perceiver in it.
  23. But you just said that during the meditation that you do, there is no perceiver. If there is no perceiver, how will you perceive bliss?
  24. For every measure of ugliness, there is beauty. For every worry; fear; a happiness. In every loneliness, a yearning for togetherness. For every dream destroyed, some kind of bliss. In the abyss of my despair, there is a shining light. In every wrong; there must be some right. For I'm no longer that kind of man. Far grander than some thought am I. Because: In every waking moment, I must die.
  25. This is from the perspective there is a you which is separate and alive. Nothing wrong with the perspective per se, but you are what the perspective is made of, and not the abstraction it appears, to be about. The “Cosmic Joke”. Or if you like, there are already no layers, there is only “godhead”, or, there is already not two which could merge. What appears as the thought that there are two, is already, One. The ‘substance’ you might say, what the thought is ‘made of’, ‘bliss’.