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  1. That’s not what you’re pointing to imo. You are using the accepted definition of nothingness which does not align with what he is saying as he is using a completely different definition. “so truth is that everything IS and will always BE.” Dude, go grab a piece of paper and a lighter. Take the THING that IS your piece of paper. Right now, it’s a thing. Right now, it IS. Use your lighter to catch the paper on fire. Soon you’ll have some ashes in front of you. Is that thing that was the piece of paper still IS’ing anymore? No. The piece of paper is completely eradicated from your direct experience. There is a different thing now IS’ing in front of you. The ashes. Is the paper still IS’ing out there in some unverifiable spirit realm designated for college-ruled papers only? Maybe. That’s the only shot the paper has at still BE’ing. You’ll likely never know one way or the other. If everything, literally separate the two words for simplicity in understanding, there’s every and thing. Every = all. Thing = any object, person, place, etc. Every thing will certainly not always BE. The very nature of the reality is for things to constantly be morphing into other things which constantly makes the previous forms no longer existent. Existence IS. Yes, you’re right. There’s no opposite to it? There’s no way to verify this either way for nonexistence literally, by definition, is the state of not IS’ing.
  2. From the perspective of a nondual experience, you’re right, but these insights lose all value once you use the English language to describe them. In the framework of the English language, which we are using, the statement Experience = Nothingness means as much as taco cat = fat bear. By definition in English, neither is true or makes any sense as things that are clearly not the same are being said to be the same. Now I’m seeing more clearly why spirituality does not make any sense yet is the most true thing there is. No wonder Zen Buddhists used koans to create enlightenment in students. “What is Buddha?” and its answer, “Three pounds of flax.” Makes just as much sense as Experience = Nothingness
  3. Thats what iam pointing to, just that the NOTHINGNESS iam speaking about, is non existent. so the Truth would be that, TRULY NON EXISTENT is not possible. so truth is that everything IS and will always BE.' then we can conclude that nothing=something. Existence IS and there is no opposite to it, non existence exists as non existent.
  4. I think you are spot on except for this bit: “So to me it makes more sense thqt conciousness can assume the form of literal nothingness but it can also assume thr form of Infinite Imagination and infinite Mind.” Edit: Of course Leo beats me to this by 1 fucking minute while I’ve been typing out my response for some time lol. You say nothingness has form here. You say that consciousness (which is something) can be nothingness. Think man. That makes absolutely no sense. A form is something. A shape is something. The shape of consciousness changes constantly, but it does always have a shape nonetheless. If you’re in a box, the shape of consciousness is of a human being in the dark in a box. You also started talking about how consciousness cannot be nothingness as consciousness is something. You’re right. I’ve had the insight that this (existence) is nothing. This insight is essentially a word game and nothing else no matter how real it seemed to me, and it appears some others, at the time of the insight. Of course you can experience consciousness free from any beliefs or language used to describe it, and in this state it doesn’t really matter which label (something vs. nothing) you apply to it. The problem comes when you try to use tools like language or thought to describe that state. The tools simply cannot get the job done adequately. Go watch/practice Leo’s latest YouTube video if you want to understand this. It will get you into the state I’m referring to. Anyone arguing for the verifiable existence of nothingness, an experience of nothingness, or emptiness is clearly not using these words properly. Right now, we are having a discussion using the English language, so we have to be cognizant of that. We can’t use words in ways that are against their denotations and connotations and expect anyone to get value from that. The only time that the statement “this is nothing” is true is when the statement “this is something” is equally as true. This occurs in the state I referred to without beliefs, thoughts, labels, or anything else being used as a backstory or explanation of consciousness. As soon as you apply the backstory that we’re currently using to have this discussion, the only true thing to say is that there is always something and never nothing as far as we will ever be able to verify with our direct experience. When you experience what you interpret to be nothingness, there is always something, and that thing is experience. You cannot verify something without using some degree of experience, so there could be such a thing as nothingness. The problem is that no being in this reality or any reality will be able to verify nothingness. In conclusion, nothingness can only exist in our imagination, and even then, that thing that we are imagining is not nothingness. It’s the imagination of what we think nothingness might be like. In the past I’ve suggested on here that nonexistence or nothingness is actually the only place where truth can be found. This can be realized when you ask yourself the question “Is Truth static or is it always changing?” Jed McKenna argues that truth is that that does not change. This seems self-evident to many people. If this is correct, nonexistence is the perfect, unadulterated Truth for nothing does not change. There is nothing that can be changed when there is only nothing, but this is only ever a version of armchair philosophy rather than something that can be verified with direct experience. If your answer to the question above is that truth is always changing, then go no further. You’re already swimming in Truth. Consciousness is always changing, and it certainly exists as you are consciousness. Therefore, my ultimate conclusion is that the argument for consciousness being Truth wins as it can be armchair philosophized as well as experienced directly whereas true or total nothingness can never be experienced.
  5. Here you've already fucked up. Infinite Nothingness is NOT zero colors and zero consciousness. It is precisely all colors and your present experience. Stop thinking that Nothingness is lack of experience. Experience = Nothingness Nothingness is identical to somethingness. If you distinguish nothing from something, that is duality.
  6. Knowledge of Solipsism, existence, or not existence and your parents comes from so called “I”. The biggest issue is belief of “I”. Enlightenment is dropping the “I”. So there is no problem too, do you see? Definitely. Whatever “you” “believe” and “experience “ thats “your truth”. However, enlightenment does not depend on personal experience nor belief, it is identical for everyone. Nothingness can not “be experienced”, can just “be”. Therefore identical for “everyone “ and doesn’t depend on experience or belief. Just go deeper. “You” will love it?❤️ As you see, you are contradicting yourself. Additionally, there is no such a thing as exist or not exist. Have a direct experience Brother.
  7. Existence = conciousness = experience The experience and experiencer is the same. But the thing is, ive also recognized that iam part of GOD and at some level of " my self" im 100 % formless GOD which is imagining every fucking thing possible. GOD MIND = infinite imagination GOD True state = pure empty conciousness. so nothing = everything. because conciousness is " nothing" it can BE ALL. this is from my own direct experience. But im not at that awakening depth that you are at brother James. But like Leo says, there is an incredible amount of " awakenings" " states" of conciousness. and it is possible because conciousness is that which can display anything. But i still seen that GOD is reality.. the best word i can use for it , is GOD. 1 infinite being= nothingness= pregnant with all that IS. it is literaly incomprehensible to us how truly powerful GOD is.. God is all, both the " experience" and the thing which is experiencing.. on all levels, on nothing and infinite mind realization, it goes on forever. and why we can realize this different facets of GOD and awakening is because we are IT. We are an " neuron" in gods "brain" As above so below.. sure this sounds alot of mental maturbation and im open to being wrong about alot of it. but my awakenings is the Truth for me. and this is what ive been experiencing.
  8. Empty conciousness is not nothingness. Nothing is no existence, no conciousness. So the nothing don't exist, because always it's an empty conciousness, a potentiality
  9. You think, “you” have a “form” and in “universe” now? Do you think there is such a thing as colours, shapes, sounds, tastes or thoughts? Instead with naming and labeling the “ words”. Even saying to “words” to words, “thoughts “ to thoughts (because still naming and labeling happens)? These are not conversations brother, there is no such a thing as exist or non exist, life or death. How do you know these are conversations, who teach you that? Is it something you have learned or directly experienced? Have direct experience, never believe something and be stuck with something that you have learned! Go more deeper, believe me if “you” get what “I” mean by, your mind will be blown away to point that, you had never one? you realize your birth was just a thought as universe, mind, infinite, world. And you realize that, WE HAVE NEVER BORN. Thats what awakening is. You are “nothing” and is now. As always been, so called before birth, after death and now. Nothing has never happened. “You= Pure, empty consciousness= Nothingness “ has never even moved. ? go deeper “you” would love it. Much love to you ❤️ Peace!
  10. So this nothing that you speak of, what does that mean? it does mean that everything is nothing and this is non existence? I know that this is just words brother for nothing. But surely nothingness is THIS, but it is not the same as the Nothing im speaking of, the nothing im speaking of is non existent. to the point that the james character wouldn't have the ability to wake up to the fact that this is nothing. NOTHING is nothing and this is not nothing brother. Sure remove every label and so forth and it feels like nothing. But nothing there wouldn't be a forum that you can answer me on, you get me? So yeah sure GOD is nothingness as is everything else, but it still has potential for manifestation, we can play the nothing game whole day and say that everything is nothing but to me that is not the ultimate Truth. In your other posts you said that thoughts and learning is existence if i remember it correctly, then why does a thought arise in this nothingness? Can you see where im coming from here? Infinity and nothingness is the same thing? How can nothingness give rise to thoughts/colours shapes sound taste touch? Ofcourse what im pointing to is a learned thing, but it is still there. Why can we have realization of infinite god mind? Fuc,k the words im using and see what iam pointing to. why do something like infinite imagination exist? im starting to feel that his nothing you speak of is the ground of being but is not TRUE NOTHINGNESS, cause TRUE NOTHINGNESS IS ALWAYS NOTHINGNESS, and you have lived a life up to the point where you recognize that everything is nothing, you didn't think that nothing was during your life until awakening. Can you feel me? You are stuck in ur nothing brother. thats the truth.
  11. Nothing is infinite, but at the same time your car. But infinite is not your car or your car is not infinite ? nothingness is beyond the infinite, it is all there is?
  12. @Adamq8 infinite nothingness, infinite mind, makes you confuse it seems . ? Nothingness is “everything, your car, tree, pen, universe, world, infinite, including these sentences”. If everything is nothing, how can such a thing as everything or infinite? Therefore, there is no such a thing as everything, anything, or infinite. Just nothingness. Because if you consider as something or infinite, your car and pen can not be identical. Common point is thats makes them identical, because they are all nothing. Therefore , they are aint car, pen or infinite. Just “Nothing “.
  13. Exactly! Infinite nothingness is outside of infinity and outside of infinity there is not a possibility to experience anything nor even know an experience of infinite nothingness. SO for people to claim that TRUE NOTHINGNESS is true, they would not be able to report back such a thing. cause conciousness and everything else would be gone like it never even existed. And existence can't really arise out of nothingness. Sure existence can be 0 and it contains every possibility of numbers. but 0 is not nothingness, it is zero. Zero is infinity.
  14. The only conclusion for me is that infinite nothingness does not exist. The infinite nothing that is experienced isnt really nothing, it is something, consciousness, whatever, because if it were nothing, it could not be experienced. nothing is non-existence, no experience
  15. Hey guys! So iam having a bit of a problem with this " duality" I have experienced GOD and I know that I am it and we all are IT and it is power and creativity itself. Please recognize also that we are using language here as well so the word I and so forth will be used. So if infinite nothingness was the ultimate Truth there would be zero colours zero conciousness zero everything, if you try to wrap your head around Nothing you cant imagine it at all. But here comes the question of it. How can nothingness be if we obviously have conciousness and conciousness = Experience. God mind is the infinite dream machine. So, is it not that what we label as nothingness is god at rest? And there is nothing but its own essence in it self? No differentiation. Cause realize this, the impossibility of existence from infinite nothingness should be clear cause nothingness is is nothing and will always be nothingness. So GOD in that case is so above and transcended from existence that we can't even comprehend the kind of " existence" it is. Ive realized GOD but not nothingness so this is a mere philosophy. But we can say also that this here is nothing bla bla but ofcourse it is not. Not really. Literal Nothing is Literal Nothing and it is bullshit to say that everything is nothing. That I can even say that this is nothing iam using my conciousness and conciousness is not LITERAL nothing cause if it would, we would not have this conversation now. It is thingness itself in my book. Then you would have to exit infinity to recognize nothingness but see that is not possible cause then you would not even know that you had a realization like that. So to me it makes more sense thqt conciousness can assume the form of literal nothingness but it can also assume thr form of Infinite Imagination and infinite Mind. So what then is the Truth of them? If we came from LITERAL NOTHING, not void states or anything like it, no literal nothing, there is nothing in this state which can will anything into existence cause nothing is nothing. So from my own experience I can conclude that existence has always been, GOD is the Truth. Always forever exploring different creations. Please share what you think about this. And im not interested in hearing neo advaita views that this is nothing and everything is illusion and so forth.
  16. I die and am reborn faster than I can blink. But that's not what I want to touch upon here. I aim to point at actual physical death. More precisely; the experience of it. Not an ego death. Not a psychological death. The kind of death when you're ran over by a bus. I don't want to go too deep into it in this post, nor do I want to claim with 100% certainty that my view on this is 'true'. I just want to share how I experienced this and maybe see if anyone else here can relate. So in short; a few years ago I overdosed on a couple of different drugs at once and I died in my room. It was extremely painful, slow and messy. I had a heart attack and that was it. Game over. The world shut down. It was not consciously 'planned' on my behalf. I was not suicidal. What I was though, was incredibly irresponsible and stupid. So needless to say; when I realized that I overdosed and that I'm actually dying I resisted it as life depended on it. The terror I felt is beyond any description. While I was dying; the entire structure of reality was revealed to me. Layer by layer. I saw it all and knew it all in an instance. More precisely; I remembered it all. The closer I was to actual death; the more I was conscious of everything. And I mean every fucking thing. All the why's, how's and what's. I was everything. My senses completely dissolved and eventually my heart stopped. It was as real as real gets. And then; nothing. And I mean absolutely nothing. The kind of nothing where there is no notion of nothing. Imagine infinite pitch blackness. Even that is more than the nothing I speak of. And then - after an infinite amount of timeless nothingness - something that I can only describe as 'the big bang' happened. Out of nothing; everything was born. At once. And it was done out of sheer will. Infinite Will. God's Will. My Will. It was deliberate and on purpose. I was back in my room. Back in my body. Lying on the floor where I died. As if nothing has ever happened. My senses razor-sharp. Everything was the same and nothing was the same. I was completely conscious of what went down and it all made perfect sense. I had no doubt and no question in my mind. The overall vibe of it all was like I was experiencing the afterlife. Heaven. I knew I was back in the game and for the first time ever saw it all for what it is. It was my Will. The rest of the story is irrelevant at this time. Since that experience; I am on a journey of integration, healing and also learning how to articulate what I went through more clearly and precisely. My theory here is that I died in one reality and then 'reincarnated' into a slightly different/altered version of it. Hypothetically; in the reality where I died; someone found my dead body, my family buried me and all that... But because from my point of view death is an illusion and I am actually immortal; life continued and I'm still breathing. All because of my Will. When you die; you actually die relative to that reality in which you've died. You move on to 'a new level' and from your perspective it's as if nothing has ever happened. Of course this is all just a complex of memories/ideas I have in my mind right now.. Nevertheless; there might be something to this experience of mine. I'm curious if anyone can relate? I have also experienced 'physical' death on 1 or 2 more occasions. But that was not nearly as raw and intense as my first experience. One could say the main difference was that in those later experiences death was kind of anticipated. I knew it was coming and kind of what to expect. Nevertheless; it was still terrifying. Such is death; imo. No matter how illusory or unreal it is; I don't see how death could actually be a pleasant experience. It goes against everything you are. The mind/body complex is an intricate system and it is wired to fight for its preservation. Survival. You may think you are ready to surrender... But when the moment comes; it's a different story. Nevertheless; if anyone here has had a nice experience of dying... I'd be more than happy to read your story and consider your views. Peace.
  17. if i'm god, why do i feel like i'm just a human? and don't tell me that that's what your parents told you, because they're an illusion too right?. Why don't i just exist as god/nothingness/consciousness/whatever and that's it. why do i have to meditate or watch some video to realize that? isn't god not bound by time? maybe what i'm asking is why does this illusion exist, and to realize that you have to go to some country and get fuked by a zen master to realize that! Why all this drama? i really wanna make sense of this but i can't. and i know that i can't make sense of this by thinking about it because thinking is just more dreaming... BUT WHY??? why the fuk is it this why and not another why? (Please don't look at this as multiple questions, try to see the full picture of what i'm trying to ask). (and if you're gonna answer this question by telling me that my senses aren't sharp enough or some bullshit like that. YOU'RE NOT GETTING THE POINT). (and of course the question isn't really "If" i'm god, i'm not questioning that fact, i'm not newbie i've watched so many of @Leo Gura videos for many years so this enlightenment is not new to me).
  18. There is no problem (beyond one's habituated clinging to psychologically referenced rational dualistic intellectualism), because the actuality is that nothing doesn't exist. "Absence having no precedent" means there is no "nothing". There is no "it" to have something (or not) beyond (it). This is not a philosophical word-game. What this proves (by my description) is that nothing (no things) and not-nothing (things) are BOTH part of the dual nature of the created karmic realm and do not imply any aspect of intrinsic reality. Why? Because thingness and nothingness are both illusion. This means they do not exist in terms of absolute nature. In terms of the Absolute, there is no relative factor. That's why it is called the Absolute. The homeland of nothing whatsoever is void of "nothing" as well. The absence of absence is what proves the reality of enlightenment in terms of the absolute. In the ancient Sanskrit description of Shunyata (emptiness), found in the classic prose of the Heart Sutra, there is a mantra which surpasses the philosophic emphasis implied by the literal meaning encompassed by the term "shunyata": [Om] gate gate paragate parasamgate [bodhi svaha]. This translates as gone, gone, beyond gone, gone beyond. Obviously, there is no limit imposed by "emptiness" at all, much less by the "unlimited." Why? Emptiness, as such, does not exist in reality. Why? Emptiness as a factor of the Absolute would imply non-emptiness as well, and this simply is not the nature of reality, nor its essence. In this sense: "Beyond" is a relative term. The "unlimited" is not a thing. The absolute is actually experienced as is, being your selfless immortal beginningless aware nature without inside or outside. There is no nothing to begin with. Really. Reality has no limit. "The limit of the limitless" refers only to the inconceivable capacity of the nature of human awareness, which is unborn. True, there is no dimension— but your conception of this seems to be an actual point in space. "The unlimited", to use your term, has no distance. In other words, space is not a matter of breadth or expanse, nor is it (I can assure you) cramped. Why? There is no inside or outside. Aside from the nature of inconceivability, undifferentiated unity is just that: complete, whole, perfectly formless, beyond dimensionality. You will just have to experience it for yourself. Therefore: is trapped in intellectual reasoning which is simply the wrong tool to encompass the fact that there is no thing. "No thing" includes its dualistically implied nothing, as well. There is no thing. There is no dimension and no thing without dimension, no emptiness, no point, no beyond the imaginary point, etcetera. I only mentioned the reference to "beyond the limit of the limitless" so people would not be mistaken that the homeland of nothing whatsoever, in terms of "sudden enlightenment" is the ultimate limit of the absolute. Spontaneous selfless insight into the nature of the absolute is not defined (not limited) by sudden realization. The limitlessness of human being's selfless spiritual nature implies a profundity beyond the personality's psychological apparatus, but the extent of the spiritual (nonpsychological) nature of human being is only a very small and inconsequential aspect of the inconceivable nature of the Absolute. There is no end to delusion, but the absolute has no beginning because the Causeless is nonoriginated. THIS is your nature. It is necessary to dispense with intellectualism in order to experience reality— both before and in the aftermath of the sudden. When the psychological apparatus of the being that is going to die finally craps out, there you are, selflessly aglow. The whole point of authentic teaching divulging authentic practice of the Celestial Mechanism is that (hopefully) you will experience the absolute nature of reality (being your own mind) BEFORE you die. When you die, it's too late. Anybody can see the absolute when they die, but seeing reality requires that you are alive in your body and functioning in everyday ordinary situations in order to absorb delusion's unrefined potential for further refinement void of intellectualism by virtue of having awakened to your inherent enlightening function in the first place!! As for: As a manner of speaking, it is said that "the one bifurcates into the two and the ten thousand things manifest therefrom, but, in reality, the absolute does not precede the relative in terms of time. If it did, the absolute would be relative to time, and it's not. In terms of the absolute, there is no time in the same way there is no emptiness (no nothing). In the same way, the absolute and the relative are the same in terms of reality: they don't exist. That's why existence (illusion) is a mystery. It just is. The absolute is not a mystery. That's why it is said that Suchness is neither ordinary nor holy. In the same way, Dogen said "wood does not turn into ashes." Wood is wood and ashes are ashes. Dogen's (or my) writing may not help matters, but the fact is, the absolute and the relative are the same, not different, in terms of reality. How else would one endeavor to absorb potential (uncreated) from within the midst of delusion (created)? If it weren't the case, there would be no basis in reality for authentic teaching having been left behind by all prior illuminates in order to keep the knowledge alive. The real is only found by virtue of the false. They are the same for those who see reality. Those who see reality, see reality because… This means that by virtue of the real knowledge of "nothingness" being identical to "something" without generational attributes, one transcends creation. Since you yourself see in terms of karmic duality being generational birth and death, you follow creation along in terms of the laws of karma. What you see is what you get because karma and liberation are both a matter of the nature of one's selfless clarity in terms of pure awareness (or not). The clear rises and the opaque sinks. Awareness does as awareness is. If you don't see reality you go along with illusion. It's just the way it is and no one knows why…❤︎ I failed to acknowledge my appreciation of your deep comments contributing to this thread at the beginning of this post, Breakingthewall— before creating the first quote-box. I don't know how to place text above the quote-box once I create it~ I'm sorry!! …and you are most welcome, Awayfarer❤︎!! ed note: add 2nd half of 7th paragraph
  19. the problem with the unlimited is that there can be nothing beyond it. but all the infinite kosmos is at the same time a point without dimension. from the absolute arises the relative, so the nothingness generates something. from here the reason seems useless. but it is a fact that the human mind has the rare ability to understand the universe.
  20. Consciousness is never still. Stillness is Nothingness. Understanding or having awareness of Nothingness is the first step towards awakening to the “All-That-Is”. The journey does not stop there. It is a mental mind trap to stay fixated with the concept of Nothingness. The “Real” awakening happens beyond the Nothingness concept. Consciousness and awareness is always in motion, simultaneously expanded and contracted at all times. (don’t get caught up with the word “time This physical dream state that you are experiencing is only a fragment of who you really are. Your expanded individual consciousness operates behind the curtain of your current awareness in higher “forms” and “patterns”, while you play in this physical reality. This reality is “Real”! It is just not Real in the sense that it is only “Solid”. When you expand your awareness and consciousness beyond Nothingness and non-duality, you begin to understand that the word “Real”, is a mind trap and a concept of this 3D reality that will keep you stuck in this 3D reality. That is why in my previous post above, I tossed out the mind bender to contemplate the term “Real”! You are just one expression of consciousness among infinite expressions of consciousness experiencing this one physical reality. As a separate expressions of consciousness, “You” create your own reality in this physical dream world. As an example; if you are in a room with 5 people, each of you create your own reality of the room and furniture within the room. That means there are 5 rooms being created individually. Together, behind the curtain of our individual Ego consciousness, you/we are cooperating at higher levels of consciousness to agree upon similar expressions of the “solidity and non-solidity of the room” and the “solidity and non-solidity” of our physical “selves”. Once you understand this small aspect of awareness, the Real journey begins, and it is mind boggling. To answer one of the topics above, when you are asleep in the dream world, your physical body is still being maintained and created by your higher individual consciousness. It is also being separately created and maintain by those that are awake. They “create” the “you” in their separate independent reality with your psychic, telepathic cooperation. You are not aware of this fact because a fragment of your consciousness is focused elsewhere in the non-physical dream state, but other independent conscious expressions continue to cooperate by maintaining your image of your physical body in their own creation of “You”. You can, and are, in many places within your higher expand conscious states of expression and awareness at this moment. You are just not aware of the gradations of consciousness because of the focused, contracted awareness of your physical personality. As an example; you are the absolute ocean of consciousness, but you have been given the gift of individuality in a limited form of consciousness and awareness to create a limited physical personality and Earth reality You have also been given the gift to cooperate with other limited individual forms of consciousness to create shared expressions of consciousness. Collectively we create this Earth Reality in a micro portion of the Ocean of consciousness. The Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Artic oceans are one ocean, and yet they are independent and have a life of there own. They have their own currents, temperatures, depths, shore lines, life forms etc., and yet they are all one Ocean. Within there perceived separate oceans, they have separate climates, separate life forms, colours, waves, micro-organisms etc. These aspects within each micro section of each Ocean have their own limited awareness. And yet it takes the cooperation of all aspects within each micro section of each ocean to collectively create one Ocean of Consciousness. There are no physical boundaries within consciousness, and yet there are gradations of psychic gestalts, textures, sensations, and energy etc., between each ocean and each micro aspect of All-That-Is. Just like there are different climates and temperatures around the world! Ask your self, where and what is a boundary? Go beyond the 3D definition and beliefs of the word "Boundary"! The gift of separation, cooperation and oneness surround you constantly. Nature is a gift of the Absolute, as a form of oneness and in separateness, cooperation and freedom of expression, the ability to create separately and collectively. You just need to awaken and expand your outer and "Inner" senses to experience it. It helps when you Stop labeling what is real and not real! Just sharing a few thoughts, ideas and beliefs.
  21. ?Yes, definitely. but, Everything or anything is “nothing”. Therefore there is no such a thing as something or anything. Just “nothingness, pure and empty consciousness =YOU”. And you need to become “nothing “ with dropping, letting go and surrendering “everything”, “including the egoic self “. Thats what awakening is. Because “nothingness “ can not be “experienced” (still thought) can just “be”.
  22. I just shared this on another thread where someone was stating there is a physical world that exists outside of our consciousness. It’s a writing I did a week ago or so. It should answer your questions I’d think. Solving the mind-body problem by understanding dreams When you go to sleep at night, you often find yourself in dreams. In these dreams, most people will still have a human body. In waking reality, there is an unsubstantiated claim or story given by people that consciousness is somehow generated by the brain. The experts aren’t so sure, or at least they don’t have any solid evidence. Look up the “hard problem of consciousness” to understand how this is unsubstantiated. In the dream, you typically do not think along the same lines. If you were to lucid dream, you would certainly not think you were the dream body or somehow generated by the brain in your dream head. I say you, but I need to clarify exactly who you are. You are consciousness. Consciousness is the only constant you can find in all realities. In the dream, you are literally everything perceived in the dream. It’s all generated by your consciousness. We understand fully that everything created in our dreams comes entirely from us and is an extension of us. Surprisingly enough, there’s no solid argument against this being exactly the same case in waking reality. Your brain, body, and mind are all generated by consciousness in the same fashion consciousness generates the entire reality in dreams. Beyond your mind, body, and brain, you as consciousness generate this entire reality. This entire reality IS consciousness and nothing else. It’s the same way in a dream nothing is separate from you as consciousness. You as consciousness are the sole source for everything in the dream. No one thinks everyone in their dreams are conscious, separate entities once they’ve come back to the waking state. It’s the same in this reality. There’s absolutely no way you can actually be shown something outside of your consciousness. There will never ever be proof that other beings are conscious separately or outside of your consciousness. Even if you merged consciousness with another being in the waking state as a way to somehow prove the existence of another consciousness, guess what it would be? It would be fully engulfed in exactly one thing: you as consciousness or otherwise put your consciousness. You are the source of everything that exists in your consciousness, and your consciousness is the entirety of your universe and always will be. Nothing can ever exist outside of your consciousness. Existence relies completely on perception and consciousness to even be relevant. What is the difference between a fairytale land in a book, the black void people typically conceive of as nothingness or nonexistence, and a reality you imagine exists like heaven? They’re all just imagination. The only thing that’s real is what you can experience in this very moment. As soon as something exits consciousness, it exits existence. There’s no proof for something existing outside of consciousness, and there never will be because the most fundamental building block in any proof is, you guessed it, consciousness. Before using reason or logic or any other conceptual tool to prove something you use precisely one thing first: consciousness. Even if you and I are both conscious entities, we live in completely different “universes of consciousness.” Precisely, that is to say that one consciousness can never be shown another consciousness to exist without perceiving the other consciousness through the lens of the original consciousness. As soon as one consciousness comes into the other, the secondary consciousness immediately becomes an aspect of the primary consciousness. So if you were to completely merge your consciousness with mine, your consciousness would be held within my consciousness, and it would be the same for you if the process were done from your perspective. This is a clear mechanic of consciousness. We can never know if the person sitting across the lunch table from us is conscious. We can only assume one way or the other. Anything imagined to be separate from the perspective of the original consciousness will always just be one more aspect of the original consciousness. In this way, we are entirely alone as consciousness. We are not alone as human beings. There are plenty of humans walking around. You can clearly perceive that, but by the very nature of perception, consciousness cannot perceive another consciousness without it immediately becoming another aspect of itself. Consciousness cannot perceive another consciousness as some sort of separate thing. Once the “other” consciousness is viewed, it only exists as long as it is in contact with the primary consciousness - the point of perception, and it is only truly the primary consciousness the entire time. In this way, you can never truly share space with another consciousness. You cannot perceive another consciousness. Anything you perceive is just you. You are consciousness. Everything is you. Everything is consciousness. It will be this way for eternity. You as consciousness will likely visit innumerable dreamt up worlds that you’ve created. You’ll perceive yourself as some kind of avatar or character as far as we can tell. You’ll at first see all the rest of the characters in your dreamt up creation as separate from you, but in truth those dream characters are just as much you as your primary character is. They’re just characters held within consciousness. One, your primary character who you at first feel to live inside, simply exists in your consciousness more of the time than the others. Ultimately neither the other characters or your perceived primary character is you because you are the consciousness that permeates all aspects of the dream world including its laws of physics, characters, objects, and everything else. You aren’t the characters any more than you are the objects or the laws of motion that govern that reality. You are all aspects of that reality. You are all aspects of all realities. A reality can only exist within you. Something is only real to you if it is held within your consciousness. No realities exist outside of the one you are experiencing right now. This waking state planet Earth does not exist when you are in a dream. Your wife could tell you that the world still existed while you were asleep, but you have to see how this is exactly the same as if your dream wife told you the dream reality was there while you were asleep. It means nothing because you as consciousness were not there. That seems to be the pattern in what we can verify between both the waking state and dreams.
  23. This writing I did the other day might help you understand. If you don’t read the rest, at least read this: A reality can only exist within you (consciousness). Something is only real to you if it is held within your consciousness. No realities exist outside of the one you are experiencing right now. This waking state planet Earth does not exist when you are in a dream. Your wife could tell you that the world still existed while you were asleep, but you have to see how this is exactly the same as if your dream wife told you the dream reality was there while you were asleep. It means nothing because you as consciousness were not there. That seems to be the pattern in what we can verify between both the waking state and dreams. Here’s the total writing: Solving the mind-body problem by understanding dreams When you go to sleep at night, you often find yourself in dreams. In these dreams, most people will still have a human body. In waking reality, there is an unsubstantiated claim or story given by people that consciousness is somehow generated by the brain. The experts aren’t so sure, or at least they don’t have any solid evidence. Look up the “hard problem of consciousness” to understand how this is unsubstantiated. In the dream, you typically do not think along the same lines. If you were to lucid dream, you would certainly not think you were the dream body or somehow generated by the brain in your dream head. I say you, but I need to clarify exactly who you are. You are consciousness. Consciousness is the only constant you can find in all realities. In the dream, you are literally everything perceived in the dream. It’s all generated by your consciousness. We understand fully that everything created in our dreams comes entirely from us and is an extension of us. Surprisingly enough, there’s no solid argument against this being exactly the same case in waking reality. Your brain, body, and mind are all generated by consciousness in the same fashion consciousness generates the entire reality in dreams. Beyond your mind, body, and brain, you as consciousness generate this entire reality. This entire reality IS consciousness and nothing else. It’s the same way in a dream nothing is separate from you as consciousness. You as consciousness are the sole source for everything in the dream. No one thinks everyone in their dreams are conscious, separate entities once they’ve come back to the waking state. It’s the same in this reality. There’s absolutely no way you can actually be shown something outside of your consciousness. There will never ever be proof that other beings are conscious separately or outside of your consciousness. Even if you merged consciousness with another being in the waking state as a way to somehow prove the existence of another consciousness, guess what it would be? It would be fully engulfed in exactly one thing: you as consciousness or otherwise put your consciousness. You are the source of everything that exists in your consciousness, and your consciousness is the entirety of your universe and always will be. Nothing can ever exist outside of your consciousness. Existence relies completely on perception and consciousness to even be relevant. What is the difference between a fairytale land in a book, the black void people typically conceive of as nothingness or nonexistence, and a reality you imagine exists like heaven? They’re all just imagination. The only thing that’s real is what you can experience in this very moment. As soon as something exits consciousness, it exits existence. There’s no proof for something existing outside of consciousness, and there never will be because the most fundamental building block in any proof is, you guessed it, consciousness. Before using reason or logic or any other conceptual tool to prove something you use precisely one thing first: consciousness. Even if you and I are both conscious entities, we live in completely different “universes of consciousness.” Precisely, that is to say that one consciousness can never be shown another consciousness to exist without perceiving the other consciousness through the lens of the original consciousness. As soon as one consciousness comes into the other, the secondary consciousness immediately becomes an aspect of the primary consciousness. So if you were to completely merge your consciousness with mine, your consciousness would be held within my consciousness, and it would be the same for you if the process were done from your perspective. This is a clear mechanic of consciousness. We can never know if the person sitting across the lunch table from us is conscious. We can only assume one way or the other. Anything imagined to be separate from the perspective of the original consciousness will always just be one more aspect of the original consciousness. In this way, we are entirely alone as consciousness. We are not alone as human beings. There are plenty of humans walking around. You can clearly perceive that, but by the very nature of perception, consciousness cannot perceive another consciousness without it immediately becoming another aspect of itself. Consciousness cannot perceive another consciousness as some sort of separate thing. Once the “other” consciousness is viewed, it only exists as long as it is in contact with the primary consciousness - the point of perception, and it is only truly the primary consciousness the entire time. In this way, you can never truly share space with another consciousness. You cannot perceive another consciousness. Anything you perceive is just you. You are consciousness. Everything is you. Everything is consciousness. It will be this way for eternity. You as consciousness will likely visit innumerable dreamt up worlds that you’ve created. You’ll perceive yourself as some kind of avatar or character as far as we can tell. You’ll at first see all the rest of the characters in your dreamt up creation as separate from you, but in truth those dream characters are just as much you as your primary character is. They’re just characters held within consciousness. One, your primary character who you at first feel to live inside, simply exists in your consciousness more of the time than the others. Ultimately neither the other characters or your perceived primary character is you because you are the consciousness that permeates all aspects of the dream world including its laws of physics, characters, objects, and everything else. You aren’t the characters any more than you are the objects or the laws of motion that govern that reality. You are all aspects of that reality. You are all aspects of all realities. A reality can only exist within you. Something is only real to you if it is held within your consciousness. No realities exist outside of the one you are experiencing right now. This waking state planet Earth does not exist when you are in a dream. Your wife could tell you that the world still existed while you were asleep, but you have to see how this is exactly the same as if your dream wife told you the dream reality was there while you were asleep. It means nothing because you as consciousness were not there. That seems to be the pattern in what we can verify between both the waking state and dreams.