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  1. GoT has many cool hints at archetypes, nonduality and consciousness, GRRM seems to be on to something That is probably part of the reason it has become so successful. The Faceless Men always reminded me of a Zen Monastery, the only part that is fantasy is that they are assassins that kill for money and are literally shapeshifting You enter through a door of black & white, leave your personality behind and train to become nobody, and you are beaten with sticks in the process The hall of faces reminds me of the net of being, just portrayed with a little hellish touch^^ When you are no-one, you are everyone!
  2. So now that you have become one with God, are you going to follow God's Law or your law? How can you be sure that you won't fall into delusions if you decided to follow your own law? Or you don't care? @cetus56 @Leo Gura @Conrad Just asking, cuz i've read a lot of nondual books, and I realized that it is different. When you guys speak of nonduality. And when the sufis speak of nonduality. Even when Jesus speak of nonduality. It's not the same. Depends on what God is to you. The Point will be similar, but actually different. I'd say the opposite. What u make out of it. Careful not to fall into these; I am saying this to those that have read sufis works. Surah Al-Anbiya' (The Prophets) 21:106 Verily in this(Qur'an) is a Message for people who would (truly) worship Allah. 21:107 We sent you(Muhammad) not, but as a Mercy for all creatures. 21:108 Say: "What has come to me by inspiration is that your God is One God: will you therefore bow to His Will (in Islam)?" 21:109 But if they turn back, say: "I have proclaimed the Message to you all alike and in truth; but I know not whether that which you are promised is near or far. 21:110 "It is He Who knows what is open in speech and what you hide (in your hearts). 21:111 "I know not but that it may be a trial for you, and a grant of (worldly) livelihood (to you) for a time." 21:112 Say: "O my Lord! Judge You in truth!" "Our Lord Most Gracious is the One Whose assistance should be sought against the blasphemies you utter!"
  3. What about the communication style of the forums do you notice? I lurk but don't post a lot. Create environment that is indusive to being insane? Depends on your version of insane. High creativeness assisted by psychedelics has helped people. Could be insanity but if it helps go for it. Communicating within high awareness individuals who have suffered psychosis. I don't claim to have a high awareness but I have suffered psychosis. Sane, crazy, and insane probably the average person on this forum to someone with low consciousness. Psychotic in my experience is a whole different animal, personally did not experience nonduality or anything along those lines.
  4. A dog is still dual. For true nonduality you need Catdog
  5. @Conrad Great work! Welcome to nonduality, where two become one
  6. I'm able to watch whole 6 hours about nonduality... if you can appreciate what's he talking about you can find that much more interesting... Without Leo I'd be stuck in stage Blue/Orange for my whole life... He has helped me with integration with both masculine and feminine... he has helped me with finding (no)meaning (aka being) in my life... without Leo I'd be such a different person...
  7. @Mikael89 @Shaun You're both just shitscared of nothing. That's all. Nonduality requires no belief. No thought. No stories. Solipsism exists only within the mind. Transcendence must happen, no matter how insane it looks and feels to your "sane" minds. Don't hold on too tightly. It might hurt more.
  8. Nonduality though... is it his or yours?
  9. I was talking about the elements with my wife yesterday as we sat by a river swollen with ice melt. I've spent far too long deconstructing the classical elements, creating connections and drawing lines where they shouldn't be drawn. Take all of this with a grain of salt, as it probably spits in the face of the classical understanding of the elements. I also understand that some of this is spoken from a dualistic mindset. Please bear with the dualistic terms and apply them in a nondualistic way in your mind. One thing I've known for far longer than even the start of my spiritual journey is that I identify with the Water element. I am a Cancer sign (although I don't currently put much stock in astrology). I spent all my formative years on the ocean's shore. I work in view of the same ocean, and it calms me. My first foray into meditation involved staring at moving water, either a babbling brook or the waves on the shore. Water flows. It's loving, life-giving, and predictable. However, it's also harsh when needed, being able to weather down the toughest Earth. Water flows through all living things, yet is simultaneously one of the most dangerous chemicals known to man. It dissolves more minerals than any other liquid that I know of, including harsh acids. Its density with respect to temperature is a crazy curve where it actually expands as it freezes. And somehow, it's one of the few molecules that is naturally abundant in all three states of matter: solid (ice), liquid, and gas (vapor). Water is often seen as a feminine element due to its life-giving properties, but men can harness this power too. There are generally four classical elements in the wheel: Air, Water, Earth, and Fire (some models have Wood or Metal added in as a fifth element). When the four classical elements are unified, they represent Aether (sometimes called Spirit). Aether has been called many things throughout history: void, magic, mana, the Force are all representations of Aether in one way or another. Aether can also be considered responsible for things like paranormal activity, ESP, etc. It's the element that binds all things in the universe together. The four classical elements have been broken down by many others. I'm no expert. But I feel like something is missing. Nearly everyone has a dominant element in their lives, in my opinion. There may also be a secondary or opposing element that contests with the dominant one, but most people in tune with themselves should be able to say which of the four elements they represent with some clarity. What happens when two elements work together? I apologize if the above image is hard to read. Many people have combined the elements together in this way to explain how things "feel." Wet is Water + Air, while Water + Earth is cold. Fire + Earth is dry, and Fire + Air is hot. This... somewhat makes sense, but to me, it's a bit boring and doesn't really dig into how things interact. What if you're a Water personality, and you're dating or married to an Earth personality? What does this mean? Does it mean your relationship is cold? I don't believe so. I came up with a different elemental wheel. Fire + Air = Lightning Fire + Earth = Metal Water + Air = Ice Water + Earth = Wood If a Water (emotional, life-giving) personality combines with Earth (solid, foundation), you get a nurturing relationship like Mother Nature. If a Fire (Impulsive, expressive) personality combines with Air (Intellectual but fickle), sparks tend to fly. This is a good picture for neighboring elements, but what about opposing elements? I haven't seen much material about how Fire and Water personalities interact (I'm sure it's out there) or Air and Earth personalities. I think a lot of people simply believe opposing elements are incompatible. If you mix fire with water, the water turns to steam and the fire is smothered. Air and Earth are as different as Night and Day. But when you push past these boundaries, I feel like you can tap into something far greater and deeper: Air + Earth: Holy Fire + Water: Arcane Holy and Arcane, two elements we see used all the time in video game or television media, but are never truly explored in our own lives. We tend to see these elements as "magic" or otherwise unobtainable, but each of us has Good and Evil within them. Nonduality tells us that Good and Evil are all the same, but in this example, Good aligns with Holy, and Evil aligns with Arcane. I'm not saying Fire and Water is a demonic combination that only brings out the worst in people. Instead, it can be a combination that allows people to examine their Shadows, fully realize the deeper and darker parts of themselves, and utilize that knowledge. When used carefully, knowledge of evil can be utilized for great Good in the world. However, this goes even deeper. Once someone has truly tapped into their potentials for examining their Arcane and Holy side, they then can begin to explore the Aether. Some people achieve this by opening their chakras, others through meditation and enlightenment. The Arcane and Holy could be looked at as Shadows (Id) and Personas (Ego), the repressed and visible aspects of our psyche. But we need to fully understand and deconstruct those things before we can reach the next step. I am Water. My wife is Fire. Without Shadows, we can never see the Light. How far can this go?
  10. Okay maybe it wasn't stellar but that doesn't matter. Elon Musk isn't some social wizard and he did good on Joe Rogan's podcast. Just because you don't like the nonduality tip Leo is on doesn't mean Leo doesn't have friends. Personally I am not into nonduality because I feel I am not ready for it and regular self-actualization is very challenging for me. He doesn't have to live to your expectations. You don't know his plans and shit he discussed about his tour.
  11. @Leo Gura Currently on nonduality ep 3. Thanks for the great content Leo.
  12. What is there to say? Yes, you can learn to astral project and visit other realities. Many books have been written about this explaining it all and how it is done. If you are serious about it buy those books and train to do it properly. But pursuing nonduality would be a better use of your time.
  13. With relativity and nonduality, anything is true if you want it to be. And also false at the same time.
  14. @abrakamowse Perhaps a thread bringing the nonduality out of all religions would be eye opening.
  15. If nonduality is a part of your enlightenment, then you know that your path is my path.
  16. @winterknight Exactly. To whom is it occurring. And you'll tell me that it isn't me. It isn't Paul. There is no Paul. There is no Shaun. There is no Buba. I don't have parents. You don't exist. My friends don't exist as real entities. It's all just God consciousness playing with itself. So how does therapy help at all? Therapy is designed to help people handle and process their emotions, particularly those which are suppressed. But they're not even my emotions, as I don't exist. It seems like such a huge paradox. On one hand, suffering goes away when you can accept that you don't exist and everything is 'as is'. But you're saying we needn't face this alone, and we need therapy to process and understand our emotions, which are probably all purely egoic and illusionary. Ultimately, it isn't my choice to pursue therapy/enlightenment or anything. Everything that happens is preordained. It's God playing with itself. Or life is a dream. Or a memory etc. Whatever interpretation we want to put forth on any given day. It's frustrating because everyone here is thinking that they have a choice in what they do next, which is egoic in itself. There is no you or me, just God that is experiencing itself. Paul isn't typing this, apparently. Or is he... I've asked a thousand million times on this forum how I might have misinterpreted nonduality and I just get word salad. Everyone says how it makes you more compassionate and loving when you reach and nondual state... you can't make yourself do anything... everything that happens, postivie and negative just happens. If I think another person is another person and is a knob, then I didn't think that.. God did! @Shaun @Buba Appreciate you looking out for me above. Wish you both the best and would always love to help in return (if Paul can, of course, as he doesn't exist...)
  17. @Preetom Nope, not really. Becoming increasingly convinced that nonduality is not the answer the more I go down the rabbit hole. Check this forum out. Nobody has a clue what they're talking about. It's full of paradoxes. Sure, I'm open to investigating it through the practices. But something is telling me that this just isn't the answer. It can't explain everything. . The OP made a very good point but it seems a lot are caught up in a spiritual ego and will just dismiss anything and everything.
  18. @luckieluuke thats awesome man. Trust me it's worth it, all this world will turn to be a complete illusion eventually. My path went like this; Baptist>Pentecostal>non-denominational (Christian spirituallity) >leo>Buddhism>advaita vedanta. And now moving into nonduality I'm starting to see how important it is. I wouldn't even say it's "important" as if it should even be questioned as non-important. It is the only thing that exists!
  19. @SQAAD Bingo. My thoughts entirely. Nonduality seems very shame based to me. The 'you' or 'ego' is very shameful. So we must shame it. Does shame cure shame? I'm not sure. If you weren't meant to have a sense of self, or a thinking mind, then you wouldn't. Simples.
  20. No! You guys still do not understand distinctions. Distinctions are NOT mind made! Distinctions are NOT concepts nor thoughts! Mind is a distinction. Made is a distinction. Concept is a distinction. Thought is a distinction. Enlightenment/nonduality does not eliminate distinctions. Elimination is itself a distinction! Instead, you just become conscious what the true nature of a distinction is. So, what is a distinction? You have no idea. Contemplate. Maybe it's not anything
  21. I think 2g offers a good range. If after an hour, it feels strong I would just relax, let go and go with the flow. If it feels underwhelming and the mind-body wants more, I would “participate” in the trip. It can take some practice, yet it sounds like you have experience in some deeper levels of awareness and nonduality. When I’m on a light trip just a bit higher than threshold, it may appear to be underwhelming. Yet this can be a powerful “transitional” zone. Work with and and boost yourself up and explore. Sober, it can be difficult to get into these spaces, yet in a light trip it is much easier - if you are in tune with it. In this zone, a mind can ground itself in “normal” reality or take itself into a nondual mystical state. During one trip, I was walking in nature and it felt like I underdosed. Yet then I entered a er mystical state and was like “Dang, I just did that”. Then I ran into a maintenance worker and snapped back into “normal” reality to have a brief conversation. Then, I snapped back into the mystical state. It was super cool and helped me to develop this ability sober (albeit to a lesser extent).
  22. @Lister read Hegel and get back to me. Plenty of philosophers at that time had a grasp of nonduality. I'm using "enlightenment era" to mark a certain time in philosophy in the 17th & 18th centuries because I'm trying to make the distinction between how idealism often came to be understood in say Ancient Greece where they had cults like the Eleusinian Mysteries.
  23. @bejapuskas I normally break it up as well, but I think the content itself is what’s turning me away. I’m a yellow/turquoise and I understand nonduality and have had multiple experiences with it (in meditation and psychedelics). It’s almost impossible to grasp with words, so I just don’t need 6 hrs of video to help me. Nor would it even if I didn’t understand non duality. If you want to understand it, do the work leo talks about constantly. It does nothing for you to simply listen to words about nonduality. Only creates more belief.
  24. Interesting report. I smoked DMT and I actually met Shiva and Genesh (who I had no clue about) and they showed me something, but I didn't get the feeling I was god (although I know I am) perhaps because I didn't know of nonduality several years ago. Although i didn't get the god feeling, did you get the feeling that everything else was fake except the trip? Like your entire life was a setup and you were meant to trip; and that trip is the only real reality? That you already did this before? That's what I felt during mine, wondering if you did.
  25. In my experience, it does. All I wanted in life was sex and if I didn't get it by 35, I was going to give up and kill myself. Now after delving deeper into nonduality, being a virgin doesn't matter at all to me anymore. All I am doing is surviving, meditating and contemplating. Take action to change stuff if you can, if you can't change it, accept it to the best of your ability.