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  1. As an awakened soul... You're really just healing and awakening the unconscious /subconscious parts of your own self.
  2. Dang, Victor! Ego is the creative nexus of attach-ability, yes~ but to say it is attachment… or to say without ego, there is no attachment …ok, certainly we can arguably posit that, in a qualified sense (in terms of habitual use of ego) To be precise, ego is a modality. It's a type of pattern awareness, which can be sub-classified as everyday ordinary conditioned consciousness. So if ego is a modality of perceptive functionality, what constitutes its employment? Isn't ego in charge? If not, who is? What constitutes the person? Who, or what isn't the person? How about this: without awareness, there is no person, nor ego. Ego isn't a thing any more than enlightenment. The point is, and especially in terms of the nature of awareness (which is enlightenment), there is no ego. Creation is filled with points of illumination. Enlightenment is illumination. Ego is actually a point-source without a point (on a good day). Enlightenment is itself a selfless intention, yet it has no point. How wondrous is non-attachment? Our nature is awakeness. It would be a higher clarification of consciousness which brings to light an underlying non-psychological basis of identity which can eventually obviate the hopeless intellectualism caught in the broken record of rationalistic dualism that perpetuates the dead words constituting any kind of intellectual discourse encompassing ego-thought consciousness. What ego is, just isn't (so to speak). We really don't have egos, as ego has (is) the personality (function), without exception. Nevertheless, there is an underlying aspect that hardly ever makes it to the table (with good reason). Unless one actually knows ego's original and selfless function in terms of one's enlightening potential, one's strategic application of ego-functionality falls short of accomplishing inconceivable spiritual adaption and transformation by skillful means— or, rather (without getting all buddhist), as ego's tacit functionality (primal duty, really) reverts to its unified functional purpose as enlightening potential's corollary, is what taoist spiritual alchemy calls the efficacy of the sciences of essence and life. These are two, yet one. As well, psychological awareness and nonpsychological awareness are two, yet one. Ego's true purpose is in administratively aiding in truly selfless and spontaneous transcendent activity by virtue of one's innate enlightening potential. Therefore, enlightening activity isn't the person, but it isn't not the person. Either way no one knows. And who might that be? There, that didn't sound very buddhist. DLH presented a conclusive summary of the created psychological apparatus, without failing to omit the body, adding~ "neither good or bad." That kind of insight has no limit of application in terms of non-resistant penetration into the heart of the matter of life and death. Could habitual patterns of attachment being the matrix of webs of collective psychological momentum through eons of ego-consciousness be something that is being left out of the analysis? It stupefies statistical analysis, yet… "We're all one"— isn't that what we say in our altruistic (self-reflective) moments. Actually it's all one (the creative, karmic aspect we find ourselves in). It really doesn't have to be about us, at all, because, in terms of Reality, which isn't even created, much less subjective relativity (sorry, Einstein!), it's about IT. It's utterly a complete whole for those who actually see potential. In looking at it selflessly, (as it is, not as we are), what are we looking at? What are we getting at? It's us; we're not it. Now there's an ego-check. What constitutes ego-attachments? Ego per se, is pretty helpless, it seems, in terms of its own conditioning; it's own psychological momentum, utterly attached (bound, as it were) as a mere discriminatory point-source of the collective unity. How free is that? So what constitutes that which directs or binds ego to… creative process? Ego isn't a thing, actually. The person being the headlong evidence of a mystery unfolding until… one grasps the import of there being no intrinsic reason or causality underlying the created (or the uncreated, for that matter). How can one be so sure? One can't say— that's for sure, but it IS a mystery first and foremost. There is no explanation. Ultimately, there is no reason, as sure as there is no thing. In terms of its function as the (creative's sameness within differentiation) nexus of attach-ability, you might conceive of ego as being naturally aspected of creative being in terms of its adherence to karmic law, law of the creative's realm… by virtue of the unitary aspect Creation itself, wholly becoming, as the conditional singularity it might be considered to be. Neither good not bad, it can be intentionally turned around and used as a tool (that's what it really is, after all). But I asked earlier, "who puts ego to use?" The true human with no status, is the taoist term. It is one's inherent enlightening potential that lies dormant mostly, yet, from time to time, arises of its own accord. Who doesn't know that much? The endless task of self-refinement is the process of "turning around the light" of creation (ego), that gradually results in the efficacious restoration and permanent stability of nonpsychological awareness as the true human with no status evidencing one's awakened enlightening potential realized as a partner of creation, never again to be bound by its former karmic affinity, now actualized as affinity with the primal aspect, as opposed to the conditional. "Turning around the light" is the teaching of reversal; the reversion of the conditioned and the restoration of the primal. Ego isn't what, it's rather that which is bound in creation and liberated in potential, that is, the Unborn, or the un-created. That's not so woo-woo. Why? Awareness isn't created. So ultimately, accessing potential is a matter of seeing. That's the essence of awareness. But there's a catch which I touched on above. That is to say, it's you; you're not it. When you see it, to the degree you see, it becomes you, as it were, all along, perpetually aglow. The aspect of ego being elemental in terms of its potential for self-transcendece is itself the "gateless gate", which anyone familiar with mind only teachings of buddhism has heard of. Ultimately, who knows?
  3. Ya all what you shared here sounds like good matters to keep pondering. However the nothing mattering can be a very sensitive line to tread because its often said, heard and understood with a slant of nihilisticness in it. Perhaps its best to more often communicate, Only Love, since Love is what is and its not about it mattering or not, but just being that..... A word on the Ajata point and I'm not sure I fully grasp what the teacher here is trying to convey (I fully resonate with the Advaita message you quoted), but from the tinny bit I've gathered online, it refers to the yet unborn side of the all that is, is THAT. From my own experience this would be pointing to the aspect of Ones yet to be unfolding, a bubbling up within an Awakened surrendered or a story of experience yet to be manifest. While the One is always whole and only itself, layers of its everchangingness and new dimensions of itself are always coming forth, like a creative thought that arise out of nowhere in a supposed mind, that sprouts forth a new song yet heard. This song arose from nothing with no control. In the same way, Oneness itself is always unfolding in this same way from its own unknown depths sprouting forth newness that wasn't there before, yet is always itself.. Don't confuse this unfolding as form and not form, since its never this or that, its always itself.
  4. I wouldn't call it a stare, more like a full attention and presence which most unawakened folks haven't achieved. Their compassionate and loving listening puts us on the spot, invoking us to open up our innermost feelings and suffering which is usually hidden from the world out of fear. We don't feel comfortable opening up to most people because we (probably rightly) fear they have selfish motives. But an awakened person has no agenda of their own, just unconditional love, which is scary and irresistible at the same time!
  5. @How to be wise An Athlete could simply do that by doing what they love to do in playing sports, express this understanding when relating to people, the media, fans, peers etc, and of course playing the game in the fairest and freest way possible and simply expressing their understanding through their medium of Sport. An athlete's career rarely goes past 40 anyways, and I feel we desperately need awakened beings in these mainstream industries, as they will automatically have a HUGE audience! Like I said, I'm looking forward to the day industries like Sports and Fitness are littered with high consciousness beings simply expressing this understanding through their sport, it's going to be amazing.
  6. No. Straight out no. It's about ❤️. You know what @Nahm's dreamboard is 7 million times more helpful for ❤️ awakening then this empty talk about "there is no one inside" "awareness" and such. ❤️ Is epic is monumental is absolute it's infinite literally and it's real you. THIS is fully you. That is what no separation is actually. All you. This specific "enlightened master" and if you really are awake you will never call yourself like that, yes there is no "you" as person you know but there is a YOU (❤️),is as Leo likes to call it level of mind awakening. That's not ❤️ awakening and if he really is ❤️ awakened he will speak much differently he will sometimes cry like Leo for example and will not be dispassionate at all. Just my take you know.
  7. @Inliytened1 Yes, certainly someone can be awakened as fuck and then act like a complete twat and cheat in his wife, abuse his students and abuse his power. However, to be that is a sign of an 'incomplete' awakening, as after awakening to love and embodying it I feel the capacity to do such things reduces massively. I know many here don't like the LOC scale, but I'll bring it in as it applies well here for this scenario. What you're basically describing is the LOC 700s, where the 'I am the Universe/ God/ Everything' rhetoric comes in. Don't get me wrong it's an AMAZING awakening and puts an end to the whole No-Self jargon which I think we both have had enough of on here However, this awakening can occasionally be used to say 'I'm enlightened, I'm the whole universe and I'm superior to you, so I can treat you how I want!' This happened in cases such as Bentino Massano, Mooji, and Ramaji had Osho in the 700s also. But, it is clear these people are awakened isn't it, however, their behavior didn't align at all, which is both an embodiment and the fact the true opening to infinite love and The Self/ God as being IT hasn't been recognized. Any sort of superiority is dropped with true Self-Realisation, that's kind of my other issue here with Psyches, if they make people think they're superior, then they aren't a true awakening, which is the most humbling thing possible when you literally realize you are the SAME as everyone else, and there simply isn't a hierarchy. There is just beings who have recognized the nature of their own being, and those who haven't, either way, EVERYONE is The Self/ God and everyone is you. Any notions of superiority and being better is instantly wiped away. So I don't think embodiment is something to take lightly, if we look at beings such as Rupert Spira, Francis Lucille, Adya, Ramana Maharshi and Nisgardatta (All at 'LOC 1000') they are exact examples of what I mean, they have aligned their lives with truth, happiness and peace. And, this doesn't mean you have to become a teacher or anything, just simply your life becomes an expression of peace, love and happiness in all areas such as Work, Relationships, Activities, Actions, Thoughts, and Feelings. So, to me becoming a Zen Devil would quite frankly be the sign there is further to go either in awakening sense or embodiment sense. And, just to be clear here, I am far from perfect in this area, as I am still very much integrating as most of us here are (for example in Zen they say it can take up to 7 years to truly integrate, @Haumea2018 has been at '1000' for 2 years, and said it involves a LOT of shadow work and purification) The thing is people will then think oh if you're still doing work how can you be awake?!?!?!?!? That's also my gripe with the No-Self clan, it seems as much as 'there's nothing to do and nobody here' they don't want to face the shadow and dark side within, because it really isn't fun at times I can tell you that! But, you could easily do Shadow work and purification pre-awakening, it just becomes a LOT easier when the I-thought is no longer in the way sabotaging you. And lastly, to me understanding The Self/ The Absolute, and not living like it is simply not understanding the teaching fully, embodiment can bring even deeper levels of harmony and being in my experience as you aren't living 'against' the Truth. For example, I would imagine an awakened being would find it hard to then go and be a marketer for McDonald's and continue poisoning kids, I feel they'd be called to move to a company doing the opposite if you get me. I rambled on a bit there but in one sentence- I don't see Zen Devils as fully awake, to me integration and embodiment is so so important, and Realisation and Insights are like Chapter 1-2 in the book! I think Rupert talks about this somewhere, I'll try and find it @Display_Name Not until I'm 25 Also, I'm currently still working on embodiment and integration and the 'clearing' stage of this work, so right now it wouldn't be right for me, maybe in several years as a test it could be fun @fridjonk Wrong! 5MEO takes you to LOC99999999999!
  8. So this trip was very unexpected. I had no reason to trip other than a strong intuitive pull that I had to face a heavy dose of mushrooms I’d felt coming off of my last LSD trip. There was no real intention, just my normal setting: alone in my room. What started out as an exploration into the nature of time and Eternity transformed into a deep unraveling of my subconscious mind and into the collective consciousness of humanity, the deep intelligence at play with the COVID-19 situation, and along with a collective awakening of humanity. Themes that emerged: - Eternity - Collective Fear - Deep Intelligence - Collective Awakening - Existential Trust Eternity I began by reading the last chapter from the book, “Siddhartha” by Hermann Hesse and by reading the poem, “The Mind of Absolute Trust” by Seng-ts’an. In both texts, the theme of eternity emerged, that in some twisted way all of existence is existing right here in this moment as nothing and this nothing is eternal. Though particular forms are flowing out of this moment, though specific form is this moment, all moments exist within it guiding the transformational process along. It was difficult to accept this reality because it meant that my life as this self was truly over, and that I had to let go of all that I found to be precious. Moreover, this life was never really here at all, but nonetheless this whole time I’d been journeying through lifetime after lifetime, experiencing form in all kinds of ways. I felt how this moment contains within it all possibilities, all possible lives, all possible stories and experience. My life was over before it even had a chance to begin. I shed tears of great sadness. Collective Fear As the effects continued to build, parts of my mind normally unconscious began to bubble into awareness. It was like peeling back in invisible film hiding my subconscious mind from consciousness. As this process continued, a powerful fear began to emerge. I realized I am scared shitless about the coronavirus… Having type 1 diabetes makes me feel extremely vulnerable and weak; this pandemic has affected me more than I realized. Yet more interestingly, this process of facing my own fear of death was just the beginning. As the effects continued to compound, my sense of self began to dissolve into what I can only describe as a collective form of consciousness. This is the 3rd time this has happened on a trip, once previously with mushrooms and once on LSD. My mind became the mind of humanity, I started feeling the lives of thousands and while in this state of suspended collectivity, I felt an enormous almost indescribable dread as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. I feel both privileged and traumatized to have experienced what I felt on these mushrooms. I feel like I carry inside of my soul an energetic understanding of the contemporary state of humanity, yet on the other hand, it was a lot man. There is an immense amount of suffering going on in the world and tapping into a fraction of it on this trip definitely left some sort of mark that I’m still trying to integrate and process. Deep Intelligence As if this collective experience of consciousness wasn’t a hard enough peak, I was still peaking! Eventually, my sense of self dissolved even further into Being, no longer feeling like anyone in particular while feeling like everything at once. I felt a powerful oneness. The fear being experienced didn’t change, yet there was no one to feel suffering anymore. And as this oneness persisted, I remember just face planting a pillow and looking into the void of having no visual field. In this field of emptiness I became conscious of a DEEP intelligence… I don’t really know how to describe what I experienced other than using the word intelligence. I saw that this coronavirus situation, this entire play of humanity, the entire manifestation of existence was being driven by a divine intelligence. Every little detail was infinitely perfect in its precision and role to the greater oneness. I realized I was none other than this oneness, along with the intelligence which creates, manifests, and propels reality. It was all me. I was creating everything. Somehow reality was being driven by destiny in the sense that there were 0 mistakes and there was an overwhelming sense of “do not worry, everything is going exactly as planned.” Somehow my life, and the lives of everyone were being directed by forces they were unconscious of; this is what we may call “destiny.” In other words, shit that happens aint random. Yet I also specifically recall understanding that this insight in no way violated free will. I was so intelligent, that I left open the possibility for freedom, intention, and manifestation in the midst of divine destiny. This intelligence was in everything, everywhere, and running the show utterly and completely. It was God. Collective Awakening Humanity is going through a traumatic growing pain right now. This coronavirus is being created by us, for us, to help us wake up. I saw a vision of vast suffering that would unfold as a result of these events, yet I also saw a beautiful vision of what humanity would become if we embrace our awakening. I’m not sure what the end destination is for this pandemic, but it is the beginning of a new era, a new growth in the timeline of humanity which will result in our eventual, collective awakening. What this awakened species will look like on a societal level, I’m unsure, but the amount of love and light I saw with this vision was truly inspiring. Existential Trust At the end of my trip, I realized I just have to trust myself. Perhaps this body and self will die of coronavirus, perhaps not, but all is one, and I am one with it all. All lives, all suffering, all deaths, all survivors are playing a role in the orchestration of our evolution. Whatever happens, happens. My job is to trust myself and respond to whatever occurs with grace, acceptance, and love, even if it means dying. That being said, still going to be practicing social distancing and taking every step I can to mitigate my body’s survival and the survival of my community. Existentially speaking though, the mushrooms left me with a dep sense of self-trust. Yet this trust is an extremely difficult thing to fully integrate because it means embracing all of my external circumstance and suffering as being totally self-derived. Final Thoughts: I don’t really know when I’ll trip again. It felt like I needed to see what I saw. My last 5 trips in particular have been so powerful, I’m not even sure what other territory there is to cover. It kind of feels like I need a second to catch my breath and just sit with the experiences as a whole. Mushrooms at the beach showing me agape, the LSD letting me traverse the collective regrets of humanity and letting it go, going Super Saiyan on mushrooms, LSD revealing to me the depths of my responsibility, and now this one… Feeling so much pain, but feeling a trust. I don’t even know how to feel about all of this other than extremely fortunate to have received these gifts. But I must admit, there has been a pain associated with having my ego tossed and turned, ripped up, and demolished on these substances. Yes they’ve had beautiful moments, but god damn there have been painful ones too. It’s just a lot. After my last trip I felt energetically prepared to continue my journeying, as if realizing how I am the creator of my state of reality was the knowledge I needed to continue. After this one, I feel exhausted. I feel… sad even. I trust the Universe, Reality, Myself, but one thing I still haven’t understood throughout any of my journeying has been “why?” Why all the pain? Why all the suffering? Why all the ignorance? Why do I have to say goodbye forever? How many times have I had to let go of the lives I love into the sea of impermanence? It’s all here, all now, but it’s all gone and never was as it is always being I guess. Who knows, maybe I’ll be ready to trip in another week lol. But something tells me I need to sit with this stuff for awhile. As much as I’ve journaled about it here, I still don’t understand the full dynamics and lessons that these experiences have given. I need more time. Overall, I take great solace in Seng-ts’an’s opening lines from The Mind of Absolute Trust: “The great way isn't difficult for those who are unattached to their preferences. Let go of longing and aversion, and everything will be perfectly clear.”
  9. Spontaneity is a part of the mix and a pointer towards an understanding of the scope and nature of phenomenology could you say? An Awakened spotenaity is the transformation of conditioned reactiveness. No? Reply with a subtle statement or a bold statement. A declaration, assertion, or question? Maybe a song?
  10. What's the difference tho? It doesn't matter to you if another is awake every second of their life or not, but deep insights that cannot be had within a human body certainly are more interesting than yet another "normal" awakened being; there are tens of thousands of those already. There are not thousands that are going to these psychedelic breakthrough depths with serious enlightenment work. Once your brain is lubed up from meditation and contemplation, and you pop a psychedelic, you best believe you're going to face God with full intensity! Not trying to start another debate btw, just interested in your thoughts on this.
  11. I've experienced hell a couple of times, but never have my consciousness been trapped there. I've had the same kind of awakenings before, where the plane of "others and me" have been seen clearly to be a trap and a hellish loop. I haven't had reactions like hers to it though. Thought it would be interesting if we came up with some recommendation for her and people who are in the same state/space. I would say she needs to slow down, her mind has obviously trapped itself in a higher/lower state. Almost like a continous bad-trip. Her insights seem to have been corrupted or misinterpreted as evil. I don't have a lot of recommendations, just slow down, breath and seek out help. Also it seems like she has a big story about what awakening and enlightenment is. She thought there was a divine purpose for her and so on, then she awakened and found out her whole story was a dream/illusion.
  12. @Matteo Of course, and that is why I said who knows in a decade we could see hundreds of 5MEO awakened beings, just so far we haven't at all. So far it seems it creates a sense of delusion, narcissism and Inflation (did anyone read the articles linked?) That being said, I am of course opening to this changing and am not tied to one path, if the psychedelic path proves to be more effective in helping raise people's consciousness and awaken them, I'm all for it. Like I already said, Psychedelics can give people incredible insights, experiences and even healing modalities, I'm just not convinced on Leo's whole more awakened than the Buddha based on how he acts on here, what he says and his videos that's all. At this point I would not class him as awake at all in fact, this doesn't mean I'm dismissing his Experiences or Insights at all btw, I'm talking about Self-Realisation, not just insights and experiences, while great, no experience lasts forever, no matter how high you go always end back here, with THIS.
  13. @Nexeternity So Leo is still seeking then? Ramaji mentioned it recently actually that Leo isn’t in Non-Duality, therefore, isn’t awakened, can’t have it both ways. And, yes, very rarely are people asked their age when psyches are recommended, they just are recommended, I have no problem with psyches, my issue is with reckless recommendations to people too young for them. As I clearly stated I am not talking badly of psyches, they are great medicines for the right people, at the right time and when used responsibly of course. Never once did I dispute that. Of course “responsible use” is quite a blanket term, to me using a synthetic chemical weekly in quite high doses isn’t responsible, to others it may be. Maybe a safety post should be made on Psyches regarding the points you made, as I do see them recommended without any age questions. Ive even seen them recommended after by someone after they said they almost committed Suicide during a trip on here. My main point, is that I’m yet to see any awakened beings who are proponents of this 5MEO path, that’s all. Who knows, in a decade there could be 1000s.
  14. What do you mean am I still doing the computer thing? I think you mean.... are we still both doing the computer thing. I realize I'm doing it ….consciously ….you don't realize you are doing it because you do it subconsciously. You are not awakened enough
  15. Taking part in forum is divinity speaking with divinity but different bodies. So I find joy in putting conscious and self aware conscious word when I type. I simply type and allow the words to flow it is written spirit lead teachings. 1. Form is temporariness 2. There is no Identity. 3. Desire causes suffering 4. Suffering and the need to desire is caused by unconsciousness. 5. Increasing consciousness is the cure to suffering. Life is Alchemy Construction deconstruction deconstruction. De-construction is simply rearrangement of construct. Construct is form abstract is formlessness. Order and chaos. Divinity is synthesis. It is within synthesis that construct and abstract become a spectrum. The sleep state is the death state. 1. Death does not exist in heaven 2. Heaven is reserved for the awakened.
  16. @EternalForest What if "creation" in an awakened state would always appear self-consistent with the universe from the point of view of the ego? I mean, by changing the universe you are also changing yourself, which could explain why there is no definitive record of a "miracle" ever happening in the history of mankind, despite the possibility that awakening could've happened an infinite number of times in many worlds.
  17. Awakened is all things. Both what you seem to be parsing into awake and not awake. And what is this comparing of supposed individuals? Supposedly more awake and less? I'm pointing to something, if your curious, look, if not, don't. What will be will be..... Again there was no separate self, no you that had a separate self experience, it was TOTALLY YOU all along.
  18. Nothing hears it... the separate sense of self or ego just falls away.. nothing understands it, it just apparently happens. Prior to awakening the separate self does not want to hear this message and will always misinterpret it. Yes there's not really a misunderstanding in a sense that anything actually matters but it can help to understand how and what Awakening actually entails. Yes nothing is in order or out of order it's just as it is. There is absolutely an apparent happening ...I used to run around in the rat race trying to achieve achieve achieve gain gain improve improve.... the seeking energy was exhausting the human body. Anyone can say all day long that it's not a happening...but I guarantee if you compare two individuals one that's awakened and one that is not ...they will have very different lives... especially because awakened does not identify as a self and no longer suffers in self pitty/delusion. Just check out that samadhi movie, it almost mimicked identically the experience that occurred here.
  19. Hi everyone Thought it would be a great idea to start a thread where people can genuinely help one another with this spiritual journey that we have all embarked on. The idea behind this thread is that people would share their insights and realisations with the aim of pointing out to those who have not yet had that awakening in the right direction. So we would sort of just be holding hands here and pulling one another in the path so that no ends up getting lost so to speak. For example, if you've had an awakening and you're directly aware of some truth which is overlooked by many then if you could.. you would post whatever ever that insight helped you realize as to shed some light on common misconceptions regarding reality. These pointers would then be sort of shifting perspectives in a way that if a person is holding a belief or some idea about reality which is preventing him/her from directly accessing it then this will help make that clear and help focus on what is actually going on, what is actually there. So if you, let's say, had an awakening to what love is and you're directly aware of what it is then your job would be to shed light on common ideas regarding love like how it's an emotion.. you would have to say why that isn't the case. But not just say so, actually help us notice why it isn't the case, point out the idea, expose the egotistic belief and what we're imagining, kinda like the way Leo does in his videos. I've titled this thread "Actually" because we would only be pointing out what is actually happening, things we've taken for granted. Like: "Hey, you know that thing we call an emotion that is triggered by electromagnetic chemicals? Well, actually it's not that at all because if you notice x y and z you'll understand that emotions are just imagination." So, this is not about getting other people to awaken to the thing that you've awakened to. That won't happen. That person would also have to put in some of the work you've put in in order to really get that awakening. Same way watching Leo's videos won't suddenly make you awake to whatever insight is being shared in the video. Here we're basically just all traveling while holding hands so that everyone has better chances of coming out into the light. I just figured that hey.. since we're all on the same path why don't we just hold hands and guide each other to the same destination. Rules: 1. Don't talk about it if you're not directly aware of it! I'm trying to prevent debates from happening. This is not 'the battle of the insights' thread. If you're directly aware of it then there would be no point in arguing because we all see that the grass is green. And if a person is not getting whatever that you're trying to point to and is just opposing in every direction then drop it. Clearly that person is not ready for that insight. 2. No dropping nondual A-bombs! Guys, we are trying to share radical insights from personal awakenings and we are trying to radically shift perspectives for the good of the path. But don't just show up heavy handed with it saying things like "Nothing exists". I mean come on! You're missing the point of this thread then. I mean if you're directly aware of nonduality then great for you, but show consideration for the guy who just started with this work. Me, I'm the guy who just started with this path and for me it sure as hell, clearly, seems like a lot of things exist. Alright, and those are the rules. Please, don't be stressful be helpful. If you get the impression that the other person is not feeling helped then immediately let it go. It's okay Okay then, I hope I've made things clear and that my post isn't that long. But most importantly I hope most you folks would be willing to help and share some insights with care and love. I'll start just so that everyone knows how I mean this. ?
  20. 50% Universal Mind 50% Universal Heart = Full Awakened Being Love is in all projections, how you see it is all that matters. If you can see the perfection, the beauty, the love in all, what i or anyone stated would not even bother you because you would see the truth in all things, even in illusion.
  21. There is no arrogance in play. You do not innerstand the level spoken through the vessel and your message is flawed. There is no such thing as cut-time. All is now, all else is illusory. If you were fully awakened you would understand the level of consciousness/play i project.
  22. @Leo Gura Great response, agree 100% with that. I feel some people want to dive in at the deep end in their first swimming lesson, which is fine, just be prepared for a few times where you almost drown. As you mentioned, even post awakening these things have their relative importance, unless you plan to become a monk or hermit, which I suspect not that many on here do. Out of curiosity do you plan to teach on any of those things you listed above? I was speaking to someone the other day, it’s going to be fun when the first/ more truly awakened nutritionists, bodybuilders, money coaches, businessmen, school teachers, interior designers, athletes etc start popping up everywhere.
  23. Shadow Work and awakening are different in many regards. Shadow Work is very much situated with Maya. But a person can be awakened without dealing with their human traumas. So, my recommendation is to do both. Here is a playlist of mine, that I made all about the Shadow... it will pop up as one video but there are 8 or 9 videos in the playlist
  24. Sexual Polarity & Creation of Magnetic Field between man and woman one of the greatest insight of tantra is male and female energies are equal and opposite forces. Yang and yin are one of the most popular examples of this. Sexual union between these two can create an ecstatic sexual experience through interplay of opposite polarities polarities. Polarities are present in both man and woman. Sadly due to social conditioning, these polarities are not being able to function according to their innate quality. These conditioning are like rust in polarities and they exist as if they are "normal". They create disturbance and sexual energy can not act according to their polarities as a result. Polarities are like magnets. That is why when man and woman come together, it feels like an attractive magnetic field. Through consciousness, we can decondition and then our polarities can go back to functioning as it is wired to function such way. Man will begin to feel their masculine energy and woman will begin to feel feminine energy. Male energy represents positive and female energy represent negative. Each half is alone and incomplete. So nature brings them together to become complete. The man, who is positive, has inner negative pole (inner women) and the woman, who is negative, has inner positive pole (inner man). Man carries the positive pole in his cock and the negative pole in his chest and heart area. Woman on the other hand, carries negative pole in her pussy and positive pole in her breasts. Between this positive and negative magnetic pole, a stream flows upward through the body of man and woman. This magnetic field between the two opposite pole is called " Rod of Magnetism" These two magnetic rod of man and women create a magnetic field when they create sexual union. This way, they become "complete". Male energy flow from cock into pussy and up towards the woman's heart. The female energy responds through breasts by penetrating man' heart and flowing downward to his sex center. A complete unit is created and now electricity passes back and forth from man to woman with active and passive phases, man becoming woman and woman becoming man. Tantra refers to the phenomenon as "the circle of light". This powerful polarity effect represents the highest potential of man and woman together, as a spiritual force through which it is possible to penetrate the mysteries of life. Information about polarities can help practically in lovemaking. Like electricity, body energy also flows from positive to negative. It is the positive poles of the male and female bodies that needs to be awakened to initiate the deeper movement of sexual energy. That is why tantra calls cock and breasts the " positive poles of love". They are the source of all life, semen from man and milk from woman. The quality of sexual energy generation depends on treating them as such during foreplay and sex.
  25. @mp22 We must now remember, Leo is the most awake human ever, and nobody else is close. have you not got the memo recently? on a serious note, as much as Leo May think nobody else is awake, I’m yet to find a teacher or really anyone in the community who doesn’t think this is just Leo experiencing Inflation, Grandeur and potentially even Narcissism. So, it’s either Leo is the grand master of awakening and 5MEO is the holy grail, and over the millennia, all awakenings are void. Or, maybe, a lot of people’s suspicions regarding Leo and his “awakening” could also be true. Who knows! Maybe, Leo has had deep insights and awakenings on these drugs, but maybe isn’t truly awakened as he claims he is and that’s why he keeps going back for more? I will not say either. Who really knows? Although, I will say, I think recent behaviour has left a bad taste in a lot of people’s mouths. But, then again who are we to judge someone’s else’s awakenings? Maybe, in 100 years they will look back on Leo’s life as a great advancement in awakening and the proof of the psychedelic path. or they will look back on the first online psychedelic cult of its kind, that lead to lots and lots of issues. Or maybe somewhere in between. who knows? Focus on yourself, do the work and be your own guru, teachers are there to help you, not to idiolizse Personally I haven’t resonated with Leo for a long time, and am finding it very interesting what he is writing recently.