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  1. Last night I had a glimpse of ego death or the transition of it. It left me speechless for a good 15 - 20 minutes. The transition was amazing but more terrifying than so. Being Mindful It was in the early evening when I decided I was going to spend the rest of the night meditating. As the night settled in it was already raining and I was on my bed, sitting cross legged and just being in the present. The rain got heavier, and I struggled to hear my breathing. Then, instead of focusing on my breath, I decided to close my eyes and focus on the sound of the rain. This gradually led me to focus my attention on the entire auditory field, and before I even knew it I was completely absorbed by the present moment. Grounded in the present, I was observing everything there was to observe of sound. I was completely immersed in June listening and listening alone. This was me for the next hours and hours. During this session I really became aware of the impermanence of reality, listening to every change, every end and every beginning of rhythm, melodies and what I imagined to be the voices of nature. And there more I deepened my awareness the broader my attentiveness became, I could hear things that I knew were coming from afar. Completely in the present, absorbed by the auditory field, with my attention feeling on max, I could feel my body expanding. All of a sudden I wasn't hearing the sounds anymore, I was making them. They were no longer happening out there anymore, I was observing them within me. My body was no longer localized, instead of listening to this field I became the field. My body became the consciousness in which everything appears/transpires. I didn't think this, I just know it, and I was in awe. But just when I thought things were starting to get weird, I wasn't thinking anymore, thoughts were happenings in me. The sound of my thoughts couldn't be differentiated from the sounds of the auditory field which was now my body. With my body being consciousness, I became hyper aware of reality, I began to notice the smog of illusion that filled existence, I became aware of infinity. There was no such thing as finite, finite was imaginary. There was no ending of things because there was no beginning of anything. Everything was unified, there was just existence and no existing thing other than that being imagined. All this just dawned on me during the session. But the more I realised stuff the more thoughts began to arise and fall, rise and fall, everything that occurred.. happenings, resembled a wave. And thoughts just kept on coming and I just observed, and before I even knew it - I could see. The Glimpse There was sight, a whole entire different view even, it was still the sight of my room. The scene had changed suddenly and things were gone, the rain was gone, sounds were gone, thoughts were gone, and sudden as the struck of thunder.. I was gone. The view was there, as it would normally be, with the sight of a body perspective. But I was not the body, I mean I was but not localized, the body was just a part of me. I was everything, I was all of it. Turning and looking around, I wasn't turning and looking around.. all of that was a happening inside of me. I was the canvas, the field, I was the nothingness of it - and I was dead. The moving picture was me, it was all just a unit, a unified happening. There was no self-orientated thought, no self-referent thought, no I. And it was amazing, it was peaceful because it all meant nothing.. it was meaningless. But as amazing as that was, it terrified me, the meaninglessness of it struck terror in the little peace of what was left of me in the scene. I started kicking in, I realized that I wasn't breathing, I realized the dead silence of existence and I panicked. I thought, I thought as much as I could, started imagining a me, a self in the scene. I imagined as hard as I could, making mental noise as much as possible, until I finally appeared. But it was still clear that my appearance was phantom. It didn't matter, I hung on desperately to that illusion and believed it was me.. I did that until it became real. I woke up. I opened my eyes and the first thing I noticed was me. I had fallen asleep, it was just a dream. My world was back, the sounds, the sight, the sensations and thoughts, they were all back. But that dream... What kind of a dream was it? It seemed like a casual dream but also felt like that one if a deep sleep, like it was dreamless. I looked at the time and it wasn't even 11pm yet, it was still around 22h00 and I had only slept for what I suspect to be a minute or two. I had had a dream that felt like it lasted for eternity only to wake up and find out I had drifted off from my meditation for a good minute or so. That dream... Although it was just a dream it felt like the truth. I had felt one with everything, like everything was my body. I couldn't even see a thing there, it was all just one thing, a unity.. it was whole and it was me. Like I said, it was amazing and beautiful, but too much to accept on one fell swoop. It was a glimpse. A transition that didn't reach it's end. Just thinking about what could have happened if I had just accepted the truth on one big go.. leaves me speechless. What if I had died in that dream? What if I had never woken up again? But what if I had woken up and I had woken up awakened? It was just too great to accept at one go, alright! That's all it was. You get terrified because there's nothing you can attach yourself to, and because of that.. it dawn's that your entire life was nothing but a story, a figment of your imagination. And just like that, it dawn's to you that you were never alive, ETERNITY Dawns. That's some heavy shit to accept on one go, you'll resist, and that's what happened.. I resisted. But I'm grateful for this experience because now, for the first time ever, I have an idea of what to expect from this work.
  2. Yes, those symptoms are caused by the increased flow of energy and effects of increased electromagnetism in nerve clusters. Sometimes there are involuntary movements, spasms, kriyas (spontaneous yogic poses) as well as whatever effects an increased flow of energy may generate, such as heat and vibration. If you don't want to experience a Kundalini Awakening, you should probably stop meditating. If you continue, your Kundalini will eventually awaken and there will be serious side-effects, that much I can pretty much guarantee. However, if you can find an awakened Guru or Master to teach you, those effects can be lessened signficantly.
  3. A Surreal Reality Reality is beginning to feel more and more like a dream. The impermanent and illusory nature of reality is becoming a lot more clear now. I've been practicing mindfulness meditation and been grounding myself in the present moment for quite some time now. And in these past months I've been noticing significant changes in my consciousness. It's been amazing, I've really come a long way. I'm more aware of myself and everything and everyone around me. It feels like most of my life I've been sleep walking... and it's only now that I'm becoming aware of what's been actually going on. Reality is so dreamlike and it's starting to feel ridiculous. When I wake up from sleep it feels like I'm waking into another dream, because during sleep I'm almost always aware that I'm dreaming because of how impermanent things are in there but now this experience is beginning to expand on to the real world.. or what I imagined to be the real world. Rather than living my life I've been doing that less and observing it more. It's weird because I can't help but sort of feel outraged by this. I feel outraged or cheated in a sense that if I was watching a dramatic performance but I'm not buying into the story because the acting isn't convincing then I can't help but feel robbed. But that's the feeling that I don't get because I wasn't expecting to feel like this knowing I'd become more conscious. I was expecting to feel something more.. I don't know, more uplifting. Like the kind of feeling you get when you watch a magic trick and then later on you realise by yourself how the magician tricked you. I thought I'd be feeling a more 'I'm winning' sort of feeling. Why is this happening? It's not like I didn't know that this is what I was to achieve. This is very strange ? Instead of feeling enlightened/awakened I feel something else which feels rather unsettling, it's as if I'm being constantly lied to and not only am I not buying it I'm also getting sick of it. This is very strange. Why is this happening? Should I be integrating somethings that I'm not and it's leading me to feel this way? Or should I be noticing something spiritual that I'm not noticing? Nowadays I don't even feel like sleeping. I just want to sit down and look, observe the unfolding of things, watch just how what I'd known to be true was nothing but an illusion. I'm even seeing just how the mind keeps trying to get me to fall asleep again but I keep catching this and redirecting my focus and beholding reality's greatest secret.. it's all imaginary.
  4. Reality is beginning to feel more and more like a dream. The impermanent and illusory nature of reality is becoming a lot more clear now. Any possible integrations I could be making with this? I've been practicing mindfulness meditation and been grounding myself in the present moment for quite some time now. And in these past months I've been noticing significant changes in my consciousness. It's been amazing, I've really come a long way. I'm more aware of myself and everything and everyone around me. It feels like most of my life I've been sleep walking... and it's only now that I'm becoming aware of what's been actually going on. Reality is so dreamlike and it's starting to feel ridiculous. When I wake up from sleep it feels like I'm waking into another dream, because during sleep I'm almost always aware that I'm dreaming because of how impermanent things are in there but now this experience is beginning to expand on to the real world.. or what I imagined to be the real world. Rather than living my life I've been doing that less and observing it more. It's weird because I can't help but sort of feel outraged by this. I feel outraged or cheated in a sense that if I was watching a dramatic performance but I'm not buying into the story because the acting isn't convincing then I can't help but feel robbed. But that's the feeling that I don't get because I wasn't expecting to feel like this knowing I'd become more conscious. I was expecting to feel something more.. I don't know, more uplifting. Like the kind of feeling you get when you watch a magic trick and then later on you realise by yourself how the magician tricked you. I thought I'd be feeling a more 'I'm winning' sort of feeling. Why is this happening? Why do I feel that feeling you would get when you feel like complaining? It's not like I didn't know that this is what I was to achieve. This is very strange ? Instead of feeling enlightened/awakened I feel something else which feels rather unsettling, it's as if I'm being constantly lied to and not only am I not buying it I'm also getting sick of it. This is very strange. Why is this happening? Should I be integrating somethings that I'm not and it's leading me to feel this way? Or should I be noticing something spiritual that I'm not noticing? Nowadays I don't even feel like sleeping. I just want to sit down and look, observe the unfolding of things, watch just how what I'd known to be true was nothing but an illusion. I'm even seeing just how the mind keeps trying to get me to fall asleep again but I keep catching this and redirecting my focus and beholding reality's greatest secret.. it's all imaginary. Any thoughts?
  5. Maybe you just activated or awakened a part of yourself that was a little asleep previously, and this unlocked some energy within you. I can't imagine you won't settle down automatically, maybe at a slightly higher baseline? idk
  6. Total awakening would be what they call "enlightenment", I assume. But to answer one of your questions.. yes, there degrees in which you awaken, same as there are degrees in which you can become conscious. Total should mean that it's a complete realisation, and that you've grasped all there is to grasp about that truth. When you're pure consciousness, as in aware without any adjuncts in your awareness, then that's it.. you're already infinite consciousness aware of infinity itself - or should I say yourself. At least that's how I understand it. Awakening is waking up to a truth about reality, such as reality is imaginary or reality's substance is consciousness. There more conscious you become there more awakened you become. Total awakening can either mean a complete realisation of what is.. or can mean enlightenment.
  7. @actualizing25 sorry for derailing the thread slightly, to answer your question this is what was most effective for me (aside from the basics people have mentioned already) Working 1-1 with an awakened being through any blockages/ issues/ struggles you are having on your path. Transmissions- Silence is always the highest teaching, as the truth can only be found in silence, any words we speak are simply a modulation of the truth, but of course necessary in most cases and helpful. If you can and are ready, I would certainly recommend working with a teacher 1-1, it, to me, is far more effective than attending Satsangs (which has its uses as well!), watching videos& reading books (again have their uses) Its like being taught sport in a group setting or 1-1, when 1-1 you can focus more diligently on your own issues and where exactly you are going wrong etc. Was extremely helpful for me!
  8. It is humorous how often "awakened" individuals use their "awakening" as the subject of their ego, and the forum as the platform
  9. Greatest appreciation for the awakened master @Inliytened1
  10. Wow. So beautiful that it's truly infinite and can do that. Yet also so baffling that existence prevailed, even though it's possible to discover it being inevitable by design. I'v awakened to the idea that nothing and infinity are the same, yet no-matter how total the understanding becomes, there is this lingering mystery. For example, there is this burning desire to remember the moment when I imagined water, I want to know that moment intimately, the same way I know this moment. I want to get a familiar sense of the mechanics of creation, as I feel I was once conscious when I created everything. Even if I saw every nook and cranny of infinity I would still ask (as this ego) why is it natural for nothingness to be aware? What allows awareness to be? Does infinite intelligence work in a comprehensible way? It's clearly working, we are here, so there must be a "how" to how it's working, maybe it's too epic to grasp, but It can't not have a "way' it must be doing it in a certain fashion right? There must be some strange process that can be comprehensible at least to the infinitely intelligent itself. Although Leo did say, "It doesn't know how it's doing it", has anyone here ever felt what creating feels like?
  11. No - all is perfect and unfolding the way it should in the dream. If you look at politics you can really see how that is not what's going on today I think Obama, though not awakened, was probably a blend of yellow because of the way he led the country. It was a very balanced approach from a place of wisdom.
  12. I do understand where Leo is coming from, you know completely and totally and you are the divine reality sitting on its throne of absolute infinity without beginning and end and this experience is just but a flash of light within the infinite rays of that thing that we call absolute infinity but actually it is the absolute unknown and that's what you are, all the bodies appear within you there is no outside, spirituality is all fun until you actually expand your awareness to level that go beyond any human concept, that's where you stand with no beliefs no paradigms completely naked, and you internally die, there are no days, no tomorrow, no friends, your consciousness goes beyond the little spectrum of human possibilities, when you stand in that position in my case I get on my knees and cry and laugh and ask for forgiveness, you are there standing at a new dimension of existence, this is serious guys, this work leads oneself to the very roots of infinity, its all fun and games until you stand in the edge of infinity realizing this world and all the worlds to come are just dreams of you. Leo please if you read this keep on creating because when I am standing at the edge of infinity not able to distinguish between life or death this or that your videos make me feel as if I'm not alone in this work, at least someone out there has gone as deep as I am, I appreciate you man, thanks for everything you do, do not let people comments discourage what you share with us. This work is not for the faint of heart, every body says he is awakened and at the first stages it is fun but when you expand to universal consciousness and see the non reality of what you thought what solid ground is when you have to tight your seat belt and make a jump of faith into the abysm of infinity.
  13. Enlightenment is the recognition of your true nature as infinte love, formless being etc. Everyone has different definitions, and so the end of seeking is likely to be different to different people. For me i would consider myself "done" when i can embody the bliss and energy i felt during my god realization on LSD. Once you finish the seeking and find enlightenment, which i haven't done yet so i could be off here, you have nothing to do but to live your life. It goes full circle. Before enlightenment chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment... (you get the deal). Once you the find the bliss and love and happiness intrinsic in your own being, you are free to do whatever you want. The world becomes heaven and you are free to live as you wish. I've always played video games so this website is really a forward thinking plan on my part, for how i want to spend my life after i'm done seeking. For everyone their path after seeking will be unique based on their life experience. I've always played games, sports, competed etc. There are no shoulds, musts, needs etc with a true awakened being. It's all about what YOU want to do. Because you're god baby and you're free. So do what you want. I want to write and play games, and make money doing it lol.
  14. Victor Mgazi recently started started a thread called What is ego, which seems to have begun to level off at 66 responses. I consider his and many of the responses to be of high quality. I'm putting my response (the fourth in his thread) here in Self-Actualization Journals, as it contains a general overview of practical concerns applicable to Victo Mgazi's original topic relative to defining the context of self-refinement in terms of ego-function, it's inherent limitations, as well as its true nature being the access-point by enlightening activity. My response to his OP: Dang, Victor [an excellent topic and OP]! Ego is the creative nexus of attach-ability, yes~ but to say it is attachment… or to say without ego, there is no attachment …ok, certainly we can arguably posit that, in a qualified sense (in terms of habitual use of ego) To be precise, ego is a modality. It's a type of pattern awareness, which can be sub-classified as everyday ordinary conditioned consciousness. So if ego is a modality of perceptive functionality, what constitutes its employment? Isn't ego in charge? If not, who is? What constitutes the person? Who, or what isn't the person? How about this: without awareness, there is no person, nor ego. Ego isn't a thing any more than enlightenment. The point is, and especially in terms of the nature of awareness (which is enlightenment), there is no ego. Creation is filled with points of illumination. Enlightenment is illumination. Ego is actually a point-source without a point (on a good day). Enlightenment is itself a selfless intention, yet it has no point. How wondrous is non-attachment? Our nature is awakeness. It would be a higher clarification of consciousness which brings to light an underlying non-psychological basis of identity which can eventually obviate the hopeless intellectualism caught in the broken record of rationalistic dualism that perpetuates the dead words constituting any kind of intellectual discourse encompassing ego-thought consciousness. What ego is, just isn't (so to speak). We really don't have egos, as ego has (is) the personality (function), without exception. Nevertheless, there is an underlying aspect that hardly ever makes it to the table (with good reason). Unless one actually knows ego's original and selfless function in terms of one's enlightening potential, one's strategic application of ego-functionality falls short of accomplishing inconceivable spiritual adaption and transformation by skillful means— or, rather (without getting all buddhist), as ego's tacit functionality (primal duty, really) reverts to its unified functional purpose as enlightening potential's corollary, is what taoist spiritual alchemy calls the efficacy of the sciences of essence and life. These are two, yet one. As well, psychological awareness and nonpsychological awareness are two, yet one. Ego's true purpose is in administratively aiding in truly selfless and spontaneous transcendent activity by virtue of one's innate enlightening potential. Therefore, enlightening activity isn't the person, but it isn't not the person. Either way no one knows. And who might that be? There, that didn't sound very buddhist. DLH presented a conclusive summary of the created psychological apparatus, without failing to omit the body, adding~ "neither good or bad." That kind of insight has no limit of application in terms of non-resistant penetration into the heart of the matter of life and death. Could habitual patterns of attachment being the matrix of webs of collective psychological momentum through eons of ego-consciousness be something that is being left out of the analysis? It stupefies statistical analysis, yet… "We're all one"— isn't that what we say in our altruistic (self-reflective) moments. Actually it's all one (the creative, karmic aspect we find ourselves in). It really doesn't have to be about us, at all, because, in terms of Reality, which isn't even created, much less subjective relativity (sorry, Einstein!), it's about IT. It's utterly a complete whole for those who actually see potential. In looking at it selflessly, (as it is, not as we are), what are we looking at? What are we getting at? It's us; we're not it. Now there's an ego-check. What constitutes ego-attachments? Ego per se, is pretty helpless, it seems, in terms of its own conditioning; it's own psychological momentum, utterly attached (bound, as it were) as a mere discriminatory point-source of the collective unity. How free is that? So what constitutes that which directs or binds ego to… creative process? Ego isn't a thing, actually. The person being the headlong evidence of a mystery unfolding until… one grasps the import of there being no intrinsic reason or causality underlying the created (or the uncreated, for that matter). How can one be so sure? One can't say— that's for sure, but it IS a mystery first and foremost. There is no explanation. Ultimately, there is no reason, as sure as there is no thing. Quote Ultimately, there is no reason, as sure as there is no thing. In terms of its function as the (creative's sameness within differentiation) nexus of attach-ability, you might conceive of ego as being naturally aspected of creative being in terms of its adherence to karmic law, law of the creative's realm… by virtue of the unitary aspect Creation itself, wholly becoming, as the conditional singularity it might be considered to be. Neither good not bad, it can be intentionally turned around and used as a tool (that's what it really is, after all). But I asked earlier, "who puts ego to use?" The true human with no status, is the taoist term. It is one's inherent enlightening potential that lies dormant mostly, yet, from time to time, arises of its own accord. Who doesn't know that much? The endless task of self-refinement is the process of "turning around the light" of creation (ego), that gradually results in the efficacious restoration and permanent stability of nonpsychological awareness as the true human with no status evidencing one's awakened enlightening potential realized as a partner of creation, never again to be bound by its former karmic affinity, now actualized as affinity with the primal aspect, as opposed to the conditional. "Turning around the light" is the teaching of reversal; the reversion of the conditioned and the restoration of the primal. Ego isn't what, it's rather that which is bound in creation and liberated in potential, that is, the Unborn, or the un-created. That's not so woo-woo. Why? Awareness isn't created. So ultimately, accessing potential is a matter of seeing. That's the essence of awareness. But there's a catch which I touched on above. That is to say, it's you; you're not it. When you see it, to the degree you see, it becomes you, as it were, all along, perpetually aglow. The aspect of ego being elemental in terms of its potential for self-transcendece is itself the "gateless gate", which anyone familiar with mind only teachings of buddhism has heard of. Ultimately, who knows?
  15. Hey everyone, I felt like writing this post on Happiness, and by happiness I mean the happiness inherent in our true nature, the peace and happiness that are the 'side effects' of Self-Realization and realizing the truth of our own being and reality. Happiness. Would life be worth living without happiness? The word is thrown around a lot these days, often marketers promise us happiness in a capsule or in the next product they are selling, but in reality, happiness can never be found outside of ourselves, or even inside of ourselves, happiness IS what we are. I will be honest, suffering and a low level of background depression is what lead me to finding spirituality, and in particular Eckhart Tolle and starting on the spiritual path, so maybe I am slightly biased towards happiness. I believed getting A*s and going to University then getting some high paying job in the city would make me happy, and that happiness was also just in the next achievement or thing, and was always so close. How wrong I was. The realization that you are literally The Self, you are The Absolute, you are all that exists, ever have existed and ever will 'exist' brings a peace and happiness that never leaves, as you have finally found who you truly are. It brings an end to the endless seeking, and allows for the final rest and joy in being. It brings the innate Infinite Love of EVERYTHING as you know everything is YOU, this screen you are looking at is literally God, these words are literally God. But, simultaneously even that is saying too much, for all there is, is THIS. THIS IS IT. Every single moment is simply the spontaneous joy of being alive, and is accepted with open arms, no matter what arises. Even when so called 'bad' things happen, the Peace and happiness of your true nature remain, for it is dependent on nothing and is literally what you are. It is unshakeable, unbreakable and is your birthright. You quite literally are The Absolute, the little I doesn't exist and never did, the illusion of a separate self has been seen through completely, separation is seen as the illusion it truly is. Paradoxically though, you are more YOU than ever before, your personality is expressed wholeheartedly and you are completely free to truly be who you are. The Absolute sucks you in and spits you out as this beautiful expression of itself, it wants YOU to experience what you are experiencing right now. It wants you to be YOU, to embrace your humanity, to love deeply, to express this understanding, to have fun, to enjoy life! It is impossible to put into words, and I cannot say it any better, unfortunately, which is why silence is always the highest teaching, for this understanding can only be known in the silence, in the gap, in THIS, the answer is never another concept or belief, but is simply found HERE, NOW in THIS. Non-Duality, Duality, Spirituality, Enlightenment, Awakening (etc) are all just concepts that help you realize THIS, like all concepts they have their relative uses, but they must be dropped, and let go of so you can jump in the fire fully naked, and experience THIS as it truly is. So you can experience Sahaja. There is no enlightened person, there is simply the realization of the truth of your own being. Awareness becoming aware of itself. It's not Charlie who has awakened, there is no Charlie to awaken, it is simply Consciousness becoming Conscious of itself. Then what is left? If you are completely happy, fulfilled and at peace, what is left after the spiritual search, after you find what you was after, after the seeking is over. After you no longer spend hours upon hours reading and listening to teachers, and trying to understand this concept, and inquiring about this or that. There is simply the expression of this Peace, Happiness, Love and Understanding in ALL areas of life, you simply live life from this understanding, from love. No longer are you looking for a relationship or a business or a hobby to make you happy, everything you do/ partake in is simply then an expression of this happiness, of this love and of this understanding. You are absolutely free to do whatever you want to, to live life on your terms. Want to go and 'help' people awaken? Go for it! Want to go and meditate in a cave forever? Go for it! Want to go and feed the poor? Go for it! Want to go and work in your local coffee shop? Go for it! Want to become a professional athlete/ musician/ artist? Go for It! Want to go and build your business? Go for it! Want to raise a family and get married? Go for it! And on and on and on. I think you get the point! You have absolute freedom to whatever you wish, to whatever your heart desires. Except one thing changes. The desire will no longer be about what 'you' want, but the desire will come from and be about Love and expressing love, happiness and peace in whatever you do. This is sometimes known as Impersonal Desire, which I think is a helpful concept Everything comes from, is made of and literally is Love, living in alignment with that is the most beautiful gift of all. Every day we are blessed to have the chance to deepen and integrate this understanding even further in life, to be of service to so called 'others' (you) and to express this beautiful understanding however we see fit. As Ramana Maharshi said- 'Your Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.' And, Happiness is inherent In that Self-Realization. And, who doesn't want to be happy? It's what we all want. And, I can say one thing. It's worth it. It's worth the hours seeking, the sleepless nights overthinking and contemplating, the frustration, the existential terror, the fear& anxiety you have to overcome, the dark night of a soul. It's 100000000000000000000000000% worth it, and even that isn't saying enough how worth it is. It's here, it's now, it's THIS. You are THIS. Stop looking elsewhere, it has always been right there, when you realize it, you'll kick yourself at how obvious it all was. Have a good day everyone. Go and express some love, peace and happiness. Go and tell your loved ones you love them, go and give your body the nutrition and exercise (love) it deserves, go and do the things in life you love. Go enjoy life.
  16. @VeganAwake I know, conceptual understanding means fuck all, and all concepts should be dropped, even RASA, even LOC, and especially enlightenment, spirituality, Non-Duality and liberation. These are all concepts. Of course concepts and books have their uses, but eventually all must be dropped, as all that is, is THIS. Even that is saying too much, hence why I always say Silence is the “highest” teaching, as this can only be understood in silence. I am speaking solely from direct experience. The funny thing is, RASA/ working with A&R is literally about unlearning and going through blockages, not building up information, and letting go of concepts and beliefs is a big part of that. You can’t “think” you’re awakened, you either are awakened and live that truth, or you are seeking. What good would thinking do? Plus, as you must know, there’s no Me to be awakened ? Concepts mean fuck all, and if I haven’t said that enough, then that’s a miscommunication on my end. I have no interest in taking sides or getting people on “my side” I was merely commenting that his Gifs perfectly reflected how I also felt. Oh and since you mentioned the LOC model, the stuff you constantly preach- Nobody there, nothing matters, No-Self etc, is very common of the LOC 600s. Im looking forward to your love awakening, that’s when the real fun starts?
  17. Again bud speak for yourself... It's wonderful that you have all this spiritual knowledge memorized. Intellectually understanding Awakening and all the other spiritual Concepts you preach does not mean you are awakened or have had an Awakening experience.( you probably had a non-dual glimpse and that's great) You can't go do RASA Sessions and have somebody tell you you've reached loc 1000 and that you need to integrate all your knowledge now to be completed.... that's not what awakening is ...that's some Fairy Tail within the dream of the self that can somehow attain Again this work requires in the emptying of the glass you can't come with your glass full and learn anything... You are falling into the worst trap of all ...thinking you are already awakened. This is absolutely the worst roadblock on the path to liberation. But as I said I can help you guys so that's the good news.
  18. Then the material simply isn't for you ...I'm not looking for your opinion bud and you shouldn't speak for others that's very rude don't they teach you that in the UK. ? Like I told you before it's not just intellectually understanding's an experience that occurs. You can't go around thinking you're awakened because you intellectually understand the knowledge or have memorized it... Otherwise Awakening would be easy everybody would just be studying to become enlightened.
  19. @LfcCharlie4 As I said, if you look long and hard enough you can find coincidences everywhere. Bill Gates is a well-read man with good foreshight. Not just him, but many experts saw this pandemic coming. I don't really see how his awakening is relevant. Awakened people fluctuate in consciousness all the time. That said, he would not be the first awakened person to be "lured in" by lower astral realities, that's for sure.
  20. @Commodent I will leave it here and say I respect your views and beliefs, and wish you nothing but love and happiness RE Coincidences: How many until it’s a mathematical impossibility? Anyways, like I said, we are all free to form our own judgements. And, as I mentioned Icke is certainly at least partially awakened and that’s his main message- raising our consciousness! Beyond that, of course he then divides opinions!
  21. It's OK, I support you. And know how hard it is. Just free fall with me. P.s a former mortal now awakened to The Creator. The price, everything.
  22. Leo Gura says he is the most concious being on this planet. I am sad to say that, that is no longer true. Time to give up that title Leo. You cant parade around pretending that your better than everyone anymore. I have ascended the material plane of existence entirely and have merged with the truth completely. I exist in my own domain in the void, a task that no other human has accomplished. Leo Gura speaks of being awakened but he is actually not awakened at all. I have seen it for myself. I have consulted with the other cosmic beings and qw have concluded that Leo is completely deluded and egotistical and all his notions of awakening are completely false. The council has decided to send me to deliver this message as a warning. The reason you dont uderstand this message Leo and the reason you will ban me is because you and your followers are not fully awake. You will never in a million years be as concious as I am. Sorry Leo.
  23. yes it's a tough topic because everybody's experience is different... Remember there's still a conditioned body that could have been abused or had serious trauma occur... There's no rules... what Rings true with Awakening is dropping the resistance.. Even when Osho was getting arrested in Colorado he hid behind the airplane seat... Then someone talked to him into deboarding the plane and he came out with hands clasped and blessing everybody as usual. Once Awakening occurs its fair game... Ego can still show up... In the East they used to call this the "Divine game of Lila" dabbling back and forth in Duality having fun... this although can be a little immature and it doesn't seem like deeply awakened do much of it.
  24. @SageModeAustin Lmaooo What are your goals in life? Consider these areas of life Spirituality/Psychology ---- Health/Body ---- Purpose/Passion ---- Finances/Assets --- Social/Relationships ---- Sex/Romance ---- TIme/Organization ---- Lifestyle/Activities/Miscellaneous Are you financially free? Is your social life perfect? Are you getting as much sex as you want? Are all your needs in Maslow's Hierarchy of needs sated? Are you stage turquoise in spiral dynamics? Do you understand life? Do you understand your emotions? Are you spiritually awakened? Basically is your life perfect/optimal? Also being productive (whether it's enjoyable or suffering) all day doesn't seem optimal or sustainable so you seem right about that. How many hours a day are you allocating to play/relaxation?
  25. Whatever happened to honesty... Nobody here is impressed by how awakened some user on this forum is. Stop with these silly games. Nobody in this thread is fully awake, so stop pretending.