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  1. I wouldn't be so firm about that, Leo though. There aren't many cases in history of that to say. Jesus himself, one of the most awakened in history when confronted with death got fearful for little bit for a few seconds kinda becoming an atheist as Chesterton would say.
  2. Just to be clear - Awakening isn't a paradigm. It is Absolute Truth not a belief or worldview. So if you haven't awakened then yes it is still a paradigm and none of this should be taken on faith. Thats why the title if the post says materialists need to contemplate
  3. @Arzack I'm not saying there isn't any validity to your point, but the way you're phrasing it sounds like you're looking for things to suit your own narrative, I would definitely say Past Lives play a role because it is an act of grace to even become interested in this work, but I wouldn't say you 'need' mystical experiences to awaken without Psyches, I didn't have any, and awakened without psyches, unless you count raving on MDMA at 17 as a psyche? Maybe I'm an old soul. But, it wasn't spontaneous it occurred due to transmissions & working 1-1 with a teacher. And, I definitely didn't have any mystical experiences when I was younger, I would like to look into past lives though, I think that could be fun. Here's some teacher's stories who awakened without Psyches that didn't have mystical experiences. I do agree though, a lot of teachers have some form of spontaneous event or awakening, I just don't think it's fair to say 'all', but like I said I think it is a huge act of grace to even be involved in this work, 99.9% of people couldn't give 2 fucks about awakening, could they? Just like I'm biased towards Transmissions and working 1-1 with teachers, I feel maybe you are slightly biased towards psyches because they helped you so much? Anyways, good luck on your path and keep us updated on the trips!
  4. Here's an anomaly episode where Rick took a break from the usual suspects and interviewed some psychadelic experts :D. Regarding the fact that so many "awakened ones" on Rick's show say they had mystical experiences in childhood, Rick has now made this a running theory about awakening that he brings up in almost every interview, which bolsters his reincarnation/soul evolution narrative. I'm not convinced that is the case at all and could become another "belief" rather than being truly awake to what is. This could definitely be a hindrance to true awakening (as opposed to intellectual awakening).
  5. I'd like to share my insights as well. I encounter Victor Oddo back then as the same time I was watching Ryan Cropper (does anyone knows him? his niche on youtube is about astral projection, but I get a good vibes with the guy. I'm still subscribed to his channel still but not nowadays after seeing Leo's a few years ago). I believe 3 of them, Leo, Viktor and Ryan met in Rythmia and has collaborations a couple of years ago. Viktor's content back then is more on sharing stuffs about his awakenings and life experiences and I kinda outgrew his channel in the long run and don't watched him anymore, I agree that someone mention his energy updates, I used to watch them. Then few months after, Doughty became Viktor's friend. Tried watching his content, but I got turned off by his click baity video thumbnail as well as the basic LoA stuffs that I kept hearing over the few years. Both of their audience is basically newly awakened ones so I started to drift off from them. Then, I joined to another spiritual teacher on youtube back (Transformational Coaching). Enrolled on his 'supposedly free' group mentorship program. There were free stuffs I got like having a x3 Session on Zoom, I jot down questions to ask him on every schedule. From what I recall the answers that I got were vague and felt incomplete, that's why I joined the group mentorship program. Cut long story short, I kinda bailed out on the group mentorship because I sense that there's a hidden scheme that we need to pay afterwards and it happened! I dont recall how much it was, but I think its around $100. His reasoning since he can't do 1 x 1 now due to his increasing clients, hence group mentorship. He got mad at me and trying to persuade me to continue the course, I explained that I have upcoming travels and I need to focus on that. I added him on facebook before the mentorship and all, I thought I can just become his friends, but I guess I have a different expectations since he treat his channel and his work as pure business. I learned alot from this experience that's why I did alot of traveling and soul searching during these years. Like I cannot just push myself and find people who are like me, some people on youtube are just purely for business. I understand that, but still.. Then, I discovered Aaron Abke during the time when I have enough of spiritual teachers on youtube because of an experience above. I check some of his stuff before and think it was great, but the timing was off and I think I also followed him on his facebook, but eventually removed myself. Then I am here, Leo kinda shifted the gear for me with newer perspective esp with Spiral Dynamics.
  6. @How to be wise This is completely normal to go through after an awakening, especially if it’s a sudden one or unexpected, remember Eckhart Tolle literally sat on a bench for 2 years lol post his awakening, and Ramana didn’t even speak for years. But, it’s not always like that Rupert Spira for example carried on with life, as he was a seasoned seeker, and it wasn’t so unexpected. In relation to your core question - why do anything - literally because you want to, for the fun of it and to express this understanding of love, happiness and truth in the “world” (yes the world is merely consciousness, but let’s not be semantic, words are limited) Now you have found the source of happiness, you are no longer searching for it in the world, as most of us are used to doing, one way or another. This can then create the dilemma, well I’m happy now so what’s the point ever doing anything. Id say most seekers have that thought at one point or another, and if you truly don’t ever want to do anything again, don’t, you don’t have to at all. However, don’t then think that’s because you’re so awake that you now can’t take action, it’s the opposite in fact. When you truly realise you are the absolute you have the absolute freedom to whatever you want, coming from a place of love, and life simply becomes on big celebration moment to moment. If you haven’t awakened to infinite love, then you aren’t finished, simple as that, and then when you have awakened to infinite love, it will become your driver for everything, the love of life, for “others”, for X/Y/Z etc will then drive your life. So, In terms of a purpose you can start with what you truly love to do, and then to from there!
  7. Ambition is a quality of your underlying personality structure. Most people simply aren't very ambitious. If you are ambitious you would never be satisfied with an extremely minimalistic life. Ambition is not merely some ego trip. It goes deeper than that. Awakened people have different levels of ambition.
  8. I'm a music major, a huge fan of the progressive rock genre and King Crimson especially. Here are a few songs that I find particularly moving. Absolutely otherworldly musicianship. If you are wondering what stage yellow/turquoise music might sound like, give "The ConstruKction of Light" a go. If you want some more context and really understand what is going on, there is a great analysis available: If you're into self-actualization, some of the concepts should seem familiar to you. Here's a quote from the paper to illustrate what I mean: "The instrumental pieces stand as landmarks leading us from one psychological state into another, until they are reached where, then, an objectivity prevails. In this sense, the instrumental pieces objectify something which lies beyond purely human psychological states leading us as listeners, in Gurdjeffian terminology, to a different or 'awakened' mode of being. In Jungian terms, this might be termed as 'the call to individuation', or the realisation that the 'collective unconscious' underpins the world of the everyday. The original instrumental pieces 'Fracture' and 'Larks' II' were placed at the end of their respective works and served as climactic points in the structure. In TCOL the pieces 'FraKctured' and 'Larks IV' are positioned differently functioning, as we have seen, as important structural landmarks both musically, and for the purpose of 'objectifying' the pieces which come before and after them. As listeners we feel a sense of 'grace' shining through the spaces created by the instrumental pieces, which is difficult to to codify or verbalise." And another: "Gurdjieff makes the point in Ouspensky's 'In Search of the Miraculous' (Arkana, 1987), that Fourth Way schools differ from other schools in terms of being an impermanent way, and that they appear and disappear as if governed by laws which are not their own. Gurdjieff also says that the 'fourth way' has a work of a definite significance and when the work is complete the 'fourth way' disappears from the given place, in its given form, to reappear in another place and in another form. I suggest that King Crimson are such an undertaking, and part of the work of the Fourth Way. This might suggest that the music created is, somehow, conceived yet not conceived just by King Crimson and, in particular, Robert Fripp. The music shows itself to be multi-dimensional, highly unified and organised in many different ways and, as already stated, an example of 'objective art'."
  9. What is life/reality? It's a dream within God's mind, imagined by God, seen by God, created by God, created out of God. God = Consciousness = You = I = Love = Absolute Infinity Now, why does God dream/incarnate as a dog/cat/Human? Because it's fun to forget yourself. And you will always get back to your real being - God - when you die. The more twisted and lost you get in the role/dream, the more fun it is to get back to yourself at least. It's like when you read a good book or watch a good movie: some times during the reading/watching you can become so extremely identified with the persons in the film/book that you forget you're watching/reading a book/movie. When the person gets a sword through his stomach in the movie you may for a blink of a second feel that you also get that sword through your stomach. When the movie ends you are excited and relived: Oh it was just a film, oh god, haha, what a film! What is the point of life? To live. So simple. The point is not to wake up/realize your God doing your dreaming. It is a possibility that this can happen for some human beings. And it can be lots of fun to realize you're God within the dream itself. But it's not "better" than living a whole life, not realizing it. It's just a different type of experience. Sure, when you realize you're God within the dream it gives you knowledge, wisdom and power to influence the dream more (exercise more free will within the dream beyond the will behind the creation of the dream itself). I have always found Leos idea of "hey, I may close everything down and go live in a cabin in the woods for the rest of my life" silly and unmature. Why the hell do that? Sure, I can see the point in going on some long retreats to deepen ones God-realization. It can always be deepened, because God is Infinite Consiousness, and the human life is limited. So it's a never ending development. But do it for the rest of your life? Why? In God's name, why? The point of life is TO LIVE. And sure, it can be nice to live while knowing you're God. But when you know you're God, then for God's sake, go live. Teach, help other people, get lost (consciously) in loving relationships, do something for Earth/society, make an impact, have fun! That's also why I have always found Alan Watts to be one of the most awakened dudes on this planet. This guy knew what's up. And he lived life. Also look at Jesus and Buddha. When they become God-realized, they didn't leave society behind. They came back and wanted to help and change the world for the better. Anyway. So when you within the dream remember that you're God and not the form of the dream, sure, it is obviously God himself remembering he is not form, but God. But he does that "remembering" >>>through a form<<<. And I will just say that I do believe that this remembering through form is only possible through the human form (at least on Earth). Why? Because humans on Earth seem to be the only form/species where God --within that form-- have completely forgotten that he is God. Look at a cat. God -- through the cat -- has obviously not forgotten he is God. Thus he can't wake up to realize he is God, cos the God -- through the cat -- is already "aware" of the fact that the cat is God. You see? But because God -- through the cat -- is already aware of its Godhood, God is simultaneously not aware of it. It's like a man being born blind never seeing light his whole life. Does the man <know> what darkness is? Obviously not! Precisely because darkness is all he has ever seen, he does not know <what it is>, cos he has no opposite of it to contrast it with (light/colour). God -- through a human being -- sees the light all the time (light = ego/existence/separation/form). Thus God -- through the human -- forgets that its true nature is "darkness" (= God). But God can -- if he wants to, through the human form -- close his eyes and look inward and find the darkness, he once forgot. And thus -- if God does that through the human form -- God can see that darkness is light, light is darkness. I.e.: ego/form is God, God is ego/form: he is God, God is him. In other words, because God -- only through the human form -- is able to "know" the opposite of God -- ego/separation/form -- he is thus also able to, rarely, know himself: God. "Father Ocean, hear my song You're the wave I was made from Take me back to where we once began And tell, my love, how I went wrong Years I've tried to be someone Could it be your darkness holds the key? When we close our eyes we may begin to see... Father Ocean, hear my song You're the place where I belong Now take me back to where we once began Ocean Father, I was wrong Years I've followed just the sun But now I see your darkness holds the key And then I close my eyes and I begin to see When we were alone." <<<<<< He wants to go back to the beginning. To emptiness. Before time. Before form, before life. To the universal consciousness that exists behind all appearances. Behind all masks. (‘persona’ in Latin = ‘mask’). You could call it death. But death implies life. Life implies death. You cannot have “up” without “down” and vice versa. In order to really live life, you have to also know death. 'Life' is dualistic, inherently. But 'being' is non-dualistic, inherently. Much of his life he has chased the “goodness” of life. The next achievement. The next dopamine kick. The next “golden nugget”. Now, he has become tired of this process, this constant hunt. He wants to regain what he once lost. The knowledge of who he really is. "But now I see your darkness holds the key And then I close my eyes and I begin to see When we were alone." ----- He realizes that in order to understand who – or what – he really is, he has to cast himself into the darkness. Turn inward, look inside. “He closes his eyes” = he finally goes inside himself. There he sees ‘real being’. He sees that before himself as a person, there was (and is) just pure universal consciousness. God. Infinity. Nothingness. Love. He realizes he truly is everything. There is only ‘oneness’. And that can feel a lot like being completely alone. But it can also evoke deep feelings of love, this deep realization of the interconnectedness of all things. You see that you are the other person and that the other person is you. >>>>>>
  10. I’d say this is best expressed through “I AM”. We could consider a series of stages. At first the mind is immersed into the personal identification of “I am”. . . “I am a 40 yr. old plumber who lives in California. I have three kids. I like eating pizza with Budweiser beer”. That kinda thing. The next stage is catching a glimpse of self-dissolution. For example brief moments such as: being in awe of a majestic sky, playing the trumpet, playing soccer, unified in bliss - in which the self and time briefly dissolve. There is only this majestic sky, the trumpet seems to be playing itself etc. Humans love this state and many spend considerable time and energy trying to reach these states. Yet they are just glimpses that don’t stick. They are contextualized into an experience. For example “Wow!! I totally got into the zone playing the trumpet just now. That was amazing. I want more of that”. This is still full-on identification to the self - it was an experience I had. The next “stage“ can be much more troublesome for the self construct. Rather than a simple dissolution of the self, there is realization of a higher “I AMness”. For example, there is awareness that I AM the soccer ball, goalie, crowd and grass. In the beginning, this is just a brief glimpse and there can be a range of impact. It can feel liberating and wonderful or it can feel scary and threatening. . . . If a mind sticks with it, awareness of a distinction can arise. . . There “me” yet also this “beyond me”. . . At an immature stage, this can be interpreted and experienced in all sorts of ways. For some minds, it may seem like a psychosis - like multiple selfs. For other minds, it may seem like an “observer” of “my self”. For other minds, a no-self state may serve as an escape from self identity. It can be very peaceful and blissful or there can be anxiety and resistance. One of the mind’s tendencies is to claim ownership. At early stages, it’s super common to hear things like “I need to work on my ego”. “My ego has been causing me problems, how can I tame it?” Here, a self construct has simply fragmented into “my good self and my bad ego”. . . A bit more advanced would be: “I’ve awakened and I am the observer of the self”. Yet this is still early on as there is ownership of being the “observer” or some “transcendent” awareness. Ime, this is where it gets tricky and subtle. One thing that can provide clarity of distinction is “I AM”. There is “I AM” and there is whatever comes after “I AM”. This is a super easy way to see self identification, yet it is unpalatable to the self as it threatens the existence of the self. If we can’t add anything to “I AM”, then there is no self construct. Yet this can get quite subtle such as “I am the observer”, “I am awakening”. It gets subtle and tricky because the mind often leaves off the “I am” part, it is an underlying assumption. . . A mature distinction between Self and self arises with repetitive and ongoing detachment and dis-identification - yet this is much easier thought than done. Ime and my observations, it takes a lot of practice. There can be major realizations, yet old patterns generally re-emerged. As well, there is a sense that “this is it”. It takes willingness, curiosity and (right) effort to go deeper and become aware of more subtle forms. At a more mature embodied stage, there is clearer awareness of “I AM” vs “I AM xyz”. For me, a couple easy ways to see where I’m at is to notice how attached I am to “me-ness”, how easily can I let go? For example, if Leo replied that this essay is a self-centered distraction and told me to get back to work, would there be an “I” that reacts? How would this “I” react? It may think “I’m not good enough” or “Leo doesn’t know what he’s talking about”. . . How would this feel? The body may feel defensive or embarrassed. What if Leo responded that this essay was pure enlightenment flowing from the Divine. . .would there be and “I” that reacts? It may think “Wow, I’ve made a lot of progress!!”. This may produce a good feeling of self-worth or pride. . . Yet the I AM is prior/transcendent to this. With practice, the distinction gets clearer and clearer. It becomes more obvious to the I AM (Self), when the i am (self) starts adding personal stuff in. Here, the mind may think “The essay that appeared is distractive hogwash from one perspective, yet also brilliant from another perspective.” There is no ownership or personal attachment/identification. Yet thinking this is a surface level. For me, feelings are a deeper indicator. For example, if someone replies that this essay is distractive hogwash, I can easily think “Yes, from one perspective it is”. Yet this is simply putting spiritual lipstick on the personalized idea of “That’s just your opinion”. A deeper indicator is the feeling response. If someone says this is distractive hogwash, does a feeling of defensiveness or unworthiness arise in my body? This would be indicative of personalization/identification/attachment. A more transcendent essence might be a curiosity of another view. Or perhaps laughter arises since the “other person” criticicizing me is actually me! We are both one and I am criticizing myself - which can feel quite comical. For me, these constructs helped provide a sense of grounding as I progressed. Yet as we go to deeper levels, both the constructs and progression are imaginations. Since the mind is no longer immersed into self, the mind is fluid and can now observe inter-relationships between Self and self as well as Self = self.
  11. But if a child dies, he will ever know anything? Why do we have to rationally understand God? I think that both the child and the awakened one experience God through the simple act of living.
  12. Well, assume that Nonduality is True, and that you (God) is all there is. Everything that happens within consciousness (You) is all your imagination. That means 'enlightened teachers' and how they are or are not enlightened is also all imagination. Only one that can become Awakened is you.
  13. This is something for you to observe. Introspect your desires. What is the source of the desire? In which direction is the desire pulling you? Is it pulling you toward contraction or greater expansion? Concepts can have value as structural support as well as practical value in life. Yet, they are very limited. Imagine we are in a hostel in Tasmania. It is our first day, we are having breakfast and you are intellectualizing about the essence of Tasmania. You haven’t even seen Tasmania and are telling Tasmanians what it’s like to live in Tasmania! Everyone leaves for the day to actually explore Tasmania, you stay in the hostel thinking about what Tasmania is. Some people explore the forests, others walk around villages, others engage in ceremonies with local Shamans. They all return to the hostel that night to share there realizations and actual experience of the essence of Tasmania. They connect with locals and say “Yes! Yes! That ps what it was like. Yet, it’s so hard to put in words”. . . Yet, you then start demanding “evidence” for these claims and start correcting everyone about how wrong they are. . . . Don’t you see the problem here? You will not gain broad, deep understanding of Tasmania by sitting in the hostel the whole time intellectualizing and maintaining pre-conceived ideas. You would actually need to set down the pre-conceived ideas, step outside the hostel, explore, learn and discover. Rather than arguing from a position, a much better approach would be to actually ask locals “where is the best places to explore the essence of Tasmania?”. After they answer, we don’t say “That’s not evidence. That’s not Tasmania“. Rather, we ask for directions, prepare our backpack with supplies, leave the hostel and actually venture out. You have shown a similar orientation here. On this forum, there are experienced “Tasmanians” that have experience and realizations of which you haven’t awakened to. Rather than dismiss it or argue against it, get curious and explore. For example, there are people here that have done psychedelics 100+ times (including myself). There are people here that have spent thousands of hours integrating such insights and have a high level of fluency and expertise. Yet rather than getting curious about this, you dismiss it as “hallucinations”, without ever experiencing it yourself. You demand evidence, yet you have no idea what counts as evidence because you’ve never tripped!
  14. It doesn't all exist Now in the present moment in people's average level of consciousness. Especially if you're like me, still woefully un-awakened. What you're saying sounds like Neo Advaitan "You're already fully awake" talk. Not trying to be mean, just pointing it out.
  15. When green awakened a lot more women enter the work force resulting in children coming home to an empty house while both parents worked.
  16. God is a completely innocent child experience director, or you can say movie or life creative director THAT...get’s so high on imaginary weed it forgets it’s own movie in the first place!!! Lol. It is “Nothing” that had a genius idea! Nothing that can make itself trip so hard...and that’s literally all it is haha...To create a subject and an object! It tripped so fucking hard that this nothing created the subject and object!!! It is merely boringly good empty light that invented infinity. Nowhere to go, no trash bin, nowhere. You are the most exciting thing that nowhere and nothing can do really...Demigods are human jesus types maybe...Not always hippies but definitely can be. Pain is just the games bug/feature, so is grief. Nothing was ever real. Today is May 9th 2020, my name is Max, I’m from Staten Island, NY, thanks to watching so many of Leo’s teachings very carefully...I believe I’ve reached Christ’s consciousness or even Enlightenment itself in this particular dream at my age of 26. Thank you all. Love you all... my number and email... Don’t be afraid to reach out!!! *(Email and phone number deleted by moderator) “PS If Leo dies young he will be remembered by humanity as the devil...Because humanity will use the God for you find God, you die like that nutcase kid Leo Gura!!! So Leo, live a very long healthy life!!!! Don’t surrender fully yet!!!!!!!!! WARNING FOR LEO FROM LEO2.0” - GOD “i’m always watching your ego Leo even if you think you dissolved almost all of are mistaking it awakened one, God’s love is the best love but it’s not a calling it’s just yet one MORE trap to suck you in because you would rather NOT suffer, you still suffer my young child, to die to just like heroin because you never got enough love from your father maybe..., please do more shadow work in shamanic breath work to heal your daddy issues because I have them toooo, and it is okay, love you true brother I never had, I understand what you want, it is just pure love as always, it can be done here tooo is some 16548154598646548465684646848966 PURE LOVE DATA FOR YOU LEO”—- DIRECTLY FROM GOD TO LEO.O...............Stay safe, PEACE OUT!!!
  17. @Meta-Man I learned most of what I know from my teacher Ananda Devi, she has a series on YT, although they are far from tech savvy lol, so it’s not exactly 4K quality. I’m still pretty clueless, only really know about my own type (7) in great detail and how it relates to awakening. Here’s the first link to her series of short videos - She had an incredibly life transforming awakening, from Rich Jewish traditional family, to awakened relationship with Ramaji and becoming a teacher lol. And this is one of the books her and ramaji recommend - Theres lots around, although many are from a chrisrian perspective of course.
  18. Well can you speak for yourself please Do you consider yourself fully awakened yet? If so how is your daily functioning in life? aren't Awakened people still obey the dualistic rules of the world? Am I missing something?
  19. @Meta-Man That is so heartbreaking to hear man, but also beautiful at the same time, and I completely understand. You sound like (one of) the more extreme cases where awakening not only shakes your inner being to the core, but radically changes your life, and in your case it sounds very radical. Do you struggle relating to unawakened beings? I guess everyone is different, but I don’t struggle at all relating to my friends who have next to 0 interest in truth, and when I was with my Ex while spirituality caused issues at first (I thought I had to become a monk lol) eventually it helped me only blossom the relationship. I must admit, I did get a little “jealous” seeing couples like Rupert& His wife, Ramaji& Ananda etc who both had a deep love for truth and were both awakened, but it wasn’t the main reason behind us splitting, unless it was for God. I also like how you empathise there is no requirements on this path, it is simply what happens, for some they blossom sexually, for others, celibacy happens naturally like for Ramana as you said. Either way it’s beautiful, and the absolute freedom (from love) for either is the true beauty.
  20. @The Awakened Viking Who would have thought! @Kshantivadin Thank you! and it's awesome that you had glimses. Crazy that it's actually possible to experience this. Still getting goosbumps thinking about those moments
  21. @LfcCharlie4 I can appreciate what you have mentioned. However, you have oversimplified my argument and made many assumptions as a result. Icke, is assumed awakened, I don’t at all believe he is, nor do many others in this work. As I stated earlier, this we will likely continue be divided on. You also assume his theory is the most fitting, judging by your narrative here. This is not only an assumption but very a limited perspectival approach in understanding a very multi-dimensional nuanced issue. Many theories have been erected along with Icke, many of which are incongruent to his. What privileges him authority on the matter? Nothing but the bias of collective groups in allegiance to him. Also you assume that he has sufficiently provided explanation for the current political climate. I do not agree. He has not accounted for many surrounding factors: eg. individuated citizen behaviour, geographical climate, psychological predispositions, contextual variations of resources, unconscious politics, uncontrolled historical governmental frameworks, gradualism and naturalism; all of which further enmesh and influence government practice. His arguments all nest around a single statement “the government is a mind controlling cult”. This is not comprehensive argument for such an issue. You also assume I haven’t studied him. I am not basing my views of his present fanatics off one video. I’m basing it on interlinking information that supports his argument. Thus, I still do not agree with his overall contention, it’s overly simplistic thinking. Also he has not substantiated many of his claims. Rewatch his pandemic videos and this is evident. 1. Isolation of the “COVID-19” bacterium, he claimed this had not been done, research papers prove otherwise. 2. Testimonial stories about wired government officials. 3. No specific information on the constituents of this “cult”, apart from ambiguous suggestions. And many other unsubstantiated claims. Please do further research into his credibility in this area, rather than judging it based on a history of conspiracy theory work.
  22. @Jacobsrw Makes sense! Maybe you are at a stage where believing in an awakened ego could be damaging. I'm not claiming to be more awakened than you, but we have our unique awakening journeys. If you are at a stage where it isn't healthy for you to believe in an awakened ego, if you start believing in it, you could turn into a Zen devil! When I say awakened ego, I don't mean Zen-devilry. In fact, I just realized that maybe you don't fully trust people who claim to be conscious intuitives who say stuff that conspiracy theorists say because of the risk of blindly believing a Zen-devil. If you are prone to that, it'd be best to stick to your definition of enlightenment and do practices accordingly.
  23. Oh yeah it isn't a statement of Absolute Truth. I thought we were assuming that no statement can be absolutely right or wrong...? I'll clear that up then : No statement can be absolutely right or wrong because true/false or right/wrong is relative. They aren't claiming that their statements are absolutely true. They are taking their stand as individuals on this. Now I value their perspective because it is a conscious perspective. I don't think that intuition can be deluded. I feel that intuition is the universal mechanism that helps you get out of delusion. Human beings don't have just one ego. We have multiple egos, in fact all egos out there are a part of ourselves. The universe is a fractal, so every perspective can access every other perspective, thanks to intuition/omniscience. It is a very strange-loopy thing where all perspectives are a part of my perspective. Now if one of those egos dies, i.e. goes through an enlightenment experience, the conscious mind still sees that and awakens some more. Edit: You can identify with the universal perspective of Oneness. That would still be your ego, even though it includes everything! Truth would transcend even this ego. However, it can be useful to identify with Oneness because it is better than identifying with a separated ego-self and it causes less suffering. They are not fully enlightened, i.e. not all of their egos are dead. Enlightenment is not a point, it is a journey of awakening. The ego going through this journey of awakening is the aware ego or the awakened ego. If they do become fully enlightened, they will merge with the formless and they will cease to have a form. This would require them to shed their human body. So awakening is a way of life for them. Their practice is to integrate non-duality with the dualistic world, thereby awakening deeper and deeper in mundane everyday life. Edit: Have you seen Leo's video on the 10 Ox-herding pictures of Stages of enlightenment? What I'm talking about is the 4th or 5th stage, i.e. Catching the Ox/Taming the Ox. This is where, you get good at accessing pure awareness through meditation/yoga/psychedelics, and then you integrate it into yourself. You are then able to bring the light of consciousness into the most unconscious, dark ego spaces and create shifts in your own level of consciousness, and then subsequently in other people's level of consciousness.
  24. @Parththakkar12 I don’t agree that intuition is synonymous with Oneness. Intuition to me is a higher state of being from which the ego operates but not a universal law, that’s my bias however. I feel you may be missing the point. Who dictates who’s intuition is deluded and who’s is not? If both assert their alignment to truth both could be deluded as each other or one could be misinterpreting what the other is not. To me, it’s all bias. Consciousness is the only universal continuum. Nothing wrong with intuition perse, you just can’t establish an absolute statement of Truth from that level of function as it is completely skewed and relative to ones finite human self. What you feel to be intuition may not be what another feels it to be. Your judgment otherwise is your own opinion. I don’t resonate with your formulation. There is no such thing as an “awakened ego”. There is ego and there is consciousness. An ego can operate at higher levels of consciousness but the ego does not awaken, it dissolves into consciousness upon awakening. I feel you have this back to front. A spiritual teacher — if speaking truth — is not speaking from ego but from consciousness. Ego is just a lens through which is used to express consciousness, it is not an awakened form of consciousness. There is no such thing as an awakened form. A form cannot awaken because it is limited. Consciousness is not limited. Please explore this deeper and you may understand my point.
  25. It isn't possible for people informed by their intuition to disagree, because oneness! Reality is one. Now you can have different perspectives looking at the same reality, but they won't conflict. The universe informing everyone's intuition is the same and it is Infinite and One. If there is a perceived conflict, that is because someone is deluded. In my experience, intuition is directly informed by the Truth and according to the Truth. Yes, the lens would be one of consciousness. However, where do you think the information you download is stored? Who takes care of that information? That is the awakened ego. It is the awakened ego who trusts their intuition as a survival strategy. A lot of what humans do is about survival. Now because it is an awakened ego, even though it has survival needs, it won't see survival as everything. Having said that, even it needs survival strategies. The trick here would be to have conscious survival strategies. The awakened ego will be willing to experiment with conscious survival strategies because it understands that death is an illusion, so you aren't really risking anything if your survival strategies don't work. Having said that, it still wants to live and will participate in survival, because that is the only way to have a distinct perspective and raise your consciousness further. This includes the awakened ego. It doesn't claim to know everything. No ego can know everything as it's just too much. However, your intuition is your access to omniscience, so the awakened ego knows how to access universal perspective. This is what spiritual teachers teach in fact. Their ego, which is one of a spiritual teacher, is good at teaching people how to access their intuitions and have an in-alignment life.