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  1. 298. AL-LAD Trip Report - A Powerful Tool For Consciousness Work On AL-LAD: LSD analogue shorter lasting (8-10h), more visual, less mindfucking (less heavy on the mind) than LSD more prolonged, mellow and easier to handle than 5-MeO-DMT (more like a precision tool) insights are clearer than those of psilocybin Psychedelics in self-development & consciousness work: not used for pleasure, recreation or 'having a fun time' (like playing games, watching TV, going clubbing) substances are not used as a crutch (even coffee) but rather as a shamanic tool for growth/expansion understanding reality & consciousness show the potential of what is possible in spiritual practices like meditation not playing around genuine intention to grow consciousness focus on insights deliver them Procedure 1h meditation 20min setting intentions to grow consciousness in areas that one need to develop myself in visualizations affirmations If feeling anxious, get into a good mood ("state") by dancing, joking around... Beginning taking 150mg dancing till onset smooth & mellow come up, no nausea feeling good in body (body high) brain fuzz feels like a head cold heightened body awareness meditative state of being completely present slow, steady thought stream thoughts are not all over the place but rather directed and focused all references about one topic are connected high creativity state simple brilliant ideas insight: creativity is divine rather than human inspirations flow out which are partially lost in translation due to language's symbolic nature almost no visuals connection to the beauty of the world Peak (after 2-3h) synthesis of years of knowledge and understanding into new insights beauty/value of being ineffability of being appreciation of human context (meaning the story of being human with human life living on a rock in space; related to content-structure lens) by "seeing" the larger context of nothingness conscious of groundless nature of reality infinite surfaces/contexts ego death (perhaps also due to prior breakthroughs on other psychedelics) infinite surfaces float in a sea of nothingness disruption of sense of reality: seeing no difference between enlightenment & insanity a glimpse of the infinite: being conscious of infinite depth, perspective surrender & acceptance of insanity (of "reality makes no sense") insanity becomes "functional" and is realized to be sanity whereas conventional sanity is realized to be insanity insanity is incommunicable full trip lasts for 6-8h, sober after 10-12h Lasting effects words & analysis are meaningless & futile in consciousness work because of the inherent nature of being symbols However, words & analysis are foundational for this work. They are to be transcended. practical knowing that there is more practice to do now as years of preparation were theory knowing there's no desire for consensus reality (like in conventional science) shift in core values: thirst for deep consciousness work, less attachment to material success, business success... more serious & passionate about [industrial-grade] meditation practice every practice is an opportunity of changing reality body energy changed before it was chronic fatigue of not being comfortable in body and now it's feeling the body how it's supposed to be felt, like being cured [well, that aged well: the change is not lasting] - psychedelics potentially cure chronic fatigue recognition of how much of the day is spend in "monkey mind" rather than just being "tame" the monkey mind deep sense of peace as obstacles were faced open to letting life unfold without intention to control it Lessons for viewer: psychedelics are a powerful tool (assuming proper usage and care) AL-LAD is a good beginner psychedelic A. is a good for integration of breathrough trips (like a companion psychedelic after previous breakthroughs) as integration of these breakthroughs is smoother with this elevated state of consciousness don't underestimate party drugs (as they are used recreationally for fun & pleasurable times) take time with integration - not more than once a week and take time off to contemplate, reevaluate... intentions are important for tripping set deep desire & intent long before you intent to trip purify yourself prior to tripping via contemplation & spiritual practice Psychedelics reflect your mind in on itself. Like self-fulfilling prophesies the state of mind gets amplified by psychedelics.
  2. I thought once you go nondual you automatically embrace the dual. like seeing your hand, you see it as a hand and as consciousness also. So what do you mean by him not embracing duality. Is he actually experiencing nothingness and nothingness only, like pure nothingness?
  3. @Someone here Is awareness the same as nothingness or are they different? Why can we feel the sleeping dream as a dream but not the waking dream as a dream?
  4. @Harry2 A classical one. See the trick is what is "awareness "? If you define awareness as sight.. sound.. touch.. smell.. Taste etc.. That's definitely will be absent. Just like in deep sleep. But the problem is we identify ourselves with these temporary appearances when we are actually the ever-present emptiness that contains everything inside of it. So you wake up in the morning.. Sight sound touch smell.. A body and a world appear.. They appear inside of what ??? Inside of awareness.. For if there wasn't An awareness that is prior to these appearances.. Where else can they appear "within"??? .. Ok so in deep sleep there isnt even awareness.. That's right.. Deep sleep is the sate of nothingness.. That's your real nature.. That's who you really are.. That's the only thing that doesn't come and go.. Ever-present.. Therefore the most real state of being is the state of nothing.. The most fundamental state of being is the state of nothing .... And" within" this nothing appears awareness.. And within this awareness appears all sorts of dreams... The waking dream and the sleeping dreams. Are just temporary appearances within the ever - present nothingness. Again this is not mere philosophy.. Check your experience and see if what I'm saying is true.
  5. Anytime brother. Thats why said , as not knowing. “Nothingness” ,”emptiness “, “inner zero”, “void”, “pure consciousness “ are the closest word with considering duality. Just all want to say, there is no duality, cosmos, god, life, death, there is just you as before so called birth. Nothing has ever happened or began. And now is before so called birth. As always been. Thats why enlightenment is simply being where you already are. Fantastic. Whatever makes you happy ?? ❤️
  6. @James123 Great videos, thanks for sharing I agree with Papaji. Emptiness cannot be experienced. Papaji is encouraging us to let go of the mind, entirely. Why? Because our true nature cannot be conceptually understood. We don't have any idea what "God" is, so why pretend that we do? Calling it "nothingness" is as dualistic as calling it "everything". Even calling it "God" is delusionary. Understanding is the greatest illusion. The most honest answer is this: "I don't know, I simply am". When I let go of my mind, I don't experience "nothingness". I have no name for it, because trying to name it is itself a delusion. I am happy to call Tat a Mystery, and leave it at that. All I can tell you is that when I let go of my mind, and abide in what remains, I am free from suffering. Therefore, the mind is suffering.
  7. No it is not brother. When you drop or forget everything “you know” including “yourself “, You realize what you really are and always been. Enlightenment is must to get this. Anything you know is an illusion. Nothingness can not be experienced, learned, sense, feel, understand vs. can just be and Only when you “not know” you can ”be”. Understanding is greatest illusion. Buddha Perfect answer for you by papaji (Nirvana vs Samsara). This is what enlightenment is. This is the video about nothingness can not be experienced. Good luck. Anytime brother.
  8. @James123 Nothingness is also a dualistic concept The Mystery goes deeper than that.
  9. @James123 Would you say that pure consciousness equals nothingness?
  10. Maybe, but most likely, It is Because god is nothingness. And if you say “God”, “I”, “am” vs.. comes from the so called “mind”. When you realize what you are, there is no one or no self to say or claim something from the “I”.
  11. Ultimately from my own experiences i can confirm this: What we are is a dimensionless dot of awareness which contains infinity, this dot of awareness in lack of better words is even beyond nothing and something, it is prior to the concepts of nothing and something. It is not even pure nothingness. It is undefinable YET it is the truth. It contains all information and frequencys possible. On my last trip I merged with it and there was the ultimate groundless ground, the best word I can use is pure awareness. Nothing can be outside of it, thats why you cant die. Body and personality dies and memories, but this dot is the Absolute. Zero. If we can conclude that conciousness is that which imagines differences and experiences, then awareness is prior to it. Awareness is the groundless ground. But it has no qualites whatsoever. So it assumes the form of infinite Mind in which it creates forms. This is what I have confirmed, and this awareness is all ALONE and there is nothing else that exists or non exists. It is prior to being or non being, it is non existence arising as existence haha its seem impossible but .. Or we can say it is PURE EXISTENCE and it is the groundless ground, nothing behind. Cause it imagines a where and a how.
  12. Any knowledge, belief, conceptualization, feelings, visuals, thoughts, experience, POV, questions, senses vs.. comes from so called “I”. (Even saying, “I” am “god, infinite, nothing, universe, love, vs...”) Because it is still knowledge comes from “I”. If you never learn what “infinite” is, can you experience infinite? If you never learn “yourself”, can you be exist? If you never learn what “experience “ is, can you know you are experiencing? If you never learn what what “learning” is, can you learn? If you never learn what “mind” is, can mind exist? If there is no “I” what is left? Only nothingness can not be learn, experience, feel, vs... just can BE. Peace!
  13. Right. Why do we conclude the Nothingness/Consciousness/Being as a GOD? Why Consciousness/Nothingness/being Can not be the creation of GOD?
  14. @Leo Gura if that is the case. God is one and everything. which means God is corona virus, god is every bacteria in the toilet, evey stool etc. I like @Muhammad Jawad expressions. "What if we are misunderstanding the Our Nothingness / Consciousness with GOD? What If I (Consciousness /Being) is not GOD but I (Consciousness /Being) is a Creation of GOD from his infinite creations? What is Nothingness is actually our last boundary wall or our ultimate limitation from which we can't go beyond?"
  15. The limitation is only of the explanation. Not of the experience(State-less, Experience-less, Non-Experience) itself. A person who has tasted sugar does not need to question about the sweetness of the sugar. Only the person who has never tasted sweetness before will keep on wondering about the sweet taste. It is guaranteed that he is never going to understand it through spoken words in the form of theoretical knowledge. Direct experience of tasting the sweetness and intellectualizing about it through words are two different things existentially. Just like a colour blind person will never understand the meaning of color and visual reality by even an infinite amount of words with which one can explain it to him. Similarly, it is said that, an unenlightened person will never understand The Non-Duality - Labelled as NON-DUALITY, BRAHMAN, GOD, NOTHINGNESS, EVERYTHINGNESS(ONENESS), etc.. which are just labels. These words don't mean anything by themselves. Just tools used by individuated(Having a formed Mind) creatures to communicate about IT. The only way to understand it is by direct experience. But, the real pickle is: Even in direct experience, it can present itself as anything and everything. It can present itself as Non-Dual Oneness; Nothingness; A GOD with a form as devotees experience it; A GOD but creation done with a separate agency; A GOD without agency; and infinite other formful or formless or something else.. something else... ways. Like mentioned above you can certainly experience exactly the way you are thinking about it. But then, that would just be a single way out of infinite other ways you can experience it. BRAHMAN / GOD can always one up against itself. There is no restriction as to what or how it can be and cannot be. It is something that doesn't have a particular designation, label, form, reality, truth, or anything for that matter. It is the very essence of the word Mystery. Even Unreality is just a state it can take; Even formlessness is just a state it can take; even Non-Existence is just a state it can take; even STATE is just a state it can present itself as. With it.. Eveything is... Without it.. Nothing is.. NOT EVEN NOTHINGNESS. Being from a Hindu background and having seen many sages from hinduism as well as other religions describing their experience of BRAHMAN / GOD as variegated ways through out history for thousands of years, and seeing each of them having unwavering faith in explaining what they experienced to be utter TRUTH and REAL. This has been confirmed that such is the case by Ramakrishna Paramahamsa by veryfing a few of these ways by direct experience. There are others sages in the past who have also been both Devotionalists as well as Non-Dualists at the same time. My present undersanding of it is that GOD / BRAHMAN is like how I have described above. Of course there is much more to each of the ways it presents itself. But, the only way I can make sense of all of it is as I explained above. One thing is for sure. There is no THE GOD or A GOD. There is just IT which presents itself as THIS & THAT. Any experience of experiencing THE GOD or A GOD is just simply a single way it is presenting itself.
  16. GOD is infinite imagination so it is not a particular thing at all, existence is so intervowen and complex that it cant be understod, it is like conciousness has infinite layers in it, creation happens in infinite dimensions everywhere, but what the true form of GOD is , is light, you never see light , you see illumination of objects and things, God is formless LIGHT, and in it there are infinite possibilitys of everything, like an usb so full of everything that it loops back around and is the creation but at the same time transcendent of IT. God is not limited to anything, God is the awareness which shines light on infinite mind and creativity and order and CHAOS. But GOD is limited to 1 thing, and that is it's oneness or that it IS, it can not not be. Thats why there is 1 ABSOLUTE Reality and our universe is a relative thing. Nothingness and everythingness is something GOD imagines. Prior to imagination there is : ___
  17. Thanks. I also like the ocean analogy. What if ("Being/Consciousness/Nothingness" is the ocean and manifestation is the waves of the ocean. The ocean is eternal and every wave is waving, and "Being" is not limited by any wave, and at the same time, the waves are the motion of "Being", but not directly "Being" itself in that sense.) all that phenomena of being are the creation of God? I am trying.... :-) Right
  18. Is this a belief, Delusion, imagination, or Truth? How can we make sure that Smadhi experienced by people is GOD? Through Spiritual Practices or Psychedelics, you realize that you are not the body, mind instead you are Observer, Everything, Nothingness, Void, One with everything. Ok, We can agree that we are transparent, formless, conscious, Pure Being and we have the power to imagine and create anything like body, mind, and world. Why do we say that that powerful being is God but not the creation of God?
  19. @Muhammad Jawad this nothingness, pure consciousness or awareness what the Gnostic call it is soul. the divine half aspect of God. the soul or higher self is all knowing consciousness but lack conscious mind. for because of this it granted unconscious mind. as substitute for the conscious mind. gnostic cosmology says God emanate himself in different order, at some order this corruptions occurred. gnostic cosmology says christ emanate different beings that are God's and sons of Gods, and at some order this corruption occurred. so we cannot say everthing is God because we are emanations of God. I agree with your idea completely "What if we misunderstood the Nothingness/Consciousness with God" we are half aspect of God by our soul, our soul is the half part of God, she God in essence but lack the conscious mind half part. Reading gnostic scripture will help.
  20. Right. What if you (Nothingness/Consciousness/Being) is not God but the creation of God?
  21. Hi Leo! I hope you are doing well. Is it not possible for God to limit his own infinity & then create a Void Nothingness or something outside apart separate from him and then create beings and creations and universes there in that void? Can you please help me to explain it in a bit more detail? I will be really thankful to you. I am really sorry for bothering you. Thanks
  22. Hi @Leo Gura & Everyone else! I hope you are doing well. After years of Spiritual Practice or after taking Psychedelics, When we all reach a state where we experience nothingness, pure beingness at the same time we also feel and experience that this Nothingness being is Me my Higher Self. And then we call it GOD. We say I am Nothingness, Consciousness, Pure Beingness, I am GOD. What if we are misunderstanding the Our Nothingness / Consciousness with GOD? What If I (Consciousness /Being) is not GOD but I (Consciousness /Being) is a Creation of GOD from his infinite creations? What is Nothingness is actually our last boundary wall or our ultimate limitation from which we can't go beyond? What if GOD has created a very powerful Creation named "Being" Which can itself create infinite possibilities in itself Like Mind, Body & World....? That is already understood that We are not a body, We are not a mind, not a world but we are pure powerful Transparent formless conscious beings who can create their own Mind, Body & World. What if GOD is apart from his creations: "Beings"? To better understand what I am saying, please check the following attached Diagrams made by me: Waiting for responses. Thanks
  23. Day 01 - 16/01/2021 - 30 mins - Morning - Done - Amazing It was really really deep. 30 mins of breathing passed as 5 mins. I was an infinite void of nothingness. It was really peaceful & Blissful. I have no feelings of Body. I detached from my body. And the body was just like a few sensations in that void. My awareness was really sharp. I felt like there were a lot of points opening up in me and at the opening of each point, It was releasing bliss & joy. By discovering my true depth, it was so profound that it made me cry. I felt like a lot of negativity was releasing. I felt very close to God. Day 02 - 17/01/2021 - 20 mins - Morning - Done - Very Good Day 03 - 18/01/2021 - 15 mins - Morning - Done - Good Day 04 - 19/01/2021 - 30 mins - Morning - Done - Good Day 04 - 19/01/2021 - 15 mins - Night (Before Sleep) - Done - Very Good It was amazing. I went into a really deep state of consciousness. I was in a void with no feeling of the body. My Visualisation and imagination power multiplied by 10. Whatever I was trying to visualize or imagine that was manifesting into that void more clearly than the normal state. I was receiving a lot of insights. I was able to experience different states of consciousness. I was able to remain aware while sleeping into Sleeping states. Hypnagogia was a lot more powerful visually. I enjoyed these experiences in that deep state a lot. I was hyperactive psychologically as well. My body was able to sleep but I was still aware of everything. Psychologically it was really hard for me to become unconscious and sleep. After 1 or 2 hours in that state, after all, I slept. Now I have feelings of very different kinds of sleep I experienced last night. I can't explain it. And my dreams were also a lot vivid than my normal routine. Day 05 - 20/01/2021 - 30 mins - Morning - Done - Very Good It was really deep & profound full of infinite bliss. I was void. It was so profound that it made me cry. I felt the closeness of God. I was talking to him. Objects in my visual field were in motion. Breath is optional. I can not die. We are afraid to kill our ego due to our own fears, desires & attachments. Day 05 - 20/01/2021 - 15 mins - Night (Before Sleep) - Done - Good (Vivid Dreams) Day 06 - 21/01/2021 - 35 mins - Morning - Done - Very Good Breathing became automatic after 25 mins. Today I was able to see colorful infinite patterns as well. I was an infinite void. Detached from the body. Flashing lights. I was in pure joy & bliss. At one point I was feeling like my heart was opening and I could feel a really peaceful void in my heart. Currents were running around in my whole body. My body was nothing but a few random sensations inside that void which was me. Day 06 - 21/01/2021 - 10 mins - Night (Before Sleep) - Done - Good The mind becomes hyperactive after the breathing exercise so after this exercise, It's hard to sleep. It takes time to go unconscious. Your awareness becomes Lazer sharp for a few minutes. After 10 mins of Breathing, I detached from the body for a few minutes. And this practice before sleep resulted in Vivid Dreams. But in the morning I forgot most of the dreams but still could recall one dream. Click here if you are interested to read that dream. Day 07 - 22/01/2021 - 15 mins - Morning - Done - Very Good (With Post Breathing Music) I Started Shamanic Breathing while listening following Tribal Drumming: After a few minutes while breathing I started to feel really cold. There was a lot of Tingling in my whole body. My arms & hands are totally numb, Tight, and hard. My whole body started to become so hard that it felt like it’s made of stone. As soon as I stopped doing shamanic Breathing, I held the breath inside. And suddenly it felt like I had detached from my body and had become an infinite void. The feeling of the body transformed into just a few sensations, flowing energy and currents. My Mind & Body was filled with Bliss, Joy & Peace. I could feel that all the blockages and knots in my body are opening and I am becoming more lightweight. I had earphones in my ears from the beginning and then after 5 mins of stopping the shamanic breathing following music started playing automatically in my ears. (I didn't need to come out of the trance to play the music myself using my hands): I achieved the automatic Music phenomena through the following android app: And it was an amazing experience to listen to music in that state of consciousness. I was feeling like I am the invisible being without any physical body floating into this infinite void and that music is the part of that void and echoing in that void. At a stage, I could feel that I am the universe, and then at a stage, I became Music. I was Music. Due to that music different kinds of vibrations were occurring in my body. When the music stopped playing there was amazing peaceful silence & void and I was in the presence of that void. I started to experience flashes of lights, hypnagogia, visualization in the blackness of my eyes. I was able to see silhouettes of some beings in human form, Faces, Eyes looking at me, and then the effects faded away and I was back to the normal state.
  24. Just having nicely conversation brother. But truth hurts leo thats why he is offended and took it aggressively. “i” did. Enlightenment is way deeper and permanent. There is no “you” nor life, universe thats what enlightenment is. But psychedelics all the times gives you “my experience “. There is no “you”. And with psychedelics you can never “be”, because thought process goes on goes on goes on non stop. “You” name and label the “experience “ non stop. Anything you experienced is not enlightenment. Nothingness can not be experienced, can just “be”.
  25. @Intraplanetary yes. Awakening and mental illness is the story of “I”. “Thinker” is a thought itself. Whatever you have learned since your “birth” (including the birth) is an illusion. There is no such a thing as birth, learning vs. You are already what you are (nothingness), only way to be what you are is “not knowing” as before so called birth. Surrender and let go whatever you have learned and know since “your birth”. Whatever left is what you really are. Dont get confuse with story of ego such as;