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  1. Leo asked us to contemplate the question: what in my life is not survival? I'll use the verb "survive" in the same weird way that Leo used it in the video. Nothing and everything is not survival. It's a paradox, and both sides of the coin are true, depending on how you look at it. If we examine any system that exists, whatever it might be, we will always notice the same dynamic. The parts of the system, in their struggle to survive against each other, are always working for the survival of the whole system. In other words, every part is an ego trying to survive itself but what the ego is blind to and cannot see, is that it's working for something greater than itself, whether it's aware of it or not. So, all the parts are trying to survive the whole. But part vs. whole is an arbitrary thing, and there are no parts to being with, parts are concepts. If we keep zooming in, we will always find more survival, smaller systems against each other. If we keep zooming out, we will always find more survival, larger systems against each other. But who is zooming in and out? Reality as a whole is not survival. Yet, all of its parts are. Nonduality is not survival. Yet, all dualities that constitute it are. I, consciousness, am not survival. Yet, I, human form, am. God is not survival. Devils are. The being of everything (existence) is not survival. Yet, the doing (which happens inside of being) is. Done.
  2. Yes that's the only thing he wants, I first did not take it seriously but it is obviously immense suffering. I just see myself obtaining these healing magical qualities as the best way to do anything, I have been ignoring it for way too long. Nobody else except this wise lady was ready to offer help and she gave me information I really needed to know. When we talk about black magic, evil entities and possession, what are these things, because obviously they do not belong to us as the lady sad, she said they trick us and manipulate and then things became very complicated as she mentioned also reptilians and other races that inhabited earth and lured us back here after regressing, I have no clue If somebody knows more I'd be happy to know. I know this derails from the topic but could be good to understand what black and white magic are anyways. If they do not belong to us are they separate forces from the nonduality? Are they opposing the allmighty God and trying to do I don't know what?
  3. @Kushu2000 Adwaitha - Non duality is first of all not a new age phenomena. The Vedanta or Nonduality of Hinduism predates all religions and the exact time when they were written is also not known exactly. Jainism predates buddism. Buddhism too originated in India 2500 years back the only difference between Adwaitha - Nonduality and the Buddism is that Buddha kept silent about the realisation and the buddhists disagree with the Final realisation that You are god to You are void.Adwaitha says Atman - Brahman - Parabrahman - Sat chit Ananda to the One Absolute Infinity. Buddism on the other hand says Annatta - No atman or nothing like Absolute Infinity God - Its just a void shoonya.Rest karma,Rebirth no difference between Adwaitha - Hinduism and Buddism. The buddism here I refer to the early buddism in India. Hence the debate between vedantins and Bhuddists says history. Later Buddism spread to Tibet,China,Burma,Thailand,Japan and I am not sure about their final conclusions. Jainism,Buddism is very strict about non violence,non killing of animals for food. Hinduism accepts the formless and form as gods and god in everything and hence God is worshipped as creator,protector,destroyer and Earth,Sun,Moon,Rain,ocean,Stars,Fire,Air,Animals,Trees,Plants all are worshipped.Literally everything - nature is worshipped( The religious part ). Yoga vashishta - the non dual teachings which were Given to king Rama by sage vasishta which was believed to be approximately 7000 - 7500 years back.So it is believed Vedas upanishads - predates that. Hindus never convert people.They dont say it is your religious duty to convert others to Hinduism. Church on the other hand says Christianity is the only true Religion rest all are false.It is duty of christians to convert others to christianity. Idle worship is a sin etc. The demeaning of other religions is part of conversion. I happened to hear a indoctrination on children about Yoga in TV.The child says pastor said Kudalini is said to be Serpant power and we know Satan is a Serpant and hence it is a sin forbidden to do yoga.It is against christianity and yoga will make the person impotent ???. I dont know what holy spirit is meant in christianity. But kundalini yoga is just one of the many yogic paths or ways to realize truth. Welcome to the jungle of Spirituality ???
  4. As a Christian you separate the world into strong shades of black and white, so there is God and good and there is evil and demons. It's duality on steroids. As a kid I had impulses to accept the devil into my heart, and they drove me crazy. I later learned that those impulses were obsessive compulsive disorder, or I thought that they were. There would also be impulses to go places, pick up things and say or confess things. Those impulses were intuition, trying to get me to do a kind of shadow work and discover the truth of nonduality. They were my inner spirit. My love, faith and desire for Jesus and Truth was an open window to spirit at that young age. I was afraid and I slammed it shut. Only after I grew up and let go of my faith did that window open again. It kind of felt like someone threw a rock through it, but I guess I asked for it in a way.
  5. It's funny that you just posted this now because I've been going through this, only for me it's a revival. I was raised as a Christian and my parents had already left the church and were bitter about the organized religion part of it when I was very young. I took an interest in it myself and studied my Bible on my own, mostly just the gospels but I also loved Proverbs and Ecclesiastes. There were a lot of verses that I would read again and try to understand. As a teenager and young adult I deeply, deeply hated other Christians and the status quo. It's like I wanted to suffer because most of the friends I made were Christian and those friends judged me for being friends with other people that they thought were "bad". I even had a Satanist friend and he was a blast. I was always trying to separate out the truth of Jesus from all the bullshit. I let go of the whole idea, shortly after getting into Buddhism. It's a really scary thing to step away from the thing that you've been taught is your "salvation" and "hope of eternal life". But I knew I had found the truth with nonduality. Those verses that perplexed me and frustrated me, one by one I understood them as epiphanies. My new dogma was nonduality. My new dogma was letting go of my past, not putting hope in a future. My new dogma was the present moment and nothingness, no attachment. Then after a few years it stopped serving me. My entire purpose for nonduality was so I could have mental peace. I became depressed and old patterns flooded in but at the same time, I started connecting deeply with different types of energy from places, and having inexplicable attractions to them. It all unfolded into an awakening in which I accepted that I had always tried to be good, and never recognized the devil in myself. I had been raised to be a moral, good Christian girl and I had truly wanted to be one. When I outgrew it I turned to Buddhism and non duality to serve the same purpose, so I could see myself as a good person. After I recognized the Devil in myself I truly experienced what is meant by the Holy Spirit, it is the same as kundalini energy. Of course! This is nonduality! My eyes were opened to the true mystic, Gnostic Jesus I had loved all along, more fully himself/myself. Christians have buried the nondual teachings and they don't understand the ones that persist in the Bible. They weeded out hundred of years ago. That's why it's so very dangerous, without an open mind, without wisdom and understanding you will turn nondual teachings into the worst kind of hell. I highly suggest reading the gospel of Thomas. Jesus goes way deeper than Buddha. He has an outrageous sort of love, and there are predictions and signs and tough riddles to understand that aren't present with Buddhism. It takes a very open mind to dive into this stuff.
  6. You know what I am now? A bridge. I can sit through a church service and smile instead of fuming like I would even when I was still a Christian. I already had a nondual belief in God brewing as a kid. I decided that I would visualize him not as a man but as a lion. I got the idea from C.S.Lewis, and I thought Jesus could be someone else in a different world. Love doesn't burn bridges it builds them, it doesn't cut cords, it ties them. You say yourself, we have to integrate nonduality, all religions, science, philosophy, and technology, political science, and self help. What else are we doing here? We're a melting pot! A bridge!
  7. @whoareyou Love is love. It's all love. There's a bigger picture than any of us can see as individuals. I see my picture and you see your's. Big picture thinking is hive mind, it encompasses us all with the connecting force of love, and together we see the Big Picture. I don't have a belief system, I have love for Jesus, which got bigger, and bigger even as a child it got big enough to encompass nature and animals and other people. Then nonduality taught me the real meanings of the verses I puzzled over so much as a kid. That love was a driving force. My purpose is only to connect with that in myself and others until that love gets bigger and bigger and bigger. My ego was disgusted by the use of psychedelics, but I wouldn't be aware today if others hadn't used them. So I love and accept them. You might be disgusted by Christians, and belief systems but they are a part of you as well, like every other religion. How can you ever interact with people below you on the spiral if you can't all encompass and embody the entire spiral as your self? This is how we awaken the world.
  8. Advaita Vedanta understood this common fallacy of God and thus pointed something more skillful and deeper to seekers. But if you only stick with Leo, I mean if Leo is your ONLY source to educate yourself and building a solid intellectual foundation about nonduality and spirituality then you sure have many years of a rough, long road ahead man. Every week, he will come with more metaphors and ways of explaining this thing and every week you become more and more confused and frustrated lol. Paradoxes after paradoxes without any clue
  9. “Isolation” and or “loneliness”...are fear of the actuality of nonduality (a veil)h. A fear of what is conceptually unknown, but turns out to be what you Know more than any concept. You’ve been calling Enlightenment with a Mandy-sized-meta-megaphone. Now that phone is ringing (kinda proportionately to your calling of it) , the ‘ringing’ sounds like fear, so you’re hesitant to answer. Pick it up, say hello? Just see who’s there, no biggie. Or don’t. But don’t not answer and spread your “not answering fear” around to those who love you unconditionally, who need you unconditionally. The ‘addiction’ will play itself out. You’re getting a lot, growing a lot, it’s useful. The perspective “addiction” denotes a sense of lack of attention elsewhere. If you could snap you’re fingers and one or two things would just be magically ‘taken care of’, what would they be? Opening the mind, going from dualistic asleep, to nondual reach a point where understanding and Alone meet. If you seek enlightenment, yet still desire to be understood by another, inspect that desire. Get to the root of it. Why do I want / need to be understood? What do I gain when I’d understood? What would I lose if no one understood me again? Also, notice the Flip from thinking about what other people are thinking about you and what you’re thinking about yourself - to your actual experience here now. Stay in your actual experience. Thinking about what people are thinking about must go. Consider understanding someone, versus saying “you don’t understand!” to someone. Do you see how off putting that is? It only happens when you’re thinking about what they’re thinking about. It’s inherently insulting. With your dad...if you said “I’m crazy!”, and he’s been seeing a you which is liberating, freeing, filled with love & happiness...he’d probably laugh and say just be careful, or something light & similar. But he’s seeing emotional suppression, and he’s probably concerned for you. That is a very different “I’m crazy!”, and there is no need to put your dad through that. It comes on the foundation of needing to be understood. Accept that and do the work yourself. Don’t bug dad. He’s got his own experience. Be a positive manifestation of Love & Truth, bring that into his experience. Side note, be selfless to you hubby and kids. Then, when you’re filled with love & tears, and you’ve realized your grace & selflessness - then - through it in the garbage, and realize you haven’t even scratched the surface of the Love you can be in your family. You would not trade them for the world, so, don’t. There is a pace where you can have you cake and eat it to, a Right pace if you will. You’ll find that groove. The awakening is usually followed by big ups, and eventually big downs. The value of daily meditation, 30 mins, and hour a day - is really shining here. It becomes the Right, in the storm. Ya call the storm without the Right, it’s gonna be rocky for a bit. Smoother times are coming, all is Well, all is Divine. That made you who you are, This is too. Be patient, LOVE yourself unabashedly. I’ve seen only one other person which I would say was inexplicably “given” the gift of awakening. By given, I mean without years or decades of practices, trips, etc. Do not use your gift as ammunition to feed into thinking it is a “curse”. It is not a curse.
  10. Nonduality does not eliminate duality. It's duality and more! Keep your mind to the stars but your eyes to your feet.
  11. Ah. Isn't that always the way though with nonduality? Together but separate. Fulfilled but wanting. You have no idea how bad my heart breaks for certain countries and communities around the world. I know that I can only focus on the here and now and doing good, the law of attraction. You said that a girl in a bar that you felt obligated to talk to gave you the idea of becoming a life coach. Maybe I'm your random girl in a bar/forum. I've seen the signs.
  12. Specifically because of this is why it's important to not throw away all of the dualistic definitions when dealing with those societies and cultures. Speaking in nondual terms to dualistic minds is like speaking Latin to a Korean. It's a completely different language that sounds like hokey to those who don't understand it. The trick is to be able to see both the nondual and the dualistic points of view. If you only accept nonduality, then you can't communicate with nondual people. If you only accept duality, you never see beyond your ego. It's like Inception, just with nonduality!
  13. This is going to be long (it unfortunately has to be) and thank you very much in advance if you read it. I feel like I've hit rock bottom and would like things to change fast and put an end to my mental illness. I seek your help, literally any suggestions are welcome. Here's my story: I'm 29, self employed online, polyamorous, and I've struggled with panic attacks for the past 6 years of my life. The whole situation is based on a fear of physical illness or a fear of death. In the beginning (first 2 years) I was persuading myself I had all sort of possible medical problems, cancers, MS, etc and was going from doctor to doctor having all sorts of tests. Every test came out clean. The past 4 years though this fear has centered around my heart. This has the problem become self-referring since my fear is actually the panic attack itself. I am worried that I am going to have a panic attack that is going to result in my heart failing or a fatal arrhythmia. Moreover, every time I have a panic attack I also connect the place/activity that I had it in with a very negative connotation and am afraid to go there or do that again. So I basically build trauma on the panic attacks themselves. Sometimes I have managed to heal that by being exposed again to that location or that thing but other times it hasn't gone that well. This problem is butchering my entire life in many different ways. Hobbies, relationships, social life, dignity My relationship with spirituality: I value spirituality very high in my life and I believe that it is my life purpose. I immensely enjoy teaching people about nonduality, alternative ways of thinking, oneness, helping people that have mental problems, helping people self develop and reach higher levels of understanding reality. I am very pro-psychedelic and have also written a small book on these tools and also made presentations about them in psychology meetings. I am mainly in stage turqoise of spiral dynamics with some yellow in there as well bu t I am not enlightened by any stretch of the word. I have a very well founded, really concrete academical understanding of nonduality, what God is, holistic thinking, integrating systems into other systems, fractal perception and various mapping models of the human psyche but I have never experienced God, I have had only brief half ass enlightenment experiences and have never merged with Absolute Infinity. The concepts above make perfect sense to me on an academic, logical level (even though logic self-undoes itself eventually) and I see how every approach on every subject eventually leads towards nonduality but I have never had a first hand experience. I have guilted myself over the quote "who doesn't do, teaches" but since a lot of people are helped by this I have decided to continue teaching and grounding people that have had a spiritual experience through psychedelics or other means, help them integrate it, tripsit others with love and respect, and help people heal by reconstructing concepts in their way of perception. People in my social circle think I'm really smart, fun to be around, easy-going, good-looking and helpful but all this doesn't make me happy, not while I have my mental illness. What I know: I know that my mental illness has at least somewhat to do with my mother. First, she has an immense fear of illnesses and death herself and thus it is very likely that I copied that behavior when I was little (mommy doesn't trust her body, we shouldn't trust our bodies), secondly when I was little she kept freaking out when I was sick with the flu and was always trying to somehow protect my health, and thirdly (and most importantly) I have many times heard her say things like "You're the only thing that matters to me" or "I would die if you died" etc, which on a subconscious level makes me feel very guilty towards death and feel I have to be extremely cautious with preserving my life. The other thing I know is that my situation also has to do with suppressed feelings. I always found it difficult to be emotional, back in time I even found it weak (I was a positivist crusader of logic back then). What has me thinking this is a major cause of my issues is one time during meditation I started crying a lot and taking all my feelings out and after that it was like my anxiety never even existed, never felt that before under any other circumstances. So emotional blockage definitely has to do with it somehow. What I've tried already: Psychedelics: Only small dosages, in the beginning it was fine but after 3-4 trips I started having horrific experiences thinking that I'm dying of a heart issue and getting extremely anxious of doing something in public that would ridicule me. I absolutely love them but haven't touched them in a year. The worst day of my life was on psychedelics where I literally had a 12 hour panic attack. Traditional medication: Currently on ssri (zoloft), it was great in the beginning but it started losing potency, doubled the dose, now starting to lose potency again. Xanax only during attacks, it's very addictive and I don't wanna take it often. CBD and THC: CBD is very mild, THC gives me attacks same as psychedelics if not worse. Other tinctures and herbs: Lavender doesn't work, saffron works amazingly but I can't take it for too long because it causes some blood deficiencies. Psychotherapy: Been to various psychiatrists, none of them helped. I currently started psychoanalysis with a trusted individual that is also an anarchist and very well educated on the subject. Meditation: Works a little bit but doesn't really solve the problem. Hypnotherapy: I couldn't go into trance very easily, I was only in there for 10 minutes. Very calm afterwards but only lasted for a day or two. Accupuncture: Didn't work at all Running: Works a lot but I'm afraid to run because it makes my heart beat fast and it freaks me out. If you reached here THANK YOU VERY VERY MUCH for reading and trying to help! Any suggestions would be very welcome and also feel free to pm me. Peace
  14. @tsuki If you think that I'm dumb, then keep that thought for yourself or fuck off. I don't need you, nobody asked for your help. You're talking nonduality metaphysical oneness and shit, but you don't embody it. That's hypocrisy. You don't tell the people you love they're dense, do you? Notice that you didn't criticise me, you offended my person. This is not cool.
  15. @Sidra Damn, thats feel great!) Which one? Leo talking about that stuff for so long, that we already can't count. He more like Salesman here, who successfully pitched the idea, but the sense of God aren't builds only on Leo words, thank God for psychedelics, my abstract thinking and nature! LP course is super useful to become an "expert of yourself". You'll know not only your values, impact statement, zone of genius and strengths, but also weaknesses, fears, traumas and beliefs. It's the most easiest way that I know - system already structured, you only need to go on and do all the exercises. Videos, Books, Journaling, LP Course, Conversations, Psychotherapist, Girlfriends and Friends, Asking Questions, Psychedelics, Literature, Genuine intention to become fulfilled and happy. It'll be explained in LP course + watch video Understanding Meaning, Purpose, & Value Values grow and evolve as you are. As I've get it, the whole spiral dynamics are based on evolution of human values. At Tear 1 Stage-Beige is all about individual basic survival needs, at Tear 2 Stage-Yellow it's also about individual survival needs, but individuality moved from one person to all humanity and Earth, and resources for survival not food and shelter, but information and understanding. The same thing with Stage-Purple and Stage-Turquoise, but instead of primitive spirits of Forest and Wind, there's a deeper understanding like energy, quantum physics, nonduality etc. So the point of knowing your own top values is in navigating yourself toward life and decision making. Of course, values can be changed and we should remember that those are just concepts, but you always value something, question is are you aware of it or not.
  16. Ok one lasttttt point. You said you don't "understand enlightenment". Yeah good. Don't try to. Only look for yourself. What doesn't move? Your face can be replaced, your lungs... replaceable, liver, heart, intestines...all replaceable. So what is this thing that isn't being replaced. What isint moving? Your arms and legs could be removed and yet, you would still be here, no? This should be your only concern. Literally, the only question that you should be asking is "who am I" or "what am I" this is the key. Anything else is distraction. Your wondering ok well when will I know to look at other videos about spirituality and enlightenment? You'll know when the time has come. I'm not saying don't want spiritual videos, they keep you motivated. Only look for yourself, for all of the questions you could possibly ask all stand on the assumption of there being a you. Do not believe anything on this site. Do not believe me AT ALL. This is a huge trap. I'm not just saying it to be spiritual and wise looking...if you believe me, you will not succeed in your search for yourself. Remember, every time you think "aw shit I don't get any of this nonduality shit" just do the practices and look for this "I" you mentioned. That is all. more. Look for yourself. Bye
  17. I will say one last thing ok. People don't just end up on this site, or being aware of nonduality without having some kind of mental or physical ailment (something wrong with them). It's just an observation of mine...just a very consistent one. Sometimes it's a personality disorder, sometimes it's someone who has massive depression, maybe someone who's just a real loser or anything else that causes you pain. The kind of suffering that is usually constant (every day). It might even be something as small as not being good looking and having low self esteem or something. So then a further point I would make to you mate, is this...if you are suffering on a daily basis with anything...any mental health issues or this life better than the life where you discover that all of this shit is actually true? If your suffering is it maybe worth it to give it a shot. Sure you've heard that meditation is good for the mind anyway, what do you have to lose. Then just allow yourself to melt into God's presence, you won't know what that means, but that's exactly the point! You aren't meant to know it, your meant to EXPERIENCE it
  18. Massive update just happened. It's free to those who have bought the book list in the past. Those who buy now also get the update automatically. This update contains some of the most important books I've ever read on spirituality. New stuff that you've never heard before or seen talked about anywhere else. Not the same old nonduality. Also more books on Spiral Dynamics, ecology, infinity, government, sociology, cult psychology, and more! Don't miss this one. A few of these books will change your whole outlook on life. Some real gems in this update.
  19. And how is it you are going to achieve that when all of your fear is grounded in duality? Nondualty is not an ideology, theory, or even a worldview. It is the very nature of yourself and existence. So long as you are operating from duality, you will never be able to overcome fear, master your emotions, or move away from animal behavior. Nor will you ever be cool, calm, collected, or happy. Because all of that is the foundation of being an separate ego self. You're not appreciating yet how deep all of your emotional problems go. They are not something you can just solve with a few self-help techniques. To resolve those issues requires that you literally experience your own death because death is what you're running away from. Nor will you be able to resolves those issues within the materialist paradigm. The benefit to you of nonduality is that you will experience what it means to live for the very fist time in your life. Everything you've done up to this point was a sick joke. You have never actually lived yet. The way life works is: you only get what you give.
  20. And that's what we (hopefully) do here. As I said direct experience is key here. We can argue all day about nonduality wars. There are an infinite number of ways to point to the Dao. And many of them work better for one person than another. If the Bible helps you, great. But you'll find it doesn't resonate with many people here. You'll need to change your approach unless you've just come here to preach to a brick wall. Appreciate this puzzle.
  21. damn, too sad for me then, no nonduality for me, my own vision of the word has been corrupted by my own conceptual projection
  22. @Pateedm Ime, using psychedelics in a mature and efficient manner is a learning process. They can be an extremely powerful tool when used wisely and counter-productive when used unwisely. Psychedelics resonate with each person differently. It’s great to learn from the experience of others, yet also listen and trust your inner guide. Based on my experience, here are a few things I think are worth considering for someone that wants to introduce psychedelics into a spiritual program: 1. For newcomers, I would not recommend a full, solid trip more than once every two weeks (e.g. 100ug+ of LSD). More frequent use like every 7-10 days will cause tolerance issues and the “magic” fades. For someone inexperienced,realizations may pile up and confusion and excessive instability in one’s life. For most people, it’s just not tenable long-term. Perhaps one strong trip per month if the mind and body are stable and there is a “calling”. . . One can do dmt and it’s derivatives like Aya and 5-meo much more frequently. Yet I would be extremely cautious about frequent use of dmt related compounds for the inexperienced. Aya retreats can be deeply profound within a mature, grounded spiritual community, yet I think using dmt related compounds multiple times per week solo for a newbie carries huge risks. 2. Integrate. When I first started out, I had very strong seeking energy toward psychedelic realms and integration seemed like tedious side-work. Yet I’ve found integration work to be really important for the mind and body to expand and grow. I would dedicate time between trips to integrate with whatever method works for you. 3. Have a well-rounded spiritual life. I’ve found it important to do other spiritual practices - meditation, yoga, contemplation, running and time in nature - sober. 4. Try different dosages and psychedelics - find what works for you. At one poInt, I found alternating between mini and strong doses to be beneficial. Strong trips are harder to integrate than light trips. For example, I did a strongish trip about once per month (100-150ug for me). and a mini trip of about 50ug once or twice a month. 50ug mini trips in nature were sooo helpful. They are not very taxing on the mind-body and can help integrate stronger trips into “regular” life. As well, microdosing can be beneficial to integrate into regular life. Since microdosing is subthreshold, one can do it anywhere. 5. If you want to explore 5-meo and can get the freebase form, I would recommend an initial exploration through vaping (not smoking). With vaping a person has control on modulating the intensity of the experience in real time. It can be very gentle. One can sit on their regular meditation cushion and reach states in which the ego / personality partially dissolves. If anxiety and panic arises, one can simply put the vape down and relax into the groundless. Over time, one can go deeper and deeper while being kind to the mind and body. I see so many people watching dramatic videos of people on 5-meo flopping around like fish and reading reports about traumatizing ego death experiences- it doesn’t need to be like that. . . In the future I think gentle 5-meo vaping will be used in chill environments integrated with something like Vipassana and nonduality retreats. For example, a morning sober meditation session followed by a nonduality discussion, followed by a gentle 5-meo meditation session, followed by another nonduality discussion.
  23. @arlin It’s in my signature line / hyperlinks “nonduality & meditations”.
  24. In my model the mind is not just some electrochemical processes in the brain. The mind in my model is all that is experienced in one's personal consciousness. So even with my definition of consciousness as only an on/off state, how much is experienced in consciousness can be expanded. This can be tested practically within oneself. It should be possible to expand what consciousness is aware of from just being inside the head into the whole body, and even beyond that. One nonduality teacher, Roger Castillo, said that the experience of one's consciousness can move from the head into the heart. And if he is correct, that's then according to my model only one step of expansion and that even further expansion of the mind is possible.
  25. The really hardcore nonduality teachings like that of Ramesh Balsekar and Tony Parsons may seem nihilistic. One good thing with my evolutionary nonduality model is that the integration of the evolutionary aspect and Ray Kurzweil's Law of Accelerating Returns bring meaning and purpose to basic nonduality. As I mentioned earlier, the evolutionary feedback principle produces meaning as a growing complexity of manifested reality. It may be tricky to define exactly what meaning means and what purpose is, but it's kind of self-evident that each evolutionary stage building on previous evolutionary stages adds both meaning and purpose to reality. As a side note: It's impossible it seems to me to formally define a model completely. Why? Because what is the definition of definition? It becomes circular!