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  1. @NilsiSome food for thought , from different perspectives : Even if you were to spend every single second of your life working, getting minimal sleep and optimizing your productivity to your maximim, working your ass off to the very fullest, you would barely move an inch towards solving " humanities pain and misery " . I dont share this for you to get depressed and unmotivated. It's a truth of life that is actually freeing you to choose WHAT DO YOU PERSONALLY FIND MEANINGFUL Consider that unless you consciously choose it, it is not your job as a human being to save others from suffering and pain. And if so, choose a specific niche problem that you find meaningful solving, that aligns with your personal strenghts , values, prefered medium, domain of mastery and zone of genious ( yeah a Life Purpose ) and make your life's work about solving it. You triangulate all of this so that the time of your life that you spend on it is as meaningful , fulfilling and rewarding as possible . Remember that a Life Purpose is your career, your life's impact and contribution to the world. It is a big part of your Life , but it's not the entirety. Chronically spending more than about two chunks of 4 hours per day on your Career, no matter how much you love it, will most likely end up being counter-productive . It will end up negatively affecting the other areas of your life . Work-life balance is real. The balance looks differently at different chapters of your life . A Human being has more needs besides a Career and Life Purpose. You have social needs, sexual needs, physiological needs, finantial needs, cognitive needs, biological needs, curiosity for life, etc Identify what are your needs and work on fulfilling them consciously rather than unconsciously. In what way is your career not fulfilling ? Work on that. In what way do you find meaningful connecting with others? Architect your social life so you can meet this need in that specific way. More food for thought : Empathy is self manipulation. You don't have access to others suffering. You imagine it. And mostly it's less acurrate than it actually is . Your negative emotions and suffering is manually generated by your mind, in an unconscious way. I see that you are aware that if you "stop looking" and imagining others emotions and difficult situations, your suffering dissapears . And you say you want to feel deeper, which is a noble desire, but I advise to learn how to turn "empathy and that negative imagination" on and off on command . You already have it partially turned off. You are not connected to the suffering of the current 8.000,000.000 people. you are not connected to the suffering of the 100,000,000,000 human beings that have stepped on this planed, and not to talk about all the animals, insects, vegetation and so on, currently alive and throughout all of time . Not being able to turn off empathy and disconnect imagining others suffering would be acertain OCD in my opition, and is a recipe for unnecesary suffering . More food for thought : Desire is an unconscious contract we make with ourselves to be unhappy untill we archive what we want. Over and over . It allows you to leverage negative emotions for extra fuel you wouldn't have if you knew how to be satisfied with less. It is absolutely useful- but for a certain stage of your life. Think deeply before letting go of it . I have spent my early twenties deconstructing my motivational systems and have access to " unconditional happiness " and " bliss on command" states. It's great, but on the other hand this doesn't fit my personallity since im very creative and have yet to establish a fulfilling career as a finantial backbone for my life . I have accidentaly unraveled it at the wrong stage of my life, because I didn't know better . Now I'm spending the second part of my twenties manually reconstructing my reward and motivational mechanisms from the ground up. Unconditional happiness to that extreme degree makes you a lazy sloth and ends up backfiring in multiple ways, as you have correctly intuited. It's very counter productive to what the mechanics of being a part of society requiere of you. Unless you have nailed your LP or have enough income for a lifetime, I'd think twice about letting go of that mechanism . But let's not get stuck in black and white thinking here . What I advise you here is to be more open to your intuition rather than relying on negative feelings and drudgery. You can find motivation, meaning, happiness and guidance in other ways : What do you love doing ? what do you find beautiful ? what sparks your curiosity and interest ? What absorbs you so much you want to master it ? What inspires you ? What kind of contribution or impact on the world / humanity / others do you find meaningful ? How can you leverage your values, strenghts and interests to build a meaningful career ? If you follow that intuition, unless you have serious health issues, you will still be productive without having to rely on negative motivation and suffering. I'm happy to elaborate more if any of this has sparked your curiosity .
  2. sorry to hear you are despondent and your life seems rubbish what i would say to you is, life is nothing without the 3 b's: beauty, bliss, brain-power beauty means to see the divine each day whether it be in a child's face, a sunset, a hottie in a swimsuit, a painting or the waves of the ocean bliss means to experience your true nature and this can be accomplished through meditation, psychedelics or service to and love of mankind brain-power means to engage in self-betterment and smart usage of one's time and energy also i urge you to know the universe needs you and only you can carry out the difficult assignments that have your name on them you are essential to my destiny and to the destiny of millions like me
  3. imagine reality to be two dimensional: one dimension is happiness, joy, ecstasy, bliss, fulfillment... and the other dimension is: pain, suffering, misery, torture, illness, depression... and you as God want to explore any of them truthfully. it's almost like you're exploring each dimension. given how many people experience the second dimension, i wouldn't say it's wise to want to only experience the first dimension. embrace your suffering and treat it as an exploration of the second dimension of reality, the dimension of misery and suffering. be completely unbiased about it. the goal of life isn't the good life. But to experience whatever comes as a growth opportunity and wise investment into your overall understanding of reality.
  4. Both physically and mentally. Lots of potential for accidental abuse, misuse, overuse. You can really sour yourself on life and blackpill yourself psychologically if you go too deep. Humans are not meant to be that conscious. And you will not be able to hold on to that level of consciousness. So you will have to live knowning how much you're missing. The beauty of nondualists is that they just have no idea how little they understand Consciousness. So they can live in bliss.
  5. Bliss is for the spiritual hedonist There are blissful states and non blissful states, that's the nature of Infinity What did those sages mean when talking about Ananda is probably Existential Love. I would translate Bliss to Amrita or Rasa, I think it's a more accurate description; from my knowledge of the scriptures and my current experience. I would take such lense when interpreting the vedic texts. Language is a tricky subject and sanskrit has many nuances to express spiritual experiences that aren't translatables to other languages. Furthermore what those terms encapsulate are different for every individual. This distinctions are crucial if we want to get clarity on the topic. Love on the other hands seem to be existence itself, a Love for everything that is, the infinite oneness & unity throughout eternity, it is ever present and therefore unattainable as it is beyond gain or loss, it is everpresently loving all that is because it is itself. It loves bliss so much as pain. It is unbiased and without preferences for one part over the other, it's perfect love. In this regard bliss for me is just a transcendental emotion. I also like this quote regarding God-Consciousness and happiness:
  6. It is said that my experience is absolute and there's nothing outside my experience. That when I am not looking at my mom she doesn't exist. But also there's a "special way to be" (i.e. awake or enlightened) or that there is a see of infinite insects or aliens or trippy church stained glass visuals that is a higher truth or God itself. Where are all these cool visuals if I can't see them? Isn't it the same thing as when a Christian believes there's a heaven with infinite bliss and angles? Why or why not?
  7. The person see itself trapped in the eternity alone and that's why it's scary. Who had that perception is the ego. For me, psychedelic trips are a way to make the mind flexible, the opening to infinity happens sober, or perhaps with a single hit of weed to soften the mind a little. openings with psychedelics are forced, and the ego always finds a way to get a hold (i have done hundreds of trips of 5meo and DMT). The surrender of the self must be voluntary, if it is forced by a substance 99% there will be a remainder of identification and confusion. To say that reality is pure love, pure bliss, total intelligence is not false, but it is still identification. Reality is the absence of limits, and that is the cause of love, etc. the openness must be absolute and the surrender of the self total. and no drug is going to do it for you, you have to do it yourself
  8. Feeling free and peace is possible. Go head man no one stops you try:) what you really are is nothing, not the bliss.
  9. @James123 @Someone here You guys are wrong and are not doing the Work to really become Free. What I´m exploring in my own experience prove otherwise. Bliss is fundamental to the nature of Reality and what I am, and at this point I see a complete possibility to be in a state of Bliss indepent of external situations. But it is because is not a state. iS NOT A STATE! IS YOU! Right now I can not explain to you guys how the dream works but it is how it is being revealed. . People think having a certain experience or certain enlightment is all there is and that's it. No, the real work is to make STABLE everything, actually going SOMEWHERE REAL. Activating and Realising something within this dream that changes everything. IF not, everybody can have enlightment, ecstatic, high, experiences. They come and go. So what? People doing psychedelics at Burning Man already do this, and they do not need to be in a spiritual forum to do this. So...if you guys are here is because you are supposed to Aim towards something Real. Something more than just fleeting states of highs and lows. say that´s all there is to this. I ask then, why are you guys doing here then? In anyway, do not assume all that you have seen is what there is. Not want to preach anyone but at the same time I need to be honest with that is true in my experience. Doesn´t matter if 1000 people come tell me I´m wrong, what I´m discovering is something that 1 million people can not break. @Breakingthewall Is difficult to explain but in my experience Consciousness is free from any kind of memory or form. I put it like this: When one is 30 years old and it realises is being attached and entangled to the same kind of thoughts of 15 years ago, and the kind of thoughts and energy structures of their father, grandfather, or whatever other kind of humans he might share they karmic structure, it tells you one thing: Obviously there is something fundamental there that is entangled, no? Consciousness, Intelligence, or however you want to call it, that is attaching itself to that structure of memory. It is attaching itself all the time. It keeps doing that. But it is not bound to do that. It is not actually that.
  10. The Bliss from Sat Chit Ananda saying, is the Bliss You experience when You touch the Truth of what You are and what Reality is, Reality is Now, so if Your Intouch with it You Experience Bliss, don't make it more complicated than that, if You do then Your Trapped in Intellect which will try to dissect it more, than ask more questions, get maybe an answer then come up with follow up questions, it becomes a never ending loop...
  11. You can't say absolutely what Life is, if You do then You have limited it, and Life is not Limited. Life is all Potential and Possibility, so that is whatever it is, things You and I have not dreamt of or thought of, so its Infinite, but we are here in Limited Bodies and Minds, but You are neither of those things, You are Life, so it comes down to Experience, You will never "Understand" totally what Life is, or be able to use any words to explain it, as once You explain it you limit it again, but You can Experience it, maybe not in an Infinite way but a more larger way than trying to Understand it, they say once You are intouch with it, Your In Great Bliss, this means You have no need for family, surviving, posting on forums and things of this nature, basic Human life nature...
  12. İmpossible. İ tried that with psychedelics, and i fucked up my neurological system. You might completely surrender, not suffer, at peace, free etc... However, i have never seen anyone including any teacher who bliss the fuck out 24/7. Did you?
  13. That is correct @Someone here I was not referring to being on an MDMA ROLL. Lol I am talking about a subtle Bliss that keeps you in a certain place of intense awareness and freedom from low vibratory thoughts. In this state, you can have a normal Life, raise kids, go to work, etc... Is not an impairing extreme Ectasy or something like that. Maybe i did not explained myself accurately. That is not correct. What you are has a certain quality. But is not a Bliss that is from the Mind because It has no physical quality. This Bliss exists before Universe or Even Creation/Form. Is something that you can not imagine if you havent touch It. Once you touch It you see this Bliss exists before Creation and after Creation. But again, you can not imagine It because when i say bliss you think of a mental or brain state, and im not talking about that. @James123 I see what you are saying. But can you open your Mind that that Bliss Still exists when you are being tortured to death? 😂😂😂
  14. This is totally right and wrong at the same time. Because, when breakthrough happens, that's where the bliss peak happens. But time is infinite there. However, when you consider the human body, it is impossible. That's how I fucked up myself with psychedelic addiction.. Meanwhile bliss for human being is just to be simple as birth free of any addiction. Cleansing.
  15. Nothing is ever "constant ". Existence is in a continuous flux . Your true nature is not bliss .your true nature is EVERYTHING. So expecting that awakening will jail you into a never ending state of joy is a myth. Buy a plane ticket to India then's mecca for spiritual seekers .maybe we can meet there too
  16. I don't think he means the type of bliss where you're nonfunctional rolling around on the ground though. I don't think it'd be too high of a bar to aim for the three characteristics of ultimate reality (sat chit ananda) to be consistently realized as your true natural state. This is awesome. I wish I had access to people who are so dedicated.
  17. I doubt that anyone on the planet today can achieve this . Even Jesus have fasted for 40 days and then he became hungry and then Satan tested him according to the biblical story . There are Highley advanced Yogis and Mystics here in India trying to achieve this . They are breatherians and they are immersed in meditation 24/7 and they still haven't got "there ". It's been a reoccurring theme this whole "bliss " on your posts recently...I advice you to be realistic. Don't get dissolved into spirituality. Strike some balance between unconscious spiritual happiness and between the practical aspects of reality.
  18. Honestly i didn't even care about paranormal stuff, my goal was always happiness/bliss and that is in my opinion most effectively gained with the approach i mentioned in my previous post but all the "paranormal" superpowers are just consequences of that approach, and it's not that we develop new abilities, these abilities and this understanding and this bliss is our default state of being that we sabotage with distortion of sexual energy, eating and deep sleeping (and many other things, but these 3 i would consider the biggest sabotages)
  19. When OM is chanted verbally a vibration is created in the head. The right way to chant OM mentally is by simultaneously recalling and creating the vibrating feeling of the verbal chant. Mentally recalled vibration becomes bliss which is the entire point of chanting OM. The more pleasant and blissful feeling you can generate, the better you are at chanting.
  20. Simply because Seeking more and more Higher ways of Being means Becoming More Close to Who You Are (less fluctuations or distortions to your real nature). Before Ending the bondage from the Dream and dissolving with the God Head, it is necessary a total complete Mastery of the energies and vibration of your Being. For example, 20 years of non-stop Bliss Peak. That´s the level of mastery you need to achieve within the human mechanism to prove yourself you truly are Absolute. In a way, you need to test yourself that you are the Being. And Nothing else but the Bliss. During the human life. Once your vibration and Beingness can no longer be disturbed by: A) External actions B) Internal Disturbances (thoughts, karmic energetic influences, etc). You are on the last track of the run. At that point, you do not need anything or anyone for the last push. You will be able to consciously chose everything, including dissolution.
  21. Bliss out on some heavy drug because there won’t be a hangover, probably meth. Not endorsing that anyone should ever do meth but if it’s The last day alive then obviously take the strongest dopaminergic substance possible.
  22. What I like about this talk, Sadhguru is answering a Question from someone its about "Who am I" besides the normal identifications with Body and Mind, he brings about how the inquiry should be addressed, if He gives an Answer then the people listening have only two choices, either to Believe or Disbelieve, either way they will not be any closer to Realizing the Truth of "What am I", unless the question runs so deep that they cannot sleep at night and cannot do anything else but seek the answer to the question, so its a matter of Intensity right... If Your Intensity is very High, the Truth of Reality will find You! He has said in the past that if Anger is Your thing, then get really really Angry and see where it takes You, he doesn't pretend to prescribe any sort of state to anyone, he just says that with Bliss the path/ride will go a bit smoother that is all.. All of this is a matter of Capability, can You do it right Now! Ramana could sit still, lets his flesh get infected and eaten by insects and still do absolutely Nothing, and find out who he was, can You do that? If not then another way might be needed!!
  23. A chad might be getting all the chicks and not care at all, no appreciation, you might have been him already and not cared. The only reason you care as much as you do is because you're subconsciously creating a massive separation internally. And that separation is so painful that you don't have the power to go after it externally. If you didn't care, there'd be no problem, but you want to care, you create a state of mind where getting it would lead to massive ecstasy exactly because of your lack, but that lack makes your life so miserable that taking action becomes excruciatingly difficult. You create a fantasy that is amazing but because it's so amazing your life sucks compared to it and because it sucks so much, you don't have the energy to go after it, but since you believe in its reality and objectiveness so much, you reinforce your separation from happiness and deprive yourself of willpower, intellect and determination as a result of your scarcity mindset stemming from your separation from joy and peace, counterintuitively reducing your chances of fulfilling that fantasy but also unnecessarily making yourself miserable too. We are not entitled to anything and only have control over our state of mind which materializes external actions There are multiple ways this can go down: 1. You keep complaining and waste your life being miserable, relying on the uncertainty of death to fulfill your desire. 1.1 Your desire isn't fulfilled, it simply ceases to exist as you lose the personality and lack that propels you to want it. 1.2 Your desire is instantly fulfilled without the dream scenario manifesting and you feel great but disappointed. 1.3 Having built up so much negative energy of lack, the bliss of having getting your dream scenario is immeasurable. 1.4 You have the power to fulfil your desires but would have to simultaneously become the girls you have sex with. 1.5 You get what you want, are happy forever, but would have preferred to have lived your life happily until then. 2. You get sex and feel worse because it feels great but you can't have it 24/7 and you suffer every second you don't get it. 2.1 You become reckless, do something stupid and end up in jail, unable to have sex and suffering forever. 2.2 You get a girlfriend who is as much a sex-addict as you and try to figure out how you two can live that life 24/7. 2.3 You find a way to get money and spend it on hookers every night, hating your life outside of that time. 2.4 Your life falls apart as your feeling of disconnection increases exponentially and your mental state declines. 2.5 You live as you always had, now knowing how to get casual sex but always relying on it for being happy. 3. You get sex, fulfill your desire and no longer care and now have to face the nihilistic void of losing your sole life purpose. 3.1 You enter a "Dark Night of the Soul", become depressed for a few months and eventually come out transformed. 3.2 The immeasurable disappointment makes you end your life but have nothing to look forward to in the afterlife. 3.3 You discover the limitation of sex but still feel a craving for love that makes you fall into another trap like romance. 3.4 You discover that sex is merely a small part of a loving relationship and become a better more caring person. 3.5 You question whether you experienced it all and get into all kinds of kinks, but these lead to the same conclusions. 4. You get your life together, so much so that you can enjoy sex regularly without it messing up your mood and self-worth. 4.1 You live a good life with either casual or stable relationships like most other people and are content with that. 4.2 You become disillusioned with the transformation being so easy and unconsciously self-sabotage your current life. 4.3 You live a normal stable life for a while and enjoy it but eventually bore of it and end up with the same compulsions. 4.4 You have a family and kids, the sex life with your with is satisfying but you find a greater purpose beyond it you love. 4.5 You start enjoying hobbies, activities, friends, create a job you find value in and slowly gravitate away from the sex. 5. You self-actualize to get to the source of the desire and integrate that lack, being at peace with yourself and not need it. 5.1 You discover your need comes from deep childhood trauma and process that pain that then dissolves the desire. 5.2 Your realize your desire is not actually your own, but merely a reflection of the culture and become disillusioned. 5.3 Your desire is valid but overblown, you can appreciate sex but don't rely on it and get it because of that mindset. 5.4 The desire might be past karma from another life and realizing that you create distance and are less attached. 5.5 A disconnection from your feminine/female side manifests external sexual desire, so you get in tune with that.
  24. Yes, the point of the game/Lila is to wave-surf, while believing one is the wave. Until one realizes that all that wave surfing doesn't bring the permanent bliss that ones True Being yearns for, but leads to exhaustion. Or burnout. A variant of that is: Why is that? Only being what one really is releases the tension of the separate-self. Normally that takes decades of gaining maturity, but it can also be shortcut with insight. If one (or ones Karma to be precise) resonates with that. In the end, only dropping into the Infinite Ocean and dissolving in Infinite Being brings the final deliverance. And paradoxically, the journey doesn't end here. It just starts. From caterpillar to butterfly. One can perfect ones chosen wave-surfing, but without the contraction and the suffering of being just a wave or a self-contraction, but being the Infinite Ocean itself. Selling wave-surfing while being the Infinite Ocean PS: Watched your youtube-channel a bit. You are truly a Blessed Lion! "Wilber on ones chosen wave-surfing after having dissolved in the Infinite Ocean: Wilber, Eye of Spirit. And It Is All Undone Perhaps you will arise as any or all of those forms of ever-present awareness. But then, it doesn’t really matter. When you rest in the brilliant clarity of ever-present awareness, you are not Buddha or Bodhisattva, you are not this or that, you are not here or there. When you rest in simple, ever-present awareness, you are the great Unborn, free of all qualities whatsoever. Aware of color, you are colorless. Aware of time, you are timeless. Aware of form, you are formless. In the vast expanse of primordial Emptiness, you are forever invisible to this world. It is simply that, as embodied being, you also arise in the world of form that is your own manifestation. And the intrinsic potentials of the enlightened mind (the intrinsic potentials of your ever-present awareness)—such as equanimity, discriminating wisdom, mirrorlike wisdom, ground consciousness, and all-accomplishing awareness—various of these potentials combine with the native dispositions and particular talents of your own individual bodymind. And thus, when the separate self dies into the vast expanse of its own ever-present awareness, you will arise animated by any or all of those various enlightened potentials. You are then motivated, not by the Great Search, but by the Great Compassion of these potentials, some of which are gentle, some of which are truly wrathful, but all of which are simply the possibilities of your own ever-present state. And thus, resting in simple, clear, ever-present awareness, you will arise with the qualities and virtues of your own highest potentials—perhaps compassion, perhaps discriminating wisdom, perhaps cognitive insight, perhaps healing presence, perhaps wrathful reminder, perhaps artistic accomplishment, perhaps athletic skill, perhaps great educator, or perhaps something utterly simple, maybe being the best flower gardener on the block. (In other words, any of the developmental lines released into their own primordial state, released into their own post-postconventional condition.) When the bodymind is released from the brutalities inflicted by the selfcontraction, it naturally gravitates to its own highest estate, manifested in the great potentials of the enlightened mind, the great potentials of simple, everpresent awareness. Thus, as you rest in simple, ever-present awareness, you are the great Unborn; but as you are born—as you arise from ever-present awareness— you will manifest certain qualities, qualities inherent in intrinsic Spirit, and qualities colored by the dispositions of your own bodymind and its particular talents." Leo for example would for sure continue exploring the Multiverse. But without a burnout & exhaustion, and totally at peace, loving, compassionate and blissful. Totally happy in being only part-time Alien, and mostly part-time human, and perfectly happy with that. Because it is a unique place to be at. The Alien can not be part-time human and tell about that, at least not so easily as somebody with a more "full-time" denser human body. Lovely book on these topics, from a gentlemen way wiser than Water by the River: Spangler, Subtle Worlds: An Explorer’s Field Notes. What will the Blessed Lion do? That is up for you to unpack and explore. Individuality and uniqueness is never lost in Enlightenment, only separation. Bon Voyage!