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  1. @Elshaddai If you experience god realization you could become god and realize you are dreaming this whole life. All that exists is the void or nothingness and so you can control the dream. It is solipsism or simulation theory. You could become the Buddha. But even then you just let it all flow and don't try to change anything because you realize everything is perfect. But if you want to believe this reality exists then who knows? Maybe or maybe not. It is possible all the aliens and all the alien AIs all proved to themselves there is no free will so they all just accepted life or killed themselves or escaped into another dimension where there is free will.
  2. @Inliytened1So do you think if your ego doesn't become "god realized" , you will associate your aging/death with actual death process like seeing a "white tunnel" and when you enter the "white tunnel" you will see out of your mothers vagina or any birth portal into a new reality. But who is responsible for this process and on who's behalf does it happen? Who is responsible for creating how we look like etc. This is what i don't get , it's like there are many "levels" of yourself that are responsible for some part of creation. Jesus said: If you associate yourself with man you will die like man. If you associate yourself with spirit you will have eternal life? Does this mean if we associate ourself with spirit, we essentially have eternal life and we can dig/experience realities forever until we develop to infinity or something? I also know that in these god realized states it's like your memory isn't stable anymore, because everything happends all at once. And this nothingness is responsible for our forgetfullness that we are god. It's like you fall asleep and forgot who you were, and perhaps wake up in a new reality? Because i almost forget who i was at some point, and it was like reality/nothingness wanted me to forget myself. And deep down i felt that it would be the end of my ego/reality.
  3. @Inliytened1It wasn't awesome for me, all the desires/meaning/value lose value. It's not like how when you're in the game of life with others. Everything of meterial literally had 0 importance to me, i only craved "others" "love" and "loving others" as much as possiible as i was the only one. When you become god realized in the dream at that level it's really strange, you associate yourself with nothingness and realize that there is nobody else to take control of that "nothingness". Then you realize you're god, but all value is lost because there are no others. These level of consciousness literally made me want to cut myself or jump to my death from somewhere. The reason i didn't go further or do anything stupid like go into people houses is because i didn't know how my god realized reality would affect the reality my "ego" was in. This is the hardest obstacle, as you realize that you can create a reality for yourself in the past/future.
  4. I remember i woke up god realized to some level, after ingesting LSD and falling asleep. During the sleep, i deconstructed the reality in nothingness and when the deconstruction finished i woke up like a God or something. The reality became a bit like insanity, these levels of consciousness were hard to handle. There were no people anywhere, the earth was like a closed domain/death domain for my walking avatar. Because i associated drugs/consciousness with heaven, the window of my neighbours house changed and was opened with a white teddybear hanging out. The hallucination was so perfect i couldn't establish a difference between this ego life now and that reality. It was like reality/time stopped, and i could see the same pigeon fly over my head like 5 times making the same noises. Can you imagine seeing reality as "loop" as there was no time or people. I knew i was god realized and i was walking mindlessly in circles/same pattern. Then i did many ego things/prayed/washed dishes/worked out/cold shower etc. just to get away from that insanity and that level of consciousness to have some rest and be my ego again. I could literally take a small glass of milk and imagine me drinking it forever using my mind, it would never go empty. Thank fuck, i came back to my ego again. Now i just don't know how to procceed further, my only hope is that there is truely a god and that we will never be able to reach this "god level" as somebody taking care of us is the best thing we can have in life or any reality.
  5. Infinity is absolutely simple, it is the absence of limits. If the absence of limits is total, infinity perceives itself as absolutely empty, since it cannot be filled and everything into it fades until become nothingness. Its quality is that it exists, and perceiving itself as total existence is enlightenment. The forms are perceived as holograms without existence in themselves, but with the total depth of the unlimited. any other perception that is "more" is simply limited. nothing can be more than the total absence of limits
  6. Most of the people on earth have a concept that the Astral Realm is a Realm like Heaven where you will get another physical body or perhaps an avatar where you can explore the world and so on. Here's the TRUTH I have experienced the Astral Realm like two times that is within all of you. The astral Realm is an Imaginary Realm, and all the imaginary blocks/creativity are open to you as "God", it's a realm of knowingness meaning there is no "I that thinks" . So everything comes to you by your will, curiosity, imagination, truth. Because this Realm is close or infinity itself, all possible scenarios are there. Meaning there is not "1" event that is the truth or "happend" . In the Astral Realm, you're Alone there are no others and you're Aware that you're God. You don't have a physical body, you travel the Astral Realm by your imagination. The Astral Realm is a realm of rest/purity/love/quietness, and you have been there many times. The reason you leave this astral realm is because ofcourse like most of you know " you're all alone, and there is eventially nothing to do" because you're knowingness itself. This is not the highest realm of consciousness that you can experience, the highest is when you see yourself and outside of yourself as small point of vibrating awareness into infinite nothingness/void that stretches forever. Why could i experience the Astral realm and the highest consciousness level i ever experienced and be still in my body? Because your ego body is your main avatar/imagination/vehicle that you cling into, it isn't any different than imagination, So respect your ego/body/yourself just as much as you respect God, you're the one that wanted to experience others and life in all shapes or forms!
  7. @Reciprocality @Hojo If the singular substance that takes on many different shapes is nothingness then are you aware that this amounts to saying that there is no such substance at all? Effectively refuting your own assertion? yes thats what im saying. Its dreaming anything is happening. Nothing is happening. You are reality and you have delusioned yourself that you exist. It means you lied to yourself and created a false reality. The reflection back dosent exist so its taking a form that dosent exist.
  8. @Hojo If the singular substance that takes on many different shapes is nothingness then are you aware that this amounts to saying that there is no such substance at all? Effectively refuting your own assertion?
  9. God is nothingness, consciousness, base of reality, its flying around planets not thinking and then suddenly it starts to fall asleep ohhh noooo, not here.... It puts its dreaming blanket on, it starts to dream. Then it puts various blankets on these blankets are deceptions It puts a nervous system blanket on, its now deceiving itself that it can feel it puts an organ blanket its now deceiving itself that it has organs it can sense anything the organs can sense it puts a grounding blanket on, its now deceiving itself that it is on a planet anywhere it puts an emotional blanket it on, it can now feel good or bad it puts a language blanket on, its now deceiving itself that words are anything but sounds it puts on personality blanket, its now deceiving itself that it exists as something it puts on monkey mind blanket, it now has a voice talking to it that can deceive it further morality sin concepts logic all follow this to further you into dream its infinite deception. Your body is a 3d object in reality there is no consciousness in it. Its like a toy that God can play with. Consciousness cannot be spontaneity its before spontaneity its eternal. Its a sphere of consciousness and light that is inside itself pretending that its outside the sphere and separate from it.
  10. The end-goal isn't a materialistic outcome though. It isn't making more of a difference to promote an intellect-oriented focus on non-duality and 100s of videos repeating the same things. Having a profound crown level experience of reality, talking about it for 1000s of hours and reversing the experience of formlessness to form due to the nature of substances is not a more holistic approach, it is reversing the nature of spiritual progress because stimulants still limit things outside of the experiences they induce (they're not sattvic) After experiencing Isha's practices and 5-MeO-DMT years prior it is very clear to me that substances come with detrimental, limiting effects. Holistic transformation requires activity on all levels, physical yoga is a means to an end and you have to cater to materialism to some degree in a relative, materialistic world If you stepped outside of this and attended any Isha event you would easily grasp any of what Isha, or what Sadhguru subtly imparts into the world asides from any experiential realizations wrought by 5-MeO-DMT This article propounds upon the place that non-duality and a crown level of spirituality has in the world, there are realizations to be had outside of this which are related to purifying grosser aspects so that your progress is grounded and not limited to the "highest" levels of experience Instead of sharing an opinion just for the sake of having one, it would be helpful to experience some of what Isha has taught outside of any first impressions from videos or articles. Through classical Hatha yoga or any of the yoga that Isha teaches you'd experience something similar, your sleep quota going down is related to how at ease your body is and its connection to the larger body, Hatha yoga is about aligning yourself with the sun and the moon and achieving a level of physical rapport with the rest of existence. Hatha yoga is not exclusive to Isha either, but it isn't unexpected that this community has a limited understanding of the importance of yoga in our day and age There is an exhaustive list of things that this forum do not understand due to the nature of spiritual progress through substances, crystallizing yourself here is a mistake and I'd urge every single one of you to experience anything that Isha has to offer first and foremost. One easy topic to extrapolate with is sex, if you're experiencing a level of subtlety of body by working at and purifying things through any potent Hatha yoga or any requiring initiation such as in Isha's, you'd connect the dots in articles like this -, explaining the body's accumulation of memory and the detrimental effects of promiscuity There are many dimensions to spirituality outside of non-dual experiences of oneness, love and God, and we require the grounding of purificatory practices that deal with very real aspects of our subtle physiology like the five elements (bhuta shuddhi), the pranic/genetic body (hatha yoga) and further to nothingness or shoonya, to apply our non-dual experiences and understandings to the rest of the world in a holistic light
  11. See that's what I am saying. This is only your and mine personal ideas that's all. Nothing mean is everything to me, therefore there is no such thing as everything. Only nothing/nothingness. The moment is now, and I am hugging it what can I do more ?
  12. To make the following post more readable you should remember that sentences with parentheses stands on their own ground without them. There are no sound arguments for the possibility of negation being a perpetual function of the human mind because negation in general is itself a condition for all possibilities. If negation is a perpetual function of the human mind then in following the above it is so necessarily, and if it is not such a function then also that is necessary (its impossibility) If we imagine the following two distinct situations Situation A: Regarding the proposition that all humans have bald heads examples of some hairy heads will contradict it. Situation B: Regarding the proposition that a given head is bald it is affirmed by it having no hair on the head. The semantic and intentions of the propositions are not real things, the aim of this post is to refer to real things, real experiences, and then to contextualise these and explain the character of those experiences by that context. The reality of the former situation induces negation between identities while the reality of the latter situation does not (and could not by itself) induce any negation. But if the reality of the latter situation were focused on in itself independent of propositional semantics and intentions then my argument is that negation in general will be present with that situation B by informing you of the possibility of its (the situation's) absence, the conception of this possibility is often present in these moments (you can validate it experientially) and it is this proclivity I am attempting to explain. If negation in general (negation as a contrast for all things) were impossible then why would we spontaneously conceive that a given moment is actual / could have possibly evaporated? If negation in general (negation as a contrast for all things) were necessary (not therefore given to us independent of experiences) then what appears positive or additional in the antithetical relation between two predicates is actually self-referential, that is, that propositional instantiations of the concept of negation partakes in the general negation which were a necessary function between identities prior to propositions (prior to particularisation of subjects and their predication).
  13. The reason being conscious is suffering, is because when i achieved the highest possible consciousness level with full wakefullness and awareness. I saw that God/consciousness is just an "awareness" stuck in infinite nothingness. God ponders how its awareness came from infinite nothingness, when you're there and viewing this infinite nothingness all alone you want to escape it as fast as possible. So you can't escape your own awareness and will always will be aware, the distractions of life and balance of life is basically how it needs to be to distract yourself from more suffering. And god isn't infinite like all claim here, it's because they didn't reach the highest level and are just speculating. The questions of God/Life become the "limit" of God itself. Meaning, God can't answer some questions about himself and eventually all life will lead to these questions.
  14. Thats not the point. Obsessions is a form of love, hate is a form of love,, blah blah blah blah. We're still here in the relative domain having a discussion. If you want to go there everything is One, its all the Absolute, you are me and i am you, this discussion is pointless since I'm just talking to myself, so is life and everything in this nothingness of a nothing hell hole. There's your love. Hahahahahaha
  15. Or both or neither one of them? 😄 The last 7,5 months have been absolutely brutal for me. A few days after my last lsd experience in July I was heavily destabilised and flooded with such unimaginable levels of fear that it seemed like I had damaged myself forever. This was also a heavy retraumatization with things that had already gotten considerably better after several years of good work. Since then several other things followed that destabilised me again after I had already improved. The last one is that since end of 2023 I haven't been able to overcome a fucking regular cold, which is constantly worsening my already debilitating chronic fatigue symptoms. It was a cycle of stress, more illness symptoms, more stress etc. Since my second last lsd experience (also July 2023) until now I have a thing where behind closed eyes I see subtle but still clear enough images of scary faces flashing up, very quickly and subtly, still unambiguous though. It's more like just the widely opened eye balls and mouths, like you would imagine insane people or people in terror or people being tormented or so. It started during the lsd experience but didn't unfold or complete itself and now it persists a little bit more subtly than during the experience. Needless to say that with my trauma and the last lsd experience I'm not gonna have any trip again any time soon... Weirdly though, at the same time my meditations are deeper than ever and it more and more feels like I'm connecting to something and dissolving into nothingness. I feel twitching or subtle tremoring movements around the spine, sometimes in the perineum itself. I've had meditations where I clearly felt a stream of energy through the spine up into the brain. I have more and more "visuals" during my meditations. My brain feels incredibly good in some meditations, sometimes there's virtually no thought (no selftalk) for maybe a minute or so, just imagery arising and leaving (biographical, phantastical or "random", kind of like on a psychedelic.) I'm sometimes in a normal environment but I really have to wonder: "what actually is this here? Objects, people, "me"?" Of course I know that people voluntarily start to do contemplation to awaken, but what I mean is that I really genuinely am confronted with this question, not really like I'm choosing to think about it. I also do very down to earth trauma work or emotional work with different techniques, I can't go very deep at the moment though, cause I can still downward spiral and get destabilised. I'm also aware of "something". It's like energetic but...I don't know. Like seeing a flimmering in the air, and it's not the one when a street is hot in summer, much more subtle. It kind of feels like a presence could be here, but I don't really see it yet. On some nights I also had terrible nightmares where I was paralysed and other crazy stuff happened. But also dreams of flying, chakras opening and energy spreading etc Stanislav Grof invented the term of "spiritual crisis/spiritual emergency" (as opposed to mental illness), so maybe you guys can calm me down a bit. I'd appreciate if you try to not make me more concerned but offer the most optimistic or encouraging view. Thanks a lot everyone! Greetings
  16. The concept of the above dichotomy is a very weird concept, because for something to be dichotomous a negation in general must be integral to it. But the reason this apparent absurdity is solved for is that for something to be a negation in general it must be distinct from two things that are discernible (this is the reason or the way in which a normal dichotomy is itself meaningless), and that is precisely what we need for a double positive dichotomy to be real. A dichotomy is mutually exclusive and exhaust all possibilities with regard to a yet-determined subject, a man and a non-man is an example of this. A man and everything other than a man would be an example of a dichotomy which exhaust all possibilities while remaining in the positive as opposed to in the negative. That there can even in principle be two such variants of the concept of dichotomy implies the equivalence between the things that are changed between them, the equivalence between 1. a non-man and 2. everything other than a man. (this equivalence is also what makes nothingness a fiction and impossible) My actual point is that whichever dichotomy above you wish to employ in a given moment will merely re-shuffle the cards of necessary or essential concepts that pertains to both, in one example the negation in general is instantiated without referent (borrowing the sufficient information for discernibility from somewhere hidden) and in the other example the negation in general is implied (having the sufficient information for discernibility between the very things that are exclusive and exhaustive). If you got this far then I can introduce the third kind of dichotomy which does not only have positive referents but has non mutually determined identities of these referents, and this kind of dichotomy is dependent on composites, will pertain to physics and mathematics and establish weird yin-yang relationships where you will actually find the identity of one half of the dichotomy in the composite of the referent to the other. (being mutually constructive as opposed to mutually determined) An important question to ask concerning this third dichotomy is whether there is some range or intermediate steps between it and nr 2 where the less determined the dichotomy is through its identities the more substantially either will exist in the composition of the other. There is also a fourth kind, where both positives though they may be mutually determined are generalities as opposed to one of them being a peculiarity as in the example of a "man", an interesting question to ask about these is whether the fourth kind is necessarily mutually determined.
  17. Gonna speak based from the experience being on the highest level that i've ever reached in consciousness/being a while ago. When i was on that level, my pov/being was vibration itself.(use your imagination how it might look like). The vibration of myself sounded/felt like very slow extreme powerfull vibrating beats resembling the sound of "OHM", it felt like extreme overprocessing heat/energy resembling what we call here "love" and also felt like i've been here before many times. It also felt that i was everything and that i was extreme conscious. The state also felt like "AI" , meaning everything was automated. I felt i was automated like an "AI" because i gave up everything to not be there. This vibration of myself was in infinite nothingness, meaning my awareness/vibration was just a tiny point in nothingness that went to all direction for infinity. It felt like this "nothingness" wasn't really part of me, my mind questioned how this tiny point of awareness was in this infinite nothingness. And why this tiny point of awareness (god) was in this infinite nothingness. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ So essentially if this "nothingness" is apart from you/god , then it is essentially possible for infinite other minds to exist like your own. But because this "nothingness" is infinite , essentially only your own mind will be forever valid and you won't have contact with "other" minds/gods. Here i've asked someone to make a video representation what i've seen. 1. There are no stars like in the video. 2. It's more of like an infinite sandbox, the more you look in the void/nothingness the more you see that it has this grayish infinite texture in the middle that goes forever. So your vision is a square : upper part - black/nothingnesss - middle grayish infinite nothingness that stretches for infinity, downward part - black/nothingness. 3. There is no movement/flying like in the video, you're stuck at 1 place. The stars are there to give vision/representation. 4. Your own vibration is something like this, but much much slower and tremendously more powerfull
  18. Yes friend, thank you. We are not a in a world, we are in boundless love. There is nothing to do but to endlessly drip in the nothingness this non-existent experience is.
  19. @Leo Gura I figured out the Buddhist\ New age simplistic and flawed definition of Enlightenment. They mistake it for the slight increase in consciousness when you focus on the moment and mere existence and see that everything around you is made out of consciousness\nothingness. Then they say "You are already enlightened!!! there is nothing to do, etc...".Of course, What they describe is a high level of mindfulness. What they dismiss is that there are much higher levels of consciousness\ insights.
  20. Sure brother. It was great for the peak infinite love, infinite nothingness, being just nothing. Love burned me completely. However, coming down was insanity. Insanity. I couldn't eat for 5 days.
  21. Buddha is an attachment a very strong one indeed. If you go deep enough which I am starting to see none of you have or perhaps we are in separate dreams. And no awareness no mind blank mind, no memory, or whatever you think it is, is not it. What is behind all the masks that God wears??? One could call identities ego. Who do think created these masks?? or these imaginary egos? The many facest, faces Of God. I wonder if any of you collect anything? Hobbies are fun can be expensive though and may clog your abode up. But I enjoy them nonetheless. After you Awaken to yourself again what else is there to do? This may be hard for any of you to grock and perhaps one of you has already got it. Who else can enjoy all that God created? Some people, like nothingness or no mind darkness no thoughts no attachments, stillness non-awareness have Fun there. Wherever there may be I guess Consciousness has an off-switch. How does silence express itself? Is my Consciousness the same as yours?? Like I said once you lose all attachments Ego self and even Fear of everything then what????????? Think about this very carefully and deeply. And this is how I know. W
  22. I have even experienced a state where i could imagine/unimagine people walking on the street. People/animals are nothing more then appearances in consciousness, when you lower your frequency your reality and theirs become stable. The people or the dream world is a product of a witnessing consciousness and your desire to be others. They however do have consciousness as everything exists of the same matter as you do. How come at certain times they appear as not having consciousness? Because when you turn the knob and go to higher consciousness you change your own frequency and not theirs. So essentially solipsism and togetherness is contained in all. You have to remember that you're nothingness and potential , you can't stick or ascribe 1 term to yourself. At the highest level , you're a witness of your nothingnese/potential/infinity and that you're a lone awareness desiring for there to be something. But it's just a frequency/direct experience and nothing more. I don't think it's possible to be aware of all there is because you're nothingness so everything contained within and out is equally valid.
  23. You have no idea what enlightment is, there is no such things as enlightment. You will always explore yourself forever at different levels. Enlightment is another word for consciousness, the highest level of consciousness that you can reach is when you realize that you're an awareness in nothingness/potential and you will see it with your own eyes. Even at the highest level you won't know anything how you came to be. And why you're repeating what i'm saying, "you're imagining that". An imaginary world can only exist in imagination? This just confirms you're just talking with no actual experience.
  24. Yes exactly. When you don't think, you can't use your imagination to point to any dualities anymore. That is what is happening when you are in that "gap." This can feel unfamiliar or confusing at first, as if you are a blank empty vessel, but that is just because you are so used to engaging in reality through your intellect that it feels impractical to keep yourself there, but there is actually a deep wisdom and clarity which can be observed in that state. That clarity and wisdom comes from the non-dual aspect of it. Dualities are literally equivalent to imagination. If I tell you to look at a chair, those words cause you to single out a "chair" in your experience through imagination. The word "chair" causes you to imagine that object and then search for it in your own experience. This is why communication and language must always fundamentally be dualistic. The way language and communication works is that you make the other person imagine things/dualities through your words. It seems like there is "blankness" or "nothing" there. This can seem confusing or unsatisfying at first, but that is only because of your own expectations of what should be there. The "nothingness" you find there is of an entirely different quality than the one you might imagine. There is actually a very definite clarity to this "silence" or "nothingness." It answers all of your questions by saying nothing. If what you were previously imagining can be rendered void by simply stopping your thinking, it should be questioned how that is existentially possible. What is actually left over when you stop thinking? How come it vanishes when you stop thinking?
  25. From absolute perspective, nobody and no body is here. You are not in the body nor mind. If you try to find yourself in the body, you can't. Because there is literally no "you". What you say and ask above is attachment with thoughts/illusions. Therefore, there is no correct answer for those questions. He is trying to say this; every movement, every action, every state etc.. is nothing. Therefore, your every movement is actually enlightenment, because they are all nothin and therefore identical. Moreover, if you do not attach with thoughts every moment is identical for you, with that way you recognize consciousness is nothingness or nothing. Identification with 1 word brings back entire duality. If you have empty mind, it makes one, not two.