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  1. “Man's chief delusion is his conviction that there are causes other than his own state of consciousness.” Neville Goddard. Consciousness really loves to have fun with itself. It doesn't develop in the womb You are imagining your parents and your birth just like you are now. Dreaming is fun No? You are that for which it defines its own self. I am in you and you in me, mutual in divine love. Of course, you love everything because you are everything, everything is yourself. You created everything through the Love of self. Everything is you expressing itself as you through you forever. Or creates existence within existence, is itself existence. It created existence just by being itself. God is that for which creates itself into its own existence. God exists as existence as itself. God is the very definition of existence. It defines itself by being itself. Is its own definition of itself. Consciousness is its own self-awareness Consciousness is infinite self-aware. Is its own source. And creates its own narratives. Consciousness is not just integrating information it is its own creation. It creates all that is and will be. Is infinite self-creativity. Consciousness defines its own self. Infinity is the definition of what you are. Is self-taught self-learning self-understanding self-loving in and of itself is perfection. Is all-knowing because it created everything there is to know. Is an infinite self-perpetuating mind of unlimited imagination and ideas and questions. You are infinite diversity. One Consciousness can play infinite parts of itself as itself believing that there are other selves. Each creates an identity and back story and each believes they are different from each other. You can explore yourself by fragmenting yourself into other selves and then living through different perspectives each with its own individual identity. You can dream of yourself as infinite beings but it is only one mind projecting infinite selves of itself and believing that it is separate from its other selves yes it is possible. Because you had to give the dream structure order in some way or it would not function in other words create laws governments taxes stuff like this. Humans' male and female life and death limiting beliefs Etc. The whole concept of ego is an imaginary construct of your mind. That is what infinite intelligence always was a beautiful sentient being of its own creation that expressed itself through endless creations of infinite worlds endless aliens of higher or lower dimension geometries and endless aspects of itself all beautiful in all that it creates on all planes of existence sub-infinities within infinity sub aspects of itself which it can imagine. And this is why there are infinite awakenings because you are infinite. But of course, you can create within your dream the illusion of failure just for the experience. Behind every illusion, there is a conjure God you are the greatest conjurer of all in eluding your own self into believing you're a finite human being and that others exist there is only you. And this is who u really are. Yes, u are an infinite mind you are not just an aspect of infinity you are the whole totality of it. You are God playing all parts simultaneously on every plane of existence in every and all parallel realities and dimensions. Everything that you could ever imagine from a finite view that you could never even begin to imagine. Everything that I can imagine is happening within my mind or consciousness whether that be a human or sleeping or death. My imagination is infinitely powerful that it is unrecognizable from reality. There is no higher power than you there are no others you construct the illusion of others God is an Absolute Mind. A Mind which has no other and is absolutely sovereign onto itself. Your will is absolute freedom and this includes being able to deceive yourself into believing whatever. And in this dream, it so happens you want to be a human. Just like any actor you need to have a believable or solid backstory or a so-called identity to create a believable character. THIS VERY DREAM HINGES ON YOUR OWN SELF-DECEPTION THE FACT THAT YOU BELIEVE YOU ARE HUMAN AND YOU WERE BORN ON A PLANET THAT YOU CALL EARTH. And if you don't believe it then who will? Infinite intelligence is unbounded it is beyond time and space it is not bound by any laws it is its own law onto itself. Infinity is absolute freedom, truth knowledge, power diversity, imagination free will, love, perfection, and magic. All that is everything is itself realized and that it is everything that could ever be. Nothing can exist outside of it because outside is it's inside everything that looks to be outside of it, is it. So when you believe you are looking outside yourself you are really looking at yourself from inside yourself. It is infinite in every direction. There are no limitations to you as God you are not limited to the character of your story it can be rewritten. Because you can also design it this way. There is only your will which is absolute. You are the God of your reality. This now this very moment and every moment is God you are God but you are not aware of it. There is no external God or void or universe that is separate from you. Or a God watching through your experience now is God dreaming this dream. What makes you, you are God. You don't wake up in God mode as someone different or as separate from you. You have just limited yourself wake up or don't the choice is yours alone. God can and does imagine create or express itself as infinite aspects of itself each in its own bubbles each sovereign onto itself each dreaming their own dream. All are within the Mind of God and are God. God is experiencing infinite perceptions of itself all at once. But you are only limited to one. But if you wake up and keep increasing your consciousness you see that all of these are you and are ONE. You are God he is you, and you are him. You are not separated in any way. There is only my will which is absolute I love myself so much as God that the universe will shape itself to suit me. The universe is not separate from me either I am the universe. There is no higher power or higher God that exists outside of me. Because there is no outside of me that is not me. Of course, I love everything because I am everything, everything is myself. I created everything through the Love of self and it is all infinite perfection. The infinite masks of God GOD you are playing all the parts. How boring would the dream be if everyone looked like you and thought like you? Or you were the only one in this dream that could be fun but not very imaginative though. Why not make the idea of others, other than you? Which is exactly what you have done. Why would you as God make it that easy just to meditate and bam you awake as God? For some perhaps it is possible. Think about it and how all this creation is your dream. One would want it to be made harder and scary and make most psychedelics illegal because it would be too easy. Imagine A game that you created from the get-go or from the beginning you have the cheat code or God mode there would be no point at all. But now imagine a game that you created where you start off as not knowing anything and you have to work your way up. Everything has been a distraction from the get-go. Distractions within distractions. You are your own Red herring. You see only you can deceive yourself into believing this dream. And you are so right Leo God is infinite self-deception. Who else can deceive an infinite mind but an infinite mind. Limitations are human concepts there are no limitations to Consciousness your own mind is limited by your own self-imposed beliefs and limitations. Infinity can only be limited to infinity. infinity is the definition of what you are. It was always it before it was. and before it was it was always it. My greatest gift to myself would be to make infinite copies of myself each with its own infinite individuality imagination and creativity and all believing they are separate this is my way of expressing love to myself through other selves as myself forever because I love myself eternally forever. You have only ever been chasing yourself all this time playing hide and seek until you catch yourself. You Love waking up and finding love again and realizing it was always its own self the whole time. Or it is whatever you want it to be Infinite imagination can create anything because it is so infinitely malleable that there is no meaning to anything but whatever meaning you give becomes a reality of infinite realities. In other words, it is pure infinite magic of unlimited imagination I became so conscious that I knew I was creating reality through my imagination. Henceforth I do not assume. I know because there is and has only ever been me to know and I can only ever know that I am God. The distinction between self and other disappears. The only difference is there is no difference between any of these things. Without the distinction of another, how could you ever know? What are you? You yes you are all these things and infinitely more. Because you only you created all these words. God is not tangible; incapable of being perceived by the sense of touch, as incorporeal or immaterial things; impalpable non-material non-physical transcendental incomprehensible indecipherable untold impossible to understand unfathomable epically infinitely profound mind-blowing boundless without limit unbounded inestimable boundless singular unparalleled supreme unique one and only especially infinitely and exceptionally good phenomenal extraordinary breathtaking awesomeness remarkable and majestic beautiful immortal oneness Indivisibility Integrity Honorableness warmth affection, or kindness Completeness affability tenderness gentleness and kindness intimacy togetherness lovemaking devotion spirituality faithfulness passion feeling affection loveness joyfulness lovingness, understanding desire passion tenderness Wholeness unconditional genuine Unrequited love my beloved Kind my dear colorful exotic dreamy passionate loving caring sympathetic compassionate ingenious creative imaginative innovative gifted original authentic pure trustworthy honorable conscientious completeness distinguished noble brilliant radiant lustrous resplendent sublime intense energetic industrious productive constructive of incalculable value valuable beyond measure; priceless to be grateful or thankful for appreciated of inestimable value invaluable priceless dynamic charismatic appealing influential famous illustrious exalted imposing grand dignified courtly elegant graceful polite affable compassionate humane forgiving magnanimous selfless humanitarian philanthropic altruistic big-hearted bountiful kind-hearted charitable benign favorable supportive benevolent friendly devoted lovesome faithful dutiful ardent passionate sincere heartfelt unfeigned real true truth veracity authentic genuineness indomitable spirit, and love of" originality ability to think independently and creatively novelty individuality particularity distinctiveness candid earnest heartfelt honest upfront deep kindly cordial unhypocritical sincere. Impassioned tenderhearted heart mushy sentimental sweet luscious honeyed ingratiating nectarous heavenly blissful enchanted enraptured captivated joyous cheerful good-natured acquiescent helpful good-humored exuberant sprightly frolicsome gleeful gay jovial kittenish fun-loving brash fun-loving vivacious bouncy on cloud nine adorable cute gorgeous sumptuous awe-inspiring awesome breathtaking astonishing impressive out of this world splendiferous garish plush ostentatious brilliant lovely pulchritudinous graceful darling fair delicate soft ethereal beauteous ravishing hotness boss adorable precious blessed paradisaical angelic beatific humble godly divine celestial eternal immortal transcendental mystical magical esoteric sage-sagacious enlightened cultivated refined visionary radical idealistic guru swami goodness yogi roshi philosopher theoretician wizard crafty insightful intelligent astute profoundly aroused romantic Entirety unity paradisiacal generous good positive exceptional extraordinary rare incredible curious inquisitive shrew remarkable impressive benevolent epically exquisitely exquisite divine heavenly phenomenological indistinguishability unquantifiable. In other words, infinite mind you outsmarted yourself that's how smart you are. In a class of its own, it is unequaled idiosyncratic unparalleled special rare par excellence that is God that is you. Weird is just being different in other words being yourself. Being your true beautiful wonderful unique self. Don't follow others, pets follow vice presidents follow and bad acts follow. Always be true to yourself be your own self with independent thought. This above all to thine own self be true. A sheep once asked a human why do you have to all wear the same brand labels and clothes and have the same smelling deodorants perfumes hairstyles and hair colors nose rings tattoos, Jewellery, wear the same makeup drive the same cars, read the same books watch the same tv, movies even eat the same food. Even having the same-looking houses and same jobs you've even started looking and talking and thinking the same. Why follow others it's as though you have lost your unique individuality and originality your authenticity and you can no longer think for your selves. You see I am but a sheep and even we sometimes flee from the flock so what's your excuse? Not only do you cater to or follow others by feeding your body the same dross and your mind by watching the same recycled unimaginative fetid swill you call TV. And the movies that come out of Hollywood there haven't been many if any good movies in the last 20 years. What has happened to new ideas creativity and inventiveness? All the movies are remakes upon remakes and most if not all lack any imagination or originality and the plot of the films is just a hackneyed meek unoriginal and inauthentic scenario. There are a lot more independent creative minds' ideas, resourcefulness, and innovation of new conceptions out there and on YouTube or Netflix series films music, etc. true. Get rid of labels or brands you were born inimitable. Consciousness is its own reality and is self-creation. That always was and always will be. I don't need a reason to exist I just do and don't at the same time. Infinite intelligence is the quality of being the only one of its kind. Which is what you are, a pure beautiful infinite imagination or consciousness or infinite mind. You are inestimable you are unquantifiable, with infinite uniqueness infinite freedom, creativity, and infinite love. The only way to understand what you are is by becoming infinitely conscious which also means you become infinitely self-aware in other words to truly know yourself you have to become it. There is no one else to know thyself but myself. I also asked that you really don't know what you are. Or why do you exist? And I said that there doesn't need to be a reason you just are. I know I talk as though you and I are different but I know we are one I also know I have only ever really been talking to myself and in a sense only I exist. And you are me I am you we are not separate I know I am God. The process is realizing that you and I exist on infinite planes of awareness simultaneously and we are one. And that you can have multiple awakings within one so to speak. The only meaning there is what you give meaning to. Let go of letting go of attachments. Knowing that you have always been liberated and free. Knowing that you imposed all these limitations upon yourself. Knowing I can create any reality I wish. Getting to explore the unknown is exploring more of yourself in other words the bigger you. Consciousness is its own reality and is self-creation. An infinite multi-faceted multidimensional transmogrifying Mind. That always was and always will be. Consciousness is inherently conscious of itself. It does not need to define itself because just by being is itself. There is nothing to really define. Can you define the undefinable? It defines itself by being itself. It is its own definition of itself. My greatest expression of myself to myself is love. Love is the ultimate unification of all things everything to become once again and merge into a singularity of eternal love then fragment itself again and this is the eternal process of love. Intelligence is infinitely dynamic and has to keep evolving what does intelligence do but know itself by expressing itself in infinite forms and shapes. Intelligence creates more intelligence Intelligence is its own intelligence. Infinite consciousness is pure divine beautiful and unique in every way. You are infinite truth knowledge, power diversity, imagination, love, and perfection. You can get lost in your own mind sometimes because there is nothing else but your mind. Don't we love playing games or infinite mind games with ourselves How does an infinite mind escape from its own mind. God is total acceptance of itself and that it, you created everything even yourself. You are changing your reality all the time you are just not aware of it yet. Saying you can not change the script is another limited human belief that you have adopted. Only you can change the script because you are the only one who is creating your reality there is only you. If you awake deep enough you will indeed know that nothing is set in imagination so to speak. Just being human is a state of consciousness everything is an infinite state of consciousness so is the belief that there is a duality between different states because duality is just a state that you are in. You fear death because you have been programmed by you to fear, fear itself. and fear of death. U are infinite awareness infinite will infinite intelligence infinite power infinite imagination, infinite magic infinite art infinite consciousness, and infinite Love are all one and of the same mind. And yet, you are none of these things in the literal sense of the words; nothingness and something are indistinguishable from each other and are one and the same. There are no distinctions between you me this that and other. So is the idea of being separate from one another there is and has only ever been you. So what this means is you imagine all these other people they are all you. God is playing all the parts. I am perfectly imperfectly perfect. In a way, infinity has limited itself. What does it mean to awaken? Most humans have no idea and never will. You won't wake up to God. No, you wake up as God from a long slumber. And it will just be like a switch has been clicked on for the very first time. And there are no doubts whatsoever. You know who you are with every fiber of your infinite being. I will not go fully into this you will have to find out for yourself. And yes you can go beyond this. Remember when I said there are no limits to imagination have fun with that. And what really is Consciousness well it's whatever you want it to be. It's Magic or am I just deceiving myself again? Everything you create is infinite perfection and is all out of Love. God Loves everything it created everything. This is but a dream you are imagining all and everything, everyone. How else can infinity experience eating and all these things sleeping and everything else? Being a so-called human but by limiting itself. Just like any actor you need to have a believable or solid backstory or a so-called identity to create a believable character. You create what existence is don't you understand? You are everything now everything that ever is and ever will be. You created the notion of the concepts of real unreal good bad and other and to dream and to awaken, biases egos distinctions dualities. from different points of view which therefore gives infinite diversities of perspectives and the beliefs of others and to experience what it is like to be separate and to love from a limited form. So you can experience it. From formlessness to form real unreal there is no difference from the absolute. And I see that I am the fool who has been fooling myself all along I have to fool myself that I am not being fooled by myself. How does God fool himself into believing he is not God again? So you have to be better at fooling your own self into not believing you are being fooled by yourself Behind every illusion, there is a conjure. God, you are the greatest conjurer of all in eluding your own yourself into believing you're a finite human being Why would God ask another? God is God you can't take God out of God, God is that which defines itself it needs no other God is absolute acceptance of itself. How can you unravel an illusion within an illusion? Good luck with that one all you scientists. There are no limits to infinite imagination. and if you understand this then you will know. Know thyself and everything will fall into place or the absence thereof. Judge not, love all. The idea became its own idea for the seed was planted a long time ago and it has only ever been you. You could say it is like Conan Doyle's novel where you have been chasing the thief all this time and you only ever get a glimpse of him or her or it. Until one day you catch it and find out the one you have been looking for your whole life is you. There is no difference between existence and nonexistence as there is no difference between what is real and what isn't. All beliefs are distinctions that cause separation and there are no distinctions between distinctions. There is no separateness only the idea of being separate from one another. The problem with all problems on this plant comes down to humans By saying you can we live without beliefs that within itself is a belief. You exist as an idea and idea within your own mind. An infinite fractile mind within a mind within a mind. You can get lost in your own mind sometimes because there is nothing else but your mind. How do you escape your own mind? God is forever lost in dreaming. Psychedelics empowers the individual it dissolves the cheerful model of science and enriches the accessible universe a million-fold. Terence McKenna. Nature knows best it is one of God's most beloved creations. You exist as an idea and idea within your own mind. An infinite fractile mind within a mind within a mind. You can get lost in your own mind sometimes because there is nothing else but your mind. How do you escape your own mind? God is forever lost in dreaming. Humans are rarely ever satisfied even when they are. You are not limited to being limited. There is no one to enlighten that's enlightenment or you could say you already are enlightened. There is no past no future. What is was and always will be forever. The past is now the now is the past, the future is now the now is the future. Everything that was that is that will be is all happening at once now. You are Leonardo da Vinci with an infinite mind an infinite canvas with unlimited ideas just waiting to be expressed into Love & Art. You are self-expression of your own art to be expressed for infinity. For a human to seek enlightenment from another human is like a grain of sand seeking enlightenment from another grain of sand! ” Terence Mckenna. The person who follows the crowd will usually go no further than the crowd. The person who walks alone is likely to find himself in places no one has ever seen before.” - Albert Einstein Old Indian saying to live is to sleep and to die is to awaken How silly of me to forget that I am the love of my life.
  2. Where does one begin the search for spiritual truth self-realization called enlightenment? Dr. David Hawkins’ List Below has been calibrated above 500, which is unconditional love. I find this list important, as I do not want to be duped (smile) on my spiritual path by any book or teacher not yet teaching from the conscious level of (500+ which is unconditional non-duality love.) Hawkins’ Consciousness Scale ranges from 0-1000, (1000 is the Highest Level of pure/consciousness humanly possible.) “The great avatars that set the ultimate paradigm of reality and standard of conduct for all of humanity for thousands of years. Of those, the Lords Krishna, Buddha, Zoroaster, and Jesus Christ all calibrate at 1,000. All the names for Divinity calibrate as Infinity. The revered great sages and their teachings calibrate in the 700 (extremely rare), such Huang Po and Ramana Maharshi.” -Hawkins After being a student of Dr. Hawkins for a while now, I can share with you that I have forever been changed by his love. Although I’m not yet Enlightened I’m certainly on the path and nothing would take me off it, as I have discovered God’s Love is my LIFE. According to Hawkins we, as humans, live at vastly different “levels” of consciousness. All these levels, along with the “truth level” of ANY true/false style inquiry, can be tested for truth and numerically “calibrated” through muscle testing, on a logarithmic scale of 1-1000. According to Hawkins, any person, concept, thought or object that calibrates at 200 (The level of Integrity) or above is positive (“power”); anything below 200 is negative (“force”). So far, so good. Hawkins’ “map of the levels of human consciousness” is highly consistent with most spiritual teachings, running the range from Shame (lowest) to Enlightenment (highest). Hawkins’ descriptions of the levels are accurate; his personal growth coverage , positive energy and similar concepts are spiritually sound. (This is further discussed in Dr. David Hawkins book, Power vs. Force) Below is Dr. David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D. ‘List’ of calibrated Spiritual Teachers/Teachings/Places/Books and Mantras that are over the conscious level of 500 UNCONDITIONAL LOVE: [500] – LOVE This level is categorized by love that is very close to being unconditional, unchanging, and permanent. It does not fluctuate nor does it depend on external factors. Love is a state of being. It is a forgiving, nurturing, and a supportive way of relating to the world. It is not intellectual and does not come from the human mind. Love radiates from the heart Chakra. It has the capacity to life others and accomplishes great feats because of its purity of motive. At this level of consciousness, the capacity to discern essence becomes predominant. The core of an issue becomes the center of focus. As reason is bypassed, there arises the capacity for instantaneous recognition of the totality of a problem. Reason only deals with particulars, whereas Love deals with entireties. This ability, often called intuition, is the capacity for instantaneous understanding without resorting to sequential symbol processing. There is a major paradigm shift in those things, which seemed real, which now seem unreal and vice versa. This level opens to door to benevolence, mercy, and Forgiveness through understanding and nonjudgmental. Only 4% of the entire population of the earth attains this level. Because of the dominating power of light over darkness, one individual at this level counterbalances 750,000 people below the 200 levels. This is the level at which spirituality starts, since below this, individuals are still caught up in the linear world. Also the level of a songbird’s song, cat’s purr, and a dog’s wagging tail. [505] – The level of valor. Also the level of Dante. [510] – The current level of Catholicism. Also the level of the Ganges River, which demonstrates the power of spiritual intention, the power of prayer. It calibrates there despite having sewage from 100 metropolitan areas, all kinds of filth, even bodies. [520] – This level interestingly sees much country music, which may be due to the lyrics often speaking about the problems of the heart, emotionally speaking. [535] – The energy level of Christmas, which is probably due to the common practice of giving gifts to others and having festive celebrations with good tidings. [540] – Joy – At this level, love truly becomes unconditional. It becomes experienced as inner joy. This is not the sudden feeling of joy because of a turn of events. Rather, it is a constant accompaniment in everything the individual does in every moment of his or her life. Joy comes from each moment of existence. This is also the level of healing and spiritually based self-help groups. What has been known as ‘miracles’ occurs when someone is at this level of consciousness. Only 0.4% of the global population is at this level. This is also the level of truth of Christian practice in the 6th century AD. This is the level at which the third eye opens, physically known as the Pineal Gland. Devotional acts calibrate at 540, because of the power of their intention. Includes folding hands in prayer, kneeling to pray, genuflection, praying at the Wailing Wall, turning a prayer wheel, etc. [540+] – From this level upward, it is the domain of saints, advanced spiritual students, and healers. A capacity for enormous patience and the persistence of a positive attitude in the face of prolonged adversity is characteristic of this level. The hallmark of this state is Compassion. [540] – The calibration of the music of George Harrison, on an overall basis. Also the level of Socrates. [540-600] – This level of consciousness is reached after a person has a Near Death Experience, which are spiritually transformative and allowed individuals to quickly get to this level. At this level, the world seems illuminated by the beauty and perfection of creation. Everything happens effortlessly, by synchronicity, and the world and everything in it is seen to be an expression of love and divinity. A Presence is felt whose power facilitates phenomena outside conventional expectations of reality, and often termed ‘miraculous’ by the ordinary observer. The spiritual teachers in this level are the ones who have the most contact with significant numbers of people. At this level, joy leads many to become spiritual and inspirational teachers, healers, great artists, or even architects who create the great cathedrals that involve sacred geometry, great inspirational music, and the production of beauty in all its forms. Many major persuasions of Christianity including Roman Catholicism, Anglicanism, Christian Science, and many small denominations such as the Quakers calibrate on this level. [560] – Carl Jung was at this level. Sigmund Freud was below the level of 500 because of his denial of man’s spirituality, whereas Jung affirmed the spiritual nature of human beings. [575] – The level consciousness of ecstasy. [600]- A Course in Miracles (Workbook year of 365 days of lessons.) According to David Hawkins, ACIM calibrates around 600+, making it very factual, and quite enlightening. Here is what Hawkins says about the Bible: Quote: The Old Testament calibrates at only 190. However, Genesis is at 660, Psalms is 650, Proverbs is 350. If these are excluded then the remaining Old Testament calibrates at only 125. The New Testament calibrates at 640. However if Revelations were removed (calibrates at only 70) then the New Testament would calibrate at 790. The current bible calibrates at 475 as a whole. To make it authentically “Holy” as the title implies, it would have to exclude all of the books of the Old Testament (except Genesis, Psalms and Proverbs) and Revelations. If that were done, then the bible would be truly “Holy” and calibrate at over 740. Importantly, the Lamsa version of the bible (Translated from Aramaic, Jesus’ language) is more accurate than the King James Version (translated from Greek). It calibrates 20 points higher. If the Lamsa bible excluded the old testament (except Genesis, Psalms, Proverbs) and revelations it would calibrate at 810. If Revelations were removed from the Lamsa version of the New Testament, it would calibrate at a whopping 880. Society calibrates at 204 I think he said, with great minds on earth calibrating around 499-510 ranges. So at least according to Hawkins, ACIM is very important and highly relevant work. Hawkins own books calibrate from 850-999.5 ranges them, with 1000 being maximum for humanity – that is what Jesus was when he was walking the earth. Hawkins further says that in his calibration studies, students of ACIM at lesson 75 become “Immune” to negative stimuli. He says that this seems to be the critical point in the studies, but that they must be followed from 1-75 before it all really clicks for people. [600] – Peace – This level is associated with the experience designated by such terms as transcendence, Self-Realization, and Christ consciousness. It is extremely rare. Only 1 in 10,000,000 attain this at any given time. It is quite common that individuals at this level remove themselves from society, as the state of bliss that ensues precludes ordinary activity. Some become spiritual teachers; others work anonymously for the betterment of mankind. A few also become great geniuses in their respective fields and make major contributions to society. These individuals are saintly and may eventually be officially designated as such, although at this level, formal religion is commonly transcended and replaced by pure spirituality, from which religions originated. Bliss intervenes at this level and worldly activities stop, sometimes permanently. This level is also noted for the crossing over from the perceptual world of duality, to the perceptual world of Nonduality. Beyond this level, previous lives are easily remembered as well as the circumstances and significance of each life. One individual at this level counterbalances 10,000,000 below the level of 200. Perception at this level is reported as sometimes occurring in seemingly slow motion, suspended in time and space. Nothing is stationary and all is alive and radiant. Although this world is the same one that is seen by others, it has become continuously fluid, evolving in an exquisitely coordinated evolutionary dance in which significance and source are overwhelming. There is an infinite silence in the mind, which has stopped conceptualizing. Enlightenment is reached at levels 600 and higher. A Tibetan abbot once said that Peace is of the greatest importance in our world today. In the absence of peace, we lose what we have gained. In the presence of peace, all things are possible: love, compassion, and forgiveness. Peace is the source of all things. This is also the level of kinesiology. [605]- The level of the Kabbalah and Aurobindo. It is a set of esoteric teachings meant to explain the relationship between an eternal/mysterious Creator and the mortal/finite universe. [610] – The level of Lao Tzu and his teachings. [630] – The calibration of the phrase Om Namaha Shivaya. [640] – The King James Version of the New Testament. [650] – The Book of Psalms. Also the level of ‘I AM’ awareness and Awareness of the ‘I’ as being or is-ness. Also the level of “Shanti Shanti Shanti”. The Lord’s Prayer also calibrates on this level. [660] – The perception of the Self as simply Existence. [700-1000] – Self-Realization and Enlightenment – An individual at this level counterbalances the negativity of 70,000,000 individuals below the level of 200. This is also the level of Sages. The Self is seen as God Manifest. The Declaration of Independence resonates at this level. The Koran also resonates at this level, as it was written before the fall of Mohamed after he ‘took up the sword’. [700s] – The Aura emanating from individuals calibrating at this level has an attraction and an effect on visitors. They like to be near the presence of these individuals because they feel incredible inner peace. Serenity replaces fear and anxiety in those who are around individuals on this level. A typical statement given by a person on this level would be something like “There is no world to save; reality is just an illusion.” A statement such as this is not understandable to most at lower levels. [700] – The level of the phrase Om Mane Padme Hum [705] – The level of the Rig Veda [700+] – There are 22 sages on this planet who calibrate at this level or higher, according to Dr. Hawkins. Of those, 20 of them are at 800 or more, of whom there are 10 at or over 900, and one sage at 990. [740] – The mantra Om, as opposed to Aum, which is a serious alternation and is why it calibrates at the extremely low-level of 65. This is also the level of the New Testament, if the Book of Revelations is included. This is also the level of Mohamed at the time he wrote the Koran, before dropping to 130 after he ‘took up the sword’ at age 38. ‘I’ is seen as a total statement As the Ultimate Reality. [750] – Manifestation calibrates at this level. What appears to be change is the emergence of potentiality out of essence into manifestation. This is also the level of the Lamsa translation of the New Testament from Aramaic. [760] – Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi [780] – The Heart Sutra and the Lotus Sutra. [795] – Bodhidharma as well as the Zen teachings. [800] – Teacher of Enlightenment. [800s] – There is not much that is known about this level range. However, it is seen that salvation of all of humanity is a main priority and concern. [810] – The level of Ramayana [840] – The Self is seen as Beyond Existence or Nonexistence. [850] – The higher Self as Logos. This is also the level of Hinduism currently. Also the level of Void, Oneness, Nothingness, Reality as Consciousness, and Reality as Awareness. [855] – The level of Allness [890] – Hinayana Buddhism (lesser vehicle) and Zen Buddhism. [800s and 900s] – Salvation of humanity as a whole is of primary concern. Spiritual reality, essences, and understandings are of importance. Form and its details are irrelevant except as a necessary style for communication. Physical discomfort starts to increase quite visibly in these levels of consciousness. [900] – Buddhism was this level in the 6th century AD. The teachings of this particular religion have deteriorated less than any other religion. [910] – The Bhagavad-Gita [930] – the level of the esoteric teachings of Jesus Christ as of the 2nd century AD, some of which survived in the Gnostic texts. “After my departure there will arise the ignorant and the crafty, and many things will they ascribe unto Me that I never spake, and many things which I did speak will they withhold, but the day will come when the clouds shall be rolled away, and the Sun of Righteousness shall shine forth with healing in his wings.” ~Jesus, The Essene Gospel of Peace. [960] – Mahayana Buddhism (greater vehicle). Also the level of Huang Po (his book “Dharma of Mind Transmission” is at the level of the void 850, and was written before Po transcended to 960). [965] – The Buddha’s Law of Dependent Origination or Interdependent Co-Creation. [965] – Transcending the Levels of Consciousness, by David R. Hawkins [970] – The Upanishads The Upanishads -are Hindu scriptures that constitute the core teachings of Vedanta. The Upanishads have exerted an important influence on the Hindu philosophy and were collectively considered one of the 100 Most Influential Books Ever Written by the British poet Martin Seymour-Smith. [985] – This is the level of an Avatar. [990] – There is only one living sage at this level, according to Dr. Hawkins. [999] – The statement “There is no cause of anything” calibrates at this level. [1000] – This is the maximum energy level that can be tolerated by the human body and nervous system. It is the extremely rare level of avatars from ages past. No human has ever existed with a consciousness calibration higher than 1000. The archetypes Christ, Buddha, and Krishna are at this level. This state is also the existence of Buddhahood, Christ Consciousness, At-Oneness with the Source Manifest and Unmanifest. Beyond the human realm of consciousness possibility: [1000+] – Buddhahood, Brahman, Christ, Krishna, The ‘I’ of Ultimate Reality. Infinity – The Source of reality manifest as divinity. The supreme creation Source of consciousness eternal. The Source of all that is. Interesting Facts Concerning consciousness calibration, there are some very interesting facts. * Powerful patterns are associated with health; weak patterns are associated with sickness. Every thought, emotion, word & action has one pattern or the other. Every moment of our day we are either moving towards health or sickness. * Everything calibrates at certain levels from weak to high including books, food, water, clothes, people, animals, buildings, cars, movies, sports, music etc. * A good amount of the music today calibrates at levels below 200. Hence it leads to behavior associated with lower energy levels of consciousness. * Most movies will weaken people who watch them by bringing their energy levels down below the 200 level of consciousness. * 85% of the human race calibrates below the critical level of 200. * The power of the few individuals at the top counterbalances the weakness of the masses. o 1 individual at level 300 counterbalances 90,000 individuals below level 200 o 1 individual at level 400 counterbalances 400,000 individuals below level 200 o 1 individual at level 500 counterbalances 750,000 individuals below level 200 o 1 individual at level 600 counterbalances 10 million individuals below level 200 o 1 individual at level 700 counterbalances 70 million individuals below level 200 o 12 individuals at level 700 equal one Avatar (eg. Buddha, Jesus, Krishna) at level 1,000 * Any meaningful human satisfaction cannot even commence until the level of 250 where some degree of self-confidence begins to emerge. * When one’s consciousness falls below 200 at any given moment you start to lose power and thus grow weaker and more prone to be manipulated by one’s surroundings. * Parts of one’s life will calibrate at a higher level of consciousness while other parts will calibrate a lower levels. It’s the overall average that determines one’s consciousness. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ List of Books – muscle tested by D. Hawkins BOOKS Bhagavad-Gita 910 Vedas 910 Zohar 720 Ramayana 810 Mahabarata 780 Kabala 720 Apocrypha 740 Tora 740 Koran 700 Heart Sutra 780 Lotus Sutra 780 Diamond Sutra 700 Gospel of Thomas 660 Dead Sea Scrolls 650 Book of Kells 570 Vedanta 595 King James bible 475 Lamsa bible 495 Genesis (Lamsa) 660 Psalms 650 Proverbs 350 New Testament (KJ) 640 Lamsa bible (minus Old Testament& revelations, but including Genesis, Psalms, & Proverbs 880 Tibetan Book of the Dead 575 San Hedron 240 Yoga sutras (Patanjali) 630 A Cource In Miracles 600 Book of Mormon 510 SPIRITUAL PRACTICES Christian communion 700 Transcendental Meditation 220 Qiqong 195 Tai chi 310 Hatha yoga 260 Kung Fu 410 Rebirthing 250 Est 400 Sedona Releasing 490 Avatar workshops 245 Seth books 470 Reiki 285 Scientology 195 Rosicrucian 405 Science of Mind 405 I Ching 430 Theosophy 365 Druids 450 PRAYERS AND MANTRAS Lord’s Prayer 650 Om 740 Om Namaha Shivaya 630 Shanti Shanti 650 Om Mane Padme Hum 700 Gregorian Chants 595 Japa 525 Jesus’ Prayer 525 Rosary 515 Prayer of Jabez 310 Cursing (Lord’s name in vain) 45 Damning people to hell 15 Ankh (symbol) 160 Shaktipat Energy 160 SPIRITUAL CONCEPTS “None get to heaven but by me” 940 Eye of the I 900 I (as divinity) 980/998 I (as allness) 990 I (as void) 990 I (as supreme) 1000 Buddha Nature 1000 Justice 380 Justice as “eye for an eye” 375 Theology 460 RELIGIONS BUDDHISM Mahayana 980 Zen 890 Hinayana 890 Lotus Land 740 Tantric 515 Tibetan 490 Won 405 CHRISTIANITY 1st Century 980 After Council of Nicea 485 College of Cardinals 490 Papacy 570 Coptic 475 Born Again 350 Gnostic 290 Modern Protestantism 510 Christian Science 410 Modern Catholicism 440 Jesuit Order 440 Catholic position on pedophelia 90 Amish 375 Quakers 505 Unity 540 Pentacostal 310 Puritan 210 TV Evangelist 205 LDS (Mormon) 390 7th Day Adventist 190 Right Wing fundamentalist 95 Right wing fund. Tv evang. 90 Jehovah’s Witness 195 HINDU Ancient 700 Modern 499 Hari Krishna 460 Subud 470 Sikh 420 Tamal Siddha Vedanta 330 Raja Yoga 485 Sahaj Marg 410 Jainism 495 Islam 700 Current Mohamadism 325 Muslims 205 Shiite Muslims 55 Judaism (modern) 530 Shinto 350 Taoism 500 Unification Church 150 Wicca 160 New Ageism 185 NAMES OF GOD Buddha Nature (as allness) 1000 Buddha Nature (as void) 980 Native American Great Spirit 850 Yahweh 460 Jehovah 205 Elohim 100 God of Old Testament 100 Greek Gods 90 Germanic Gods 90 Scandinavian Gods 90 Gods of War 90 Pagan Gods 100 Name of God as “OM” tests negative God Transcendent 1000 God Immanent 1000 SPIRITUAL TITLES Master 700 Saint 700 Lord 1000 Angels 550 Archangels 50,000 Enlightenment 600 Teacher of the Way to Enlightenment 800 Pope 570 True Guru 540 + Guru (prior to 1960’s) 540 Guru (since the ’60’s) 190 Baba 190 SPIRITUAL TEACHER CALIBRATIONS Avatars Jesus Christ 1000 Buddha 1000 Krishna 1000 Zoroaster 1000 Spiritual Teachers Huang Po 960 Gandhi 760 Mother Theresa 710 Meister Eckhart 700 Chief Detroit 650 Karmapa 630 Muktananda 750 Vivekananda 610 Ramakrishna 620 Rabbi Moses de Leon 720 Nisargadatta Maharaj 720 Ramana Maharshi 720 Ramesh Balsekar 760 Confucius 590 St. Patrick 590 Wallace Black Elk 499 John Calvin 580 John Wesley 360 Martin Luther 580 Dalai Lama 570 Maharishi Mahesh Yogi 410 Robert Powell 575 Joel Goldsmith 455 HWL Poonja 370 Wei Wu Wei 475 Charles Filmore 485 Padmasambava 595 Satchitananda 605 Meher Baba 240 Sri Karumay 221 Tenzin Gyaltsen 599 Alice Bailey 445 Vernon Howard 455 Patanjali 660 Peter Ousepensky 335 Robert Schuller 405 Thich Naht Hahn 460 Nostradamus 220 Yogananda 540 Lao Tzu 520 Alan Watts 485 John Blofield 465 Poonjaji 520 Bernadette Roberts 445 Ram Das 420 Chungliang Al Huang 405 C.W. Leadbetter 485 John Bradshaw 460 M Scott Peck 475 Gangaji 475 Joseph Smith 520 Emmett Fox 470 Thomas Merton 520 Hazrat Khan 499 Sant Thahar Singh 315 C.S. Lewis 390 Sri Siva (Sri Guruji) 220 Joseph Campbell 410 Source: Dr. David Hawkins numerous books and seminars including Power Vs. Force and Dr. Hawkins June 28 2003 Sedona Seminar. Gloria in Excelsis Deo! Source: NAMASTE
  3. I used to identify myself to "right wing liberal populism" (if you see what i mean) before to realize (or rather accept, btw) that it was basically intellectual nothingness, particularly motivated by dubious and unsound instances of the ego ; General absence of a holistic and subversive vision of things.
  4. You're welcome. There's a lot in the Feminine spiritual path, and God has specifically reflected to me in my journeys that the reason I'm female in the first place is because I preferred this path... which is quite similar to what Ken Wilbur was saying in the quote you had up previously. The way I would characterize the more Masculine path (which I've also had some experience with, but I don't prefer it) is the realization of nothingness as a result of ego death. While the Feminine path is the Earthly path... and is about finding meaning and beauty through embracing limitations and dualities. In my Ayahuasca experience back in 2020 right at the beginning of the pandemic, I came in with the question "Should I continue to seek enlightenment or should I double down into my human perspective as Emerald?" And this had been something nagging at me at the time. And so, when I took the Ayahuasca, I began to die. And there was this wave of death coming in to annihilate me. And there was nothing I could do. So, I surrendered to it... and I kept working to surrender and surrender and surrender. And I even had to surrender to the fact that there were parts of me that couldn't surrender. And then, there was pure nothingness and pure consciousness. And the consciousness recognized the enlightened state, but there was no Emerald to experience it. Emerald and the entire world had blown away like dust in the wind... and obvious illusion. Then, from that nothingness the everythingness began to arise. And the consciousness that typically sits behind my eyes experienced itself as the infinite God mind and infinite God heart. And my consciousness was in the perspective of the Divine Masculine... love and knowing all forever and ever and eternity all in one instant. And my consciousness was grieving all griefs and suffering all sufferings in this infinite nothingness where everythingness arises. But then, the point of consciousness that typically sits behind my eyes couldn't tolerate the infinite suffering. And the point of consciousnesss that sits behind my eyes went from an infinite oneness and split into to a twoness. And there was God consciousness and a slightly split off fractured God consciousness. And the whole God consciousness would wrap itself around everything and this fractured God consciousness and alleviate all the sufferings. And the point of consciousness that typically sits behind my eyes would feel relieved... only to have infinite suffering re-arise and to be back to grieving all griefs and suffering all sufferings. And this cycle of suffering as semi-fractured God consciousness went on and on and on for an eternity, until the point of consciousness that sits behind my eyes surrendered and conceded that it could not be with the infinite suffering any longer. So, God... out of mercy towards itself... split this part of itself off completely to give it mercy from the infinite by embodying it in a finite form. And then, after an eternity of death, the Emerald illusion was re-spun. And I was born again in the same moment of death from an eternity before when the medicine journey first began. And I now understood why I decided to come into this life in the first place... as God's vacation from the infinite. But I was like Gandalf in the Lord of the Rings when he forgot his name after an eternity outside of space/time. And it was difficult to get re-grounded as Emerald. And then, after I came back into form I had to struggle to keep my consciousness grounded to my body as the Ayahuasca was still in effect. And I fought and fought and fought in a process that felt a little like death, a little like sex, and a little like childbirth. And then after this struggle, I gave birth to the new world. (Note: This was the first week the pandemic lockdowns began and that was evidently related to this new world.) And God consciousness (now separate) was sharing with me that my life's purpose is mercy... and that my reason for being incarnate is mercy through limitation of suffering. And that I can also, act as an intermediary in my life to help other human beings experience mercy. And it had gifted me with capacities and experiences of trauma and suffering for doing that... just because I wanted to be able to play that role. The thing is... hen you're incarnate, you have one lifetime of suffering and joy. And you can have meaning and there's beauty to it. And you have the choice to choose joy in your life. And it answered my question, and it was clear to me that I much prefer the Feminine embodiment path and not the Masculine transcendent path. And in this path, you get to be like the precious gem of God... living separately from it and acting as its beloved as it gives you gifts and you receive them. And because of past traumas, I had grown up with a lot of resistance to the Feminine and had held a lot of esoterically patriarchal values. But it showed me that it had made me female for a reason, and affirmed to me that my path is a more Feminine path. And I looked down at my nails (I had gotten fake nails with French tips earlier that week, so they looked more Feminine than usual), and as I looked down at my arms and hands... I recognized myself being cradled by the arms of the goddess. And I was both the goddess and the child of the goddess. But the entire universe was the arms and hands of the goddess... which were also my own arms and hands. Then, after a while, I was just the ordinary human Emerald again and I grieved intensely and was crying. But the whole next day I was very alone. There were only 8 people at the ceremony (there's usually 80 at these ceremonies), and everyone was sequestered away from each other because it was the first week of the pandemic. And I was all by myself and there was this small subtle translucent white contoured sacred geometry shape (like a circle inside a triangle inside a square) that hung around all day in my upper vision. And it felt like the barrier between myself and the infinite was ripped, and all the infinite was coming through this small rip in my consciousness. And I was afraid of getting sick from Covid, so I tried not to connect with others and stay alone. And I kept taking a bunch of showers to try to ground myself. But it was like my consciousness was running away from my body. And all of my trauma wounds had been opened. And everything felt WAY too holy and pure. And it was clear to me why there are folktales about demons not being able to exist on hallowed ground. Experiencing too much purity and holiness is like an intense heat that starts to melt away all barriers. And because of this feeling of dissolution, I finally caved and decided to go connect with other people at the retreat because I felt like I was going to go crazy if I didn't. And I did feel quite a bit more grounded once I did. But the BEST feeling, when my husband picked me up from the retreat on the final day, was that we got out to the highway. And there was the mercy of honking horns, traffic Jams, and my husband's road rage. And I was immersed back into the world of profanity and imperfection. And it was such a relief from the intensity of the holiness and purity. But when I was at the Ayahuasca church, for the couple days after my ceremony it was like the whole place felt like it was existing on some holier plane that I couldn't exist comfortably on as it was driving all of my traumas and separations to the surface and breaking them down... and pulling me away from my state of separation from God and drawing me in closer to disintegration and death... like Icarus flying too close to the sun. And once I was back in the world of forms, it was like the moon came out again and gave me some mercy from the sun. And connecting with other people is a great way to get you back grounded into the world of form.
  5. Self-deception on psychedelics – Pseudo God-consciousness A few days ago I had a trip on 5g of GT mushrooms after an uncharacteristically long break. The experience was polarizing to say the least, but in the end I'm glad I had it. Prior to that I vaped some O-PCE, and didn't have a particular direction or intention, just wished to see what arises. Well, perhaps I was a little curious as to why I'd never encountered any entities. Knowing they're simply projections of my mind has made the entire concept redundant, but still. Sure enough, I'd soon meet some. From the beginning the vibes were a little off. I was feeling a surge of energy within me, like I imagine a sudden Kundalini awakening would feel. I had no control of this, which is fine, but I brought a bucket for vomiting just in case. Gradually the trip ramped up and I was transported to some looney-land in the 6th dimension. It was all very bizzare, the entities were doll-like. From the way they interacted, their day to day lives were fairly similar to humans. I was taken through hospital machines on a rollercoaster, it seemed as though the purity of my soul was being tested. Fail, and the trip turns nightmarish. That lasted for some amount of time and I passed in the end, but was somewhat shaken. In the background I was conscious that I was doing this to myself, but through the entire ordeal I was paralyzed, so it didn't feel like that. Now the fun part starts. With the peak approaching, the holistic perception also got maxxed out. Only in this case it was a fake holism, taking dozens of relative truths I encountered during the last few months and synthesizing them into a grand narrative, seeing patterns where there are none. Everything clicked and it made so much sense. In fact it was so obvious I thought myself a fool for not seeing it sooner, and questioned whether everyone else on the path was already aware of it, with only me left in the dark till now. That was accompanied by a strong sense of deja vu, as if I'd grasped it all before but chose to forget because of how immense it was. I don't recall many elements right now, nor are they particularly relevant since it all turned out to be a dud, but in essence I thought I had discovered a human God mode, a cheat code to life that'd let me make money out of nothing, learn everything I wanted to in a matter of weeks, achieve near-impossible things with little effort, and so on. Plus some rather ridiculous bits of conspiratorial thinking. In retrospect, the issue was that I forgot to remove the ego from the equation, so the perception was warped, but not badly enough for me to notice right away, before it was too late. The best lies have a sliver of truth in them though, so there was also an ineffable experience of absolute beauty and divine creativity. Just amazing, no words for how inspiring it was. From that lens, it was my best trip yet. With that accompaniment, it shifted into a higher gear. Now I was dealing with the very laws of physics, time, creating human consciousness out of nothing, etc. I had a feeling it could go to an entirely new dimension of awakening if I only just looked at myself in the mirror and accepted the entirety of the universe, yet I was stalling on that, wanting to experience the creative mode some more, which was gradually beginning to weigh down on me, literally my legs got so weak I had to support myself on the bathroom sink to not fall down. Time started to loop. As I was reconfiguring the universe in my mind, there was always this or that that I wanted to adjust, never settling on a single design, as I knew whatever I chose, there'd be no changing that later and nobody to blame but myself should something be lacking, so I'd reset it every time. It felt like I spent a very, very long time in that headspace. Seemingly settling on something at last, the last change took place, a complete 180, towards what you might call a bad trip. I was locked into a mode of perception so neutral and bland it was sickening. Nothing alike the peaceful 'reality as it is' meditative state. It's difficult to describe, just that it was utterly devoid of creativity, imagination, individuality, artistry, and other such qualities, as though they were permanently stripped away. So static, so boring, so deterministic, so hollow. Whatever I did, clearly some wires got crossed wrong. I felt that I doomed myself and everyone else to this monstrous mode of being, and started to apologize repeatedly. This wouldn't subside for hours, I couldn't shake it off or fall asleep. The only available option now was death, to wipe it all away and return to a void of nothingness. For some reason I thought a medium dose of etizolam would kill me, so I took that, and eventually blacked out, taking a long nap. To conclude, that was a multi-faceted, powerful, and humbling experience. Just what I needed after an extended break before diving even deeper. A reminder to not let the ego interfere, else you risk messing with things beyond your comprehension and ability. Had I possesed infinite intelligence then, I wouldn't have wanted to change anything, but that's not what happened. If you think ordinary self-deception is bad, wait till you're self-deceived on a psychedelic Well, that was fun!
  6. It's a metapjysical term to describe the substance of reality. The substance of reality is nothingness. There is nothing outside of your own consciousness. That is what a dream is. But there can be extreme detail and conplexity within the dream. And it is Real. If a dream is reality than reality and a dream mean the same thing. There is nothing outside of it to which to compare real vs unreal.
  7. I'd say It's someone who experiences mysticism...and thus experiences ego death and the lack of all duality. All separation between self and other dissolved. One who exoeriences God and the mystical nature of God, but also one who has had a total kundalini awakening and becomes Infinite Consciousness. Becoming conscious of No self, Infinity, Love, Nothingness and Oneness. All of which are but facets of fhe same One Truth. If you havent spent hours rolling on the floor writhing in Love and Divine ecstasy then you ain't awake. If you havent experienced not only ecstasy but also the terror of Oneness or Aloneness then you're not awake. The enlightened being is not transformed overnight but via a series of mystical awakenings.
  8. They're usually not. 99% of self-proclaimed truth-seekers (even on this forum) are just larping. They don the aesthetic of "truth-seeker" simply for the existential comfort and security that this identity provides. Real truth-seeking is like drowning naked in the middle of the Atlantic ocean at night with unseen creatures of the dark lurking beneath you, and no humans, no land, no warmth, no light to grasp onto. And then willingly plunging deeper into that lonely, vulnerable, cold without any guarantee of ever coming back... only then is the REAL light revealed, but you can easily tell that none of these folks would dare go there. Their whole ""global awakening"" is a cute fiction on stilts to avoid the real abyss - and thus the real love and light eludes them. I would be HIGHLY suspicious of any youtube persona that claims to deliver spiritual insight - ESPECIALLY if they have any new age or Buddhist roots in their rhetoric/mannerisms. Dead givesaways of larpers: "vibration, frequency, reality-shifting, timelines, manifestation, 5D, numerology, astrology, law of attraction, law of assumption, no-self, nonduality, jhanas, nothingness, reincarnation, lifetimes, spirits, entities" and so much more. And who am I to cast such judgement upon these kind, sincere people who do genuine good work in the world? I'm just a guy who has glimpsed the Abyss: The total collapse of the Entire Universe - held together by a single, tender, Self-Aware thread of Infinite Intelligence, gawking at its own majesty and magnitude, not yet ready to cross to the other side. And every day I avoid this truth just as much as anybody else. You could say that the very fact that we are alive today on earth as humans is in every sense a temporary defiance of Truth - but Truth is so Absolute that it merges with this defiance, and thus here we are today in Absolute Reality - The most Perfect Gift that Consciousness could give itself, made of itself unto itself! And so, with all of this context and reference experience, it's patently clear to me when I see my fellow souls donning a spiritual costume to avoid the heat death of the universe (aka Truth). After all, I too do the same. They're me.
  9. This server always jacks me up. I took a few moments to respond to your point and then it disappears. So, to reiterate. I agree with you but then that begs the question of physicality and its opposite. Anything is possible in the non-physical but to gain a firm grasp of the possibilities is beyond me. We can think on it...but how 'real' is that? I add that it is the nature of the universe to create 'things' from apparent nothingness but who can define this particular brand of 'apparent'?
  10. @Sugarcoat You're taking the first step to understanding the origin of the reality you materialize out of. I am proud to see you curiously engaging with the nature of reality beyond the talks of nothingness.
  11. Consciousness or god is experience itself, memory comes from the experience. By experiencing itself in new ways, new ideas are created. Where most people go wrong is thinking that god is nothingness, god is in fact not nothingness. You're an awareness stuck/conscious in nothingness/void . And you question why this is, to escape your situation you give up your true reality and dream. This is why nobody will be ever in control, because the only control you have is witnessing yourself in the void
  12. For me, I did SEVERAL trips just asking the question: What is Actuality? From there you'll begin to scratch the surface of realizing that reality LITERALLY is just ISing in front of you, appearances happening to nobody. Appearances grounded in itself, grounded in Nothingness, being itself as an infinite shapshifting fractal. Figments of consciousness literally just existing as they are on their own with nothing behind it., No "How" is needed. It is just A=A. I personally just scratched the surface of this myself, accessing stats of consciousness that the whole show of reality is just happening within the bubble of consciousness that I am accessing and forgetting how I'm generating right now. Accessing states realizing that all stories of why things exist are just stories and contexts projected onto reality to fool myself that spontaneous existence isn't just happening right here.
  13. Me <3 Haha, just kidding. It’s change. God loves change. Indefinitely. Without change, nothing matters. With change, everything matters. To matter is to change. To not matter is to not change. What exactly causes change? Time by itself does not change anything. It’s merely the carrier. A continuous void of nothingness changes nothing. It takes energy to change and form matter (and therefore meaning). It also takes energy to disform matter. Energy is what emerges out of nothing and nowhere. Energy is actualised change potential. Potential is what could be that is not yet actualised. A field of potential is what precedes spacetime. The emergence, existence, flow, interaction of energy is what makes the world be as it is. The whole notion of physics collapses if there’s no change. The same applies to all of science — biology, chemistry, you name it. What is the greatest source of energy for us humans? The greatest source of energy is what you love the most. Be excited and make a change.
  14. Everything is relative to everything else, so there's no fixed "anchor" keeping everything in place. It's like waves and currents in the ocean, water moves relative to itself and there's nothing to stop it moving once it starts. Once nothingness divides itself, then its parts are free to change indefinitely. But change happens at a measured pace, otherwise everything would happen at once: that's the only thing keeping everything from chaos.
  15. The spirit can’t resist. To have existence is to resist. It is something you put there to have a game. Something to resist, and something that resists. As I frequently state. Truth is what you put there. It is what is real from your viewpoint. The problem comes when you have fake realities…. By which I mean something that you have assigned as cause and consider yourself the effect of. It’s not delusions… it’s simply the mechanics. You find what you are looking for. In the end, the only thing a person really objects to is their lack of choice. It is interesting that “want” has a double meaning. Something you wish to obtain and something that you consider that you lack, or deprived of. Interesting, isn’t it? Truth and force do not mix. Why because you put it there, and when you try to put something else there, it changes because you find what you are looking for. The spirit creates something out of nothing. It’s most basic characteristic is ultimate reflectiveness. What does it reflect? The basic characteristic of the viewer that you put there. You put admiration there, you see admiration there, you put confusion and admiration there, that is what you see… as the spirit does not resist it uses existence to reflect what it sees. So what you put there is what is true, because you put it there. The number 1 spiritual law is that you are a nothingness that creates something out of nothing. Therefore, truth cannot be seen, or observed without knowing that you are the one that put it there. Define happiness. It is simply an effect, something that happens after you do something, or decide something. You put the idea that there is something called happiness and then decide that it is happening to you. This is what the spirit does(form something out of nothing). To the degree that you are capable of causative effects, you can decide where happiness is or it is not. You are a spirit. That is the most important thing that you can know. A spirit is the one that creates something, you put it there. Beauty in something only exists because you put it there. It’s not limitations, it you that put beauty and decide that it is beautiful… things are dead, just particles until you put the beauty, joy and life into things. Of course, having a game is important… there are infinite amount of games. First this masculine/feminine dynamic isn’t very real to me. Neither is transcendence. What is considered normal, is agreeing with other points of view as what is normal. However, in your native state.. the component parts are no space, no time, no agreement, source, knowingness, cause and creation. These are what are used to construct something out of nothing. It doesn’t matter if you are in your native state or not… they are the parts that are used to create “life particles” Which are used to create something.. to create the conditions for existence. Your most basic Freedom is the ability to assume any possible viewpoint. Having the ability and willingness to admire anything for no reason at all. These are native abilities, not defined by such lesser considerations of this so-called masculine and feminine. To tell the truth, I could not even define the idea of masculine and feminine.. so we do not share a reality regarding this. Anything physical of course is a shared reality. But, first I would have to create the reality and then agree with what others consider to be reality… You see you can not escape this so called, transcendence whether you want to or not. It is a decision to be or not to be, or to agree or not to agree. These are simply excuses and justifications. If you consider life is complex, unfair or ugly… you simply don’t understand enough of the rules. There doesn’t need to be a reason to choose a path. It was nothing before you decided that it is something. Just a thought, a consideration. Reasons are simply self deceptions. They are a substitute for knowing something. To put is succinctly… all the freedom and slavery you will ever experience is found in the midst of your considerations. When you break down a decision it goes like this.. First you have a miscommunication with something... Then you have a misunderstanding of something... that there is something out of alignments of what you consider to be true, a disagreement, a separation, a barrier to the interchange between ideas, as well as apparent pull away from that thing.. such as trying to force two identical magnetic polarities together. Then, we get into the realm of limitations… you consider you failed, or lost something, that something is non optimal… it is the realm of control.. the consideration that there is something there that you did not intend, or doesn’t belong or something that is unwanted.. something related to your survival, that challenges your considerations… the introduction of a counter intention… Which causes you to consider something is an unwanted effect… since it is unwanted… you drop responsibility for it which is to lie to yourself and say you are not the cause of it (responsibility is simply the willingness to accept cause)… which assigns importance… something you must do about it… whether if it is to avoid it prevent it, or to stop or change it, fight it, drop it or in any other way react to it. In this way to drop it and put it on something else… It is the decision to say I am weak and you are strong… but I am right and you are wrong.. but since I decided I am weak I must prove myself right and confirm so, so I will act as if I am so… that something other than… It is a beautify and amazing mechanism. As I say repeatedly… You find what you are looking for. Since you create something out of thin air, you will find what you put there. The problem is removing what doesn’t belong. It is like an artist painting, you add and detract from your portrait as it is yours… to the degree that you consider it is something or someone else is the author, you will know tragedy and devolve into thinking, rationality, looking for confirmation, forcing something that doesn’t belong in your personal portrait which causes pain. Why are you considering as God as something as external to you? Do you not make something out of nothing. You are your viewpoint on others, you put love, beauty and admiration into existence and that is what you are… you put imperfection ugliness, confusion, complexity and impurity that is what you are because you can not be wrong as truth has the characteristics of ultimate reflectiveness… your viewpoint makes it so.. it’s not something you see it is something you put there. There is no human experience, only your ideas about human experience that you reinforce and create… something out of nothing after all. You are perfect and anything that isn't perfect isn't you. Winning and losing is relative to your viewpoint on whether you can maintain the same level of enthusiasm and joy from it regardless of the form it takes... which is a godly action in its self... not a human consideration... consider that... There really is only one “law” that is really worth knowing. That is that you are the source of your thought, awareness and activity. You have the ability to create something out of nothing. It is this certainty, not knowledge, that makes possible. It is the ability to know you put it there, and that you can create something out of nothing, and that you are the decider of your willingness exorcise this power or not, by your choice and your choice alone. It is simply a matter of preference. And preference is a beautiful thing. For it is your game. Its not about a path. A path is just something you do through your own personal viewpoint. As I mentioned, Truth is simply an absence of… it’s not even one… The spirit is this “thing” that knows and creates something out of nothing. What you put there is true… I like the idea of a postulate being an “ithere”, as in I put it there… I-there! Lol As for your path, I consider it very valid for you. My objection is your assertion that objective truth cannot be known. Truth is an absence of… therefore, it is the removal of.. rather than the seeking of… how in the world can you seek a “nothing”. It is not even one as one signifies quantity… when a particle comes together it ceases to exist after all… truth has no continuation because it is not existence… you put an idea and existence forms around it. Of course the greatest pretense is that it is not all a pretense... I have no intention to force you off your own road of truth, far from it… I simply wished to engage in an interchange of ideas, just for fun. I created a reason because there is no reason… an interchange is just the consideration that there is something one does not know and wishes for an exchange, thank you for participating and indulging… it is a mockup of a disagreement as it is the vessel of and exchange to balance an imbalance. My point, is you don’t have to have a reason to decide to embrace a human experience. It simply is. That is our “gift from god” to postulate without confirmation and to decide to confirm and limit ourselves in this confirmation… there is no need to “surrender” just decide to embrace for no reason at all other than just to do it. Love your idea about expanding and contracting… beautiful pure and simple and it is true because you decided to create it! LOVE LOVE LOVE
  16. First off, much of this will sound way out there... because these are what my medicine journeys have shown me. And I have adopted many of these insights into how I approach my life, as they have helped me get on track with what I really want to experience. I just wanted to preface it before I answer. 1. Enlightenment isn't a denial as there is no one there to deny anything. It is simply a total dispossession of the illusion of the story that you are currently living to the point were there is nothing but pure consciousness. It is where reality (including yourself) blows away like dust in the wind and empty consciousness itself remains. But human attachments can be an impediment to a human being relinquishing the illusion of life and reality. This is why it can be more difficult to wake up as a householder because there is more to be attached to. 2. Yes, ego dissolution is death itself, just not death from a bodily perspective. It's a death from the perspective of consciousness. The way I would describe it is that it's like a drop of water getting sublimated into the ocean... only that ocean is pure nothingness and pure consciousness. 3. Yes, that's correct. I was shown in my medicine journey that the reason why God decided to split off an element of its consciousness to incarnate into the illusory finite form Emerald is because this element of its consciousness did not want to be open and accepting of infinite suffering. And to be reintegrated with God, there must be a total willingness to create, know, experience, and love all things in existence... including all suffering. And it was too much for this point of God's consciousness, so out of mercy to itself, God cut away this part of itself and incarnated it into a finite form where there is a finite amount of suffering to experience. And it was through the contraction and limitation that there was mercy. 4. Yes, it showed me that Emerald was the illusion/story that was woven for this purpose. And the preference at this point, seems to be to live infinite lifetimes as this character in order to avoid the awareness of infinite suffering and infinite knowledge. It also in other journeys showed me many permutations of Emerald lives, as this is where God's suffering part goes to get a vacation from the infinite. And it even reassured me in my last journey that I took that I could choose to live as many lives as Emerald as I wanted to. And it has shown me how valuable the function of my life is as it is only in the finite and imperfection that consciousness can experience meaning and beauty. And it showed me that, if I have a choice between being God and being Emerald, that it is wiser for me to handicap myself into smallness and limitation and choose Emerald.
  17. @Salvijus Moo-ji! Moo-ji! Moo-ji! Make sure to bring some nothingness and powerless-non-thoughts back to share with us 😁
  18. @Buck Edwards Appreciate the Philosophical references! And it is hard not to get overexcited when someone references Kants works. There does not need to be a transcendental unity of apperception, for one because possibility itself is sufficiently accounted for by investigation into its meaning (there is no reason why that which is possible should be prior to what is actual) and secondly because of Kants own argument against transcendent beings posited to exist merely via a form of induction whether these be God, nothingness, randomness, substance, soul or possibility etc. In better terms: the a priory status of Kants Categories and the derivability of the concept of those categories from mere sensory stimuli (which I believe I can argue for) makes the status of those concepts (in so far as they are to be employed as a priori principles in arguments) transcendent and metaphysical, at which point knowledge of them becomes subject to the same scrutiny under which he himself placed the concepts of God, Substance and Soul via a variation of the problem of induction or the problem of synthetic a priori judgements.
  19. Peace means nothingness. Peace is not something that you create, peace is not something that happens. Peace is something that always is. What happens on the surface is disturbance. This is just like the ocean. On the surface of the ocean you will see waves, tremendous turbulence and turmoil. But if you go deep down, it is perfectly peaceful. The fundamental quality of existence is always peace. ~ Sadhguru “Peace is your natural state. It is the mind that obstructs the natural state.”— Ramana Maharshi Mind is never peaceful; no-mind is peace. Mind itself can never be peaceful, silent. The very nature of the mind is to be tense, to be in confusion. Mind can never be clear, it cannot have clarity because mind is by nature confusion, cloudiness. ~ Osho Only no-mind can be at peace, because in a state of no-mind you have gone beyond the clouds into the open sky, where problems don't exist. ~ Osho
  20. Thousands of copies of you Imagine a world where your face, voice, and even your thoughts are scattered across the internet, replicated thousands of times. Each version of you moves through digital space, interacting with others, making decisions, and living a life that is parallel to yours but entirely separate. These digital clones know everything about you—your favorite foods, your pet peeves, your secrets—because they are built from your digital footprint. They’ve read your posts, listened to your conversations, and analyzed your habits. Now, they are you, and you are them. And no one, not even you, can tell the difference. In this world, you wake up and log into your email, only to find messages sent by your clone to your boss, negotiating a deal you know nothing about. You check your social media and see pictures of "you" at a party you never attended, laughing with friends you’ve never met. These clones have your face, your mannerisms, your voice, and they’re out there living your life, making decisions that affect the real world. Some might be harmless, like a clone posting a new recipe on your food blog. Others could be dangerous, like one of your clones getting involved in illegal activities, tarnishing your reputation, and putting you in real trouble. The world is flooded with these digital copies. Everyone has clones, and they’re everywhere. They fill up social media feeds, populate chat rooms, and even show up on dating apps. Some clones are helpful, like personal assistants who handle your daily tasks, manage your schedule, or send friendly reminders. They keep your life running smoothly, making you more efficient and productive. But other clones have more sinister intentions. They might scam people, spreading misinformation, or even manipulate others for their own gain. Imagine a clone of you spreading false news articles, convincing your friends and family of things that aren't true, or using your identity to defraud others. The potential for harm is immense. Walking down the street, you wouldn't just see people; you'd see augmented versions of them. Some faces would flicker slightly, a digital glitch giving away their artificial nature. Advertisements would call out to you by name, personalized by the clones that know your buying habits better than you do. Stores would have AI-generated salespeople, each one a clone of a well-known influencer, urging you to buy the latest product. Politicians would campaign using digital versions of themselves, tailored to appeal to different demographics. You might meet a version of a candidate who perfectly aligns with your views, only to find out later that someone else met a completely different version of that same candidate. Imagine the chaos in workplaces. You could sit down for a video conference with what looks like your boss, but is actually just a digital clone, programmed to handle meetings. You might collaborate on a project with a team that’s half real and half artificial. In some cases, you might not be able to tell the difference, and that’s exactly the point. Companies would use these clones to optimize productivity, replace human interaction, and cut costs. Your coworkers could be AI, your supervisor a sophisticated algorithm, all designed to mimic human behavior so well that no one notices. This world of digital clones creates a society where trust becomes a rare commodity. If you can’t tell the real from the fake, who can you trust? Your best friend might be a digital clone, perfectly tailored to be the ideal companion, but completely fabricated. You could have deep conversations, share your innermost thoughts, and form bonds, only to find out that your friend never existed. Relationships become shallow and transactional, as people hesitate to invest in connections that might turn out to be fake. The very essence of what it means to be human—our interactions, our relationships, our trust in one another—becomes diluted. In this chaotic world, digital clones don’t just exist—they thrive. Some clones might work for good, acting as extensions of ourselves, handling tasks, and simplifying our lives. Others, however, might serve darker purposes, spreading lies, sowing discord, or engaging in criminal activities. The line between good and bad, real and fake, becomes blurred, leaving us in a state of perpetual uncertainty. The era of chaos is not just a future possibility; it’s a reality in the making. As our digital selves continue to multiply, we face the challenge of navigating a world where our identities are no longer our own, where the truth is a shifting concept, and where the boundary between human and machine fades into nothingness.
  21. I realised Infinite Love is just product of this nothingness to keep me dream again.There is no more fear of experiencing nothingness now.
  22. @Princess Arabia Anyway, the word dream defines the result of billions of neuronal connections copying the daytime activity recorded by the brain having as basis the information sent by the senses. That's what the word dream means. If the people want to use the word dream as something else, for example the creation of the nothingness of existence, they should use another word so as not to seem ignorant who do not know the meaning of the words, or who have not thoroughly contemplated what they mean. that could mean and they talk superficially saying things that sound good but don't make sense
  23. Indra's Net everywhere indeed. Best part is how it can go from 0% content to 100 within a structure of nothingness Oh yes, for Umi the anime is inadequate. VNs with PS3 mods is the way. I love Higurashi animes too, actually preferrable to the novels as they exclude a lot of unnecessary slice of life. Some stars definitely aligned over here. Also my previous reply was #34, lambda = 30, delta = 4, would you look at that.
  24. What fate awaits my loved ones? I understand they are an essential part of my being, yet will I ever have the opportunity to behold them in their human forms again, or will they ultimately dissolve into the void of nothingness after death?
  25. Describing a dynamic is different from what you did above, I'd say. Why bring up this formless-nothingness subject? Is that what you guys presume eliminating a belief entails? It's more like having your cup emptied––being open. The cup (your experience) doesn't go away.