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  1. Yes we do. "Those who have only kensho do not know this state of unlimited freedom and profound peace of mind. Indeed, it cannot be known until one comes to full enlightenment." - Yaeko There is a high price being paid denying the summum bonum of Full Enlightenment, and hence not reaching it. On the other side, the point of the ride is the ride. My wife would surely agree that the penguin on the right is sometimes much smarter than the broken record of Selling Water by the River. Working towards smiling and waving by the River Responsibly selling Dream Water by the Dream River
  2. That is exactly as you write: Leos God Realization. A very subtle (but still present) identity/subject/observer "Leo" experiencing the Ox, and projecting itself on it. Of course, it is no longer Leo or personal or anything resembling an ego, doesn't need to have a center, can (and is) already nondual, but it is still subtle identity, a subtle subject vs. object, subtle filters, "having" the God Realization. It is not utterly empty and impersonal nondual Infinite Reality itself. "Something" that temporarily arises is still having the experience. It is not permanent. Which Absolute Reality/True You is. Always here. For the utterly empty and impersonal part, see "What is enlightenment, no, I mean really, like what is it?" by Steven Norquist. The same story in Zen (in Kapleau, Three Pillars of Zen): Harada Roshi on Yaekos Kensho: "I confirm that she has truly seen the Ox .... But as yet there remains a subject who is seeing. Her Mind’s home is still far distant. She must search more intensely!" Yaekos Enlightenment: "I have reached the point of actually grasping the Ox, and there is absolutely no delusion. There is neither Ox nor man." "Those who have only kensho do not know this state of unlimited freedom and profound peace of mind. Indeed, it cannot be known until one comes to full enlightenment." If the subject can't be switched off fully sobre, it can't be switched off fully with psychedelics. Some subtle remnants preventing Enlightenment always remain. And these shut down Awakening after coming down from the trip. Not too complicated actually, but what magnificent illusions Spirit can still invent on the last mile... And there is ZERO chance to anticipate the last shift, the dropping of all filters/lenses/identities/centers/... until it happens. Because if it could be anticipated, it would have already happened. And hence, SWbtR gets his usual beatings, although increasingly in a compassionate way. Selling unlimited freedom and profound peace of mind by The River
  3. I understand it looks like that for you . It couldn't look any different. I have no way of communicating these final steps in concepts/words to you. "Many so-called enlightened people may not have much of a sense of self, but that does not mean they have higher consciousness of God." (Full) Enlightenment doesn't mean little sense of self, or killing the ego (which remains functional, even better than before, afterwards). It is the dropping of each and any identity and center. No subtle Identity/center/separatation is left. All seen through, the loop closing itself in realtime. Boundless aware eternal Reality itself, without any possible center/identity, in which and as which all appearance flows. All of what you write, even "God-Realization", has identity/center/separation left. A "God-Realizer". That is a temporary arising mirage in the eternal unchanging Reality/Totality. Enlightenment is truly utterly impersonal Infinite Reality/Awareness. No center. Infinite and boundless. Without nothing possible besides it, without a second, in no dimension and realm. It is utterly beyond concepts and words, identities and centers, experiences and understandings. Although all of that happens within "It". Infinitely intelligent. God. Totality. Each and any subtle identity/center/duality (which by definition is separate from the Totality) has to go. All of these are temporary arisings, reflections on the water, mirage, illusions. And they are very very very subtle and tricky towards the end of the path, nothing one can talk about with concepts without having had the reference experience of the signifiers/words. What you call God-Realization is still a mirage, a reflection on the water, being had by an illusionary self (although highly awakened and developed, nondual and infinite, but not yet truly impersonal and truly centerless and hence also still reflection on the water). Not yet truly enlightened and truly impersonal. None of the "God-Realization" is eternal or timeless, or always here. You are that which is always here. All of these reflections on the water of the cycle of ignorance to God Realization happen in You. A mirage. Appearances. Changing. Dreamlike. Unreal. The last step is the falling away of that God-Realizer. That is still a subtle separation and identity. Believe or not. What remains? What is always here? What is truly real? What are you really? What is truly eternal, always the case, god-realized or not, enlightened or not? That which can never loose or gain anything, despite being enlightened or ignorant. That is It. Or True You. See you "there". Your dream-character Selling Water by the River Musical Coda: Life must have its Mysteries
  4. Sorry for hijacking your question while not being adressed. I know... How is the final and deep realization (and release) of the illusion of the egoic self-contraction traditionally called? I know, its a concept/word/pointer non-grata around here... Or is that changing lately? Enlightenment&author=Water by the River&sortby=relevancy After that the little egoic bug and its essence of suffering/contraction/resistance is never fully believed again... If all of its little high-speed contraction-illusion arisings are seen through in high-speed real-time, it indeed can evaporate and dissolve into the Totality of Infinite Being/Reality. Your True Identity. The egoic self contraction, a truly magnificent illusion, a creation worthy of the Divine Intelligence of Reality itself. After a long imagined journey of mistaken identity back home over many lifetimes cosplaying not being the Infinite Totality of Reality itself, creating lots and lots of suffering and resistance and contraction along the way (but also a lot of fun, joy and juicy drama), at some point all its little tricks are done and seen through. Halleluja. Summum bonum. Lately around here there is a little "end-of-the-road" feeling spreading concerning the psychedelic path, and the endless exploration of the Infinity of manifestations of Consciousness/manifest Reality. suffering&author=Water by the River&sortby=relevancy An exploration which in other words then becomes just one more (imagined) step along the (imagined) way back home. Godspeed to "everyones" return path back home, to a home one can truly never leave... It can only appear so. Meet you "there". Or right here, right now. Your fellow dream-character... ... Selling Water by the River PS: Deep respect concerning Leos truth-love, authenticity and intellectual integrity.
  5. It's the same, all psychedelics lead to the same truth the effect of the psychedelic is all in your mind. Just the dosage of each psychedelic will have a stronger effect. But if you resist and not fully surrender no matter which psychedelic you take, you will only go so far. Because all states are within you, the surrendering is what lets you go deeper. But i bet you didn't know that, because at the end of the day you're still ignorant. Zooming infinitely into your smoking pen is a joke, you call this full enlightenment? I did the zooming thing without any psychedelics seeing through my body , all the vibratory blood webs etc. Your psychedelic enlightenment is a joke
  6. Actualized Quotes '094: "God, Truth, Consciousness, Love cannot be defined because they are everything - Totality." "But the totality of existence has nothing against which it can be defined". "If you could define God, it wouldn't be God". "The technical answer is: Consciousness is Undefined". "Being undefined is what makes Consciousness divine". Very good! Especially something for the Absolute Solipsism Aficionados, which are still banging their heads against the conceptual walls hiding the above mentioned undefineable (but realizeable) nonconceptual Absolute Truth. Admittedly, not exactly a new insight. A guy called Nagarjuna had the exact same realizations, which resulted in Mahayana Buddhism and the Middle Way: "Its character is neither existent, nor nonexistent, / Nor both existent and nonexistent, nor neither. / Centrists should know true reality / That is free from these four possibilities." But definitely correct. And everbody having had Full Enlightenment of course also had that realization, by definition. So then, ladies and gentlemen, how can consciousness be higher or lower, especially considering Awakening n+1, if "being undefined is what makes Consciousness divine"? Of course, it can't, only the "outer" appearances or the "inner" appearance of understanding (understander/separate-self-illusion) can be "higher or lower". Which, after having understood what Infinite Reality and ones True Being truly is, is only relative appearance, happening within ones Infinite Being. And that appearance (or if one is inclined to call that [higher/lower] consciousness/Awakening/whatever, which is a slippery slope, because see the "undefineablity" mentioned by Leo above) can be "higher" or "lower". True Being/Infinite Consciousness, which never appeared, changed, disappeared/disappears (nor could) but IS and only can be right here right now, covered normally by lots of ignorant and illusory concepts and feelings of separation and duality. That what every being truly is is never changed by anything, any realization, understanding, Awakening n+1 or whatever. "IT" has change and appearance ("external" world and "internal" "mindstream") and understanding/understander and Awakening/Awakener APPEARING WITHIN ITSELF. "Itself", which has no outside, hence infinite. But once one has truly realized ones own non-conceptual always already here Infinite Reality, its game over on the Absolute Side, and continuing game on on the relative side of appearance. Which, btw., never truly touches ones True Being, which remains eternally unchanging silent (potentially) aware Infinite Reality. Which is exactly this undefinable unchanging silent undefinable Infinite Absolute Opening of Reality that Leo is talking about. Stabilizing the access to this Realization in daily life is the Summum Bonum, not the rock-gig: But the rock thing is of course also fun. Until it isn't. Who is telling these little conceptual stories to other perspectives of his/hers/its True Infinite Being by the River?
  7. Your questions are Koans. Only Full Enlightenment will answer them. That will become clear once you wake up. Some pointers: You are not the "I AM". That perceiver-illusion ("I am") is an illusion arising within the Real You, Infinite Reality itself, before which the states (of waking, dreaming or deep sleep, as human, or as animal with no "I Am", or ET, and ETs n+1) "roll" before. That "I am", or the perceiver, or awareness of awareness, is the last illusion before "the" Totality realizes itself. Real You HAS to be constant. Who would witness Real You popping into existence if it was not constant? Right, Real You, Infinite Reality/Consciousness. And same with the (imagined) dis-appearance of you, or "death". Anything changing is just a modulation of your own Infinite Being, but not YOU. And in Deep Sleep, no I am, no (self-) consciousness (only the potential for sentience if something arises again) is arising. So "I am" is not Real You. Just the first illusion. Really understanding/realizing that is (final) Enlightenment, and a deep deep Identity shift or loss of illusion. Can't get more infinite than infinite. Only be aware of different n+1 arisings. So what is that Reality that sees, hears and understands? Who or what is reading and understanding these lines right now? Good news: YOU are always here, never not here, already eternal and immortal. Bad news: Its not "I am". Since YOU are (also) looking through the eyes of an ant, and that ant doesn't have self-consciousness (or any feeling/arising of "I am") , that I am is already too much self-consciousness, and not just awareness (which can also be mere perception perceiving itself, or potentially unaware of nothing arises, but with the potential for sentience). But there is also no Awareness besides perceptions perceiving itself. Making "Awareness" a noun is already a mistake. And what is trying to wake up, only to realize while doing so that it was always awake/aware/right here right now? What is seeing these lines right now? What is "the" Infinite Totality/Being, perceiving itself, cosplaying to be separate and lost and trying to realize something? What is that Being which has to check every false identity, including the "one" who tries to wake, only then to see it has always been itself, believing its own illusion-arisings, including "I am"? What is "I am" if there is only INFINITE YOU, and nothing else could ever be? A pointer pointing to an arising (apparently separate) illusion within yourself... But before Infinite Being realizes itself, it has to be fast enough to spot all these illusions arising real-time within itself. Aka as meditation mastery to not get hypnotized by the illusion-arisings. And much more precise than all this pointing above: What was your face before your parents were born. There is a totally clear answer for that, and its right here. Once that "answer" is always accessible or obvious, life becomes playful. Koan: Who is (not) Selling Water by the River? PS: How to get "there" in the waking state: Some quotes: "Cluster of Sensations taking ownership or thinking being in control of other sensations" "Awareness of awareness is just more sensations no different from objects of awareness" "Actually the final path is all about dissolving any sense of “awareness” apart from object or phenomenons" "SNEAKING UP CLUSTERS OF FEELING OF BEING IN CONTROL-You sneak up on any cluster of sensation that feels like it's in control, of another cluster of sensation, then you sneak up on THAT which is doing the sneaking" "You keep going meta until the circuit closes on itself and there's no more duality between the subject and object" "No cluster of sensation “takes credit”, “owns”, “grasp”, “perceives”, “interferes” with any other sensation because any sense of entanglement is still a form of clinging" "Eliminate the “arrow of attention”, or “Awareness/Consciousness” as a stand alone substrate/Truth because even “Aware of awareness” still presupposes a very subtle sense of self who is trying to pay attention" "Actually the final path is all about dissolving any sense of “awareness” apart from object or phenomenons" QUICKNESS ATTENTION TO CLOSE LOOP CLUSTERS. Stay ahead of THAT sensation and ad infinite until you close the loop_ for that you got to be QUICK with attention "Awareness of awareness is just more sensations no different from objects of awareness" That is how it works in practice on the final stages towards Enlightenment Some quotes: "my last the last epiphany that I had was there's no one here to be enlightened and then that last speck of solidity was gone" " there's no one here do be enlightened the ego never expressed anything it's all just cause and effect of the universe there was no never anybody here since the beginning" "No more delay, after getting faster and faster, NO MORE DELAY BETWEEN MEDITATOR AND OBJECT, JUST ONE SENSE DOOR OF SENSATIONS PERCEIVING THEMSELVES" "then you do that faster and faster and more efficiently efficiently until there's gonna be a point where everything just syncs up into one it's"
  8. It reminds me of Angulimala in Buddhism. For a simplified version of the story, he was a murderer who had killed 999 people and chose the Buddha to be his thousandth victim. Upon meeting the Buddha, a better way of life was demonstrated and Angulimala went on to eventually reach full enlightenment. Obviously very unlikely to be a true story, but it's a cool little narrative to show how even the worst of us are inherently capable of the greatest heights.
  9. @joeyi99 I believe Austen Summers said if you follow his product and don’t get a result he will refund you and give you free coaching until you get succeed, you can try that if you still don’t you can seek full enlightenment which should remove any issues with dying alone, you can take the finders course for that.
  10. Also, if it helps at all, the mountain top God is the same as the city God. The Truth (as i'm sure you know) is that it is already True, its already the case. Full Enlightenment and Non Dual realization is the case whether your in a temple in Japan or a strip club in Houston. With that mentality you can remove the dogma of needing to become an aestetic and just constantly work on your consciousness at all times. If you need to do a retreat for a bit to really focus, you do that. If you want to deepen your practice in a city and see if you can your self-awareness, go party in Rio. It's a win win. "How many times must you go to the mountain before you no longer need to go the mountains" -Zen Proverb
  11. One can only get it when it is realized that any separate identity is false and just a wrong arising thought/feeling/concept in Infinite Being/Reality/mindstream (like 1 + 1 = 3. Just not the case). For that to happen, the mindstream needs to conform to Absolute Reality of Infinite Being/Consciousness/Suchness. Among others, the most important ones are: Nondual: Boundless infinite "field" or better Reality of the visual field Infinite: Nothing could ever be outside of it (for example other perspectives/beings that YOU forget right now in real time, although they happen in True You). Everything can only be IT. Mere appearance/illusion: Every appearance of the "world" is just empty mere appearance, hovering like a non-solid hologram ("clear light", mere appearance-emptiness) in YOUR True Infinite Being. Eternal: The appearance in that Infinite field/Reality changes, but never THAT. That can't go anywhere else. And since IT is nothing (or better: Infinite Nothingness but with the potential for sentience if appearance arises in it, made of it) already, that Reality can't disappear (field is not so correct, since True Being is dimensionless... Its not 3D or 5D, but CONTAINS all possible dimensions, however many dimensions manifest (3/4/5/n/alien/totally other/n+1). Lets call it Infinite Vastness) All ignorant/wrong concept/believes/feelings of being anything separate (mind, body, soul, whatever) seen through: are just a thought/feeling-arising-bundle arising within IT, and ignorantly believed because ones speed of awareness is too slow to cut off these illusions in real-time. Only then does one have a chance of realizing True Solipsism (although I don't like that as teaching tool, because its incomprehensible until it happens, and lead nowhere as practice), or True Enlightenment. One without a second. So its fruitless to think with a separate-self still well and alive about Solipsism, that will never "go anywhere". It is impossible. But getting the Mindstream to conform the the enlightened Mindstream (points above) so that this realization can happen, that can be done, and that is worth the effort. Then the realization can happen. My preferred and recommended tools are Mahamudra PotgW, Yoga of One Taste (for the Nondual points above, 1-4), and Yoga of Nonmeditation (to fully establish point 5, and to get rid of the meditator still "running" points 1-4. Selling Water by the River PS: When Wilber wrote No Boundary, he didn't have Full Enlightenment, just some Kenshos. But not full impersonal Enlightenment, according to his own statements. His true impersonal Enlightenment (or death of the illusion of the separate-self) happened while writing Sex, Ecology, Spirituality, and how that went down is described in One Taste. "Realizing that the separate self (of any kind) doesn't exist (beyond a mere appearing illusion), did never exist, and will or could never exist". PSPS: Problems start when remnants of the separate self hijack the identity of/as "Absolute Solipsism". That would be something like the Infinity of Gods(-Egos). Does that sound like One Being, Solipsism? Or more like an Infinity of God-Egos inflated and projected on Infinity.The true intuition that there is only One Reality/Being, but that not cleansed from separate-self/ego/personality-elements. Hence, no stable nondual realization in daily life with the 5 points of Awakened Nondual Awareness above accessible anytime. That confusion can be similiar to the stage of Yoga of One Taste, which already brings Nondual States (like psychedelics also do), but Enlightenment doesn't happen there yet, because the remaining separate-self is not cleansed via the Yoga of Nonmeditation. It is not truly impersonal yet. True Being is utterly utterly impersonal (hence, IT fits into all individual mindstreams), and yet contains the personality and its individual traits arising within IT. And that is what you truly are. So nothing than an illusion of being something else than THAT is lost.
  12. Because the state of cessation (or the dissolution experience) tends to reduce grasping/attachment because it partly frees from the "grabbing/grasping" character of the egoic mindstream after having had that state/cessation for a number of times. In short, it makes life easier and suffering/grasping less. But it doesn't provide full liberation/the potential for Full Enlightenment. The ideal of early Buddhism was the escape to these states of cessation, the more permanent the better. Permanent Niroda = permanent dissolution = Nirvana = No more rebirth. With Mahayana, the Buddhist Traditions broke through to true Nondual Enlightenment. Leos God-Realization, see the God-Realized approved Supreme Source for example, link above. Sounds a bit different than cessation/dissolve/die and get off the wheel of Samsara/Niroda/bye bye forever? Oh yes... Why? Because Absolute Truth is always right here. Never can not be here. Why shut it all down when IT is always right here? When the suffering/grasping clouds of the separate-self/ego are structurally dissolved (Full Enlightenment), and not just temporarily switched off via cessation, Infinite Nondual Impersonal Being replaces the separation/grasping/suffering of the ego in daily life. And the Sat-Chit-Ananda aspect of it (Bliss/Love/Compassion/Nondual Awakened Awareness) is off the charts. Trust the Salesman by the River. Caveat Emptor is good, but sometimes there is enough good Karma to just buy the right "stuff". by the River So no need for dissolution afterwards... Mahayana philosophy is a totally "different beast" than early Buddhism/Hinayana. For example: sometime around the third,cosmic vision of the universe. In Mahayana, Enlightenment is not the end/extinction/cessation/dissolution, but the beginning of the caterpillar having turned butterfly, expressing its enlightened intention not only in this life/bardo, but also in future ones. The whole Reality then goes like "Oh nice, one more for the team"... A whole chain of being of enlightened beings (human, alien, ET, Buddha-Field Creator/Sustainer/and so on) fits into the manifested Infinity of Infinities of Infinite Being. See the WbtR 2x2 matrix of enlightened & or merely awakened Aliens & Humans. Its a totally different and much more positive worldview than Early Buddhism, which was more like "die, cease and get off the wheel". Would be a lot of effort on creating humans via an evolution of billion of years and then getting rid of the gig asap., don't you think? Chris Bache in "LSD and the Mind of the Universe: Diamonds from Heaven" called the visions he had been shown of the future evolution of humanity a growth towards what he called the Diamond Soul, a magnificent destiny for the species. And since even that isn't the end, its Infinity up the Chain of Being... well, mucho adventure ahead. So it seems that at some point, Leo gets to become his n+1 AWAKE Alien permanently. Hopefully, he doesn't take to many detours on the way there. Being reborn automatically as n+1 "Infinitely consciousness" awakened Alien is not guaranteed, but earned and developed towards. Soul, Karma and such. Not that the suicides influenced by certain inadvertantly & flippantly irresponsible teachings/statements say "hello" in a less than amused way after he has left his current bodily-vehicle. So in summary, early Buddhism doctrine just didn't reach Full Enlightenment. At least in its doctrine/philosophy. It reached causal states, but not truly impersonal nondual/fully enlightened ones. There have been Nondual Realizers for sure between "the Buddha" (aka time the doctrine was formed)" and the Nondual Breakthrough towards Infinite Reality/ Infinite Being that happened first with Nagarjuna and his Middle Way/Madhyamaka doctrine/philosophy, but the doctrinal break occured with Nagarjuna towards Middle Way, and later Yogachara/(Infinite) Consciousness only. Selling non-extinction of the River by the River for the River by The River
  13. and some more stuff from Roger Thisdell: and: Cessation is a large focus of Theravada/Early Buddhism, helping on the path to Enligthenment. But it is not (yet) Full Enlightenment, see for example modern voices of Theravada like Ingram (Mastering the Core Teachings of the Buddha)/Frank Yang/Thisdell.They state the same. In Mahayana Buddhism and Tibetan Buddhism/Vajrayana, this dissolution/cessation experience is considered valueable, but not more. Not the final goal. Experiencing Absolute Reality/Infinite Impersonal Being WHILE visual appearances and the mindstream arises as Infinite Impersonal Being/Reality is considered the Final Enlightenment. Because Ultimate Reality has to be constant, always right here. If its not accessible, clouds of separation are still arising which are not seen through. Cessation= Absolute Reality with no arising/appearance/anything at all, hence timeless, but also not self-consciousness (since that is an arising too). Helps seeing the illusion/separation-layers arising on the "reboot" while getting out of the cessation/Pure Nothingness, but does not necessarily destroy all the clouds causing duality. Normally it doesn't do that, that is why it takes lots of cessations on the Theravada path. No cessations are necessary for Enlightenment, it can also happen without them. In Mahamudra, instead of the Dissolution experience of cessation, the so-called "Non-dissolution" experience, or the insight the Infinite Mind/Being is timeless/eternal and boundless (but not yet fully impersonal) is considered of equal or even higher importance. Since that paves the way for the constant realization of Infinite Impersonal Being/Reality while the visual field arises, or Full Enlightenment. It is a difficult topic, needing a lot of reference meditation-experiences in order to start to intuit the differences. Maybe this is helpful for some.
  14. @Water by the River They will not just use different language. Their worldview and belief system will be baked into their meta perspective on what reality is and how it works, and through that perspective, their enlightenment will be additionally interpreted. If you read Artem closely, it is obvious to the trained eye, that he gets all the 'qualities/fundamentals' of full enlightenment right, basically collapsing all identification mechanisms, until there is only the totality of existence left. But then he fuses that with his worldview, of being a body within an infinite, material/energy universe. For Artem, that body (his body) is itself part of everything else, there are technically no boundaries between any matter/energy objects. He is within that universe and from it/part of it. No governing principles acting from outside on that universe, that kind of universe is governing itself from within, it is deterministic, because it has to build on itself in an infinite regress of causalities. That is very different to a worldview, in which you, as Infinite Consciousness, operate as a larger system, with many subsystems (holons within holons) and conscious agents (that you as the larger Consciousness have divided yourself into), that can interact with these sub-systems. In that paradigm, you would have one part of consciousness run a reality simulation (e.g. a physical or non-physical reality frame/dream) like a server, to which part of your conscious agents could log on, by receiving data/information streams. The conscious agent (basically a piece of the larger consciousness) is obviously not going anywhere from A to B, it's already floating nowhere, no when, always here now, receiving (in the case of a human being avatar) sense data of smell, touch, hearing, sight, touch, that is creating a 3D world (like Earth). Collapsing that sense data (like you can in deep meditation), would again reveal your true nature, as pure awarness floating in/as the infinte void. So you can actually field test that theorie. That's why there is also no world beyond your sensory bubble, there really is no external material world, there is only 10 billion consciousnesses, floating in the void, receiving (human) sense data streams of what is rendered into our current earth experience. Bashar also confirms this perspective, by saying that you are not in this world, because you have never left spirit ( the non-physical). Instead you operate from spirit, being tuned into this holographic (seemingly material) universe/simulation. What appears as physical reality is in fact non-physical reality, with the difference, that the rule set is much more strict in this dream, and you for example, cannot fly through walls. The rule set is obviously not upheld by you, the consciousness that is logged on to the 5 senses data stream of the avatar, but by some higher funtion consciousness-algorithm/operating system, which again is not really separate from you. Just you, as a limited unit of consciousness, have not the admin rights to interfere with that operating system (unless you maybe take enough 5meo-dmt and get a glimpse, how part of your higher order functioning consciousness is creating this simulation/dream). While logged on to the 5 senses data stream of the avatar, you can only play by the rules of the server, and play within this material plane, until maybe one day, you become your own whole universe/server, if you as consciousness have evolved enough. Bashar also supports that view, that you as consciousness are always becoming more of yourself, that that is the whole point of existence. It's not static, it's always becoming ever more. So again, from this worldview, you are in this world (by receiving 5 senses data stream of the avatar) but you are not of it. Big difference! That way, dreams, Astral travel, different reality frames are not just figments of the bodies mind function (like they have to be, in Artems materialistic world view), but they are legitimate/equal playingfields to that of the material plane we are experiencing. All those reality frames are of course just different data streams/imaginations, that you as consciousness can log on to (see also reality shifting). Nothing is ever going anywhere, it's just like changing channels on a TV. The reason I want to emphasize the difference between these two world views, is because it actually takes you away from a reductionistic world view to a more holistic, expanded perspective, that is inherently more meaningful, than what Artem proposes. I would propagate, that giving one a meaningful, holistic perspective, alongside with the tools that will take you to full enlightenment, is far more beneficial for the whole of humanity, than giving guidance to an enlightenment, that is baked into a reductionistic, nihilistic world view. The first one will get you excited, the second one will make you feel depressed along the way. On a side note, Chris Bache, in his book 'LSD and the Mind of the Universe', has given by far the most splendid, beautiful, wholesome and awe inspiring worldview to where we, as a collective human organism/consciousness, are navigating towards. I had tears in my eyes reading his description of the potential, that we, as a human race, have. That's the true power of having a great vision and a meta view, that aims to allign itself with the highest/most wholesome understanding of reality.
  15. yea well, either way i guess it wouldn't be too odd if people reported different states of consciousness, even after full enlightenment, since brain chemistry undeniably shapes perception of reality
  16. Thank you. I can only give back the exact same compliment. Yaeko (after having realized Great Enlightenment): I simply can’t understand why I always made such a to-do about respecting Buddhism or anyone who had attained full enlightenment. Have I been dreaming? Harada Roshi: Dreaming? Certainly. Yet as dreams go in this world it is not the commonplace dream of most but a dream of tremendous and lasting significance, of intense absorption in the Buddha’s Dharma. Kapleau, The Three Pillars of Zen.
  17. The Spectrum is Potential and Possibility, so in some aspects our life is predetermined, that is what Karma is essentially, its the conditioning and residual effect of all the actions we took in previous "Lives" that is coming up for us now to deal with, and there is Karma for everything that is living including the planet, without Karma there is no physical existence, its duality and such all included to make this earth and us as bodies and minds possible, but we are not the Body and Mind, we are Life itself really, or what ppl around here call God or Absolute God/Absolute/Life are the Top level realm per say, there is no individuality there, no expression, no experience but it contains all Potentials and Possibilities, so that is why we are here, to explore this potential in some small way and to explore duality and choice and free Will, with Awareness as our basis, Awareness being a form of Intelligence that is not based on Memory, then we can Perceive with Clarity, with that we naturally feel safe and Peaceful within, with that comes rises in Energy/Kundalini and such and with that comes our ability to exert our Free Will, all of this leads to Moskha or Liberation in some way to full Enlightenment or Dissolution, no longer Individual or here in Physical form, now merged with God/Absolute/Life, so yes we have Free Will on the Spectrum if we have enough Awareness to Experience it, that is why we have Yoga and other forms of Sadhana and Spiritual practices to get there, some like the ppl here do it thru psychedelics but that is not the absolute way, they are just looking thru the window to see Absolute, they are not there yet, the more traditional paths get You there and you stay there, no going back down after the trip is over...
  18. Actually I find the higher mapping to be most useful. And they explain all of the arguments within eastern traditions and sects in Buddhism. The higher levels explain how non-duality is not full Enlightenment for example, which even integrates Leos work. Hawkins just does it in a much more sophisticated comprehensive manner. All the paradoxes and stages like Being vs Non Being, and Existence vs Non Existence, Samsara vs Nirvana, are all on his model an explained at various levels. Im yet to find a flaw in it. OF course there are more emotions then what he lists, and more complexity could be added. But to me it seems the best map to date
  19. Hmm actually one onyl has to trasncend all of the levels. Each level or dimension is infinite within itself. Transcending all levels to full enlightenment would suggest a total perspective or absolute perspective on all of this. Hawkins wont be able to deliniate every instance or behaviour based on shame for example, he just needs to demarcate it, its a heuristic Is there anything specific you disagree with?
  20. Yup. When "it" is not Absolute. Can't get more Absolute than Absolute, can't get more Infinite than Infinite. I agree in so far that many Enlightenments (by far most of them) are announced when it is not Great-(Zen-lingo) or final/full-Enlightenment (Impersonal, Death of the separate self, real Satori), but just Nonduality, or Unity of the separate-self with the universe (just nondual, not impersonal, just unity of personal + Universe, or Kensho). Or, the difference between waking up and a nondual dream.
  21. He is not. As you see. Moreover, i can not be enlightened, when i drops enlightenment happens. There is no less or full enlightenment, enlightenment is enlightenment. You are maybe confused with awakening? Please tell me a teacher or video who says that ego leaves permanently?
  22. He's talking about temporary enlightenment experiences, not full enlightenment. When do you claim to have have reached full Enlightenment? Sorry dont mean to doubt you, just people refer to so many different things, and armchair philosophy isnt conducive in these discussions
  23. Where did the Buddha say this? I think your quote is mistaken or at least misunderstood. Here someone gave a breakdown on the validity of that quote: All mental formations are described to be not self. This includes thoughts or any type of mental phenomena you can conceive of. A crucial element to understand about the Buddha’s teachings is that you do have the ability to control your mind to varying degrees, based upon the amount of practice you have devoted to developing this capacity. You control your mind in Buddhist practice by guarding your sense doors, that meaning you become aware of whenever you are grasping after transient elements of experience as if they will provide some type of lasting fulfillment and stop that grasping once it is recognized. I’ve been studying The Middle Length Discourses of the Buddha (Majjhima Nikāya) lately, and over and over again it is stressed that you should turn your mind from the unwholesome to what is wholesome. What is considered wholesome in the Buddha’s teaching is whatever leads one away from the hindrances and instead leads a person closer to the destruction of the hindrances or otherwise called the taints which is synonymous to awakening. The hindrances are sloth and torpor (essentially being lazy, unmotivated, and lacking energy when it concerns reaching full enlightenment and liberation), restlessness and worry (anxiety/stress essentially), desire for sense objects, ill-will or hatred, and doubt (mainly referring to doubt in the Buddhist methods as effectively leading to the ending of suffering which is related to ignorance). You should rightfully be concerned that you are having intrusive thoughts that not only produce suffering now but also condition your mind to further suffering in the future. Consider your mind like a computer’s CPU. Unwholesome thoughts are like viruses or malware on a computer. The higher percentage of the CPU which is taken up by this sort of malicious activity in a given moment, the less ability the computer has to run your desired programs properly. The desired programs in this case would be your mind recognizing the Absolute, being full of contentment, confidence, loving-kindness to all beings, stillness, happiness, etc. Basically this means non-resistance to what is. The experience which you really want is an awakened mind free from the woes of petty ego worries and problems which are all self-generated of course by seeing reality incorrectly. Intrusive thoughts obviously bring you to more ego bullshit and issues. Watch for those thoughts, and incline your mind to something healthy or productive instead. As you do this, over time you will find that your CPU has less and less viruses and malware up until the point it is running at maximum capacity without issue. Here’s a video from a Buddhist teacher, Dhammarato, who does a great job of focusing on the essential practices of early Buddhism: He has tons of videos on this topic, and his teachings line up quite closely with what you find in the Suttas. I’ve spoken to him a number of times, and it is clear that he knows what he is talking about and has the ability to clear up a lot of misconceptions people pick up from quasi-Buddhist sources.
  24. Please excuse my sloppy answer. It is just when one assumes that no Ego-elements/separate-self-elements are remaining in the psychedelic state... That is a bit, um, Contrast it with this here: Adi Da was quite problematic in other ways , but here you can get a feeling of what no filters/lenses/clouds looks like. And that is a nondual/infinite/mere appearance/awakened state up the hilt, making the true state of "things" absoltely obvious, the realization of Absolute Reality/True Being/Infinite Consciousness a no-brainer. Concerning the last subtle ego/separate-self-clouds/lenses/filters: One just doesn't see them, since there is way to little time in the psychedelic states to transcend these filters/lenses, and normally way to little training in transcending these filters/lenses/clouds done before. One looks THROUGH THEM, and doesn't even notice they are there. And then interprets the infinite nondual experience through them. And what is missing for Enlightenment is the impersonal part: No filters/lenses/clouds left. If you would understand/see these (very subtle) filters in these states, you could sustain the enlightened/awakened/boundless/nondual state AFTER the psychedelic has lost its effect. The infinite and "godly" states of consciousness are nothing but a big trap that parade "in front" of your Real Eternal Being. And btw., "classic" full Enlightenment is infinite, nondual and boundless, and mere appearance/imagined. And impersonal. And the "godly", ET or "whatever" states in that case parade "in" it, "in front" of it. And its YOU by the way. Just the True You. Not the god-state+reamaining filters/lenses. When filters/lenses/clouds/ego are switched off, isn't it logical that Awakening/boundless/nondual/mere apperance states just continues (or is no longer covered by duality), making the eternal always here "suchness" of True being available all the time. Just throw the frog in the mixer and see what remains. What remains is eternal. The rest is just illusion, parading in front of your eternal Being. Ranging from rat to crocodile to human to God to ET. And ET is better for sexy marketing and probably more fun than throwing the frog in the mixer, I assume. It is just if you throw the frog in the mixer, the imagined crocodiles tend to stay away, because, um, they intuit they would follow the frog into the mixer. Selling Water by the River
  25. I wasn't asked, but since that didn't prevent me from commenting ever since, please allow me my musings... So, here is the Ultimate Crocodile. Or Trap. Since it is pretty close to Ultimate Truth: The problem (or rather near impossibility) in realizing Ultimate Truth/Full Enlightenment (not even to talk about realizing & keeping that on a stable basis in daily life) with mainly/only psychedelics (vs. a combined meditation and psychedelics-approach) is that the separate-self/ego is never fully seen through, and happily hijacks all insights gained and projects itself onto them. Like nondual merging with the visual field, aka non-dual-Unity-states of a still separate-self merging with the visual field. that the visual field is mere empty appearance hovering in Nothingness that this Nothingness is "IT", is Infinity, in all possible dimensions, is boundless limitless nondual Consciousness/Suchness "God-Realization" (aka that pretty much everything which appears is imagined to fool oneself into a false-body-mind-identity. That includes past&future imagination. Which is true, but still there is a subtle separate-self-something left and not seen through having all these insights, and proclaiming "I am God". It is not truly impersonal yet, and Absolute Reality is impersonal. Yes, True You is totally impersonal. Shocking, but true. But only shocking from before the Gateless Gate. After the Gateless Gate, it was just one more trap on the path/maze to Infinite love&liberation&freedom). That is pretty much the development Leo has taken, from nondual, to Infinity, to "God-Realization". And then some ETs (which is of course just more appearance/mind-stuff/content consciousness) since the God-Realization didn't went any further from there. And then after some psychedelic-substance-fallout-crocodiles ET said not permanently in this life darling, but maybe permanently in the next life in the 7th heaven, and the message was heard, and the phone was (increasingly) hung up (for now). Ultimate Truth is beyond all of that. Contains all of that. Unchanging. And eternal. All the rest mentioned above rolls "before" and "in" your true formless Infinite Being like a show. Waking/dreaming/deep sleep/normal life/nondual/infinite/God-Realization/ET/crocodiles: All these states roll before your True Being like a show, never changing anything real even for a moment. All just appearance. What is watching all of that? What can never not be here, even in Deep Sleep? And btw., the essence of the frog is completely understood by throwing it into a mixer and looking what it is made of (Suchness). That is how the frog gets truly impersonal. And the essence is all that stays, eternally. The rest is just changing appearance, an illusion, a show. Including any "understanding", which can be dead&gone&forgotten. The essence never can go anywhere, ever. That is what each being truly is. And realizing & embodying that is true freedom and liberation. And why is this kind of psychedelic "God-Realization" not stable? Psychedelics: The filters/lenses of the last subtle separate-self illusions don't get disassemled/transcended/cut-off in real time (aka impersonal, or "not-only-personal-awareness,"). Because of lacking strength&speed of Awareness in cutting all of that off in real-time. And that is why Infinite Nonduality/mere appearance/Awakening states break down after the trip: Unearned wisdom/states. Not impersonal, but still personal/separate-self/ego. In "God-Realization" there are still remnants (although subtle ones) of an ego/separate-self too much left alive & hijacking the insight/state. Meditation: Transcending separate-self/ego-elements (speed and strength/knowing each and any separate-self-arising illusion/I-feeling/I-thoughts/...) leads to nondual/infinite/mere appearance states: stable & personal transcended (aka impersonal), "earned". Psychedelics: psychedelics lead to nondual/infinite/mere appearance states without transcending all (subtle) separte-self/ego-buildings-blocks: unstable &"unearned" & can hijack the states: "I am God/-realized, whatever". The True Being of every being (Infinite Consciousness/Reality, impersonal or universal Awareness) is always right here, eternal. Can never change. It can only appear to be clouded. Looking out for less-than-impersonal-crocodiles by the non-personal River