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  1. I believe that there is a degree of utilitarianism in our culture, especially in the self-help sphere, I.E. maximizing pleasure, minimizing pain. We have this pervasive attitude of focusing on the things we want for ourselves (success, bliss, etc.), which is necessarily the case for a niche that is about improving/changing ones circumstances. It is human nature to want good things and avoid pain. Expecting yourself to constantly feel good is unrealistic and your going to feel bad at times. That is normal and there is nothing inherently wrong with negative emotions. In my experience, mindfully experiencing the emotions depersonalizes them to a certain degree and makes it such that you take an experience less personally, if that makes sense. In my opinion, however, the general mood of your life should be positive or at least neutral as opposed to in pain.
  2. Bliss is not the goal, Bliss is just the vehicle that one uses to rise up on the Spiritual Path, if one goes thru suffering, they can get there because Suffering is Intensity as well, but its a very hard and risky path, one can fall off and just suffer and have no Spiritual Realization, via Bliss as a natural experience, You will go full speed forward and be more curious as to what lies beyond Bliss...
  3. Why are we trying to avoid these negative sensations/emotions/feelings. I said negative but are they really. A sensation is a sensation and not really positive or negative, but these words are intertwined and can get tricky when defining but I'm sure you all know what I'm saying here. We talk about bliss and happiness and joy and all those feel good ones in positive ways and we run from their opposites. We get depressed when something goes wrong and excited when something feels real good and sad when it feels bad and so on and so forth. Ok, that's life. Why run towards one more than the other. Yes, it feels good but what's wrong with feeling bad. We willingly watch movies that create negative emotions in us, but we run from those feelings in real life. Horror movies can make us feel fearful, and thrillers (my fav), feelings of anxiety and suspense, and we gladly put our buck on these for entertainment, but try to avoid these feelings in life. Oh bliss this and bliss that and let's strive for joy and happiness and feelings of excitement and all that. All transient just like their polar opposites. None of them lasts forever. We say our natural way of being is blissful but do we really know that. DO WE REALLY. Or is it neutral or just peaceful. No emotion whatsoever. Just tranquility. Whatever word best describes it. I think peaceful comes close. Do we really think life is about feeling good. Why? Just because it feels good. What's so great about that. Ok, feel good then what, feel bad, then feel good, then bad, then good,...Why can't life be shitty and that be ok. Why can't it be awful and depressing and that be ok. Why spend money to cure your depression and not spend it to cure your happiness. Is there a rule book that says we should all be happy. Isn't life just an expression of everything under the sun. I'm aware there are people who "self-sabotage" and purposely create negative feelings. I also beg to differ that it's actually self-sabotaging and just another expression of Infinity. I'm not advocating for us to start striving to feel bad and to not take care of your depressed state or anything of the sort; this is just a post to discuss this and share our thoughts on the matter. P.S. Just to be clear, I'm not referring to physical pain as in stubbing one's toe or burning yourself or getting into a car accident.
  4. Pseudo Spirituality! - Everything is God, if everything is God, then everything is Okay - Everything is Imaginary, or a Dream, there is no Trueness, Materialism, Physicality, or anything beyond that because it all a figment of the Mind. - Only I exist, everything else comes from a projection of my Mind - Nothing is really Happening, nor did anything ever Happen, nor will anything Happen in the Future, hence nothing has any Meaning - I am not Responsible for anything because everything is God, if God did not want it too be happening he would not have created it, so I am not Responsible - Because I have no Responsibility for anything, why do anything as nothing has Meaning or Purpose - I am GOD Real Spirituality! - God/Absolute is Everywhere, within Me and the Rock beside me and in the sky, air, plants, shit, and anything that I can sense and not sense. - Life is infinite Intelligence, that is what God is, via that Intelligence PotentialPossibility is the fundamental nature of God/Absolute - All Life is an aspect of this Potential/Possibility equation, but not all Life is equal or the same, there are Levels to everything in Existence - The Fundamental Structure of all Life is the same, but different forms of Life have different Capabilities - Human Beings are gifted with the Highest Capabilities of all Life on this Planet, we have the most sophisticated Nervous System, Neurological System. most developed Intellect, and the Highest Potential to be Conscious or Unconscious - Free Will, the Ability to Respond and Choose is the Missing Link to It All, this gives Us total control over How we are within ourselves, and our ability to control our Destiny, but to activate our Free Will abilities we have to be extremely Conscious and Aware of Reality/Truth/Absolute/God.. -Bliss is the safest path, via the path of Bliss, You become devoid of Self, no more Fear, or self concern, then Your absolutely Free from karma and bondage, using any other way is more dangerous and risky and can take more lifetimes - Karma is the residual effect of all the action that has ever taken place, cause and effect, its is what makes the Universe and Materialism/Duality Possible, without it You would not be able to exist as You are, its the Bubble surrounding the Life that You fundamentally are within It. Burst the Buddle and individuality is over for You.. Karma is ingrained in every aspect of what You are, it the underlining Software that structures Your Life on a certain path, You don't decided what path You are on, but You decide How to walk the path You are ON
  5. When you die are you going in the dust like everyone else? Were you born naked like everyone else? Do you breathe like everyone else? Where's the difference. What Truth. Truth that I'm God, truth that I'm alive, truth that I breathe, truth that I'll die someday truth that I like curried chicken, what truth. What work. Meditation? I AM MEDITATION. Doing work to discover the truth that I already am is asinine. Go to an Ashram, a retreat, satsang, stare at my fingers, at a wall for 10 hrs, to discover what. All that stuff is lovely and can be great experiences but that's all they are. The real work is within me, not anything outside of me. No practices, no tools, no anything can touch what I am. I don't need to strengthen this fake self by doing shit to find myself. I do things because I want to, just like eating ice cream. There's nothing wrong with life, life is perfect. The only work I need is to stop putting my ideas unto life. Let life be and watch the magic unfold, suffering and all. Who cares. You mention the word bliss a lot like yours running from suffering. Don't run and it won't chase. I'm perfectly fine and so are you. You need to recognize that. That's not spiritual bypassing either. You're not living, youre avoiding, trying to fix something. Nothing wrong, only what the mind created. Realize that and you've found the truth.
  6. It's funny when normies, even PhD's, discover this kind of content. Let's be real who wants to question the axioms and the goods it produces of the scientific method and fear losing the concept of reality as you tought it is. The what if question is scary. But Dave can't handle it. He can’t handle that there might be an infrastructure of raw empirical experience which produces this forum, produces religions, produces cults, gatherings, rituals, traditions which attempt to talk about experiences more valid than sense perception. There is no objective evidence of this. By seeking you get some pieces of empirical evidence on the way. And the depth and deepening of the experience is the evidence. But Dave just can't face it. Sam Harris handled it being a skeptic, I am sure Professor Dave can too. I would even challenge Professor Dave to do Isha Kriya for 48 days as per the video and tell me that you did not feel bliss in your "third eye" region or literally do any other Isha yoga practice with a qualified Isha teacher and tell me that there isn't something more to it. Go and sit at Dhyanalingam and tell me that you didn't felt weird. Go into a vipassana retreat where you do nothing for long periods of time and tell me that nothing happens to your quality of consciousness. But I know, it's all "bogus and brainwashing and there is no depth, merit and sincerety" basically I don't want to do it because I am scared to change in a critical and non-rational way and I will lose my precious worldview and rational prestige or whatever. So it's so ironic that it's just one cult leader fighting another. Bottom line is that there is tremendous depth of these meditation and yoga practices and if you really want to find, you will find and Professor Dave will not.
  7. Ego tells you and very effectively too to discard all memory of your true nature, cover it with thick dense layers and self imposed limitations You can be a great god of your own universe, just listen to me and behave accordingly Forget what you really are and just enjoy the bliss of your existence It is going to be amazing - until death does its part at any rate Eat drink and be merry and your future will be like no other In your heart meanwhile, you know beyond doubt you are
  8. @MutedMiles Let us exercise what you propose, let us sit and just observe the pulsations and vibrations of phenomena and so directly so that there is no knowledge about any of it only the it and no ego needed to make sense of it. And indeed in this most naked state both the "I" and its world perishes, and from within this momentary halt there are only the sensations and not a slightest clue as to the relation among them, which is also why it does not adress the topic at hand. When it comes to actually dealing with my ideas you start in the wrong end, you propose that the ideas I present are just created broad categories that serves to map reality to, assuming thereby that reality and the map are not already related independent of any ephemeral creative effort. We are inclined to ask what puts us out of the momentary direct bliss you pointed us towards, do we need to assume that something does it, is it by chance that this question is found natural to ask in that context again and again? Thousands of years with linguistic evolution has given us the word that refers to it, in english it is called "will", it arises upon this and that sensory stimuli prior to our discussion and prior to mental models and maps, this can be as easily and directly verified as the "pulsations and vibrations" of phenomena can. You may re-read the post and comments in the context of this will, particularly as it relates to the less chaotic situation the baby experiences when stimuli are set in motion, if that is counter intuitive I would urge you to imagine what it is like to experience a whole array of completely different substances without any one thing that is the same in them, such as is the case with colours of varying intensity in sense perception. Just from this curious example of the baby in the cradle a whole world of correct philosophical insight is possible, and may make one able to see the whole operation of humanity in an instant.
  9. There is the path of finding Truth via Suffering, but I think it is a very hard path and a risky one, One can tend to not get out of the Suffering and it swallows them up whole and then they are stuck there Suffering. The path of Bliss is much safer and in the end its is a allot more fun and enjoyable, but to each their own, they have to choose which path is correct for them, that is the whole idea behind Free Will, or the ability to Respond, this is our basic Human ability that makes us Human!
  10. @BlueOak lets be honest... the problem is not bliss or not bliss, the problem is you can not maintain the bliss. If you are able to bliss yourself out where is the space for the negative emotions? Suffering emotions can only happen because you are not Blissed out. Additionally, when you are feeling Blissful you can step into any door in reality, you can experience almost anything because the fear of suffering is no longer there... when any wind from the outside can make you tremble, little exploration will happen. Overall the issue with spiritual work is not that it does not work, is that almost nobody seems to be able to maintain it (myself include it). Additionally it seems to maintain it a certain surrender of certain things have to happen, and nobody is willing to do because there is fear and attachment...probably for most of us we have to keep seeking material stuff to go full circle and finally go back to trascendence for good. At least thats how i see it in my case
  11. When part of you is suffering its suffering. Its literally trapped in your nervous system. We fracture ourselves into pieces through traumatic events, especially those in our childhood that were not equipped to deal with. Animals do it too, then they roar, bark, shake themselves, run around but humans don't do this, they hold onto it. Then they get emotional states or experiences that happen related to it that repeat for the rest of their life till they become aware of it. You can ignore it I suppose, but this is terrible advice because it will keep repeating and repeating and repeating until finally you do what you were supposed to do. This is true on the micro and macro. I used to be a master at evading my emotions, I was initially drawn to spirituality in the 2010's as yet another way to avoid pieces of myself that were suffering. I could bliss myself out and ignore everything. You are EVERYTHING. NOT JUST BLISS! Thank you for settling this for me once and for all, I needed that finality.
  12. I'm not interested in the deepest understanding, Leo is and due to that he has the life he has, health problems and capable of suffering,. I know what it is like to Suffer, I don't want to ever Suffer, that is way more a priority than Understanding something that will be a never ending process, like counting to infinity, You will waste Your Life, that is very brief, on trying to have a so called Deep understanding. How do You know that now Your Understanding is Deep? Please explain in detail what this means, and how it is determined? My priority beside family, is to have a very Deep Experience of Life and Reality/Truth, via that Suffering is impossible, Bliss is baseline Experience, then Possibility and Potential open up for Me to explore, what that means is anyone's guess but it beats just staying and living at a survival level of accumulating ppl, places, things ,money, security, procreation then dying one day...
  13. Good questions, Science may have some answers but history has shown us that there is an expiration date on knowledge. In the movie, "What the Bleep Do We Know, " a classic line had me experiencing a moment of existential bliss. "If history is any guide then everything we regard as true now is wrong?" It was beautiful. In any case, as it is in our time now, the assumptions you cite are reasonable.
  14. No, that's not what I am God means, hence your confusion. If infinity doesn't include the finite and limitations it's not Infinite. Sat means Truth, Existence or what is now Chit means Consciousness, Understanding and Omniscience Ananda means Love, Bliss and Ecstasy It's quite a claim
  15. Its simple, why come on a forum and state "I am God". What does it mean to say that? God, as far as I understand it is all knowing, all powerful, omni present, creator, creation, ultimate intelligence, absolute, things of this nature, if One proclaims they are that, then what about Me, and the others that say the same, are there more than One God? If I had such an experience, I would not make such a claim, just to be devil's advocate to what You say.. I would say that I experience everything as One, a feeling of Completeness and Bliss, Sat Chit Ananda would be my Meme, now by using this sort of language I am not inferring upon myself All Knowingness, All Powerful, Omni Presence, Creator/Creation identity or Ultimate Intelligence is mine and mine alone, do You see the difference in Expression?? Saying that I am God, as described above imo shows huge Ego, saying I am Sat Chit Ananda is not.. Strong identification with Ego simply means You take Yourself too Seriously, which is the whole point of this post!
  16. It is true that I would say at the very least 50% of the population is extremely lazy, and unmotivated and will live a life of basic to severe suffering. In Today's world this is mostly because we have made it so ppl are addicted to most everything that touches them, especially technology, phones, social media. I'm out and about on my job on a daily basis, in malls, city street, residence places and parks, all I see is ppl staring down on their phones, completely blind to the nice sunny day with trees and green grass, a nice breeze and pleasant looking places surrounding them, no its just what is coming up on their phones, its nuts really! If you want to be a Spiritual Leader, or Teacher of any sort of Self Help, Motivational stuff to ppl in need of it, You have to come into it with a Sense of internal Bliss, and Devotion, devotion means being "Devoid of Self", their is no "YOU" in the equation of helping others change or transform, so You become SelfLess, Sadhguru is the best example I can think of, he's completely Devoted to helping others transform. Rocky is also a good example of something that can help ppl change or become motivated to do something in their lives, it worked in some ways, but social media and phone tech is destroying it all.. IMO this is part of a grand plan of sorts, they want us to be like mindless slaves, while a very small few benefit greatly because of it, just look at the income disparity and see, 10% of the top wealthiest own like 80% of the stuff or wealth in the world, its complete broken our economic system, education system, medical system and the way we experience ourselves and how ppl consider the meaning of being Human, its all messed up big time...
  17. Thank you, no it’s not another post but something that I have been contemplating a lot. And thank you all for insights on it. And so many insights are so different and some are even opposite, so it makes me realize that there is no plan really, but just to enjoy a human experience and that’s it. Please understand where I come from, my career was design and construe on, making something from scratch and competing till the end to see the results. So too I look at life as what is the final point, like what is the goal, what do I need to reach to get to finish line. And as two people pointed out here, I should not look at life through SD lens, maybe that’s a mistake. I was contemplating once and the idea that I got is to get into a state of total bliss, indefinitely, but then again maybe it’s my biases projected onto reality from listening and reading too much on deep spirituality from Zen perspective. Somehow to me, when there is no set rules, it becomes a Wild West, but then again, it is probably the projection of western socially and my personal career path that got intermingled. But I like how few answered that we are in a loop, we start from tribe and to higher development and then back again, meaning we had stage turquoise before and then jumped back into purple and so on. Maybe that is Gods plan. So I think I can formulate my question better, “what is the absolute truth” or such may not even exists. I know the absolute truth is very minimal, probably few words yet with infinite definition.
  18. Leveraging your question @hyruga to plant the right seeds in myself on something that cognitively intersects. Long version: One of my weaknesses in personal development that I want to point out in my movement forward, to give a mirror to others that then may also want to address this in themselves if this was also an area they overlooked too much and needed a nudge. A simple question like this, with coordinates: self + future + possibility = simulation of self -> the ability to empathise enough to experience an existential reaction to said empathy. Overlaps with phenomenology in action, a level of self-existentiality that I quite honestly, am not good enough yet at leveraging to my advantage and one of those reasons is that I have very few to any people at all that I even know that utilise this to their strategic advantage. Understandably so though, as its not that its difficult in the same way that runnings not difficult. But just imagine you never knew that running offered any benefits to you, its a lot like this situation here, basically no one comes out saying “Hey yeah, spent an hour on x thought experiment that’s now had a fundamental impact on my personal identity because I experienced it with such psychedelic intensity without any drugs required.” If 100 people on this forum came out tomorrow for example and stated this, I guarantee you that the likelihood of anyone attempting to replicate one of the persons results would skyrocket, as we’re social creatures, I’m certainly not immune to it no matter how critical thinking I may appear. So how do we do it? Well, let’s use your question as an example. What are the ingredients to the simulation in order to perform this internal experimentation correctly? I need to: Imagine as intensely and as fluidly (as in at ease/calm) as possible I need to experience a self-mirror from the experience, that is to say, an empathic response that triggers the survivalism that dually activates both “critical curiosity” which is kind of a transcendent state of contemplative consciousness combined with an almost overly sensitive reactionary energetic/emotional biological response Generate and experience various forms of consequential thinking relating to the experiment, in this case, various ages in which I could die and the historical consequences of this One of the core lessons here is not only my visceral reactions but the prudent focus that is required not only during the exercise but arguably even more importantly, before an after the exercise where the latter relates to teaching oneself to then install the consequences of the learning that followed from the depth of the lesson itself, which could include replaying either the same self-experimentation or variations for a testing of different results Change the way I view your own consciousness, more and more, I need to get into the realisation that I am a soul in an experiment called the human brain that affords me with incredibly expansive limits of consciousness that I’ve barely scratched any true comprehension to yet and that first and foremost, awaits my own diligence in implementing these basic understandings. To that end, a comparison of deeply experiencing my own death as actually occurring: (1) yesterday (2) today (3) tomorrow And then change 1, 2, 3 to 10 years, 50 years and 500 years from now respectively. For each of those, imagining the myriad of the ways in which I could have died and the various possible circumstances surrounding it. Moreover, for the reader, what do your own choices for these timelines reveal about yourself. For example, let’s say I wanted to imagine myself dying on the top of Mt. Everest. Why did I choose this, because it bolsters my ego or maybe I’m interested in how other people will remember me? Or was it truly, because of the personal challenge outside of ego and I saw it as a way to connect as deeply as possible to nature embracing whether I was going to die or not and accepting with humility, the possible success if I did survive, to have a story for myself to learn from rather than just a story to tell outside of genuinely benefitting others. Wim Hof for example paired his climbing adventures with the releasing of a technique that made sharing his adventurous climbing stories much more impactful for people. In direct response to your question, I honestly feel like I’m going to figure out how to reach a level of agency that I’ll be able to reverse aging, so I don’t think that’s going to be my cause of death, not to mention with this timeline eventually intersecting with tech adaptations here anyway. More practically, for me it’s like what age do we want to live? I honestly feel like on the one hand life is beautiful and I want bliss and happiness for everyone, on the other hand I think its logical to question ourselves as a species and wonder what it is we’re actually doing alive together existentially rather than just aimlessly living out our lives, even though, there really isn’t an intelligent intervention here other than one that does involve an advancement upon our intelligence. However either way, its still the grandiosity of humanity that we’re saying should win out, and I’m saying then even if we do become a super intelligent species, what is the relevance to said super-intelligence universally speaking? I don’t think it equals being greater than the simple joy of living as justification, at least I’m not smart enough to have a better answer yet, but because of said answer, I also don’t yet then know what the justification for our species is then if we’re going to always at odds with other species. All in all, there is a window of possibility that our coexistence naturally only begins to harmonise the more our intelligence also naturally intersects with a greater spiritual universal intelligence, as it will, providing that it is first made done with the best positive example set for others to follow. We wouldn’t for example, want Vladimir Putin to be given free use of the Limitless pill, as the film showed, that’s when peoples unique alter-egos come alive if they’re not taught to use their intelligence to also grow their spiritual intelligence. Lastly, let’s say 500 years if I’m purely speaking from the perspective of when I think my responsibilities would have been properly served. Practically speaking however, given how imbalanced our spiritual intelligence is at this point in our human development, it’s possible I don’t at all see my first 100 years due to this reason. Not that I’m say more special than anyone else necessarily to not die from some arbitrary reason like, being attacked by Grass Fed Zombies in my sleep. To sum my intersectional point here, if my own simulations don’t equal empathic-self-remodelling that translates over into a healthy existential motivation for life seamlessly, given my other knowledge on this subject, I’m doing something wrong that I need to train better on as I know what I’m saying is accurate given my recent ‘wannabe acting’ experiences I’ve publicly shared on this forum.
  19. What Javfly is talking about I think it total Liberation, no more birth/death/rebirth, which is the ultimate goal of Yoga and Spiritual path, its not for everyone, some want to Play with the Karma and play this leela game of Life, for this too happen, Bliss has to be Your nature, your natural Experience, then what about me drops (ego death), then You can do whatever because whatever happens Your in Bliss anyways.. For those that feel this game is boring, they may want Dissolution or Mukhti, and merge with Absolute, then there are other things that become priority, it depends on what one wants, we have Free Will to decide what we want to do while here...
  20. I want to avoid some of the gross exaggerations and fantastic claims of the scriptures, as well as the various hang-ups and taboos that will generally stop people and religious orders in particular to explore this topic. Briefly, Urdhvareta is spiritual and physical process, by which sexual energies and in the case of men, semen is sublimated and made to flow upwards along the spine, so instead of its usual descent, it goes into ascent. For this to happen, Kundalini must pierce the various chakras and knots, until it pierces the Brahmarendra and reaches the crown. Through various techniques and exercises, the lower abdominal muscles are sufficiently strengthened, so that one can experience a full body orgasm without ejaculation. The process is slightly different for women, in that they have the advantage of having the ability to experience such orgasms anyway, whilst normally there is no release of bodily fluids, though of course some women are capable of the latter as well. I have yet to meet a woman that will talk about this without inhibition, but from what I can gather, women on the tantric path are encouraged to have frequent orgasms in order to aid the process of Urdhvareta. When Kundalini rises to the top and breaks through to the crown with sufficient force, the cosmic egg, or Hiranyagarbha is cracked and Soma or Amrita, a divine nectar is released and floods the brain and eventually the whole body. With Urdhvareta, the objective is to create a constant flow of semen / sexual energy from the lower abdominal area into the brain. This process of constant sublimation leads to the creation of the Divine Body or Sarupya Mukti. It is believed that a person with such a body becomes effectively immortal and will display the powers of a god. I would caution against taking such claims seriously, I believe much exaggeration and projection is involved. What seems to happen instead, is that a so-called light body is activated with the release of Amrita and that the process of Urdhvareta builds up this light body, slowly, over an entire lifetime. As the divine essence (ojas) is pumped up the spinal column and streams up mixed into the spinal fluid, it reaches the top of the head, where it will fall back as soma / amrita enabling the gradual building up of the light body or divine body. This will only fully activate and come into its own upon death. Tibetan Buddhism talks about a similar process in Dzogchen, where a rainbow body is built up through various practices and austerities. The Left-Hand Path (Vama Marya) believes in using sex as a tool to sublimate sexual energy and semen and turn it into amrita. The Right-Hand path, which is the only one really accepted by the mainstream today, believes in achieving the same effect through strict celibacy, both in body and mind. Even sexual thoughts are forbidden. I won’t take sides in this eternal debate, except to point out that the Left-Hand path has been heavily suppressed in the past few centuries and is now near extinct, so they’re hardly in a position to defend their own views and argue for them on an equal footing. The Right-Hand path on the other hand seems to hold rather bigoted and rigid views, especially on sexuality, the sex organs and the role of women. To me, it seems they are unbalanced to the point of misogyny and denying the importance of sexuality in spirituality. Not many know that up to the middle ages (in fact, in many ways, up to the Sepoy Mutiny of 1857), Indian views on the role of spirituality and sexuality where very different to today, but I guess the Victorians took care of that for generations to come. To give a few examples, Indian women in the South did not cover their torsoes before colonisation, which was also the case in Bali and Pacific Islands, like Tahiti. It was the Victorians that forced them to cover up. In North India, that happened earlier due to the influence of Islam. Another example would be the prevalence of Temple Prostitution and even tantric orgies. This, I believe now only happens in a handful of Indian temples today. Further examples are the existence of medieval sex manuals like the Ananga Ranga or Kama Sutra, which display a sophisticated understanding of sexual pleasure, still unmatched, but especially striking compared to the complete taboo status sex enjoyed in Victorian society and the ignorance with which such topics as the female orgasm were treated. In medieval and ancient India, it was common practice for couples to engage in tantric intercourse, which was very different from the kind of dynamic, hectic sex practiced today and was mostly about sinking into stillness and Samadhi in a meditative state. Very few people remember how to do this today, with perhaps Tibetan Buddhism being the last holdout of this ancient practice, but even there it is often hushed up and kept largely secret. There are many beliefs around the topic of Urdhvareta, which are difficult or next to impossible to verify. Swami Muktananda believed that his ability to give Shaktipat was contingent upon his Urdhvareta status. Other Swamis believe that Urdhvareta is necessary to gain Brahmavidya or knowledge of the Supreme Truth and experience Nirvikalpa Samadhi, which is a topic I wrote about in a previous post. Yet more others believe, that Urdhvareta is a necessary component not only of building a Divne Body (Sarupya Mukti), but also to gain divine power (Sarstya Mukti). I cannot say how much of this is actually true, but perhaps some of it is rooted in reality. I often get the feeling that when Yogis experience something fantastical in a Samadhi state, they tend to describe it as if the event took place in physical reality, when most likely it was an astral experience, that they experienced in their astral body, perhaps even unaware of the distinction in an exalted state. I have some experience with this, ranging from astral projection, lucid dreaming, OBEs, NDEs and various Samadhi and non-dual states, so I can understand why it must sometime be difficult to distinguish between events that took place in an astral state (such as levitation or flying) from what actually took place in physical reality. Instead, I will now concentrate on the process of Urdhvareta and describe it as best I can, as it takes place within my own body. I find that such first-person descriptions are the most useful. Whilst Urdhvareta is a subtle, background process, focussing awareness on it can strengthen the flow and in meditation it becomes an integral part of the Kundalini Mechanism. The starting point for the energy is always in the testicles, with the equivalent for women being the ovaries. When becoming conscious of it, the bottom of the testicles start to tingle. This is accompanied by a pumping motion, which is indistinguishable from that experienced during an ejaculatory orgasm. Heat, or what feels like a hot liquid substance is pumped through the base of the penis, with the energy coming from both sides, left and right and meeting there. This activity is independent of Kundalini. Whether there is sexual arousal, is dependent upon the position of the head of the Kundalini serpent. If it’s lodged in the first or second chakras, sexual arousal will be experienced. Once Kundalini moves past those lower centres, arousal dissipates and disappears completely at the higher centres. In an ideal case, the head of the serpent is lodged in the crown. Then, the starting point of the energy is in the testicles end the endpoint is at the Brahmarendra Bindu, at the top back part of the head. Ojas ascends along the spine into this Bindu, there it will turn around and fall back as Amrita or Soma (Nectar or Ambrosia to the Greeks). This is a hot, liquid substance made of light. Science now recognises this as the fifth state of matter, though it is not normally detectable to ordinary senses or even scientific instruments. As Ojas is pumped up the spine, the strongest sensations arise at the bottom of the testicles, where the main energy flow enters the body, the toes, where supplementary energy is sucked up from the ground, through the earth element and the back of the head, where Ojas is turned into Ojas Shakti in the brain, which then exits the head at the bindu of brahmarendra, there it is turned into Amrita in the space above the head and it falls back as a Nectar of Divine Grace, in a motion resembling a fountain or a waterfall. During this process, the feelings experienced all over the body are exquisitely pleasant, comparable to sexual pleasure, but of a much higher order. The sensation at the top of the head is the most pleasant, almost indescribably sweet, though as Amrita spreads all over the body this ecstatic Joy and Bliss is experienced everywhere. With Amrita, divine Wisdom also enters the body and once receives downloads of information, flashes of realisation about the true nature of things and one’s own individual life situation. In this state, one is already in a lesser Samadhi state, though still inside the body, just opened up towards heavenly realms through the mouth of heaven atop the Brahmarendra. One might receive visions and communications from higher beings, such as Devas, guides, gurus or one’s own higher Self. With the mouth of heaven open and amrita flooding the body, one becomes naturally attractive to higher beings, who may wish to impart wisdom, blessings or just interact in some way. In such a state one may feel the touch of a Deva (god) which is exquisitely sweet. Blessings or boons can also be passed on, though these have to be offered by the Deva in question. At this level, no words or language exist, even thoughts cease in the ordinary sense, since one is no longer of mind. Communication is by direct knowing, touch and the transfer of energy, which can transmit great pockets of information, concepts, visions, images, ideas, without the use of language.
  21. My mom is dead already. And I didn't say I wouldn't cry if something like that happened. I would cry, in that moment life would not be beautiful for me. Of course I would be upset at that situation, because I am a human with an ego who's top priority is survival. Does that mean life is not beautiful, just because it is not beautiful for me in that moment? Just because things aren't going my way? Just because life is not exactly how I curated it and manipulated it to be and I couldn't keep myself safe? You know what wouldn't help in that situation? Crying like a nine-year-old girl. Sure we would all do it, but that's actually not going to help you. What would help? Acceptance. Accept that you are in that situation and doing your best to work with it. There will be moments like this in your life, horrific situations you just have to accept. You can present hypotheticals all day about horrifying situations and how we would all feel bad in them. My point is that there is truth outside of your emotional human perspective that you can't see. Nobody said life is going to be pure unadulterated bliss from start to finish.
  22. I have, it's been an essential highlight of my journey. The first time was almost 20 years ago when smoking weed in my backyard. I had recently become aware of spirituality being real, and I was trying to see if a weed high could assist in reaching altered states. With a strong effort in concentration, and the freedom of mind afforded by being high, I was able to get to a point where colored lights filled my vision. And then a sensation appeared at the base of my spine and shot upwards, with various vertebrae cracking on the way up. I experienced a subtle shift in consciousness, but this was nothing like a full kundalini activation. There was no nondual realization or extreme expansion of consciousness, and the sensation of energy was much weaker. At the time it occurred, I was completely ignorant of kundalini or any other spiritual mechanisms. After some research, I realized I'm not the only person to whom this has happened, and history is littered with references to kundalini, with the information in both literal and symbolic forms. I've since come to understand that first experience was probably a separate-but-related phenomenon called pranotthana, which is like an energetic clearing and preparation for the real thing. There was a bit of a lull for many years where I kept note of the experience but wasn't able to reproduce it, even though I had many other spiritual experiences of different types during that period. But then I got my hands on 5-MeO-DMT. This stuff is a ticket to kundalini like no other. Even in my first few times using it, I had major energetic sensations the likes of which I'd never seen before. A type of bioelectromagnetic sensation that rushes through the system and makes drastic changes along the way. I'd be affected for up to a week after trips, being forcefully pulled into the eternal present. These after effects may sound awesome, but it was actually quite uncomfortable due to their forceful and erratic nature. The 5meo community refers to them as "reactivations", but from my own experience as well as others in the know, I believe I was experiencing what's called "kundalini syndrome", which is basically the results of a flooding of energy on an energetic system which has atrophied from a lifetime of nonuse. Interestingly, I'm pretty confident this same phenomenon is related to "LSD flashbacks", since 5meo and LSD are the two psychedelics most likely to lead to white light kundalini activation experiences. 5-MeO-MALT probably falls into this category as well, but I don't have enough experience with it to know for sure. Thankfully, my system slowly started adapting, and the undesirable after effects tapered off after around 6 months of weekly use. As they did, a new type of desirable after effect began where consciousness of my body and energetic system rose to prominence in my awareness, and my sense of self became a more fuzzy prospect to where I'd have flashes of unification with whatever was being observed in consciousness. We usually live trapped in our heads, so to speak, with our minds and imagination taking up all of our awareness. It leaves us closed off to a living vitality that's always with us, but usually just beyond the scope of our attention. In spiritual jargon, this raw sensation would be a doorway to presence and being. It sticks with me now even when I haven't used 5meo for months. As far as the full kundalini experience is involved with all its fireworks, I still have just a little ways to go to be able to say I've seen it to the end. In conjunction with intensifying energy and heightened consciousness, my experience has transformed into white light, with an ecstatic bliss and excitation that goes beyond words, as well as profound revelations of a cosmic order. But a line has not yet been crossed where my identity has truly shifted into its rightful place. I've come up to the door many times, but I've reached "ego almost dead" more so than "ego death". I admit, it's a scary proposition when the illusions of reality begin breaking down, and spiritual wisdom floods your awareness making it beyond question that you're the only thing in existence. I'm sorry, that was so incredibly long lol. I just wanted to give you a good accounting. You do seem to have a propensity. Those with potential can usually be identified from random spiritual experiences in their youth. Depending on what you'd like to do with your life, you may have opportunities you never could have imagined. So here's the thing. You're not wrong about the illusory nature of chakras and kundalini, along with literally all other manifest things in reality. But the trick is, they're still the engine that makes the spiritual machinery function in the human body, even if that truth is only relatively real. I remember a quote from Leo pointing out the absurdity of needing to ingest 5meo to produce the awakening experience. Leo is God, the room he was in is God, the 5meo itself is God, and all things are God. That's the literal truth. And yet, ingest it he must if the experience was to happen at that moment. Things like 5meo, chakras, and kundalini are important and real because God deems it so. And I guess if you're a little suspect that they even exist in relative reality, all I can do is testify that they are indeed real. I'd bet my life on it many times over, because it's been experienced so many times that I'd have to lie to myself to possibly believe otherwise. It'll be up to you, or perhaps the word of a very trusted third party, to convince yourself of it. Although, all it would take is one serious experience to make it undeniably apparent. I would have killed for a documentary like that when I was just getting started in spirituality lol. Sure, always remember to proceed with due caution, but be ready when your time comes to leap forward. Try to make those trips count, because it's probably accurate to say there's at least some deleterious effect to the excessive use of a chemical catalyst. When you're in an expanded state, try to grasp the mechanisms involved so you can release into it even while sober.
  23. You can, I meant in a more abstact sense, given the concept of ownership (incl. over one's body) is made up, we're everything, yet nothing. The "you're already enlightened" sort of perspective, which granted doesn't help so much with the work nor survival, but fun to think about. True enough, though there's no such thing as a lower stage attitude when you yourself are at such a stage, you aren't construct aware. Still a pain in the ass, but in a different way. I sometimes wonder about 'ignorance is bliss', it's been so long I forgot how it's like to live from that perspective, can only observe it in others. Sweet, so when can we expect to quit Leo's cult and join yours? has a nice ring to it. Have not, but I will soon.
  24. If im completely honest I absolutely have 0 attachments in Life other than the fucking missing hole I have in my relationship with women/dating. If that would be solved/cleared up, I would have absolutely no problem in going to a cabin in the mountains, meditate/do yoga 12 hours a day and peacefully let death enter me, 0 drive for creating anything or achieving anything material. Really. Like sure I enjoy potent cars, luxury designer clothing, travelling, but is like I have no issue surrendering that for the bliss and deep state of consciousness. I would not hesitate in surrendering that. But the thing about relationship with the feminine, something that is completely unbalanced, I can not just let go of it. I have quit sadhana for some time, I met a women some weeks ago that have completely detoured my path, or in other words it has showed me I don´t have the balls necessary for trascendence/Enlightment yet. Because I got sucked in to her and I realized I can not surrender the human illusion before I can have sex/date a woman like that. I just literally can´t. I need to experience that one day no matter the cost and I sense the cost might be fucking up my Liberation and reincarnating again. But it is what it is. Clearly the sadhana is potent enough and I could just go to the mountains and do sadhana 10 hours a day until the void sucks me in. But no, I do not have the determination and decision to do it because I can not let go of women. Lol. Maybe next life.
  25. Your approach to happiness is backwards; that is to say, you actually hold happiness to be a product of externalities, of producing desired outcomes, and of being at the effect of such results. In this model, happiness is derived from circumstances. Consider: Whenever you've been happy, where did that happiness originate? What makes you happy in your experience? You can tackle this contemplation from two suggested angles: a pragmatic one, dealing with conventional happiness, and an "existential" one, seeking to uncover what is at the source of happiness/bliss.