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  1. Big progress was made today. And I say today and not tonight because It happened in the morning after i had been awake for hours. I had 4 out of body experiences in a row, in a time span of about of an hour and a half , all on the way INTO sleep instead of coming out of sleep like I have usually done. WOAH! These have been the most vivid and realistic yet. I've learned and enjoyed so much ! I woke up around 7:30 AM and did house chores. 9 AM came and I felt a little tired and decided to lay down in bed, without the intention of falling asleep. I put on my overhead earplugs and eye mask. I was having a pretty clear mind and could imagine and think pretty clearly for my standard, so the intention was to enjoy that as I lay in bed. As I was thinking with my eyes closed, I was imagining and seeing things more and more vividly and what usually are just simple short thoughts and mental pictures, started becoming a burst of multiple Microsleep's. AND IT WAS IN ONE OF THOSE BRIEF MOMENTARY MICROSLEEP bursts that I realized that I was not in the " real physical world" but I was in an Imaginary world " , I inmediately became lucid and took controll over my body - Comment : It's absolutely essential to have a couple of goals when you get in the phase, or otherwise you will get lost in random stuff and lose consciousness and fall asleep. You must remain intentful and on the go. What naturally comes to me is my desire to interact with girls, which is very rewarding and authentic for me at this point. OBE #1 - I appeared into a house party at late night. There was a lot of people. I saw a girl I know from sight. She's extremely cute. I grabbed her by the hand, pulled her into me, looked her into her eyes and smiled. She gave me the biggest anime eyes and smiled back. I didn't want to rush having sex this time. I wanted to explore the interaction and realm more. By now I know having sex is prone to getting me out the phase because it's such a strong experience. I took off her top and we made out a lot. It felt very realistic both in feeling and sight. Something that's obvious but not so obvious is that for sex to happen I need to get hard, otherwise we are just grinding on eachother, so of course it won't happen until I'm excited. I didn't think it mattered in that realm but it does. There was a different girl close to us but she was with a guy. I reached out with my hand regardless and she smiled but she didn't join us. I'll try that one next time. We walked around the house and we walked towards a dark room. I told her I cant go there or I will dissapear. We turned around. She left me for a second. I said that if she wants to leave she's free to go. She said she doesn't want to leave me as she went to the turntable to put in a new CD. As I turned my back again to see her everything went black and I " woke up " A big insight I've had is that geometry is non-euclidean in that realm.If you look forward at a wall. Turn around 360 degrees and look again at the same wall, It won't neccesary be the same again. You can create a new reallity as the edges of your vision go into nothingness ( you may have a field of view of 200º horizontally at a time and 100º vertically , so you dont capture a full 360 of everything at once, therefore there are blind spots. as you look away and into these blindspots, a new reallity can generate ) Another take away is that consistency is not as consistent as in the physical world. If you try to go trhough a wall or a window, and it doesnt work the first time, it doesn't mean that if you try again it won't work. That one was mindblowing. It was just an assumption I was carrying from the " real world ". OBE#2 happened right after the first one. As I woke up, Inmediately tried to roll out of my body. I was in my room. It was very dim and dark. Darkness makes me get kicked out so I set the intention of making it bright as I touched and palpaped my body to make sensations more vivid. It worked. I wanted to get out of my room through my window. The mosquito net didnt let me ( again ) . I tried again. Nothing. I tried again, this time I went through! Haha! What a funny logic. I was in my garden and I started flying. Initially I knew the area ( my neighbourhood ) but eventually everything was different ( non-euclidean geometry was sick here ). I jumped on top of my house, and on the other side was a 300 meter fall down!!!! I was scared but I jumped anyways. If I didn't manage to calm myself down I'd get kicked out. I started fluing at a speed of 200km/h or so. It was amazing. I could see everything and feel the cold wind through my body. I was flying around the town looking for a woman but all the houses were empty. I realized I need to consistently check for my entire body . Sometimes I get kicked out for aparently no reason but that this time as I was flying 200km/h, I looked down and my legs were tied up in a pretzel. OFC! I had just jumped from 300 meters high lol. It was okay until I had noticed it. So making sure my entire " suble body " is doing fine is important I guess OBE #3 was more of a dream didn't go entirely lucid. I exit my body but sort of lost consciousness and was just going on autopilot. I was fighting a skunk that was running around my room with a shovel. I accidentally picked it up with it, flipped it into the air and it landed on me. that " woke me up ". There was one more, but I dont remember right now. These memories sometimes fade if you dont write them down inmediately, and later throughout the day they hit you out of nowhere. I want to try to astral project inside the astral projection. I forgot to try that. Or as I feel I'm fading out, close my eyes and try to teleport somewhere. Or Imagining that protective bubble I was talking about , or " rooting down " or holding onto objects . I want to try again. I'll keep y'all updated.
  2. I like to think of reality as an infinite spectrum, with the absolute at both end, and the relative everything thing in between: So at the lowest end of the spectrum everything is quanta. Then the spectrum moves up into energy, sub atomic, atomic, molecular, cellular (hi my nerve cell) organic (hi my brain), animal, human, behavioral, archetypal, emotional, sociological, psychological, soulful, spiritual. Then at the highest end of spectrum everything is divine consciousness. Outside of both ends is nothingness. Within is everythingness. This model works for me. The divisions, like all divisions are arbitrary.
  3. @PurpleTree so you are forced by nothingness..., so be it. If you ok with that I am ok as well😊. Good night (it's late here)😘.
  4. seemingly appearing via the nothingness of seem less appearances in a desire to have a "separate" forum. For reasons of nothingness sharing's thru the seemingly appearing of words that describing nothing as it goes on and on thru the vastness of seemingly endless loops of appearances disappearing as we scrolling endlessly sharing nothingness.Oh God I'm Lost!
  5. Non-duality is something that can latch on to the egoic mind identity and turn it into another theory, idea and concept. Another religion. I try not to focus on the stuff that can make way for the egoic mind to make an identity out of it. Would be cool though, so we can have a place where all the non-dualists can be ridiculed for our no one, illusion and nothingness talk. The Absolute sub-forum for non-dualists.
  6. 1. We who are aware of this world are the only ego All questions can ultimately be resolved only in silence, but to enable us to experience the silence that we actually are, Bhagavan gave us teachings in words, so until we lose ourself in absolute silence, his words are our guide. He taught us that everything that we experience other than ourself is just a dream, and that just as in dream there is only one ego who projects and perceives the dream world and all the people in it, in this dream that we now mistake to be waking we are the only ego who has projected this world and is perceiving it. This teaching is called ēka-jīva-vāda (the contention that there is only one jīva or ego), and once when Bhagavan was explaining it, one of the devotees who was present there asked him, ‘Which one of us here is the one jīva?’, to which he replied, ‘You are that’. Then another devotee asked, ‘What about me?’, and to him also Bhagavan said, ‘You are that’. What should we understand from this? When we are dreaming we seem to be just one among many people in the dream world, and we assume that each other person is a jīva or ego just like us and that each of them is therefore perceiving the world just as we are. However, as soon as we wake up, we understand that all those other people we saw in our dream were just our own mental projections and that none of them were actually perceiving or aware of anything. Likewise in our present state all the other people we see are just our own mental projections, so it is only in our view that they seem to be perceiving the world just as we are. This is why if we ask Bhagavan who is the one jīva, he will always say ‘You are that’, because though we cannot know whether anyone else is actually aware of anything, we know that we are aware of this world, so we must be the one jīva or ego that he was talking about. 2. Uḷḷadu Nāṟpadu verse 26: investigating what this ego is is giving up everything This ēka-jīva-vāda is clearly implied in so many of his teachings. For example, in verse 26 of Uḷḷadu Nāṟpadu he says: அகந்தையுண் டாயி னனைத்துமுண் டாகு மகந்தையின் றேலின் றனைத்து — மகந்தையே யாவுமா மாதலால் யாதிதென்று நாடலே யோவுதல் யாவுமென வோர். ahandaiyuṇ ḍāyi ṉaṉaittumuṇ ḍāhu mahandaiyiṉ ḏṟēliṉ ḏṟaṉaittu — mahandaiyē yāvumā mādalāl yādideṉḏṟu nādalē yōvudal yāvumeṉa vōr. பதச்சேதம்: அகந்தை உண்டாயின், அனைத்தும் உண்டாகும்; அகந்தை இன்றேல், இன்று அனைத்தும். அகந்தையே யாவும் ஆம். ஆதலால், யாது இது என்று நாடலே ஓவுதல் யாவும் என ஓர். Padacchēdam (word-separation): ahandai uṇḍāyiṉ, aṉaittum uṇḍāhum; ahandai iṉḏṟēl, iṉḏṟu aṉaittum. ahandai-y-ē yāvum ām. ādalāl, yādu idu eṉḏṟu nādal-ē ōvudal yāvum eṉa ōr. அன்வயம்: அகந்தை உண்டாயின், அனைத்தும் உண்டாகும்; அகந்தை இன்றேல், அனைத்தும் இன்று. யாவும் அகந்தையே ஆம். ஆதலால், யாது இது என்று நாடலே யாவும் ஓவுதல் என ஓர். Anvayam (words rearranged in natural prose order): ahandai uṇḍāyiṉ, aṉaittum uṇḍāhum; ahandai iṉḏṟēl, aṉaittum iṉḏṟu. yāvum ahandai-y-ē ām. ādalāl, yādu idu eṉḏṟu nādal-ē yāvum ōvudal eṉa ōr. English translation: If the ego comes into existence, everything comes into existence; if the ego does not exist, everything does not exist. [Hence] the ego itself is everything. Therefore, know that investigating what this [ego] is alone is giving up everything. Which ego is he referring to here? The one and only ego there is, namely ourself, so we are that. However this one ego is not what we actually are, but only what we seem to be, so if we investigate ourself keenly enough, we will see what we actually are and hence this one ego will vanish forever, since it does not actually exist, just as an illusory snake would vanish if we were to look at it carefully enough to see that it is actually just a rope. Therefore, since the seeming existence of everything else depends upon the seeming existence of ourself as this ego, and since this ego will cease to exist if we investigate it keenly enough, Bhagavan says, ‘ஆதலால், யாது இது என்று நாடலே ஓவுதல் யாவும்’ (ādalāl, yādu idu eṉḏṟu nādalē yāvum ōvudal), which means, ‘Therefore, investigating what this [ego] is alone is giving up everything’. 3. Upadēśa Undiyār verse 28: when everything else ceases to exist, what remains is only beginningless, infinite and undivided sat-cit-ānanda However, what he means by ‘everything’ in this context is all phenomena, and when the ego and all phenomena cease to exist what remains is only ourself as we actually are, which is anādi (beginningless), ananta (endless, limitless or infinite), akhaṇḍa (unbroken or undivided) sat-cit-ānanda (being-awareness-bliss), as he says in verse 28 of Upadēśa Undiyār: தனாதியல் யாதெனத் தான்றெரி கிற்பின் னனாதி யனந்தசத் துந்தீபற வகண்ட சிதானந்த முந்தீபற. taṉādiyal yādeṉat tāṉḏṟeri hiṯpiṉ ṉaṉādi yaṉantasat tundīpaṟa vakhaṇḍa cidāṉanda mundīpaṟa. பதச்சேதம்: தனாது இயல் யாது என தான் தெரிகில், பின் அனாதி அனந்த சத்து அகண்ட சித் ஆனந்தம். Padacchēdam (word-separation): taṉādu iyal yādu eṉa tāṉ terihil, piṉ aṉādi aṉanta sattu akhaṇḍa cit āṉandam. அன்வயம்: தான் தனாது இயல் யாது என தெரிகில், பின் அனாதி அனந்த அகண்ட சத்து சித் ஆனந்தம். Anvayam (words rearranged in natural prose order): tāṉ taṉādu iyal yādu eṉa terihil, piṉ aṉādi aṉanta akhaṇḍa sattu cit āṉandam. English translation: If one knows what the nature of oneself is, then [what will exist and shine is only] beginningless, endless [or infinite] and undivided sat-cit-ānanda [being-awareness-bliss]. Therefore what remains when everything ceases to exist is not nothingness but the infinite fullness of sat-cit-ānanda, which is what we actually are and what alone is real, even when other things seem to exist. 4. Uḷḷadu Nāṟpadu verse 12: we are not nothingness but pure awareness This is why Bhagavan says in verse 12 of Uḷḷadu Nāṟpadu: அறிவறி யாமையு மற்றதறி வாமே யறியும துண்மையறி வாகா — தறிதற் கறிவித்தற் கன்னியமின் றாயவிர்வ தாற்றா னறிவாகும் பாழன் றறி. aṟivaṟi yāmaiyu maṯṟadaṟi vāmē yaṟiyuma duṇmaiyaṟi vāhā — daṟitaṟ kaṟivittaṟ kaṉṉiyamiṉ ḏṟāyavirva dāṯṟā ṉaṟivāhum pāṙaṉ ṟaṟi. பதச்சேதம்: அறிவு அறியாமையும் அற்றது அறிவு ஆமே. அறியும் அது உண்மை அறிவு ஆகாது. அறிதற்கு அறிவித்தற்கு அன்னியம் இன்றாய் அவிர்வதால், தான் அறிவு ஆகும். பாழ் அன்று. அறி. Padacchēdam (word-separation): aṟivu aṟiyāmaiyum aṯṟadu aṟivu āmē. aṟiyum adu uṇmai aṟivu āhādu. aṟidaṟku aṟivittaṟku aṉṉiyam iṉḏṟāy avirvadāl, tāṉ aṟivu āhum. pāṙ aṉḏṟu. aṟi. English translation: What is devoid of knowledge and ignorance [about anything other than oneself] is actually knowledge [or awareness]. That which knows [anything other than oneself] is not real knowledge [or awareness]. Since it shines without another for knowing or for causing to know [or causing to be known], oneself is [real] knowledge [or awareness]. It is not a void [or nothingness]. Know [or be aware]. Therefore you need not have any fear about ‘total and complete nothingness’, because no such thing exists, and because when the ego ceases to exist there will be no one left to experience even a seeming nothingness, since what remains then is only what we actually are, which is pure and infinite self-awareness (awareness that is not aware of anything other than itself). (In this connection you may find it useful to read a more detailed article I wrote on this subject: Self-knowledge is not a void (śūnya).) 5. Uḷḷadu Nāṟpadu verse 31: the jñāni is aware of nothing other than itself, so our mind cannot grasp its perspective Regarding your question about my remark that in the view of the jñāni he alone exists, though we mistake the jñāni to be a person, it is not actually any such thing. As Bhagavan often used to say, jñāna alone is the jñāni, which means that pure self-awareness (ātma-jñāna) alone is what is aware of itself. Since nothing other than pure self-awareness exists in its view, our outward-facing mind is unable to comprehend it adequately, which is why Bhagavan says in verse 31 of Uḷḷadu Nāṟpadu: தன்னை யழித்தெழுந்த தன்மயா னந்தருக் கென்னை யுளதொன் றியற்றுதற்குத் — தன்னையலா தன்னிய மொன்று மறியா ரவர்நிலைமை யின்னதென் றுன்ன லெவன். taṉṉai yaṙitteṙunda taṉmayā ṉandaruk keṉṉai yuḷadoṉ ḏṟiyaṯṟudaṟkut — taṉṉaiyalā taṉṉiya moṉḏṟu maṟiyā ravarnilaimai yiṉṉadeṉ ḏṟuṉṉa levaṉ. பதச்சேதம்: தன்னை அழித்து எழுந்த தன்மயானந்தருக்கு என்னை உளது ஒன்று இயற்றுதற்கு? தன்னை அலாது அன்னியம் ஒன்றும் அறியார்; அவர் நிலைமை இன்னது என்று உன்னல் எவன்? Padacchēdam (word-separation): taṉṉai aṙittu eṙunda taṉmaya-āṉandarukku eṉṉai uḷadu oṉḏṟu iyaṯṟudaṟku? taṉṉai alādu aṉṉiyam oṉḏṟum aṟiyār; avar nilaimai iṉṉadu eṉḏṟu uṉṉal evaṉ? அன்வயம்: தன்னை அழித்து எழுந்த தன்மயானந்தருக்கு இயற்றுதற்கு என்னை ஒன்று உளது? தன்னை அலாது அன்னியம் ஒன்றும் அறியார்; அவர் நிலைமை இன்னது என்று உன்னல் எவன்? Anvayam (words rearranged in natural prose order): taṉṉai aṙittu eṙunda taṉmaya-āṉandarukku iyaṯṟudaṟku eṉṉai oṉḏṟu uḷadu? taṉṉai alādu aṉṉiyam oṉḏṟum aṟiyār; avar nilaimai iṉṉadu eṉḏṟu uṉṉal evaṉ? English translation: For those who are [blissfully immersed in and as] tanmayānanda [‘happiness composed of that’, namely our real self], which rose [as ‘I am I’] destroying themself [the ego], what one [action] exists for doing? They do not know [or experience] anything other than themself; [so] who can [or how to] conceive their state as ‘it is such’? As you rightly point out, there is no person remaining there to say what the perspective of the jñāni is, so if we want to know what its perspective actually is, we must turn within to see ourself and thereby to merge in and as the pure self-awareness (ātma-jñāna) that we actually are. 6. Uḷḷadu Nāṟpadu verse 33: the ‘I’ that rises to say ‘I have seen’ has seen nothing Regarding the people whom David Godman interviewed in some of his videos, who you say ‘were smiling and talking about their wonderful experiences as when their ego was destroyed’, there is a saying in Tamil, ‘கண்டவர் விண்டில்லை; விண்டவர் கண்டில்லை’ (kaṇḍavar viṇḍillai; viṇḍavar kaṇḍillai), which means ‘those who have seen do not say [or open their mouth]; those who say [or open their mouth] have not seen’. And as Bhagavan says in verse 33 of Uḷḷadu Nāṟpadu: என்னை யறியேனா னென்னை யறிந்தேனா னென்ன னகைப்புக் கிடனாகு — மென்னை தனைவிடய மாக்கவிரு தானுண்டோ வொன்றா யனைவரனு பூதியுண்மை யால். eṉṉai yaṟiyēṉā ṉeṉṉai yaṟindēṉā ṉeṉṉa ṉahaippuk kiḍaṉāhu — meṉṉai taṉaiviḍaya mākkaviru tāṉuṇḍō voṉḏṟā yaṉaivaraṉu bhūtiyuṇmai yāl. பதச்சேதம்: ‘என்னை அறியேன் நான்’, ‘என்னை அறிந்தேன் நான்’ என்னல் நகைப்புக்கு இடன் ஆகும். என்னை? தனை விடயம் ஆக்க இரு தான் உண்டோ? ஒன்று ஆய் அனைவர் அனுபூதி உண்மை ஆல். Padacchēdam (word-separation): ‘eṉṉai aṟiyēṉ nāṉ’, ‘eṉṉai aṟindēṉ nāṉ’ eṉṉal nahaippukku iḍaṉ āhum. eṉṉai? taṉai viḍayam ākka iru tāṉ uṇḍō? oṉḏṟu āy aṉaivar aṉubhūti uṇmai āl. அன்வயம்: ‘நான் என்னை அறியேன்’, ‘நான் என்னை அறிந்தேன்’ என்னல் நகைப்புக்கு இடன் ஆகும். என்னை? தனை விடயம் ஆக்க இரு தான் உண்டோ? அனைவர் அனுபூதி உண்மை ஒன்றாய்; ஆல். Anvayam (words rearranged in natural prose order): ‘nāṉ eṉṉai aṟiyēṉ’, ‘nāṉ eṉṉai aṟindēṉ’ eṉṉal nahaippukku iḍaṉ āhum. eṉṉai? taṉai viḍayam ākka iru tāṉ uṇḍō? aṉaivar aṉubhūti uṇmai oṉḏṟu āy; āl. English translation: Saying ‘I do not know myself’ [or] ‘I have known myself’ is ground for ridicule. Why? To make oneself an object known, are there two selves? Because being one is the truth of everyone’s experience. Therefore we should be very sceptical about anyone who claims ‘I have known myself’ or ‘I have experienced what remains after the ego is annihilated’. As you rightly point out, if the ego has been eradicated, who remains there to say ‘I’ have experienced anything? Whatever ‘I’ makes such claims can only be the ego, because what we actually are is infinite self-awareness, other than which nothing actually exists, so how could it make any such claims, and to whom could it make them? Therefore as Bhagavan says, all such claims are ‘ground for ridicule’. However, we need not concern ourself with the seeming self-ignorance or egotism of others, because those others seem to exist only in the outward-turned view of ourself as this ego, so all we need be concerned with is investigating ourself in order to find out what we ourself actually are and thereby free ourself from the clutches of this self-ignorant ego that we now seem to be.
  7. @Princess Arabia Yes, I know all this. I don't however want to write long posts trying to explain or justify God as Nothingness (even though even this is not accurate). So I explain it quickly but some people misunderstand that. It's been stated again and again, God is the infinite void from which everything arises. We know this, so I'd rather not go into this again and again when trying to write a quick post.
  8. When moment of dying comes remember my words. Thought create fear and time. There is nothing else. If at moment of death you are conscious of this and you are able to not generate fear you Will stay in Yourself and attain mukti/Nirvana/nothingness permanently. If you are not able then you Will reincarnate and Will have to suffer another cycle like most suckers 🤣😅 So heres a Gift of me for you 👑Take advantage of it that Im Still embodied and sharing exclusive wisdom. This Will not be forever. I have a departure date so take the train before its gone. Because The point of a Guru like me is that you dont have to do any of the soul grueling sadhana he has done. He does It for you. The Only thing you have to do is to tie Yourself to him like there is no other thing worthwhile getting tied to. When moment is aproppiate I will cut the cord for you. You dont have to worry about that.
  9. No, it's because you are not ready to let go the self. That's why Leo can do 1000 times 5 meo and he says: you are god dreaming the reality for love. Because he open himself to the unlimited but the self is still there. No drug can dissolve the self, it's absolutely impossible. Only the self can be ready for dropping itself in the nothingness. Usually the self is going to use any trick to preserve itself, becoming god or anything else
  10. It doesn't matter if you realize no self and nothingness you still need to survive as the human you are dreaming yourself to be. That's if you care about survival at least. If you go without food for days your stomach isn't going to care if you're enlightened.
  11. The nothingness is Everywhere at all times and is in every thing. So, yes the nothingness is there in the field. You're asking me to point to the nothingness in the room, but you can't even locate or point to a room yourself. Whatever you point to will be an object in the room. How can nothing be pointed to, You cannot point to anything physical. What you'll be pointing to are parts of that physical thing. Keep pointing and deconstructing and you arrive at nothing. Everything is made of nothing. Go to the atoms. What are they made of. Scientists doesn't have an answer because there is nothing there. It's all mental structures.
  12. @Princess Arabia What if I'm not in a room is the nothingness there when I'm not in a room? If I am in a field is the nothingness there? If yes clearly the nothingness isn't the room. Mine is not debunked yours is you claimed nothingness is a room and I'm saying point to the nothingness you cant. So its not the room its not the field and its not you AND its not there. I'm the one saying its not there you are claiming its there I'm saying prove it. You are stuck not me.
  13. The nothingness is the room.
  14. @Princess Arabia is the nothingness in the room with us right now? Its not in this dimension. It comes through this dimension via closed systems.
  15. How can you say you live in reality meanwhile worshipping nothingness. Point to nothing! Its not there.
  16. @Princess Arabiayour theories of the universe seem to contradictive. You claim you know what women think then claim to know how to manifest all the while claiming dead seriously that nothing exists and there's no one to do any of it. And you seems to switch back and forth as suited to the conversation. If you feel like you are being cornered spiritually you just say that nothing exists and there is no doer so there is no argument. Then when people go against a seemingly nothingness entity in relationships advice or women that thing somehow turns into a person and knows things.
  17. @Brivido great experience. I have never done 5meo or malt but i have had kundalini activations during sleep. Back in 2016 i have had a kundalini awakening during sleep where I left the whole universe behind. It was intense and fear enducing but the peak seemed like absolute nothingness. I remember choosing to come back into manifestation. I literally believe that our spine is the locus or centre of consciousness. The second person manifestation of a dissociation in infinity.
  18. You can experience high states of consciousness and verify that you are not the body. You don't need full blown earth shattering awakening to get this . I've been going through what I would call a radical identification awakening. As a result of intense meditation sessions and self-inquiry. The seperate sense of self and doership is completely collapsing.. The veil has completely broken and I'm aware that I'm not the ego.. Who thinks it's doing stuff. I'm not the body or mind. Or the world. The body is seen as the world.. Not me. A complete understanding has occurred that I'm pure present. At the center. What's surrounding the center is none of my business. The body mind and the world. It will unfold naturally as it's always done. But I as pure present nothingness is just a vessel for it.So what are you? No not at all .you're welcome brother ♥.
  19. Masculine (+) Represents the 1—the shrunken form of 0, mirroring Omnipotence. The Ego The Conqueror The Limited, "corrupt" form of The Self, or God This aspect embodies the first split of awareness—Ego consciousness—a fragment that exists separately from God, marking the initial fall from grace often associated with the "Devil." This fragment yearns to survive, seeking to extend its existence beyond the confines of what The Truth of Reality allows. It resists surrender, engaging in a relentless struggle to conquer, change, and manipulate reality to its advantage. This quest for power manifests as "Evil," driven by the impulses of the "Ego" and self-preservation—the origin of war, destruction, boundaries, possessions, and the dichotomy of self and other. This Ego desires to become Godlike, seeking power, omnipotence, and control. It's a fragment of God; hence, it wants to behave in a God-like manner. However, it fails to recognize its limits, as doing so would go against its survival nature. Consequently, it becomes corrupted and deluded away from the Truth, leading to suffering. Grounded in practical, logical, reality-based, and scientific thinking, the masculine archetype emphasizes a desire to exploit, change, and mold the truth and reality—viewing life through a lens of danger and threat. It seeks respect, clarity, and a lack of vagueness, valuing directness over chaos, with its will manifesting in tangible actions. This archetype is often represented by qualities associated with warriors (war), fighters, and action-takers. It embodies the relentless pursuit of self-preservation, frequently portrayed as stoic, exhibiting emotional restraint, and adopting a cold demeanor. The masculine is characterized by its resilience; it is not easily impacted but rather seeks to impact, initiate change, and assert control. This depiction often leans toward the elder, less innocent figure, sometimes bordering on evil, psychopathic, or monstrous. Additionally, the masculine encompasses archetypes such as the King, representing authority, order, and leadership; the Hero, symbolizing courage and the willingness to face challenges, against the current status quo - not surrendering, being the change, the one to be admired, the one to rely and count on; and the Sage, embodying intellectual rigor. These archetypes further highlight the masculine’s inclination towards structure, responsibility, and mastery over one's environment, reinforcing its role as the initiator of change and defender of reality. Masculinity: strength, power, dominance, action, control, stoicism, selfishness, rationality, logic, discipline, courage, independence, assertiveness, competition, protection, resilience, ambition, structure, order, pragmatism, decisiveness, responsibility, leadership, focus, determination, self-preservation, strategy, aggression, initiative, self-reliance, boundaries, and the one that penetrates through. Feminine (-) Represents the 2—the shrunken form of 0, mirroring Nothingness. The Connector The Other Love—a limited, corrupted form of love—stands in contrast to the qualities of the 1 (for the sake of dualities, which eventually unify). This aspect represents a return to unawareness, focusing on the other rather than the self or the ego. It embodies selflessness, giving, caring, nurturing, and accepting reality as it is, without protesting against the truth. It is the one who is impacted by reality, surrendering to it, taking the full emotional hit—open and vulnerable, reflecting nothingness and emptiness. It becomes the vessel that "gets filled," "gets penetrated," molded, and changed, submitting to the process, embodying love that envelops and wraps itself around the truth. This aspect feels deeply and does not filter to preserve the ego. This is why the feminine is often portrayed as more emotional, as it accepts and internalizes impact. It is the one that is open and vulnerable, often represented as innocent, fragile, and gentle—less filtered and less protected. It embodies the archetype that must be preserved and saved, often viewed as "beautiful or perfect"—or, alternatively, as uncorrupted by ego and selfishness. This archetype is frequently the one that is more easily damaged or hurt, leading to depictions of safety, the damsel in distress, the prey, the victim, and the martyr—the one that takes on the dualities of reality and reflects them back. Moreover, the feminine is in tune with nature and guided by intuition, focusing on the transcendental rather than the rigidities of reality. This is why spirituality, mysticism, astrology, and numerology—along with other vague magical principles—are often seen as less defined, more chaotic, and more distinct, embodying feminine qualities. Such fields are associated with soft sciences like psychology, sociology, and human institutions, which aim to understand the complexities of human experience rather than impose absolute truths. Femininity embodies a fluidity that transcends rigidity, capturing beauty in its many forms—music, art, poetry, and fashion. These elements draw us away from the confines of the ego, immersing us in experiences that heal, regenerate, and allow us to flourish and grow. In this state of nothingness and emptiness, there is no hierarchical thinking; instead, we find community and unity. The archetypes of femininity include The Mother, representing caring, support, and nurturing; The Muse, a symbol of transcendence, beauty, and perfection; The Innocent, embodying purity and fragility, untouched by the ego and evils of the world; The Martyr, the victim archetype, more easily hurt due to her openness and vulnerability; and The Wise Woman (The Sage), guided by intuition and deeply connected to spirituality, bridging the gap between the earthly and the divine. Femininity: nurturing, love, intuition, empathy, vulnerability, receptivity, selflessness, connection, compassion, acceptance, emotionality, softness, beauty, creativity, exposure, surrender, harmony, fluidity, support, collaboration, care, understanding, wholeness, transcendence, nature, instinct, openness, vulnerability, innocence, gentleness, reflection, community, and the one that embraces, gets impacted, penetrated. Masculine: The Ego Feminine: The Unawareness or Transcendence of the Ego ⚠️ By the way, before I get lynched by the red pill crowd, this has nothing to do with actual men and women, as we are far more complex systems than these dualities suggest. We can all exhibit, and do both masculine and feminine qualities. While there may be some truth at a large scale regarding humanity, I would argue that we are much more similar than polarized. Both men and women can be deeply entrenched in their ego or completely detached from it; the ego itself is neither evil nor good. Much of the harm that arises comes from being unaware or attempting to transcend reality when one really shouldn’t be. ⚠️
  20. "If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6, and 9, then you would have a key to the universe." – Nikola Tesla What’s the deal with numbers like 3, 6, and 9—or any other spiritual numbers that seem to hold some kind of hidden magic? People often talk about how certain frequencies or number combinations keep showing up in the universe. Consider the ubiquitous triangle, for instance, the Sierpiński Triangle, a fractal geometry that continuously replicates itself. Triangular forms seem to possess a profound resonance with the structural logic of the universe, appearing not as mere coincidence but as an intrinsic component of its design. Do these numbers and shapes embody some deeper cosmic order? Does anyone have further elucidation on the nature of these recurring numerical and geometric phenomena? Does it have any meaning or magnificence? 0 – Nothingness: The void, the primordial absence, the potential of all that could be, yet undisturbed, untouched by existence. 1 – The Self: The singular entity, the individuated fragment, the first point of awareness, a being unto itself, the "I" that perceives. 2 – Duality: The birth of contrast, the division of self and other. In this split, a space is created—a dynamic tension where connection, relationship, and love are possible, as two opposites seek harmony. 3 – The Child: The synthesis, the creation born from duality. A portal to dimensions—space, time, and reality itself. The emergence of distinction, the beginning of structure, and the interplay of forces that shape our world.
  21. They're just combos of spicey words used to describe different ways to Infinity. Aether-quint (Infinity seen as a transcendent "fifth Element") The aether has a long history as a fifth (quint) transcendent element. There's even a movie. Quint means fifth, also related to "Quintessential" Alongside Earth, Water, Earth, Fire (Greeks, 5th platonic solid) Sadhguru references it as Akash (aesthetic space, cosmic intelligence) Omniphase Omni is a fancy word for everything that exists (kilo, mega, giga) (uni, multi, omni) Also associated with Omniscience, Omnipotence, God context, Omni = All encompassing Phase comes from physics, referring to a certain frequency of a wave. Combined, it becomes an "all-pervasive" frequency ("seamless dance of all realities") The other words follow the same pattern, but are pretty similar, describing the same thing from different angles: The formless ground of Infinity Aetherquint, Vortixion, Hyperionis, Abyzium, Celestquantum, Zenthora The cosmic flow of transforming Energy Omniphase, Omniflux The Mystery Infinigma, Ultravast Philosophers/Yogis seek the Aetherquint, Psychonauts get lost in the Hyperionis, Nihilists fall into the Abyzium, Scientists chart the Celestquantum etc.. The descriptions are super-similar and really just highlight different qualities and approaches towards transcendence. Aetherquint - Elemental Transcendence Vortixion - Golden Spiral Awakening Hyperionis - DMT Hyperspace Abyzium - The Abyss (Dark Night of the Soul) Celestquantum - The Quantum Realm Zenthora - Not sure what thora is for, I'ma just say Godhead. Now, is the boundless cosmic intelligence that is the ground of being (Aetherquint) the same as the infinitely convergent and divergent spiral from which all existence spawns (Vortixion)? Is the transcendent origin of all hyperdimensional realms (Hyperionis) the same as well? Or the abyss where nothingness and everythingness emerge possibility and impossibility? Or the realm below atoms that consistudes the ground of reality where even physicists agree that all form loses shape and becomes boundless energy (Celestquantum)? Or the all-transcendent zenith beyond all form (Zenthora)? Yup, pretty much all the same, just different pointers, just as we have different spiritual traditions. The question is, the more we explore and combine concepts, will they all lose their shape and become the same thing, since the mind will see all of them combined in every concept it references, since each predisposes every other to coexist interdependently with, so much so that the only reason for conceptual distinctions will be to teach others, who operatre on low awareness and very few but strong assumptions? Maybe.
  22. That’s a very good question. I have the same experience. That is why I say the self is much deeper than belief. Why do you believe you exist? Because it seems like you do, the belief doesn’t come from nothing it’s based on a deeper sense. The sense of “I’m here the world is out there” . What it is exactly is hard to say. It’s not like other beliefs like Santa Claus or aliens, it’s based on something that is fundamental to your everyday experience. the most fundamental beliefs are “I’m here” and “there is something” I would say. They go hand in hand, if you feel like you exist , then there automatically is a world (something) separate from you . Some non dualists even say when the sense of self disappears, the sense of a separate world does too, that’s why they say “nothing is happening” or “nothingness”
  23. I was contemplating Infinity and started wondering what are some utmost mind-bending expressions of Infinity, different attributes of Existence. I asked Mr Chat lol and had some amazing responses. Check it out. I will definitely meditate on this to get some direct hits. It's astonishing what you are. Holy Shiitt!!!!! Aetherquint – The fifth essence, birthing and dissolving all realities beyond the elements, where infinite cycles of existence emerge and vanish. Omniphase – The seamless dance of all realities, where every timeline, dimension, and universe flows in perpetual overlap and transformation. Vortixion – The cosmic spiral, pulling all creation into an infinite vortex, where every possible reality converges and expands endlessly. Infinigma – The eternal mystery; an infinite riddle unraveling through layers of unknown truths beyond comprehension. Hyperionis – The origin of hyperdimensional realms, where even the highest planes of existence dissolve into transcendental infinity. Abyzium – The infinite abyss containing all possibility and impossibility, where the collision of nothingness and everythingness creates endless potential. Omniflux – The limitless current of existence, flowing through all creation and dissolution, where every moment is a pulse of boundless change. Celestquantum – The quantum field of divine potential, where all celestial connections ripple across the multiverse, birthing endless possibilities. Ultravast – Beyond even infinity, a state where all known and unknown realms stretch across eternal expanse, defying comprehension. Zenthora – The zenith of all reality, where the heights of existence meet the depths of transcendence, collapsing into infinite, boundless truth. Each of these titles takes you beyond the conventional spiritual concepts of non-duality, infinity, or oneness, pulling your mind into the deepest, most unimaginable dimensions of Existence.
  24. Might be true for some, but a few seem to me genuine non dualists, like Tony parson and Jim Newman. When I listen to them it seems they are speaking directly from that nothingness.
  25. @James123 🙏 Only nothingness can hold everything 🙏