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  1. Started with nonduality, meditating on I Am. Have done a lot of heart chakra meditation. I learned Vipassana at the retreat I went to. Working my way thru the Gateway Tapes and have experimented with Carlos Casteneda’s techniques. Pranayama, energy work, a lot of chakra work, plus mantras. Starting to work with the Violet Flame and the spiritual rays now.
  2. I thought disciplined meditation would train my mind to be quiet, but I’ve found there is no such thing as that. On this level, the brain truly is just an appearance in the dream world. What seems to determine the focus or lack thereof of my mind has more to do with which ancestor or entity I’ve had in my aura lately, and how many stressors are appearing in my 3D reality. But over the past year I’ve had experiences of meditating on nonduality for 4 hours, then getting up and seeming to fall right back into a thought form of agitation. Similarly I’ve gone without meditation and reached very calm clear states of mind after a run or an orgasm. It frustrates me that there seems to be no progressive way to train and discipline my mind, it’s just one more appearance in the dream world, of which my control over is only illusory. Anyone else have this experience, oh fellow appearances in the dream world?
  3. I remember when Leo first started going into spiritual topics, this was I think 2018 or 2019, and I was at the right place and time to go full on into that journey with him, not knowing what I would find. It was all new to me, I thought nonduality was this radical concept. I thought I'd discovered some secret of the universe. I thought that getting into spirituality would make me smarter, more in tune, closer to a supreme intelligence, possibly even able to discover new knowledge and help improve the world in some way. Instead what I've discovered is that all of the information in my reality is and has always been carefully manipulated at all times to give me certain impressions of things, based largely on my already conditioned beliefs. The world is broken on purpose, because perfection is supposedly boring. In fact, the world is just an appearance and in my human form, I may as well be a cartoon character. And God or whatever was there the entire time, watching every one of my pains. I supposedly deserved them because I didn't learn certain lessons. Because I was making decisions thinking I was a person who lived in a world. I thought I was completely alone and made no impact. I thought my decisions didn't matter and no one was paying attention. I also thought that being polite and following the rules was the best course of action, and boy is every single piece of stimulus in my reality now determined to tell me that is not the case. Has anyone else been dragged into this storyline of how the billionaires are keeping the common man down, and golly we just gotta rise up and restore the natural order of things? I liked society the way it was. I'm not looking for a crash to the system. But I guess I had finally made a life for myself in the secular world I thought I lived in, finally figured out how to stop feeling so much inexplicable emotional pain, so now God's gotta bring the hammer down. I guess every single person I ever saw in my life was also an illusion, but I have seen so many people who had no relationship with God who were healthier than me, more energetic, happier, better teeth, more friends, more laughter, more joy. I'm not sure why I have to be God's bitch boy. I followed a religion, and the people who followed it less strictly than me got rewarded more. So I stopped following it. But I never ended up fitting into secular society much, most of my life I've been a loner. I had good friends, and none of them had any kind of relationship with God, and they also were happier, healthier and enjoyed more and better relationships than I ever did. So then I got into spirituality and over the past 5 years I have seen so many people who have all, day after day, delivered to me the most banal spiritual "advice" while living lives that seem more functional than my life ever has been. No matter what my relationship to God is, it seems I'm always doing it wrong, always on the outs, can never get it together, and everyone around me is just doing so much better than I ever have, without any practice. So is that what this is? God became man so man could sit in a hologram of self-degradation? I'm surrounded by people who don't have to have a meditation practice, who didn't have to invest several years in a "spiritual journey," but have more loving families and better teeth than I ever will? I remember when I started this shit I thought I was gonna get smarter lol... instead I just learned the metaphysical parameters of a clown world. It basically just comes down to squirting love through your diaphragm, and whoever can do that the most, wins, I guess.
  4. It isn't nonduality itself that is toxic tbh. Grasping the interconnectedness of all things is an important facet of awakening. However, nonduality is sometimes used as a dogma to claim that the self does not exist. It is used to deny the self, and is therefore self-destructive. To truly grasp the interconnectedness of all things, you must realize that it is only through YOU which all things are connected. And YOU are the only master of your own destiny. If your approach is to constantly deny the YOU, then your approach is too passive. If your approach is to deny the YOU in others, then your approach is too aggressive. A balanced approach would be acknowledging both the interconnectedness of the whole and the individual. You would recognize YOU as a vital aspect of the whole, capable of both receiving from and contributing to it. This avoids both the extremes of self-negation and disregard for other-selves, fostering both a sense of agency and responsibility within the individual.
  5. @strangelooper I have the impression, that you mix nonduality with duality. Duality = Table is separate from god, Non Duality = Table is god (or a part of him, a creation of him which isn't separate from himself). It just seems like a separate Identity, but it isn't. It just seems, that you are different from myself (in duality) but ultimate we are identical because we are both god. I just want to share my view of things, I am not here to argue with you or to convince you. Just find it interesting to see other views. I am curious: How are you bringing your view together with duality / non duality? When you start with solopsism, you need to be 100% truthful: You never ever experienced something outside from yourself, outside form you perception. Do you understand that? EVERYTHING around you could be fake. EVERYTHING. The only thing you can be 100% sure is, that something (you) is perceiving. That is a very Christian view of God.
  6. *giving a shit 248 years of operating just fine, and I finally got over my childhood trauma, like literally last summer, and then this ridiculous scenario started. So I guess it’s just not possible to chill, work a job, share some laughs, and have a good life? If it’s not decades of unexplainable emotional pain, the outside world just randomly stops functioning? Why is life like this? What was the point of all the nonduality and meditation and shit? I feel the will to live fading.
  7. I did not write any of this this is all Leo, actually, before I became a member of this forum, I sat back and studied the crap out of it for like 8 months until I joined. Not knowing is knowing Emptiness is formed, form is emptiness" You are both emptiness and form. awareness is just pure nothingness it's a pure void or vacuum God is an Absolute Mind. A Mind which has no other and I, therefore, all-knowing and all-powerful. When you realize that reality is just your own Mind and nothing else, you will become God. That which has no other is absolutely sovereign and self-created. To realize you are God is to realize that you created yourself. If you become infinite consciousness. You will exist as a pure abstraction, as a singularity of undifferentiated Oneness. This is your true nature. If you become fully conscious the entire universe will disappear forever. You will exist as a pure abstraction, as a singularity of undifferentiated Oneness. This is your true nature. There is nothing but infinite states of consciousness. That's all that reality is. There is no such thing as unconsciousness. Unconsciousness is an illusion. The consciousness of pure unlimited imagination is so powerful it can even imagine that it is not imagining reality and that becomes what you consider reality physical reality is a dream it's purely imaginary. The greatest illusion of this world is the illusion of separation. True liberation is actually freedom from the illusion of others. You are creating all sense of other. When you realize this all sense of other completely collapses and all sense of you disappears until all that's left is the truth consciousness is love and consciousness is the only thing that can become conscious of itself. So if you don't realize that you're God and that you're love and that you are infinite nobody else can. Because you are the only thing there is, your it you have to awaken to itself. God has to awaken to itself. Stop thinking of God as someone up there who's better than you or higher than you it's you but you are stuck in your own self you have to get over yourself to actualize yourself as God. And for you to realize that you are the only thing that exists. There is only you and everyone including yourself is a construction of your own mind. The only thing creating the illusion that there is more than one is your imagination and that's why God is an infinite field of consciousness He's not truth-seeking, he's clout-chasing. These are all great insights, but ultimately to awaken you must realize that the self is an illusion. TRUTH is actually very simple to speak: YOU ARE GOD, and reality is your Infinite Dream All were doing is trying to construct hypotheses you know that fit the data that fit what we know so far always with the caveat that we don't know much and the picture is incomplete and so on. Death is an elusion of consciousness Death is a conceptual construction of your own imagination Your critique wasn't wrong but you can literally critique anything from the relative for all of infinity. Reality is absolutely infinitely relative. You can lead a human to knowledge but you can't make him think. To understand the nature of Love and its myriad self-manifestations is to grasp the nature of Being Itself, for the two are in fact one." No difference between subject and object, self and world. The world is the self. the core of ego: your biological back story or your biographical, finite sense of self is a conceptual construction of your own imagination You must realize that you are God because only then will you take full responsibility for your life and only then will you really understand how profound life is and what existence is. What non-duality tells us is that every duality including the duality between god and the devil is ultimately going to collapse into a unity that tells you. Another very important principle is identity is relative and fluid so literally, there is no identity within reality other than oneness so any limited identities that you create like you as a body you as a biological organism you as somebody that was born to certain parents all of these identities you have an all relative there all constructions of your mind there not absolutely true fluid and they can change and in fact, they have been changing all of your life. are united in an infinite soup of undifferentiation consciousness break through all this bullshit and see how the mind constructs all these categories and distinctions. To see how all the things you were taught as a child all the way up through university have just been categories that were constructed by the human mind by the human race and that many of these distinctions are purely conceptual there not absolute in any sense and they will ultimately all collapse as you keep observing deeper and deeper keep meditating keep contemplating keep having mystical experiences all of this will ultimately collapse into one unity one ultimate absolute truth. This leads to the net core principle which is that absolute truth exists but it can not be thought to believe imagined communicated spoken written proven or agued. The absolute truth is unlimited it's absolute that's what makes it so interesting and special and important. Another core principle is that reality is not a physical object of any kind reality is a giant mind. Human knowledge is relative truth, not an absolute truth The problem with your logic is that all the impermanent stuff (form) is also equally conscious, and is also Absolute. You have denied the absoluteness and truth of form, creating a duality between form and formless. Truth-seeking is the spiritual quest the quest of seeking the truth this is the ultimate hero's journey the holy grail is the truth-finding the truth. Self-deception you have to really appreciate the power of self-deception. So we talk about God being all-powerful that God it turns out is and in a sense that is being all-powerful, well God is so powerful that God it turns out is capable of deceiving itself that it is not God. Now that takes real power to be able to do that but also at the same time God also has enough power to overcome that deception, but of course, that's going to take some work which is why awaking is possible so God has power in both directions God has the power to fully deceive itself and God has the power to awaken itself through all that infinite deception and that's the game we are playing here in life so it's a sort of tug of war this battle between truth and delusion. There cannot be anything outside your own MIND. Because your MIND IS INFINITE. If anything existed outside your own MIND then GOD would not be omnipotent nor omniscient. As soon as you imagine any sense of "other" you lose your omnipotence and omniscience. This is the very mechanism by which GOD becomes not-GOD. It is absolutely true that all humans are a dream. You don't like to accept that because you will feel lonely and very depressed. Therefore you refuse to surrender the imagining of other people and you blame and project onto me as misunderstanding spirituality when of course the one who doesn't understand spirituality is you. You are a perfect case study of how Buddhism and nonduality lead to self-deception and false spirituality. You have been trying too hard to be a good little Buddhist boy, but none of that will ever be enough to AWAKEN. You must destroy all of Buddhism and nonduality if you actually want to AWAKEN. Pretty obvious stuff. The brain cannot hallucinate. The brain is a hallucination More like GOD learns to trust its own sovereignty. Always be kind, always!!!! never be cruel or cowardly. Jehovah increases" is a phrase that refers to the idea that God wants to give people more of his gifts, such as wisdom, strength, and love. It is also the meaning of the names Jessup and Josefine names Jessup and Josefine. Explanation Jessup A boy's name that is a phonetic spelling of the Middle English pronunciation of Joseph. Joseph comes from the Biblical Hebrew name Yehôsêph. Josefine A girl's name that is a respelling of Josephine. It is related to the biblical name Joseph. Jehovah An approximation of the holiest name of God in Hebrew. It was so sacred that it was never written or spoke Jessup is a boy’s name from the Biblical Hebrew Joseph, meaning “Jehovah increases.” Joseph ultimately derives from Yehôsêph, which has contemporary variations like Yossi and Yosef. what is going???? on, God playing games with God? Jehovah (usually rendered “Lord” in the King James Version) appears often in the Scriptures. Jehovah means “the Eternal One, the Unchangeable One, the One Who was, and is, and is to come.” When Moses met God in the burning bush, he asked His name. “And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you” (Exodus 3:14). God spoke as Jehovah, the self-existent God. infinite universal mind When I was growing up, one could say I was an introvert, but you know what I became an extrovert and respected all my friends for who they were I Love you all. Now, I am more like an introvert, And you know what, so what if you are different or weird you are part of my friendship. Jessup is a surname and boy's name that means "Jehovah increases". It comes from the Biblical Hebrew name Joseph, which is derived from Yehôsêph
  8. I never said otherwise; plus please quote where I said nonduality (or even mentioned the word here) was not illusory. You can definitely quote me saying in many instances that life just is, though.
  9. Exactly. This is precisely what I am saying. "You are god" is just as relatively true/untrue as "you are a person". "You and me are one" is just as relatively true/untrue as "you and me are seperate". "There is no time and space" is just as relatively true/untrue as "there is time and space". "Nonduality is more true, more real, more fundamental, more divine than duality" is just as relatively true/untrue as "duality is more true, more real, more fundamental, more divine than nonduality". And none of these statements are absolutely true. In other words: The belief that duality is illusory and nonduality is not illusory is the illusion. The Absolute is neither dual nor nondual. It just IS.
  10. Don't you always insist that there is noone here who can (not) make it out alive, or do/think/say/be anything at all? Does the question you posted above indicate that you don't actually buy into your own dogma around no self and nonduality?
  11. for some reason couldnt post in the video section. feel free to relocate if necessary
  12. @James123 You figure out how deep consciousness goes beyond basic nonduality yet?
  13. Who knows that darkness that remains? Im talking about the ultimate invisible light of knowing, not light photons. Not talking about light vs dark. You are basically talking out of yo ass, pardon my french 😀 Ever heard of nonduality? You are talking about ying yang as if its 2 separate things, light vs darkness and saying darkness is stronger than light. Ying Yang is a marriage between darkness and light, its absolute love, and this makes it the light of awareness. The one that knows that darkness you speak of, is the light of awareness, you need the light of awareness to know ANYTHING, including that darkness that you appearantly perceive as ultimate.
  14. Ultimately everything must be accepted, love, peace, beauty, wonder, fear, damage, death, torture, the stars, sunsets, Nazis, bliss, torment. From the highest possible beauty to the most depraved possible evil. Light, darkness. Purity, evil. Nothing can be rejected. Even separation is included in nonduality. If there is only one thing that has and will ever exist, it is not possible for that thing to not be anything
  15. Well, that's a big mistake. Truth requires understanding. That's not the issue. The issue is lack of consciousness and understanding. Everything that comes and goes is Truth, but there is way more to Awakening and God than that. Don't assume that your guy comprehends God. He's parroting a lot of boilerplate nonduality, which he learned from following some other guy like himself without question, which you will now repeat. And on the chain of human spiritual ignorance goes. God is way more profound and advanced than all that. But I appreciate you sharing this document. It has its place.
  16. So after studying nonduality for a little while, I think I understand god. God is experiencing itself through multiple forms including me right I know that is the cliche but here is what gets me. On the conceptual level, I have cerebral palsy. So did god imagine a limit so I can have a unique view point. I get confused when Leo says I'm imagining my own limits when I have physical limitations. Just wanted to gain some clarity on that thank you.
  17. I absolutely loved the videos where Leo tackled scientific concepts and mixed them with structural-stage yellow ideas. Quantum Mechanics Debunks Materialism Relativism Leo has mentioned the idea of creating a video on Chaos Theory. Here are some questions that can be explored: What is Chaos? How do mathematicians/scientists/philosophers define it? What is Chaos Theory? Why is it that life feels so chaotic and unpredictable? Why is it that no matter how much we study something, it's never "enough"? E.g. how an economist can spend decades studying economics models, yet make bad predictions again and again on how the inflation/unemployment/GDP will be in the future. Why does the word "chaos" have a bad connotation? Why didn't "God" create a simple universe with few variables? How come no single philosophy or ideology can fully encapsulate the complexity of life? (not even Nonduality) Why is the universe so chaotic? Even outside this tiny planet, even far in the distance into space, there are quasars, black holes, all sorts of strange, complex objects What are the metaphysical implications of Chaos Theory? What epistemological errors do we make when we distinguish "chaos" from "non chaos"? What are useful perspectives we can adopt from it, to grow in life?
  18. yes, thanks for your reply i will look into it. i feel awaking is very exaggerated, but I am a beginner in spirituality and meditation. i listen, and understand more about nonduality and stuff through Advaita vedant, upnishad-type stuff. i initially got into spirituality after being a nihilist for a long time just to see a new perspective on life.
  19. I reject this whole nonduality frame. Serious Consciousness is beyond all that. If you wanna keep swimming around in circles at this plane of consciousness, go ahead. I will not argue with you further.
  20. Because he obviously has a very deep and exceptional level of consciousness. But as I have said, there are many degrees and even different kinds of awakening. I gave him a privileged position back before I had my own intense awakenings in which I realized the limitations in his teachings. It took me 200+ awakenings to deconstruct all the elaborate illusions of nonduality, Buddhism, and self-inquiry. That was when I was saying crazy sounding-shit and people were calling me out as arrogant and delusional. After which point I stopped pushing my views on matters since it becomes counter-productive. Well, I am still saying that there is even deeper consciousness than that. It took me something like 200+ awakenings to break free of all human spirituality and gain total soverienty over my own mind. Until that is achieved the mind will be bogged down by very sneaky human spiritual constructs.
  21. It's is kinda shocking that he didn't understand this sooner. If he listened to me and took some "frog juice" he would have realized it, and stuff even beyond that which is still missing from his teachings. As I said, self-inquiry and contemplation will not be enough to fully awaken. That's the real lesson here. I have underscored this trap that nonduality people commonly make, where they identify Truth/Absolute as formlessness while marginalizing form. And Ralston is still missing that Truth = Love.
  22. An issue I've been grappling with for a long time is the bliss vs truth dilemma in spirituality. A lot of people who practice spirituality do it to achieve a happier state, whether they frame it as escaping suffering, having peace of mind, or experiencing divine bliss. But spirituality should be truth-seeking, and when truth is your goal it doesn't matter if you feel blissful, sad, energetic, or slightly despondent. You are searching for what is actually the case, asking what is reality really. When spiritual teachers like Sadhguru say, "Would you rather be blissful or sad? Blissful, yes... isn't it?" and then people inevitably say yes, I can't help but see this as a spiritual deception. To an actual truth seeker, it isn't enough to just pick blissfulness over negativity. Blissfulness, based on our typical drive for experiencing positive emotions, seems better, but does it actually lead to truth? Maybe, maybe not. You can't make that assumption! And I see spiritual people doing this all the time. Then there's an even deeper issue, which is what truth seeking really is. It only takes a little consciousness to see that everything we do is motivated by desire for one thing or another that always circles back to the self, sometimes directly and sometimes more indirectly. If you haven't grasped this notion, contemplate it, and you will see that it's true, similar to how everything in the universe can always be traced back to oneness- nonduality 101. So even searching for truth is just a desire that's ultimately arbitrary and only for the purpose of your own fulfilment. The problem with just going for bliss is that in choosing that path and not knowing whether it leads to truth or not, you're essentially giving into the relativity of your experience and just going with what feels right thinking that everything is relative. And if you are going for bliss, you don't have a guarantee that it will lead to truth- it may be the opposite. So then the spiritual seeker (which is my situation right now) is in a dilemma of wanting to pursue truth but not knowing whether it exists or is just based on desire. Hopefully it was clear what I'm trying to get at. This is an existential quagmire about truth, bliss. and relativity. I'd appreciate any insights people have, especially @Leo Gura as a truth-seeker.
  23. most people think that professionals and high level people have some extremely complex understanding of some area of reality...which can often be true, but also...high level masters in any area of life will tell you that the case is often far, far simpler than you actually make it in your mind. Think about nonduality for example, esteemed to be the highest and most powerful and greatest teaching...and yet what it actually teaches is the most basic, simplest thing imaginable: that one thing exists. notice the common ground simplicity and profundity share at times. in practical, every day life, dont try to be more skilled than you are. you do better to admit that you know nothing and start at level 1 again but correctly and just learn the basics. dont overcomplicate it, as this is often the source of confusion. I took leos entire life purpose course just to realise that what i wanted to do was starring me in the face since i was a teenager. be mindful that things that are blindingly obvious, can sometimes be missed on account of the fact that they are the only thing there (theres nothing to contrast them against) like this image...somewhere in this image there is a wall, study the image carefully until you have a breakthrough and see the wall:
  24. Working with 5meo takes time, like at least 10-20 times to see the glimpse of nonduality and integrating it. You are good, meditation is good prior 5meo, it helps one to not freak out much Personally I started with 5meo alone, nasal And i continued to explore it on my own in rectal, it's been 81 times now
  25. I have not been active in the forum for quite some time, but just wanted to drop by and share my experience. For +12 years I have been searching for SOMETHING missing, something not quite clicking, and explanation into why I find life so difficult and full of suffering. I made a huge bet into nonduality and was 100% convinced all my problems can be boiled down to ego related integration issues and lack of seeing clearly in metaphysical terms. I even achieved a few incredible transcendent experiences along the way, but they of course were short lived and ultimately did not help me. Eventually through taking time of and travelling for 6 months in nepal and india, giving me time to reflect and really look into my experience and connect the dots I realised: I’m a high masking/low support needs AuDHD (mix of autism and adhd) I wont do an exhaustive explanation on the aspects of what my life has looked like in the past, but I can tell you that EVERYTHING makes sense now. I really have so few questions left to ask. Only thing left is to try my best o align my life according to my fixation/special interest (electronic music and sound design) and thats pretty much it, my life is done. I will eventually get back to nonduality seeiously again (because of course there is an infinity yet unrealised) but right now embrasing my fixation gives me way more joy than the metaphysical. Its quite overwhelming (and sad at the same time, as I must embrace that my life will forever will be quite difficult in day to day basis). But im not looking for a fix/medicine anymore, there never was an illness or really a problem or fault, its just me. The amount of relief is incredible, i feel like bursting to tears all the time. The more i research the more seamless and fully explanatory everything is. Holy FUCK folks! All the best guis, good luck out there <3