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  1. I know. Good god, now I will not get your lovely nonviolent metaphor out my system for a looong time, everytime I will look at a screwdriver. Razard had certain Awakenings that he probably will continue to interpret and express in his own ways. Everbody can judge for himself how holistic, logical and coherent and loving that ends up. I personally would "unpack" or interpret these awakenings a bit more carefully, more impersonal, more like Indras Net, but who am I to spoil or judge the gig. I am quite happy that you do the debating, then I don't have to . Been there, dont that, and of course less than successful. But there is for sure development to be seen in his content & style of writing, less ego and such, so thumbs up & bon voyage! Besides, talking/writing to "others" trying to convince them of "Absolute" Solipsism is the ultimate joke. Whats the point, besides hallucinating & falling for a very serious & determined "convincer"-illusion? So chapeau to all appearing actors in the mighty River, of the mighty River, for the mighty River. PS: All of ya don't exist, only I do. Whadda say? Answer: Not today darling...
  2. Instead of Indras Net as a metaphor of the One without a second looking through the eyes of all appearing beings (which is actually what all spiritual traditions say), gently embracing the Infinite Totality of Infinite Being in its infinite nature imagining infinite perspectives/beings/Holons, we get something served more like: As gentle as one agent Smith is to the other: Indras Net my friend, not "When you play the character [is] the entirety of the frame is all that exists". Net&author=Water by the River Selling "me too" by the River
  3. There is no "it" or "the". Impersonal it is... Yet, "it" is YOU. True You. Reality. Infinite Being. And yet in "that" Reality, there are many directors of the orchestra. As many as there are realms, and more. Other perspectives of your Infinite Being "containing" (with no outside) and manifesting Indras Net, that you just forget in real time. Reality/manifestation creating and maintaining archetypes/divinities containing whole universes. Holons upon Holons upon Holons, up to Infinity. Chris Bache has some nice descriptions of these reality creating/manifesting archetypes, but you find that in any spiritual traditions ("Divine beings, Gods, Archetypes...") And yet, all of these are also just appearances, mirage, dreams... True You are these realm-manifesting beings/perspectives right now also, and also Leos Aliens, you just forget them... Who is thinking these concepts right now? Who is understanding these words?
  4. The answer in a drama with 9 acts: Act 1: Whats up in town? What is "the" "Absolute" True You doing? It is playing evolution on its appearance-side. Atoms to molecules to basic life to complex life. What is evolution doing on this planet? Racing the Spiral Dynamics ladder upwards, towards transcendence. Chris Baches Diamond Souls. Or: The Fermi Paradoxon. So far, no failure. We are not digging up the remnants of the 27th failed industrial civilization before ours. Think about it, that is pretty strange in itself, isn't it? No complete reset-button-failure so far... And "It" is pretty busy getting somewhere... Although there are no guarantees. Act 2: "Who" pulls the trigger of liberation/Enlightenment when there is no separate-self? What is "granting" or allowing Realization/Enlightenment/insight into True Being to happen? The Totality of Indras Net, infinitely intelligent, birthing, maintaining and destroying the illusion-appearance of this vast universe moment to moment. The Totality of Impersonal True You looking through all beings and holons. What does this Totality of Indras Net (Manifest appearing "God", not the Absolute, but the sum total of manifestation-appearance) want? Liberated beings that have a Boddhisattva-"hangover" or inclination, or liberated "do-nothing-anymores"? Act 3: Love & Compassion: The Big Gate Keeper of sobre Awakened States in daily life So which being stabilizes faster in liberation? The one with the apparent boddhisattva-show-hangover-inclinations, or the ones without? There have been both variants. But my best guess is that the do-nothing-fraction has some lections in this or the next life ahead. And compassion and love is that which stabilizes awakened nondual states in daily life. The big Gate-Keeper. How is that love & compassion & patience possible without going nuts in this sometimes pretty violent kindergarten-stage of humanity? The Boddhisattva-Mindset of course. Act 4: Don't be the stupid grasping egoic Boddhisattva Of course, all of these boddhisattva-inclinations can not be done in a grasping and ego-driven-way, that would kill the awakened states. It has to be done with some humour on the seemlingly winding and paradoxical nature of (human-) evolution, and with total freedom of outcome. How to do that, that is the real trick, and it takes wisdom and experience. If you honestly commit to that path, yours truly believes that the Infinite Intelligence of Reality has a much clearer channel to help with good intuition, intelligence and growing wisdom. And synchronicities. That is at least my experience and deep intuition. Next aspect is: Sat-Chit-Ananda IS love and compassion. Literally. Acting then spontaneously tends to happen in a compassionate and loving way. Act 5: "They are still a young species with much to learn..." Act 6: The Boddhisattva-Mindset driving the way back home after a certain stage, and also stabilizing Awakening. "What´s your take on this? How would then Bodhisattva, which is a concept depending on a not completely developed sense of (TRUE Identity, which is no Identity or everything there is, infinite. WbtR) Identity be the key factor to open gates to higher realms? Wouldn´t that imply the irony that it takes forgetfulness of our Absolute Identity as the motor that keeps manifestation going subtler and subtler?" Of course . Where there is not THIS, there is only fear (Upanishads). That, and some other motivations coming from the illusory separation, drives the bus back home. Act 7: Selling "Even in their darkest days, I have seen goodness in them. I have seen their capacity for compassion, wisdom, courage, honour, love and truth" by the River Rumour has it that some prominent members of this lovely forum are hating humans a bit because its not primarily about truth but survival. That is a classic trap of the dream-illusion. I mean, how would humanity have made it so far without absolute priority on survival? How could it be different? And "who" apparently wanted that game in the first place? Blaming the acorn to not be an oak yet just leads to suffering and non-awakened-states in daily life. Act 8: So... may it be that the non-grasping-Boddhisattva-lifestyle is maybe the nicest way to live this earthly dream-existence? Act 9: Leaving the Boddhisattva-dream-show behind: Who is actually imagining this story of "beings" needing saving by boddhisattvas? Who is looking through all eyes? And what would a "being" having realized that "it" is literally the only being in existence do? Who are you again?
  5. Why the heck is the drama like it is? A drama in 10 Acts. Act 1: God IS. Infinite Being/Consciousness/Reality IS. Always. Eternal. I am that I am. Nowhere else to go for "It", because It would and is already be there. (True) You can't have an outside. (True) YOU are. I am that I am. The Being speaking to Moses had realized that: "One day he ventured farafield while pasturing his sheep and ended up on the slopes of Mount Horeb, the “Mountain of God.”70 There, as everyone knows, he saw a strange sight: a plant that appeared to have a flame burning in its center, though it was not consumed by the fire. When he drew closer to get a better look at this marvel, he heard the plant call him by name. “I am here,” Moses answered, whereupon the burning plant told him to take off his shoes, “ … for the place on which you stand is holy ground. I am the God of your fathers…” (Figure 30). The god-plant [aka psychedelic plant,WbtR], then told Moses that he had a task for him." Carl Ruck, The Apples of Apollo. Act 2: Any separate-self has as main building block resistance to what is. When you truly empty out your relative arising self (the illusion), boredom gets cut off (its a negative resistance + a conceptual interpretation on top, all of that are appearances happening within Infinite True You). And all the other interpretations and reactions also, and they get replaced by the Sat Chit Ananda bliss of True Being. Which is also just fact. The True Being of God is Sat Chit Ananda. Any resistance and suffering is just the illusion of the ignorant ego. That becomes totally clear when these awakened states have become accessible in a stable way. Act 3: Indras Net, and the One (Infinite) without a second Apparently, other perspectives of YOUR Infinite Net of perspectives/holons/being (Indras Net), which YOU forget in real-time (you need just one more dimension for these other beings you forget in real-time), manifest this whole show (the so called Archetypes (in former times Gods/Deities or Platos Archetypes, nowadays Leos Aliens of various kinds, see Bache, LSD and the Mind of the Universe: Diamonds from Heaven, or the books of Stan Grof). These beings/perspectives have an Intelligence which makes a human appear very limited. Some like to call it alien. Some divine. Some archetypal. Yet, its all True You at the same time. How all of that has to be necessarily ones own True Being is paradoxical from the un-enlightened perspective, yet no problem when "other" falls away in Enlightenment as just a conceptual-arising. Or more precisely, I-feelings and I-thoughts and projecting "other-feeling" and "other-concepts" on "something" arising in ones True Nondual Infinite Being drops away. Act 4: Chris Bache, LSD and the Mind of the Universe: Diamonds from Heaven: “Just to put this into perspective,” I was in a condition of consciousness that might best be described as “ancient.” Surveying what had been unfolding through billions of years of evolution and what would be emerging in humanity’s future, I was not so much in the material domain as in a domain that was responsible for generating material reality. Matter always exists at a specific time, but I was encompassing many time-moments simultaneously and so was stretched across time. The experience carried with it a sense of being “timefilled” or “ancient.” In the middle of this grand tour, it was as if something said, “Just to put this into perspective,” and then the most extraordinary thing happened. The physical universe began to be folded up and put away. It was as simple as that, like one puts away Christmas decorations after the holidays. The physical universe, planets surging with vitality, whole galaxies teeming with life, started to be folded up and slipped into a background of total EMPTINESS. I immediately recognized that this was the Primal Void. I was being shown that matter and time are not ultimately real, that they emerge from and are at every moment sustained by something that is more real, something completely without form. As the universe got smaller with each fold, I could feel billions of life-forms being slipped into the folds of the Void, and a protest rose within me. I did not want to let go of all this exquisitely beautiful form, everything that had been so painstakingly crafted through billions of years of evolution. Indeed, it was my love for the physical universe that seemed to precipitate this extreme lesson—as if to break the spell that physical creation had on me, seen as I had seen it in the broad sweep of its evolutionary glory. My protests changed nothing, however, and the universe’s bursting vitality became fainter with each fold. As the universe continued to shrink, my experience began to shift to what was swallowing it. What had been background was becoming foreground and capturing my attention. It was SILENCE like I had never experienced silence before. It was STILLNESS more still than I had ever known. And most strange of all, I experienced its emergence as a REMEMBERING. I was remembering something that it seemed I had lost contact with billions of years ago. The shock of remembering something so ancient left me stunned. In one second, it completely transformed my sense of what I was. Our memories define the boundaries of our being. In one sudden movement, I was remembering a sea of Infinite Formlessness that was the source of all Form, including my own form, and I knew that this was what “I” at root was. Act 5. Chris Bache,. LSD and the Mind of the Universe: Diamonds from Heaven: Then “God” asked me, “Is it all for nothing? Have we not learned anything? The Jolts of Non-Being Flowing on the energy of the universe, suddenly everything was turned off and then on again. Everything that is, suddenly was not—POW—then was again. This happened repeatedly. The universe kept vanishing. The jolts were the winking out of Being into Non-Being. In the cessation of the universe, all the world’s striving, yearning, and suffering was suddenly thrown into a new perspective. This was the substance of God. The question is not “Why are we doing it?” The question is “Why is God doing it?” Why is God unfolding himself/herself/itself as the universe? What is it for? In this burgeoning of life, God seemed to be knowing himself. “Either it’s this teaming mass of life or it’s this!”—POW—Nothingness. Either the One becoming our infinitely rich universe, or the Void. Then “God” asked me, “Is it all for nothing? Have we not learned anything?” and he turned as if to ponder his failure. This shattered me and I wept. Non-Being and Being were two different modes of God. In the choice of Being, there unfolded the entirety of life as it is, with all its mysteries, pains, and pleasures. It all seemed to be about learning. “Have we not learned anything?” I felt shattered by the vastness of God’s adventure in knowing himself. All the galaxies had continued to turn while I was in hell today. Suns flared into supernovas, and all this was him. Nothing was not him. “Have we not learned anything?” I was silenced. Act 6: Chris Bache, LSD and the Mind of the Universe: Diamonds from Heaven: “Have we not learned anything?” This time it carried overtones of: “Has it not been worthwhile? Has it not been an adventure? Look what would not exist if we had not chosen to create.” This mysterious progression repeated itself many times and in many variations. It continued for hours. I would be at one level of reality far beyond physical diversity, and as I sought to know this reality more deeply, I would experience a kind of dying, a falling away, and would slip into a new level where I would discover that this duality too was but another facet of Myself. Over and over again, in detailed progressions, I was led to the same fundamental encounter. No matter how many times I died or how many different forms I was when I died, I kept being caught by this massive SOMETHING, this IT. I could not leave IT, could not escape IT, could not not be IT. No matter how many adventures I had been on, I had never stepped outside IT, never stopped being IT. There simply was no outside to My Being. There was no other in existence. As I moved into these levels of increasing ontological simplicity, I entered a profound stillness that reawakened a distant, vague memory. “Where have I known this before?” By following this stillness, I was guided back to what seemed like a time before creation, back to the ontological fount of creation. In this stillness, I was “with Myself” in ways that I had been long ago, but not for billions of years. It was a time of reunion, a time of being whole after a terribly long separation. From this extraordinary position, I began to actually be able to conceive of the possibility of the physical universe not having been created. The alternatives stood starkly before me. On one side was all the planning, all the work, all the confusion and uncertainty, and especially all the terrible suffering that was so fresh in my mind from earlier in the session. On the other side was the profound stillness and richness that was my current state. Why do it? Why manifest the universe if at such a cost? An answer rose that was the same as I had been given before, in session 15: “Have we not learned anything?” This time it carried overtones of: “Has it not been worthwhile? Has it not been an adventure? Look what would not exist if we had not chosen to create.” This time I was not shattered, for the choice of creation seemed profoundly good. The thought that the entire physical universe might not have existed carried with it a terrible sadness. From this perspective, I was also able to feel that there was no fundamental flaw in the manifest order of creation. Despite all the suffering, everything was moving along fine—though it is profoundly unfinished. I continued to ask my questions: “What is happening here?” “How does this work?” “What has it been like for you?” With each question, my experiential field changed, opening me to one cosmic process after another. I cannot describe these experiences adequately because the categories of thought derived from space-time do not lend themselves to remembering clearly or translating into words experiences of realities that lie outside space-time. Though my ordinary waking consciousness is being gradually changed by these experiences, it is still too cognitively restricted to be able to hold on to them in sufficient detail. What I experienced, however, repeatedly swept me into ecstasy. “Amazing!” “So that’s how that works!” “Oh, goodness!” “How much do you want to see?” I was asked. “More!” I answered, and always more would unfold. It kept unfolding for hours. Act 7: Chris Bache, LSD and the Mind of the Universe: Diamonds from Heaven: “Go and create, My Children.” Let me backtrack to another layer of the experience. As I was re-assimilating my lives and ascending through various levels, I was also entering into intimate dialogue with a Presence that addressed me. It communed with me and “spoke” to me in messages that were only sometimes put into words. It was explaining to me what I was experiencing not so much with words but with direct illumination. When I reached the point of Diamond Light, I was lifted beyond physical existence and beyond the bardo echoes of physical existence. It felt like I had reassimilated all my incarnations on Earth, that I had brought back into one all my experiences in duality. From this point, which carried the flavor of both before and after physical existence, the Presence illumined for me the human project. With the deepest, most tender words of a divine parent, It said: “Go and create, My Children.” It was setting us loose in a cosmos that contained many realms. The one I had just reemerged from was only one among many universes, some of which were physical, others not. We were small aspects of this Being, truly Its children, of the same type, only smaller in size and capacity. Act 8. Water by the River sits in Sat Chit Ananda on a park bench, relaxes the self-contraction of his former character-gig into Infinite Liberation of True Being, looking at all beings who believe in their separation and whose suffering and resistance keeps the whole gig going. He remembers quoting from Chris Baches incredible journey told in "LSD and the Mind of the Universe: Diamonds from Heaven", and how he had to pass the Ocean of Suffering on his high-dose-LSD-journey before any of these higher realms which detailed the Karmic mechanisms and the reasons for manifestation (even if it means initial suffering) were disclosed for him. This time, however, I was refusing to surrender to the pain and rejected everything that was happening to me. Eventually, I was backed up against a psychological wall and was told that if I persisted in rejecting the suffering, I would be turning my back on humanity, on life itself. To not care seemed to be the ultimate existential withdrawal from life. With multiple scenarios echoing this refrain, I was being confronted with an absolute choice of whether to open to this pain or not. At this point, my “No” changed to a “Yes.” This transition felt like a conversion in the deepest religious sense. In the middle of terrible suffering I found myself saying, “Yes! I can make a difference. Yes! I accept responsibility.” I was accepting responsibility for the anguish and for trying to make a difference in the lives surrounding me. This shift was fundamental. It reached to depths I cannot now fathom and impacted me in ways I cannot summarize. It seemed a free choice on the most basic of questions. With this acceptance, the torment suddenly changed to positive themes. Themes of young children—happy excitement, delighted play, self-abandoned joy. Many scenarios of childhood wonder and adventure. This was the beginning of a “new way.” It contrasted with the former negative way in every respect. It was simple instead of chaotic, shared instead of individual, fresh instead of repetitive. I felt cleansed and made new. (S 17) Apparently, the high-dose LSD psychedelic journey seemed to demand something like a Bodhisattva-Comittment in order to open these divine-realms and the mechanics of archetypal creation-realms, Karma & reincarnation, which apparently don't get opened so much (if at all) with other psychedelic like 5-MeO. Maybe God has left some safety-elements in place so that Liberation from the egoic separate-self-contraction can not so easily be achieved if it all is done only for the separate-self gig and its curiosity in "understanding". Act 9: Where there is not THIS, there is only suffering Act 10: Harada-Roshi to Yaeoko, in Three Pillars of Zen, Kapleau: Now for the first time. "Now for the first time you have found the Way—fully realized your Mind. You have been delivered from delusion, which has no abiding root. Wonderful! Wonderful! There is neither Ox [God/Reality as object out there]nor man [separate self]." So who exactly is reading these words again? Who is reading these lines? Which is that silent Awareness having it all appearing in its Infinite and eternal Being? And did it all ever truly happen? And who said to Chris Bache “Go and create, My Children”? Selling the drama by the River
  6. If Jesus took everyone's opinion as a reflection in indras net he would have stopped his journey at the second person that said God wasnt real. Cool you get to speak to Bashar tho sounds fun.
  7. And each holon/being/perspective reflects all other holons, since … Oneness, Unity and Infinity. Indras Net. You are always in the middle. Infinity up, Infinity down. infinity. INFINITY. Watching turtles all the way down and all the way up frolicking in the Infinite River
  8. Why is it difficult to explain why humans or enlightened humans can not walk through walls? I see absolutely no problem in doing that, see below. It is possible. In certain realms, like Astral realms. Which shows very easily it is possible - in some realms. Some beings can even do it in this realm (Vallee, Passport to magonia). The Astral Realms teach exactly that: That "rules" or "physical" "laws" can be broken (or rather can be different or realm-specific habits (!) of the appearing realm/universe), anything is possible (because its all imagined)... All of that becomes totally clear when experiencing these higher realms (which Wilber for example calls subtle levels). Look it up in the Lankavatara-Sutra for example, and others. Cosmic(realm specific) habits and archetypes, imagined by Infinite Consciousness/Universal Mind. These answers are clear for that which many call "nondual person" (which is a funny contradiction in itself, but that is another topic) if its an enlightened one. There is only Infinite Being/Universal Mind/"consciousness-stuff-appearance". Enlightenment = Its all imagined as mere appearance in Infinite Being, or Universal Mind as Huang Po called it. Its totally clear that any appearance can happen anytime, even when the habit of this life/realm tends to be very structured with certain rules/patterns. For other realms, that doesn't apply. Different habits. A dream is no less real than waking life, just less structured and no consistent background story (hey, how did I get here and where did I park my car). But made out of the same imagined "mere-appearance"-"substance" which is not different form Infinite Consciousness (hence nondual). Its not "out-there", its Universal-Mind-"stuff". That becomes totally clear with Enlightenment. Groundless mere appearance, "hovering" in the vastness "of" Infinite Being, the Totality of Existence, or the only Infinite Reality/Existence/Being there is and ever could be. Or ones true Infinite Being. And no separate anything, but just an imagined apparently "separate" center/perceiver, which can drop and disappear anytime, restoring the orginal state of boundless Infinite Being or the Totality of Existence. That clears all these questions and points. Not by 30 facets & hugging the elephant for a short time of "AWAKENING" and then saying sayonara dear elephant, but at once, becoming truly the Elephant/Totality of Existence, besides which nothing can exist. Infinite. This realm is a structured dream. Physical laws, or better habits, are not easily broken. That is the essence of this game here. If it would be a chaotic soup, wouldn't be too much fun, would it? And who structures this realm and its habits/patterns/rules/"physical laws", against which consciousness/intent/being you have no chance imagining going through the walls as human? To read about these beings/holons/deities/whatever (biiiig Aliens) holding whole universes in their being, read for example Chris Bache, LSD and the Mind of the Universe: Diamonds from Heaven. Have you read that? There is some stuff inside that you don't talk or write about. And what kind of being manages a "Buddha-field" (aka a Universe-Realm) in later Buddhism (Supreme-Array-Sutra): A cosmic Buddha. In western mysticism language a certain archetype. A deity. Whatever name is used. Holons all the way up, all the way down. And up its up to Infinity! Buddha-field/Universe-realm-beings creating, maintaining and containing all universe-realm inside themselves, other beings containing clusters of these, and so on and so on, up to Infinity. Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva for example. Thousands names have been used by humanity. Don't be surprised if the "aliens" you have accessed at some point look like the little brother to one of these... But these universe-containing/manifesting/sustaining beings/archetypes are also nothing other than Infinite Being, a certain (although) larger perspective in Indras Net. The SAME Awareness/Reality/Infinite Being that looks through the eyes of all beings. Just different content (universes)/appearances, or consciousnesses OF. There are not many "Awarenesses", or "consciousnesses". Not two. Indras Net of perspectives or holons, all the way down, all the way up to Infinity. One Universal Infinite Mind splicing itself up to different perspectives (large and small), creating these magnificent realms and Vistas of Infinities, and forgetting in real time all other perspectives in order to play a game of limitation. Infinity, hm I am not in a hurry to become an Alien, or one of these archetypal beings containing realms, or anything else. Why? The point of the ride is the ride. The point of being limited human is being limited human, and enjoying it. Which becomes possible once one has realized ones True Being, or else the doom of finitude, mortality and not knowing what the show really is takes the enjoyment away. Stabilizing that is the Summum Bonum. And having done that, from that base maybe go wave-surfing in the Vistas of Infinity. But from a perspective of abundance and happiness, and not scarcity and wishing-to-rather-be-something-else. Selling "not trying walking through walls in this life cause ones head may hurt later" but instead relaxing by the River and selling you know what
  9. Yes, the topic was concluded some millenia ago... The nature of Ultimate Reality "Its character is neither existent, nor nonexistent, / Nor both existent and nonexistent, nor neither. / Centrists should know true reality / That is free from these four possibilities." form is emptiness, emptiness is form. After realizing emptiness, it is realized that all appearance/world is also just emptiness, nondual mind-stuff, nondual infinite dream-stuff. And then as last step the realizer of that is seen through and radically discarded as another illusion-arising. In other words, mere appearance happening in nondual Infinite Bering, dreamstuff of the infinite dreamer which is one without a second. And already that is said too much. Seems it is easier to tear something down if it is not fully understood... The Heart Sutra: "Here then, Form is no other than emptiness, Emptiness no other than form. Form is only emptiness, Emptiness only form. Feeling, thought, and choice, Consciousness itself, Are the same as this. All things are by nature void They are not born or destroyed Nor are they stained or pure Nor do they wax or wane" And what does all of that mean? Nothing else than every appearance, world, realm, thoughts, ego, anything that can and could ever appear... is just a mere imagined hallucinated appearance, hovering as mere appearance in nondual Infinite Being. Never constant and always changing (and therefor not really existing, since every concept subtly "says" permanent, which is never the case for any arising ever Dreamstuff in the mind of the infinite dreamer (which alone is constant and eternal, yet formless) which dreams all beings, holons and perspectives in Indras Net. And who is the dreamer? Who reads these words right now? Who were you before your parents were born? If the answer is not clear right here right now, there is illusion to be transcended... Rodents liking (certain parts) of Buddhism by the River
  10. More or less consciousness means just more content/appearance/manifestation/understanding of that appearing within Infinite Reality/Being. Infinite Awareness/Being keeps its same nature/essence at all times. There is nothing that could change, or be higher or lower. Everything higher or lower or more or less "consciousness" belongs, by definition, to the realm of manifestation/change/dream. All manifestations change, there is nothing constant in the realm of the dream/manifestation... just "one thing" is constant, which is not a thing, but eternal Infinite Being. And since all manifestations/appearances change, they are not really real, nor higher or lower or whatever. They just appear to be so. Infinite Consciousness/Infinite Awareness/Infinite Being/True Being/True You(!) at the end is a singularity, containing it all in its infinite Being without an outside. In-finite = not finite. Meaning one can't measure it, or compare it to anything else, since it is... not finite. Infinity on the other side is just endless manifestation, endless, a mathematical concept or mathematical object: "At the end of the 19th century, Georg Cantor enlarged the mathematical study of infinity by studying infinite sets and infinite numbers, showing that they can be of various sizes.[1][3] For example, if a line is viewed as the set of all of its points, their infinite number (i.e., the cardinality of the line) is larger than the number of integers.[4] In this usage, infinity is a mathematical concept, and infinite mathematical objects can be studied, manipulated, and used just like any other mathematical object." Of which there are differently large infinities. With emphasize on object. Mathematical object. Aka appearance, aka manifestation, aka dream stuff. The true subject, Absolute Infinite Being, can be without any appearance/levels of consciousness/whatever. That is Nirvikalpa Samadhi, or cessation, deep sleep. Which gives a nice reality check on the "reality" of these "levels of consciousness/levels of manifestation/appearances": Dream stuff. And that is why these states are so valueable in understanding what is truly real, or eternal. Or always here True Being. The Absolute, Infinite Being, has no levels. It contains all "levels of consciousness". Having somebody talking about levels when it comes to the Absolute (not when it comes to Manifestation) is a sure sign that the Singularity of True Nature/Being has not been realized, but that the elephant of Infinite Being is still interpreted conceptually by a separate-something still trying to make sense out of it instead of just dying, being seen through as nothing than an illusion appearing appearing within Infinite Being. But, I admit, levels of consciousness are easier for marketing than that which has no opposite, no levels, no outside, no inside. Playing that game is basically placing "human being part-time Alien + Awakening" higher than "Human + Enlightenment" in ones value system, and then wondering why one is still resisting/suffering what apears within ones True Being (which has not been realized). See the 2x2 matrix of Alien/Human and Awakening/Enlightenment in the link below. Each Awakening and/or Enlightenment has a surface structure (human/Alien) through which its deep structure gets interpreted and expressed (Enlightenment= realizing ones True Being, Awakening = understanding facets of the elephant, but never fully loosing the center of a separate-self and truly becoming Infinite Being/the elephant). But an enlightened human and enlightened Alien on the other side would realize the same True Infinite Being. And more or less details of manifestation, assuming the Alien has a higher perspective in Indras Net of manifestation/appearance/dream. Realizing the Absolute, there is nothing else, never could be, and it is in certain ways "game over". The rest is just play with the surfaces, or manifestations of the dream... Selling the same constant eternal Water/River of True Being with no higher and lower and center, and the higher&lower&human&alien waves on its surface expressing their essence (water) fully, partially, or not so much... PS: Short Summary of all above: Levels of consciousness = levels of manifestation/dream/understanding/Awakening to these, and Infinite Being = no levels, no levels of consciousness, realizing Infinite Being as ones True Nature, aka True Enlightenment. It contains all of these levels, by definition. One doesn't need to surf on a high wave (of consciousness) to realize that the ocean is wet and infinite and ones true Infinite Being. Surfing high waves of consciousness/perspectives(alien or human) is then just sports that is done for fun, or not. It is not so important, just a fun game to play. But it is never done to ease the suffering/grasping of a remaining separate-self-contraction frolicking in "alien" Awakenings to higher more facets of the elephant dream stuff.
  11. Maybe because the Gentlemen at the Heavens Gate at 5min15s doesn't let everyone in? See also: Maybe this gentlemen doesn't like the numbers hanging at the wall at minute 43? ET apparently doesn't care, but it seems our Gatekeeper gentlemen does. Wonder why that is, and which ETs actually don't care.. To get lucid and awake in the dream state to access OBEs/Astral/Afterlife/and the gazillion of other dimensions ( and so on, one normally needs serious sobre awakened nondual states in the waking life before that extends to the sleep state/OBEs/deep sleep (aka meditation and transcendence of small-self/ego). And even then there are gatekeepers and protection mechanisms of these realms. Wisdom (aka Awakeness) AND compassion/love/Boddhichitta. Which are the two main areas of the development of the soul in the more sophisticated forms of Buddhism (and also any of the other wisdom traditions btw.). Ever wondered why we hear so little here about afterlife-topics, or the (relative) nature&mechanisms of the soul and its development as storepoint in a higher dimension of all learnings&Karma from the gazillion of past lives, Astral realms, afterlife realms and so on? Well, if one would have access to that, one would not behave in certain ways. And that would spoil the gig of this Lila, because one couldn't fool oneself if one would know all the consequences. Standard Lila 101. Instead we have ETs & company, happily seducing with their higher realms, stopping the complete transcendence of anything separate (aka ego) with their seductive powers of the Infinity of Gods imagination & manifestation processes. Instead of Full Enlightenment (Waking up to ones True Being/Identity, and that each and any (existing or possible) realm & understanding & awakening is a manifestation within THAT, within True Infinite Being), we get Awakening n+1, or a subtle separate-self still unseen/untranscended/not understood, stumbling from one higher Awakening to the next, n+1. Dangling up to an Infinity of Awakenings, understanding more and more of the Infinity manifesting within Infinite Being/God (and since Infinity is Infinity, endless, actually never understanding more than an infinitesimal small amount of the actual Infinity of possible manifestations. To be specific: A corn of dust blowing in the wind (ever considered the mathematical aspect of that, thinking it to the final end?), never quite finding fulfillment, never fully dropping into the Infinite Ocean of truly Infinite Being... Infinite = not finite. True Infinite Being. Infinity = a mathematical OBJECT of which there are an Infinity of (see Cantors Set Theory).Or: n+1. Infinite Being/Infinite God is "mainly" Infinite, the manifestation of God is an Infinity of Infinities. Big difference between Infinite and Infinity... Selling Water at the Heavens Gate & happy easter everyone! PS: Rumours have it that in 39 days is Acension Day, so... PS PS: Selling Water by the Rivers 2x2 matrix of human/alien Awakening/Enlightenment. Warning, conceptual overkill ahead. Better go for a walk in nature in spring... Both Awakening (some understanding to the mechanisms of manifestation or aspects/facets of the elephant) and Enlightenment (fully becoming Infinite Being/elephant without anything separate-self-lense/filter left) is available in human/alien(n+1) forms. Both Awakening and Enlightenment gets filtered through the capacity and lenses/filters of the relative vehicle experiencing a) Awakening or b) Enlightenment. Both a) Awakening and b) Enlightenment have both deep structures that are similiar in all beings that experience a) Awakening or b) Enlightenment, but the surface structure or interpretation is different. An example: "Hindu" Enlightenment is mostly interpreted as Infinite Consciousness/Universal Mind, while Buddhists tend to interpret and express it as Infinite Shunyata/Emptiness. Both have the same deep structure realization, but experience and express and "dress" it differently, in a different surface structure/concepts. Since all concepts and dualities fail at Enlightenment, that is possible. One can approach the mountain from both the Infinity and Emptiness side. And getting off the mountain, one can talk in both ways again. At the mountain summit, it is not Infinity nor Emptiness. It is THIS, infinite. Not finite. So, considering all of that we have a 2x2 matrix: (1) Human + Awakening; (2) Human + Enlightenment; (3) Alien/ET/n+1 any other vehicle than human + Awakening; (4) Alien/ET/n+1 any other vehicle than human + Enlightenment; Awakening Enlightenment Human (1) (2) Alien/n+1 (3) (4) So of course there are more encompassing perspectives/beings than humans. Leos Aliens for example. Beings in the subtle realms, advanced Alien species, or even way higher: If we go to a pretty high level, the traditions talk about beings that carry whole realms/universes within their own being, see the Supreme Array Sutra for example (Buddha-fields with "God"-Buddhas maintaing&expressing that realm within their being). Up and down Indras Net. Beings containing a vast number of buddha-fields/realms within themselves, and that up to Infinity. So we got all of these levels covered. Infinity. And now all of these perspectives/beings in Indras Net can have a) Awakenings (not fully realizing their true Infinite Being, but aspects/facets of it (the elephant and the blind man, up to whole "higher" realms in Indras Net/Manifestation and their mechanisms), while leaving the separate-self still subtly (can be very subtle, so subtle that one thinks one gets it while actually not getting/realizing it) intact and b) the full drop or the deep identity shift of Full Enlightenment, the dropping of these subtle filters/lenses/centres/identities, and truly becoming Infinite Being, seeing the former small/separate-self doing its dance within oneself, but not only being that. And that has the potential to end suffering/resistance to what is appearing within ones True Infinite Being. And that can be had as simple human (2), or as Alien, or higher Alien, n+1, or whatever (4). And then one can make a big mistake (from the persepctive of the separate-self, not from Mayas perspective, where that is just more great fun/play/Lila): Prefering Awakening and its inherent suffering/resistance/separate-self still left subtly intact, both as human (1) and as alien n+1 of whatever form (3) more than Enlightenment, as human and/or part-time (psychedelics for example) Alien (2) and (4). And now, dear fellow souls, lets choose wisely between to what one wants to asend to on Ascension day: (1) or (3) and remaining suffering/resistance to what is, and trying to realize an Infinity of (alien) manifestation/(alien)understandings/Awakenings of it, never reaching more than an infinitesimal small dust particle in the Infinity of the Infinite Potential of Infinite God/Being, or (2) and (4) accepting that it is truly Infinity forever and ever and ever and ever, and be pretty much happy ever after since the small bug of resistance called separate-self is understood/seen through in real time in daily life.... and then go enjoying the Awakening (1) and (3) if one is so inclined, as optional celebration of this journey...
  12. Welcome to Infinity of Gods. One could call that the Solipsists end-game. An infinity of separate-God-selfes. Indras Net (see link below) gone "ego" or "separate-self". The alternative would be: There is only one Reality. A Nondual & Infinite Unity of Infinite Being/Consciousness. Maybe that the whole thing is just the Real You, infinite and Impersonal Pure Consciousness/Awareness/Reality, splicing itself (apparently) up in infinite perspectives of Indras Net? Not a separate "God" in each node? Every single spiritual tradition over millenia that has made it to the nondual realization declared that there is ONE Infinite Being without (a second), manifesting itself in a myriad of (appearing) perspectives/beings. If that Infinite Being is infinite, it is by definition a unity, a Nondual being without anything outside of it. And no other besides it. That Infinite Being is Reality itself. There are not two realities. With declaring an Infinity of Gods, one is just cementing a separate-self (aka duality, not non-duality/Awakening) and blowing it up to God-like dimensions. Which is the opposite direction of stabilizing Nondual Awakening by transcending that which causes the separation/duality. That is at least my experience. One Reality, one Infinite Being, without a second. That is the testament of all spiritual traditions that came before and that made it to the Absolute. Just a little information sign along the road of Infinite Gods, if you don't mind. In order to not loose time traveling in the opposite direction of the intended destination. Every being is the own master of its Karma, and has freedom to choose. Selling Water by the River
  13. Just add a few dimensions more (that "you" forget now in real time), and you have endless perspectives or POVs. Noneuclidian Vision like below, a one-dimensional chain of endless 3D-Pocket dimensions, or Indras Net in 3D. Infinite possibilities to pull that off, game of mathematics. That is called Indras Net. Like one policemen watching the monitors of lots of security cameras: One Infinite consciousness (the policeman), endless cameras ("bodys or better 3D perspectives, with endless monitors), endless monitors. And now just remove policemen, camera and monitors, and stack all of these perspectives together into a dimensional model of your choice. And forget all other cameras in real time. Of course just a metaphor to make it clear: ONE (without a second) Infinite Awareness/Consciousness/Being, splicing itself up into infinite perspectives and forgetting these in real time. And totally empty and impersonal so that it can be and feel like "everything/everyone". The same way you can forget in time what you did exactly 1 year ago, you can forget all other perspectives "in space". People had visions of Indras Net, or of something like that, since the beginning of time, often while tripping on the local psychedelic of the season: Nice book btw. Indras Net. Each perspective reflecting each other perspectives. The outside of another human/being/holon is the reflection of that "node/being" in your "node/being", see this picture. And mathematics can already do that right now in endless unimaginable n-dimensional spaces, the math exists also in our world... One just can't imagine it, but calculate with it one can... or Net&author=Water by the River
  14. Besides endless amounts of NDEs, OBEs and past life memories... See the books of Christopher Bache for example, Jürgen Ziewe, Stanislav Grof. And countless reports all over the ages, derived from altered states (psychedelic, meditation, OBE, psychics,...). If you can keep the Absolute Perspective all the time in this life in fulltime awakened nondual states 24/7 and no longer suffer&resist, and expect that to hold in the next cycles, your reasoning is partly correct. If that is not the case, the attitude there is no next reincarnation & who cares about Karma will kick back big time in the next existence. Like it already does right now. Basically, its confusing Absolute Truth with Relative Truth. Do you think Infinite Reality is stupid enough to not to be able to store a bunch of tendencies of your relative self going from life to life (called Karma, mainly consisting out of wisdom/transcendence and compassion/love, and a lot of other imprints/tendencies/Karma) in an information bundle called "soul" on a higher dimension in Indras Net, as pretty much all above mentioned sources report? That is what reincarnates. On the relative/illusion-level, not on the absolute level. But I guess for most is the relative/illusion-level still quite "real" and "serious", like in suffering/resisting... All of that is relative appearance, part of the illusion/manifestation. Are you free of anything that reality can throw at you on the appearance level, like totally liberated 24/7? Then you can stop caring about these matters pretty much. But even for Enlightenments-gone-sour (lets make a nice cult to satisfy the remaining needs of a halfway-up-the-moutain not really stabilized Enlightenments that expresses itself not in all dimensions of the enlightened being in an integrated and loving way) that attitude of not caring will be kick-back, this life or the next. Mostly already this life. Anyway, this here is in the opinion of yours truly a quite smart idea: Although my view is higher than the sky, My respect for the cause and effect of actions is as fine as grains of flour. - Padmasambhava But I agree the show-factor (for the spectators) of spiritual bypassing and/or not taking relative truth ("Karma/Reincarnation") serious is way higher.
  15. You are right that this is the last piece of the puzzle. Self-Awareness (bold marking by me), or awareness of its own existence is indeed NOT the Absolute. Its the last illusion... I wouldn't say that for Awareness (since here we would be on slippery terrain), but for self-awareness/self-consciousness definitely. Massaro summarized it nicely. Maybe watch that video a few times, and then the other parts of the Infinity-series: Awareness is "always there" (or not, since its beyond existing and non-existing), at least as a potential for sentience (if nothing arises, aka cessation, deep sleep), but if there is nothing to perceive there is no (self-)-consciousness. Unaware Deep Sleep, Cessation. But it doesnt really make sense to talk about awareness/consciousness if there is no perception, since then there is also no self-consciousness or self-awareness. Its pure Infinity/Absolute. The clap of the one hand. THAT Reality/Being which can be unaware of itself is what you are. Not the (self-)awareness with which one identifies, that is one of the last lenses/filters of illusion. You can be nothing at all, unaware of yourself (since there is no self-reflective self yet), with the potential for sentience. In your case, I assume getting that is the last building block to Enlightenment and fully getting what you are. Without fully realizing that, there is a subtle murky "nothing" self (Roger Thisdell stage 4). Thisdells stage 5 (another video) is then the resolve of the contradictions of stage 4. Everything else after this True Being/Absolute comes later: Manifestation, Infinite Field of mere appearance, gods & humans & aliens and the whole shebang. The "I am self-Awareness/Consciousness" feeling/thought/Gestalt (very subtle, hard to spot, the end boss so to say) is the last illusion/filter/lense of the last separate-self that can be constructed. And since it can be seen, since it changes, its an object, temporary, moving in True You. Leaves us with the point who/what realized all of that? Reality/Being realizes itself. And that is called Enlightenment. Its not personal, its not anything separate. It is Reality comprehending itself. Jac O'Keffee: "We're left with consciousness that cannot know itself. It's such a fundamental that it actually can't know itself. However, it is known. You can drop back there and it is known, but you can't bring yourself there or your capacities to know it. It's almost like it's so fundamental that it can't turn around and see itself. It doesn't see itself. That's too much movement. That's movement such as space, time and identification and me, myself, I, and the building of my movie that happens". And maybe most important. It is not an it, or an Absolute, or anything "third person singular"-pronoun at all that "has" "Awareness" and explodes into manifestation. IT IS You. True You. With a big Y. That becomes totally obvious when the whole field is a mere appearance floating in Nothingness/Infinity (1), and you are "It" since there is no separate anything left at all, no center at all left (2). Nondual mere appearance, impersonally floating in the Infinite impersonal Universal Mind. Something reflecting about what it is (awareness,self-awareness, whatever) is already a separate-self (a manifestation, arising, moving within You. I-Thoughts/I-feelings have no dimension or form, but are still appearance/imagination/arising/"form"), and that hides the True Reality/Being. Too much movement... So yes, its tricky... Roger Thisdells stage model is nice. Since at stage 3 "Big-Mind" (Frank Yang called that God-state, easy to be reached via Psychedelics), one is already the nondual field (1). But getting the separate self mostly empty (Thisdell stage 4), and totally empty (Thisdell stage 5, centerlessness, Enlightenment), needs emptying out the separate-self completely. I have never seen one case where that was done mainly or purely with psychedelics. Not enough time in these states to empty out/transcend/understand the "high-speed-machine-gun-illusion-fire" of the separte-self-ego. But instead that lovely darling quite active appropriating all of the Nondual Infinity, Gods, Demons, ETs, n+1... Which sometimes is not for the faint-of-hearted. Ok, so, after mis-understanding the question the way I wanted in order to write about what I liked, lets come back to the original question: And why the "first" movement happened? 1.First, that is a question that presupposes duality. Form vs. emptiness, and also time. Which means it can't really be answered on the level of concepts. But lets try it anyway as good as possible, just so that it calms the remaining questions you have, so that you can rest in your True Being in a non-conceptual way so that the Big Bang can happen.. 2. Think in dimensions of Indras Net. Just because "your" perspective is "switched off" in cessation/deep sleep doesn't shut off all other perspectives. Understanding one single perspective ("yours") is enough to understand the structure of all perspectives/beings/nodes in Indras Net as Universal/Infinite Mind. Indras Net (which is also True You, but lets take the separte perspective) "continues" happily even if your perspective goes cessation/infinite/blank. 3. Who said it ever started? That is already a lot of Duality smuggled in. The past is imagined in its Totality right here and now. Its all a big illusion, including the past. True You is here right now, imagining all of it, fooling itself with such questions as you have (sorry to say, but you are close to the endgame boss, so I hope you forgive me). Get "rid" of the questions, let them dissolve in your infinite Nondual Being as mere movements of thought-arisings, and rest in your being in a non-conceptual way (Nonmeditation-Yoga). And sometimes softly ask yourself "who hears these words right now", but without effort and grasping. I have written extensively about Nonmeditation-Yoga (Mahamudra) somewhere else. Then the Big Bang can happen, Infinite Reality understanding itself. 4. Only Formlessness/emptiness/Infinity would be an asymetry. God has infinite potential of manifestation that apparently is being explored right here & now by "you" and "me" and "everyone else". To use a human metaphor: It is the nature of the Infinite to explore its potential, going from each creation cycle to the next. There have been many descriptions when coming out of cesstion/Nirvikalpha this original impulse for creation can be experienced. Not IN cessation (since there is nothing/pure infinity), but coming out of it. And, since its en vogue, lets close with ET: After so much Selling Water by the River, here the much more precise summary: The old pond, A frog jumps in: Plop! - Basho
  16. That can be anything sentient. And since there is only Infinite Consciousness, any Holon/perspective/being, from atom, bacteria, ant, animal, human (individual Holons), Alien, whatever n+1, to large social Holons like a Planetery Consciousness/Gaia, Galaxy or whole Universes/Realms/Lokas/Buddhafields/Dimensions holding the individual holons/beings in their larger being/realm. Up towards other Realms that are so alien/"other" one can not even talk about them because they don't have the correlates of this Realm like space/time/causality and so on (see for example Jac O'Keffee, Stephen Wolinsky, David Spandler, David Buckland). All beings/realms have some kind of sentience/interiortiy/consciousness, and something that makes them individual from the Totality/Infinite Reality, and that "something/manifestation" arises within their perspectives. Ken Wilber has a nice desription of Holons/perspectives/beings (both individual and social Holons) and Holarchy in Sex, Ecology, Spirituality. An Infinite Mind/Consciousness, separates itself into infinite perspectives/Holons/beings that are aware of each other (Indras Net), and play hide & seek & grow back home, in all realms and dimensions possible.
  17. There is nothing than the Absolute, only the Absolute, containting its manifestation. The other beings/perspectives can also only be this One Reality. And that there is Awareness in them as their essence, and that this is the One Pure Impersonal Awareness, is a direct realization available in certain awakened nondual states. That is enough! The "other" human beings are not non-player-characters. The feel the same as you. There essence IS you. And the other way round. This non-euclidian space vision Leavitt had is the way Reality can communicate this insight. A teaching tool communicated by Reality itself. Way better than Solipsism + all others are non-player-characters. That is just not the case. They are all the ONE Player, appearing as many. Leavitts vision is not the defining factor necessary to verify that other beings/perspectives ARE the same Impersonal Pure Awareness. The defining factor is Enlightenment, as described above. That is no belief-system, but a direct realization. As I wrote, take the Leavitt Picture of the non-euclidian space of perspectives/Indras Net as useful working model. It as a useful pointer to calm the mind on the question of others (the Solipsism belief-system), and practice nonceptual empty impersonal awakened states to get to nondual states and then realize what you are. That will answer the questions. Sure you can turn anything into an belief system. But then one better uses useful pointers or belief system that actually point at the moon to realize the moon. Not pointers pointing to the street-light and realizing then the street-light and thinking its the moon. One doesn't need to understand the workings of a steam machine in order to know its essence: steel. And one will never figure out the workings of Reality in its manifested details. Its infinity. God is busy exploring all of that, forever. If the fascination for figuring out all details of the steam machine fascinates so much that one doesn't realize its essence of Pure Impersonal Awareness (but thinks one has done it, but didn't, and hasn't got nondual awakened states sobre this way) and the essence of each and every possible differently designed steam engine, and suffers in a grasping way for experiencing ever more steam machines because one is bored or suffers because one hasn't realized ones essence.... Very actualized, indeed.
  18. The outer part of their node in Indras Net (their body) is what is visible in the visual field. The "Interiority" or their Awareness/Consciousness is also directly realized. As yourself. But your True Self, totally empty Impersonal Awareness. What you think what you are as separate self is obviously not compatible with Absolute Impersonal Pure Awareness, since its "loaded" with identities/properties/I-thoughts and so on. But the True Impersonal Pure Awareness in which this all arises is the same in other beings as in you. That is why its so important getting to such impersonal Pure Awareness States, because only in these empty/impersonal Pure Awareness states do nondual/Unity states arise and develop without psychedelics. And only in these can the Absolute Nondual Reality be realized. Every other not impersonal empty Pure Awareness state covers the inherent True Nature with clouds of illusion covering it. But that must be realized, there is no shortcut describing that fully with words/concepts. The second part is a good question: You are not aware of all perspectives manifesting right now. Do you know what you did exactly one year ago? I don't. So we admit forgetting in time. The challenging part is only admitting that forgetting other perspectives in space is also possible. That is why the vision of Leavitt is so helpful to understand how Reality/True You manages to do that. And the really interesting part is that he had non-euclidian space (which can hold infinite perspectives) in that vision. When the full nondual realization is in place it is directly realized and clear anyway. But until then the vision of Leavitt can help keeping oneself open that all others beings are exactly NOT Non-Player-Characters, but YOU. It quiets these doubt-arising about how all beings can be you, lets you rest in Impersonal Pure Awareness, and when these states ripen to nondual states of Pure Impersonal Awareness/boundless nondual Totality, then in these states true realization can happen. The picture of Leavitt and all these concepts alone, proove nothing of that.
  19. Here he is referring not to Leo/gross level of reality (this world), but to higher subtle/lower causal states where manifestation works like that. From the perspective of Reality/"God", if one is inclined to call it that) it works indeed like that. And as Leo also already found out, it doesn't work on the Leo-Level of Indras Net like that, or else the million dollar would already be on the bank-account. Or why the camera didn't capture the Alien: Because the totality of Indras Net overpowers with its will/manifestation/imagination-process the will of the little Leo-Node in it. When one becomes (Unity-state) the whole net of Indra, of course one wants exactly what Indras Net (the manifested Totality of Infinite Consciousness) wants at this moment: This world manifested/imagined exactly as it is(!), with strigent laws of manifestation (physical, biological, psychological, spiritual/Karma and so on) with no million dollar on the bank account by wishful thinking. And if one would still want the million dollars (egoic arising), one wouldn't be in a Unity State with Indras Net! It is just one huge assumption that these insights and higher subtle/lower causal states (Union with the Totality of Indras Net) can not be had on the meditation/mystic path. Or in a more pure/impersonal way on the psychedelic path when combining it with more ego/separate-self transcendence/meditation. Why? Because Absolute Reality is IMPERSONAL, or in other words PURE Infinite Consciousness/Awareness. It is these ego/separate-self arisings/filters/lensen that kill the awakened nondual state in normal sobre-ego-state, and it is these filters/ego-lenses that get mostly lifted (not totally) in the psychedelic state, and on top one gets the nondual infinite experiences/states, and many Awakenings n+1 of all different kinds. All disfigured and partly misinterpreted by these last remainings lensens/filters of ego/separate-self in the psychedelic experience. All of that also has the hallmark of confusing remaining separate-self/ego remains/lenses with Impersonal Pure Consciousness/Reality itself (the higher subtle, lower causal levels (Indras Net) and Impersonal Infinite Consciousness itself). Why? Because with psychedelics one gets these states "for free" without paying the "normal" price of ego-transcendence before. So of course one perceives all of these states through the lenses of the not completly transcended ego. And one doesn't even "see" or realize this lense of perception, because one is still identified with it, sees "through" it. Because if one would be aware of that, it would be already gone&transcended. And that is why Leo totally sincerly makes the claims he does. He can't see the lenses that block nondual awakened states sobre, and he can't see these lenses through which he interprets all of these state-experiences and Awakenings. And that then results in the Infinity of Gods Videos, which sould have better been called an Infinity of God-Egos. The last ego/separate-self mechanisms/lenses/filters are extremely subtle and hard to spot. Very subtle arisings that are formless (not coarse thoughts or feelings) and create the illusion that one is not already all of Reality. It takes a long time in certain awakened nondual states to get rid of these towards Pure Impersonal Infinite Nondual Consciousness. It is these subtle arisings that don't let one see (or bask in) the True Absolute State of Awakened Infinite Nondual Reality in the first place in sobre states. Selling (Impersonal/Pure Awareness) Water by the (Infinite Impersonal) River
  20. "General" Omniscience in knowing what the essence of everything, and what anything possible is and ever could be, yes. Knowing the gold of the ring,. Specific Omniscience in knowing everything thats going on in all perspectives of Indras Net, or knowing all rings: Even Leo said "genereal" Omniscience instead of specific omniscience. Leo never claimed omnipotence as Leo. Well, not yet, as far as I know. God/Reality/Absolute is omnipotent, not anyones relative self. God could be considered as the "sum total" of all beings/persepctives/nodes of Indras Net (the manifest side of Infinite Consciousness/Absolute) and its essential unchanging essence of Empty Impersonal Groundless Awareness (the unmanifest Side of Infinite Consciousness). But here we already are on slippery conceptual/duality terrain. No single node/perspective/being in that is omnipotent. Sure any being can (correctly) claim to be the Totality (which it is at its ESSENCE), but the standard move of declaring/confusing "Ego/separate self/node in Indras Net = God" and declaring that omniscient and omnipotent doesn't work. Or: Nietzsche: God is dead. God: Nietzsche is dead. That always ends in (solipsistic) Narcissism and suffering.
  21. Maybe that analogy helps: All relative (any manifestation/arising/anything) can disappear (and does in certain states, deep sleep, Nirvikalpa, at least for the invidual perspective/being in Indras Net, but that suffices to understand it), and the Absolute is still there. The Absolute can be without the relative (or manifestation/arising), but the relative can not be without the Absolute. That is a very clear realization that can be had. A metaphor: The essence of the ring (relative) is gold (absolute). There is nothing but gold all the time. But the ring can be gone/dead/destroyed if molten, leaving its reality (the gold) unchanged in essence. Always througout at each moment is only the Absolute (gold). The ring/Relative is a manifestation/arising of the gold/Absolute, a modulation of it arising within it, as it, nondual. The Absolute and the relative are not on the same ontological level. One is more fundamental than the other. And deviating from the ring/gold-example, the Absolute/Being also is potentially aware if something arises. One can destroy each and any manifestation/universe/relative, and the Absolute would be just fine, eternally silent, empty and groundless, unchanging, infinite and eternal, absolute unmanifested infinite potential. Pure empty infinite Awareness/Being, unaware of itself if nothing arises. "Until" it casts itself out again... And btw., that is not philosophy, but an actual realization that every being can potentially have, this life or the next.
  22. Beautiful! IT (what you describe, bold markings by me) is always right here, and can not be gone. Just temporarily clouded with containing/giving arising to the illusion-arisings of the self-contraction (certain I-thoughts and I-feelings). One can do perfectly fine without them, because most of them are just suffering. I am happy for you that you had this Awakening, insight and experience. That is a wonderful "place" to live ones life from. Water by the River PS: Just some further musings, not specifically intented as answer for you/your post, but also for others that maybe are a bit put off (or just dont really know what I mean by that) by my frequent mentioning of the Impersonal/Nonpersonal [or empty] Nature of Reality/Pure Primary Consciousness/Infinite Consciousness. I certainly would have been a few years ago. [IT/Infinite Reality (what you describe, bold markings by me) is always right here, and can not be gone. Just temporarily clouded with containing/giving arising to the illusion-arisings of the self-contraction (certain I-thoughts and I-feelings). One can do perfectly fine without them, because most of them are just suffering.] Yet, after waking up, the personal individuality/soul stays, though no longer being a separate-self, but an enlightened being in nondual unity with existence itself. Impersonal or non-personal is not bad at all (although it can sound scary in the beginning), but on the opposite: It allows for the full expression of ones individuality or soul-qualities, that now can finally flourish in nonduality, and are no in a contracted separate-ness, hampeing its flow and expression with suffering and other not so nice experiences. But instead expressing itself fully in the Infinite Existence/Reality that one really is then, containing in this perspective (of Indras Net/Reality itself) this individual soul and its expressions. It is like: Unenlightened Being/perspective = Absolute Reality + Individuality/soul + and separate-self arisings cutting Nonduality/Reality into two, creating suffering and/or boredom. Enlightened Being/perspective (or better woken up perspective in Indras Net, since the separate being has been transcended and replaced with Infinite Reality itself) = Absolute Reality + Individuality/soul (each perspective/being is different, have different traits and capacities and inclinations, even enlightened ones) + and no more separate-self arisings cutting Nonduality/Reality into two, but instead True Identity= Impersonal/Nonpersonal Infinite Reality + containing (transcended and intergrated) Individuality/soul, evolving further in this non-contracted state of being. Enlightenment is not the final end of the caterpillar-being (only of certain aspects of it (clouding mechanisms, separate-self-illusions), preventing it from being a butterfly), but just the beginning of the unique butterfly and its path, this life and the next...
  23. Thanks for describing your experience. I do agree with that, based on my own experience. And thousands of others in all cultures and centuries described it like you do. That is a very important element of the path. It probably sounds quite a bit nuts, boring and strange. At least I would have interpreted it like that a few years ago... But that is exactly how the Impersonal (Silent/Pure/Empty) Infinite Consciousness perceives all of its manifestation in certain awakened nondual states, watching itself, perceiving itself, being itself and the world, by itself, for itself. (1) That starts to happen when the self-contraction/separate-self is seen through, transcended and cut off either with high enough speed & proficiency, or with some more energetic state-change techniques. So the resulting flow of bliss makes it no longer possible for any grasping/contracting thought/feeling-arising to grip & contract the focus/attention (and cut the nondual field into two, or duality), and create bad emotions/stop the flow of bliss. And motivating the separate-self with that resulting suffering again for searching or avoiding certain experiences to eradicate the suffering, and relax the contraction again. That process you describe is the natural way that leads the transition to the deep identity level change to ones True Nature, the Infinite Silent and peaceful/blissful Abyss of Pure Consciousness without location or any kind of objective appearance... When not finding IT (or Consciousness, or oneself), at some point the localization of consciousness dissolves, making every appearance (thought, feeling, cloud, tree, the whole world including ones "small self") just an appearance arising in the Infinite, silent & empty and not-personal Eternal Reality of Ones True Being, Infinite Consciousness, or Reality itself. (2) And when it is seen that even the "Understander" of this Nondual and Awake Realization is nothing more than a bundle of "understanding"-thoughts arising WITHIN THAT, then Full Enlightenment is finally seeing that there never was a separate-self besides an illusion, and nobody (besides) an Illusion actually woke up. Pure Infinite Consciousness/Being was there throughout, undisturbed, just containing some illusion-arisings. And yet, that Realization or waking up of that perspective of Indras Net makes all the difference in the dream of that perspective, finally dissolving the self-contraction/separate-self illusion even of the "Understander" of all of that for good. Selling Water by the River PS: (1) are the stages of dissolving the separate-self into nonduality, and (2) is going from Nonduality/Unity towards even relaxing/dissolving the "Understander"-separate-self-illusion of that into Infinite Consciousness/Reality itself. More on that in this post: PS PS: For Infinite Reality to create a separate-self/self-contraction/ego and to maintain it, there are just two emotions needed that have to regularly occur in cycles (not permanently, that would also kill the separate-self) : 1) suffering (in the meaning of non-satisfied-ness, or "non-bliss" , and 2) boredom. That starts all of the projects for getting back again the bliss via certain experiences (whatever that may be varies a lot). A bliss that would be there if not the separate-self-contraction would stop its flow via contracting. Of course, that can only be seen after having touched the natural bliss of ones True Being, because if that would be seen earlier the whole process would be shut off immediately. But if there is no technique available to just cut off the contraction/suffering, one has to stick to grasping for certain experiences, because that is then all one has...
  24. Also on that I agree. Fully. As long as it is a fully enlightened Alien Consciousness on a stable basis. Imagine a little very happy and blissful Alien Consciousness, fully aware pretty much all of the time of its True Natrue, basking in the bliss of its True Nature. So lets go up the ladder of enlightened beings, and why the higher ones probably smile lovingly on the fully enlightened primitive human. One can have a fully enlightened human, and then a fully enlighened angel (or whatever one wants to call that), and even probably an fully enlightened planetary consciousness. Then fully enlightened Galaxy-Consciousness. Fully Enlightened= knows its True Nature, and that of all appearance, of all realms, all dimensions, of all that is possible. Short form: Knows Absolute Infinite Reality/Consciousness. The essence of all(!) possible realms/dimensions. And probably quite early above the Human level, full enlightenment is given or pre-requisite. See Christopher Baches "Diamond Light Lucidity Beings", LSD and the Mind of the Universe: Diamonds from Heaven Then an enlightened entity (also a, although huge, enlightened perspective in Indras Net, encompassing holarchically many other perspectives, but not as dominant monad perspective, but as group holon, yet with its own agency) creating, maintaining and managing a Universe. An enlightened entity managing a group of Universes. For sure extremely Alien already here. Next: An enlightened entity containing, reflecting and managing an enlightened entity managing a group of Universes. Thinking about which kind of Dimension to create next. Next: An enlightened entity containing an infinity of the entities above, defining the charateristics of appearing universes so alien to ours that they would be barely reckognizeable. Next: An enlightened entity containing an infinity of the entities above, Next n+1, and the mathematical move of n towards infinity. That is a class of Infinity, and STILL not Infinite Absolute Reality. Still not all of Reality. Still not God. And now comes to kicker: A holarchie of enlighened beings upwards to infinity. That is btw. Ken Wilbers perspective (although he holds back): Holons upwards to infnity, and downwards (or we will never find the final quark/string, whatever). And what contains all of that? The INFINITE Absolute Reality/Consciousness. God. The Singularity that can very well be realized. Not on animal level, but starting here on human level on this lovely little planet of ours. Sure, there is nothing else to do until all of eternity than exploring exactly all the realms/dimensions/consciousnesses and so on. Hopefully in a fully enlightened way, basking in the bliss of True Nature. Maybe that helps getting an idea why yours truly is not too much grasping and suffering for certain insights/Awakenings going up that ladder towards Infinity and ever more Alien stuff (and giving up staying in True Nature/bliss while doing so). Health in an eco-system (or Holarchie) is also defined as functional fit: Knowing ones role/being/limitations, and having healthy exchanges on all levels of being, up and down the Holarchie. And there is plenty of juicy job-opportunities described in the ladder above, for all of eternity and every next life still yet to come. And on all levels, Empty Mirros are very welcome, see signature. Water by the River
  25. I agree that some Awakenings can't be had without psychedelics. And that what you call Alien Consciousness is for sure cutting edge. And I do consider you a pioneer, and have read so far most of what you wrote, and watched most of your videos. "Alien Consciousness is completely beyond everything those Buddhists understand or have ever achieved." That I don't know, since I don't know what every Buddhist has achieved. But it is very well possible what you write, since they didn't have 5-MeO and other stuff. They had psychedelics [ Secret Drugs of Buddhism: Psychedelic Sacraments and the Origins of the Vajrayana ], but not all what is available now, and not pure. But some exploration they did: , Yet, I consider Full Enlightenment becoming that Ultimate Reality as a Deep Identity level shift, with no more filters of the separate-self not seen through or covering that Realization/Deep Identity Level shift, no more filter on any of these Awakenings/Enlightenments. True Self, because every being is that already, with some illusion-clouds on top. Not projecting Absolute Reality on separate-self remains, but pure Impersonal Infinite Consciousness. And since that brings bliss and liberation in daily life. I consider it highly valueable. Summum Bonum [ ] So lets continue exploring and awakening to ever higher, larger and more encompassing [Alien] perspectives in Indras Net of Reality, since that is one of the reasons why we are, and one of the reasons God is playing that game/Lila. I just propose doing that from a consideration of the basis of the Summum Bonum mentioned above. Considering that suffering = continued search for further experiences/understandings/realization and end of suffering = resting in ones Deep True Identity as Reality itself, there is a "little" pointer given by Reality via suffering on that issue. Specifically: Placing the importance/value of Alien Consciousness on the same level as striving for Full Enlightenment, i feel fine with that. As long as the Alien Consciousness doesn't drag home some less-than-healthy consequences. Why? Because the paths for both goals go towards more Consciousness, not less. They run parallel, or at least normally not opposed if one doesn't get lost in these Alien Awakenings. Which probably can be avoided. Placing anything higher as the striving for Full Enlightenment is in my perspective choosing suffering, which is not a permanently sustainable strategy. That is the only reason why I am writing all of this. Besides that, I am a big fan Leo! The world needs more people like you. The more pioneers we have, the faster the Wild West is explored. And the faster we know where the rattlesnakes are hiding, which branch-off of the path leads to Death Valles and which leads to California. Water by the River