Truth Addict

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Posts posted by Truth Addict

  1. 18 minutes ago, Etagnwo said:

    Im alreafy free. Thats the truth. The truth is that you think that freedom and peace lies in not thinking and blurring everything into one.

    I'm free because nothing that ever happened made any difference to me as the watcher. 

    Therefore I'm free to engage in life as a person with an ego and an emotional mind. 

    That's freedom. 

    You are just dysfunctional 

    Assuming that you are already truly free, you should be able to stop hating rape, for example, whenever you want to. Which seems not to be the case, I don't know if you can, but I guess from your comments that you are a slave to your emotions, not the other way around.

    Also, you're being defensive about your opinion which ultimately implies slavery.

    You really solve nothing by hating it. A robot with no emotions at all could prevent stealing, for example, it could also steal and kill and rape, with no emotions at all. Why would you assume emotions are necessary and objective?

    Understanding is the way.

    Much love ?

  2. @Spinoza 

    What Leo is trying to do, is completing the agenda of religion, it's an ego, it has a purpose, which is the end of suffering.

    Because to a non-egoic being there's no point of talking, no point of ending suffering, no point of anything.

    Who knows? Maybe God is an ego, maybe He has His own agenda. ? I just can't blindly believe that God (Who is infinitely intelligent) is playing around. There has to be something we still don't understand.

    See, all that Leo is really about is non-materialism, the opposite pole of atheism and current society. Religion did the same thing only in a different way, Leo is mainly targeting an atheist audience that is so stuck in the materialist paradigm. Whereas religion's audience were theists but mostly polytheistic or a corrupt monotheistic or something like that.

    I think this is the big picture for, Leo indirectly hints to that all the time.

  3. 9 minutes ago, Etagnwo said:

    I'm aware I create my emotions.

    Thank God because life is meaningless without them 


    It's true, life is meaningless.

    Your ego wants to create meaning, and I'm not saying that meaning is a bad thing. I'm just saying it's not the Truth. Only you decide whether you want to be deluded or not. Appreciate how much freedom you get from knowing the Truth.

  4. @electroBeam

    It might seem blunt and abstract, but all you have to do is just BE the one you need to be.

    What helps you most busting your limitations is Leo's videos on how to stop being a victim. I've been there. If you have already watched them, then start taking action, don't give up control, love your self, accept your self, cuz you're a good person, I remember you helped me once.

    Meditate, contemplate, inquire, eat healthy, exercise, go out with your friends, accept their perspectives, love others, love yourself, stop overthinking if you do (I assume so), and finally get enough comfortable sleep (I think this one is important).

    Hope you find something useful.

    Much love ?

  5. Just now, Etagnwo said:

    Your emotions may cause hatred. My emotions inform me. 

    It's not personal dude, we're just sharing perspectives. 

    You think your emotions inform you because you have never questioned them.

    Contemplate emotions, how do they arise? And why? Stop taking emotions for granted, they're very subjective, you create your emotions, this is the Truth.

    Much love and respect for you ?

  6. 4 hours ago, Etagnwo said:

    Yes it's all you. But that doesn't mean that you have to like it. 

    There is a difference between having likes and dislikes and being ruled by them (identification). 

    You still want to heed your ego when it comes to discernment. That's what the ego IS FOR! 

    At the moment the ego is using YOU to repress suffering. 


    You can like or dislike it (judge it), or you can simply try to understand why it happened in the first place.

    The latter is where you solve the problems. Otherwise, emotions only create more hatred.

  7. 20 minutes ago, Outer said:

    He said the rock is in consciousness. Before he said it is consciousness. The latter which is compatible with materialism.

    I don't think you really get it. He said that we (consciousness) can't get beyond consciousness, therefore we take it as rock bottom. And that's very different from the materialist paradigm, because for matter, we always know that there's more to it, even though we might not be able access it. (Read Max Planck's quote in the beginning of the video).

    Do some consciousness work, you don't know what you're missing out on.

    20 minutes ago, Ether said:


    I'm not a Buddhist but yeah ?

    14 minutes ago, Max_V said:

    I really loved his new video as well. He comes across so authentic.

    Yes, very energetic, authentic and totally in peace. ?

    13 minutes ago, Rilles said:

    Love the beard and the shirt, feels like were gonna get some deep stuff coming up when the whole look changes :P

    He's getting cuter every week. :x

  8. @Leo Gura said:

    "But then again, ask yourself: is what you're experiencing right now not fantastical? You're alive, you exist. Look at all these amazing things that's happening around you, it's utterly remarkable. You just take it for granted because you've been alive for so many decades, that you take it for granted. But when you were born, it was all magical and incredible, and none of it made any sense, it was all fantastical, there was no such thing as seeing a dog walking down the street and not being fascinated and blown away by it. It was incredible."


    I have been wondering for almost a month about life, experience, consciousness, and being. Just the way how Leo articulated it was so eloquent, it had my heart open. I love you Leo ?

    Great episode, and very mind opening.

    And thumbs up for the beard and the new shirt. They're perfect for you.

  9. 8 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

    True, but think of the image from a PR perspective:

    CNN Breaking News: "Enlightened master beats follower with sharp stick and enjoys it. What a monster!" ;)

    The whole point is, the enlightened master doesn't have a problem with his anger. It's the outside world that judges him. And unfortunately for him, the outside world ain't as enlightened as he is.

    Sadhguru has been accused of murder and holding followers hostage in his cult. I've been accused of being a pedophile. So yeah... if you're gonna be enlightened, you need to develop a stomach for being misunderstood.


    Leo, I told my mother about you, she said you worship the devil and also drink human blood. Seriously, she literally said that.

    And now I'm dumped in my room, she doesn't talk to me anymore.

  10. Been thinking for a while, just felt like sharing it with you.



    It doesn't make sense only from the ego's point of view, therefore creating so much suffering. If you want happiness or peace of mind, just accept what is as it is.

    Happiness or peace of mind gives you the freedom to do everything you want. This meaninglessness is very meaningful because it creates so much potential.

    P.S. This is life in a nutshell (Good vs. Evil, God vs. Devil, Truth vs. Falsehood, True Self vs. Ego, etc...)

    P.S. I'm not at the level of 100% comprehension of what I just said, not even close, but I can see clearly that it's quite the case, at least conceptually.

    Have a great day, night, whatever. ?