Truth Addict

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Posts posted by Truth Addict

  1. People will look at the 'present you', so just be confident and comfortable in your skin, everything else will work itself out for you.

    Don't combat. Instead, accept yourself and embrace your mistakes.

    Also, don't seek approval, it works so counter-intuitively. Notice that "cool" students don't really care about nothing. And "lame" students are the ones who care.

    Of course, doesn't mean that you should become a jerk. Just be detached from others opinions and judgements.

    And more importantly, know that you are worthy of love and respect.

    Side notes: love others, help whenever possible, speak freely with confidence using your whole body to express yourself, be friendly with strangers, don't take sides, try to be a solution when you can, don't expect anything in return.

  2. On the ultimate level, there's no difference at all. Same exact thing.

    On the mainstream level:

    Material is anything that can be "quantified" by some scientific measuring tool and broken down to smaller portions and then expressed in theories and/or mathematical equations. So that we can "objectively" test and derive scientific (material) truths from (which happen to be absolutely relative).

    Examples: apple, car, bus horn, magnetic field, atoms, electrons, gravity, etc...

    Non-material, is what's not the above.

    Examples: thoughts, love, fear, God, paranormal abilities, dreams, out-of-body experiences, etc...

    As you can see, material requires the confirmation of others (what's called "objectivity") an example of herd mentality, non-material only requires first-person's confirmation. So that's an easier way to answer your question.

  3. @Paul92 It all boils down to this:

    1) You're not happy. If you are truly happy, you won't care to ask.

    2) Your happiness is completely conditional, true happiness is completely unconditional. You think you're happy because you're life is going your way, but what happens when it stops? Would you still be happy?

    For example: Would you still be happy if you woke up someday in a prison cell? Or lost a loved one? Or your whole life goes crashing? Or you know, anything worse than that. Would you still be happy?

    3) You don't know the Truth. So, what do you even know? Look how easily you have been deluded by this spiritual claims about what you should do or be! Ground yourself in Truth, so that nothing can shake your ground.


    Forget about all that, and go back to your regular life. But come back again when you're tired of suffering.

  4. It's very complicated.

    I don't know how anything starts at first, I guess it starts very simple like a single cancer cell, then becomes a serious cancer by time (billions of cells and connections).

    It's not like someone wakes up some morning and says: "hey, let's start a cult and become a cult leader and conquer the world."

    Every ego is capable of creating a cult, it's just a matter of luck and the accumulation of circumstances meeting their needs to create it.

  5. @Robi Steel

    'Brains do not exist' does not mean they're useless, or unnecessary.

    It just means they're secondary and relative to the primary and absolute.

    It means that reality is not physical or material.

    The brain is a very important tool in this relative realm (dream). It will disappear when the dream is over. So just don't mistake it for being absolute.

    I suggest you watch Leo's episode 'What is Consciousness?', many of your questions will be answered.

    Of course, direct experience is still required. Conceptual understanding is only the first step.