Truth Addict

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Everything posted by Truth Addict

  1. @FoxFoxFox If the model wasn't the same as the real thing, how could it produce similar effects? Could it all be just models, and nothing actually is real in the first place?
  2. @phllip103 Are you talking about the many layers of burger? Cuz I'm hungry ?
  3. @Highest This is all very obvious stuff. Still, doesn't produce any high of any kind.
  4. Cool! I also had a lot of highs on running, but that was two years ago before I ever knew that's possible, or what the value of it would be, it was all before I started to buy into this self actualization thing. It helped me break out of a 7 years long depression. I can't wait for the summer to try again with clear intentions to seek higher truths.
  5. @kieranperez Belief in the simplest language, is a layer, an imaginary mask upon the face of Truth that we, humans, confuse for Truth.
  6. All of this is pointing to the subjective experience, which will ultimately destroy all traditional "objectivity". Truth is subjective, and this subjectivity is objective.
  7. @Nahm These questions are kind of hard to answer. But in general, my life is pretty much good and peaceful, most of my internal struggles are gone, I am now more honest with myself than I have ever been. It's just that I have some questions that I haven't answered yet. Habits: I might want to start going to the gym, but I'm not sure I want that. I don't feel like I need it. I don't have any specific habit that I want to quit right now. My life is quite comfortable. I mentioned in earlier posts that I don't mind even working as a slave for a living. Of course, my parents won't agree with me, but I'm fine, I could also work anything else and give away my money to them, I don't want anything to myself. I have already forgiven everyone and everything including myself, because I know that nobody had a choice and that everything is inevitable. What I feel I need the most is experience in the real world, which ironically, is not so much interesting to me. Meditation and self-inquiry help me know myself better, and therefore I can know everyone else better. I'm enjoying life, I do what I feel like doing, I sleep as much as I want and everything. I never had such an opportunity in the past. I was always busy working and studying, but it's been almost 6 months without any of these two. Right now I have almost no obligations, except for college which I have failed at last year, so I am now waiting for the exams, studying a little bit here and there when I feel like it. I don't want anything from life, I've come to the conclusion that everything is the same when one gets used to it. Also, I'm not consistent with meditation or self-inquiry, I practice when I feel I need to. You could say that my baseline level of awareness is meditation, sometimes I lose it, but it's still the majority of my time. I hardly get angry or frustrated, and as I grow more, it's getting even less likely to resist anything. I'm completely surrendered, and even though there are some limitations to that, when something happens opposing to my plans, I accept it and move on. I hope that clarified something about me.
  8. This means that whatever happens is Good, and nothing is important, my life does not matter, it'll always be Good. Well that feels freeing! And really too good to be true! But it requires some courage and faith. I'll work on that. Thank you Leo, I like your new style (teaching style included).
  9. @thesmileyone Everything seems pointless when there is a thought that says so. If you remove the thought, everything becomes meaningful again. For something not to be pointless, the mind wants it to have a goal. But maybe the goal is being achieved already without the thought knowing. So stop thinking, and start experiencing.
  10. @Leo Gura What do you mean God is good without an opposite? Good for whom? You taught in the past that good vs evil is a duality, and now goodness is all there is. I expect you mean goodness=existence, while evil=non-existence.
  11. @Nahm I want some solid land to stand on, I want something 100% true, I want to rest sure, I want to know why I am here, and all that. I was always deluded in the past. I used to believe a lot of things. Now, I don't know. I just don't know.
  12. There are two options I guess: I can adopt some belief system (religion). Or, I can stop thinking about it, and drop it once and for all. And I should 'believe' that this somehow will give me the answers. I tried religion, but I can never be 100% sure, it will always be a belief, and which religion to believe? There are too many. The second option does not sound convincing, but I will keep an open mind if you suggested it or anything else.
  13. @How to be wise Great thread ? To me, the past is 99% destroyed. I have almost zero identification with the past, but at the same time, I always learn from it, and I couldn't be happier.
  14. @David Hammond Okay, and thanks. One last question, what do you mean by "movement" here:
  15. @David Hammond I want you to be more bold if it's required, please. If you see me deluding myself, please punch me in the face. The last thing I want anyone to do near me is play nice with my ego. But, I can't really see how I am clinging to old times, if you please could be more specific. And from my point of view, I see drama happening on other people's side, because I don't find anything of real importance. Correct me if I'm wrong. I asked here because I wanted to get help, not caressing.
  16. That's what I also inspected. My realisations were always superficial, I don't feel them on a cellular level. I have a book from adya, "Emptiness Dancing", I haven't read it yet. I'll definitely read it after your recommendation. Thank you for the support, I won't hesitate to ask you if I need anything. @David Hammond like what? And also, isn't it a judgement from the mind that inquiring doesn't matter?
  17. Hmmm, interesting! Do you have the answers to them? Or you just don't think about them at all?
  18. @FoxFoxFox I'm still in the third month of my self-inquiry practice, and I'm not even consistent. All the questions that point to the present moment does not satisfy me, because I already reside in the present moment most of the time, my concerns are more about the future, the after life, etc... If these things are even possible to be known. Anyway, I'll go on with self-inquiry until something clicks. Thank you for your time. @David Hammond well, I don't know what gave the impression that there's struggle. In fact, I am fine. I just don't know. To me, this existential inquiry is what I do effortlessly, of course not all the time. But when I'm free, that's what I do, it's kind of a hobby, and I'm curious. @Winter ?
  19. @fortifyacacia3 Agnosticism is kind of an ideology, you believe that you can't know anything. Spirituality is the empirical exploration of that claim.
  20. @Dodo To answer this question, we must understand that intelligence does NOT equal IQ. Everything is intelligent, or else it cannot exist. There's intelligence in being, it's inherent. Intelligent = alive (not dumb, not dead matter). And as you inspired this thread's title from mine, allow me to mention that even though I know that everything is intelligent, I am still numb, and I don't care.
  21. This I is a thought. Maybe all I am is a thought. But nevertheless, there's still a being that couldn't be denied, a perception, or an existence. And I am witnessing it from the inside. I'm not saying this to be stubborn, or to argue with or deny your advice, I'm just being honest with you. Please be patient with me.
  22. @Winter Ha! The link you posted seems very similar to me, yet not the same. I was always interested in figuring out what is happening in this life, and I still am. I want it, and I honestly don't have a single dream to achieve in my life, I could work as a slave or stay with my family and give them all of my money, I don't really want anything out of this life. I care about existing, but I don't care about other people existing or not. To me, what frightens me the most is if I lose my mind (illusion of control), and and even saying that, I'm not sure that'll be the case. I became aware of a lot of the ways I used to deceive myself in the past in order to survive, and now I can easily manipulate those ways to serve my survival, which I don't care about a lot, I mean I care about staying alive, but nothing more (the quality isn't important to me, I won't go out of my ways to improve the quality of my life). @FoxFoxFox I mean with "I don't exist" what the average person means with the word "exist". Which is the location of me in the body, behind the eyes, somewhere in the brain, etc... And no, I've overcome depression in its worst cases, so I won't worry about it. This last part I don't quite understand: I know that I am, but that does not explain anything to me, or at least not like a super realisation or something. It's like very superficial realisation to me. I believe I am just a part of God, not the entire God. I don't know if I am immortal, I understand that this could be the case, but I don't know what will happen after this experience dies, this omnipresence thing I have never known what it's like, etc... I'm quite convinced that nothing really matters. Nothing is important.
  23. @mandyjw Cool YouTube channel! On a more serious note, yeah, I did become aware of that law recently, it has to do a lot with closed-mindedness, which I was.