Truth Addict

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Everything posted by Truth Addict

  1. @Anton Rogachevski I'm sorry for the misunderstanding. It was my bad. Anyway, I prefer being independent from external motivators, because they're changing all the time. I've missed your threads and posts my friend, I've always admired your views and visions. I hope we see more of that. Have a great day!
  2. @Anton Rogachevski You said freedom is from the inside, not the outside. And yet, you derive your motivation from the outside, from Leo, I think this can be somehow enslaving. I'd dig in here, I think there can be some value in reconsidering how you get motivated. Plus, you judged and criticised Leo for being ideological, but is he really? Or is that just a projection? Leo is just presenting ideas, it's up to us whether we will become ideological about them or not. But you're right. Of course, I can work as a slave and be free at the same time. There's no difference between freedom and slavery. But, a true leader is not a slave, one can't be a true leader with the mindset of a slave. Still, a slave with the mindset of a leader is definitely a true leader, only lacking better opportunities. So don't feel down, we're all in the same pit, we're all slaves to reality, and we're all free from everything else. I think a good conclusion would be the following: In theory, there's no difference between slavery and freedom. But in practice, there is.
  3. @Hansu Good question. The answer is very obvious and simple, you do the best you can do, and accept the rest. Or in other words, you don't choose what to do to begin with, you would act automatically (like you and I did right here), whether the action is mere thoughts and acceptance, or a real action in the real world. But a better answer would be this: You don't stay in the present moment, because you can't leave it in the first place, you are always in the present moment. What needs to be done is just letting go of the past and the future. I personally find it better to focus on deconstructing the illusion (what's not here and now), until you're left with the truth (what's here and now). Of course, that doesn't mean you become a victim, etc... This means that true change can only happen on the ground of acceptance, not resistance. Simply because problems are endless, and if you face them with resistance, you will face the same problem again, only this time it will be harder because of the accumulated thoughts and concerns. Let go, be free.
  4. @Hansu Happiness is peace of mind. If you have any inner conflicts, then you're not happy. The more peaceful you are on the inside, the more happy you are on the outside. And happiness spreads through you to others because you have zero levels of resistance, and everything is good and beautiful!
  5. @Quantum_fluctuations Why silencing the mind? I prefer having positive thoughts instead. Or you can stop believing the thoughts and just let them be.
  6. @AlphaAbundance It's not important at all. If you find it materialistic valuable, it'll be important to you. If you find it emotionally valuable, it'll be important to you. Human beings have always survived in societies, and contribution is valuable to society, both materially and emotionally.
  7. @KyleR There's no right way, there's no wrong way either. You can't know for sure what your actions are going to get you. But you can still make it close to 99%. Or in other words, you can up your chances of success.
  8. @noselfnofun Thanks. It really is awesome, even fear feels ecstatic! I'm so blessed to be alive. Sent from my ego-mind.
  9. @Hansu You're still believing your imagination. You can't be happy outside of the present moment. When you identify with the past or future, you can be excited, depressed, or anything else, but not happy. Happiness occurs when you stop believing that your thoughts are true, and when you accept everything as it is. There is peace.
  10. LOA is a real thing and it works, but it's intelligent in infinite degrees and depths so no ego could comprehend it. Just surrender and let it take control.
  11. @noselfnofun I'm not enlightened and almost 99% happy. I suffered a lot in the past (unimaginable suffering for most people here, and still struggling with its consequences), now anything and everything feels perfect, I'm rolling with life like crazy! It's awesome! It's almost impossible to get me angry, frustrated, sad, etc... Although I'm not perfect, but I have control over most of my emotions, control by surrendering. Wherever I am, there is peace. So, yes it's possible. Lighten up.
  12. @mandyjw It's impossible not laugh or at least smile when you laugh Laughter is infectious! Thank you.
  13. @GabrielWallace I get your point, but I think she's right though. Being trapped in a limited body is torture, no doubt. But not accepting that is even more torture. Try to get her convinced of this idea: she's where she is right now because she had gone through all of that "traumatic" past. If it wasn't for her past, it wouldn't have been possible for her to experience these "peaceful wellsprings". Insist that she thinks about that, and propose that perhaps this is all for her good. All is planned by infinite intelligence.
  14. @Swagala ? It's absurd! You sit down for hours trying to explain and express what you experience in words, and you keep failing everytime. I guess this is the most accurate description of reality is that it's completely indescribable, and not at all fathomable! Damn the map, just give me the territory!
  15. @thesmileyone I prefer being high all the time instead of being drunk. I'm at that level, I'm so high that almost nothing can get me low. But then again, maybe I'm just imagining things.
  16. @Aaron p Try 1-2 hours of concentration practice, and find out.
  17. OMG! Everyone is enlightened! ? Am I the only devil here?! ?
  18. @theking00 God = Devil, and God > Devil.
  19. @Yahya Get your life together first, finish your education, get a proper job, make some money, run some business, etc... Spirituality will screw your life up.
  20. You had to ask, didn't you? Well, I've got a 3-day restriction and 3 warning points for showing compassion for another member here. I learned that there are personal boundaries, and that people are crazy. Lol!
  21. I'm learning how to be more compassionate with others. I've learned a lot in the last few days, but I still have a lot to learn.
  22. @Pouya Having a different ego for different situations is perfectly normal, but I see what you mean, you want to grow more authenticity. I don't have a lot to offer, but since you started noticing this issue, it will be just a matter of time, and you will turn into an authenticity machine! Just give yourself some time, maybe wear a band to remind you of what you want. I don't know, just go with the flow, bro... Good luck!
  23. @Jakethehoff As I stated earlier, pure Yellow community is Turquoise. Yellow individuals who think systematically are automatically Turquoise socialists. So, the point is, you're looking too far ahead, skipping Green actually. Yes, Orange society is available, not because of Orange, but rather because of Blue and Green. Orange alone can never work, and Yellow alone can never work, because Yellow people are more in their heads than in the actual life. Another important point, for someone to reach Yellow, they have to have done A LOT of studying and self-development work over a long period of time, which means they're probably in their forties at best right now (exceptions allowed), I don't know if they'll become younger in the future, but that'll leave you with older people than you are. I don't know man, my advice is that you don't need to think a lot about this issue, Green is more than enough at the moment, aim for Green and let the rest work itself out. Good luck out there!
  24. @Pouya Why do you want to become mindful outside? Is going full automatic causing suffering? If you're enjoying your time out, I don't think you want to become more mindful.