Truth Addict

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Everything posted by Truth Addict

  1. @7thLetter I think that change can only occur on the ground of acceptance. In other words, what you resist persists. Systems thinking is what I think you should be learning more about:
  2. @7thLetter A person who sits, does nothing, and contemplates, plus working on his business and socialising with others, is definitely way ahead of that lone wolf. There's a plateau that you hit in every aspect of life, and past that point, results become harder to make. So, if you hit 90% of enlightenment and 90% of social life, that's definitely higher than 99% or even 100% enlightenment alone or social life alone. The more diverse you are in your approach to life, the higher your development gets. Experience and diversity ?
  3. @Inliytened1 Thanks ❤️ I'm dying to find out
  4. @7thLetter Good points, I see. But you're assuming that extroverts must be wasting time on the internet. Well, that's not necessarily the case. They might be helping people, giving guidance and advice, they might even have their life purpose built around helping people to wake up. Still, you can easily post 30 posts in less than two hours, which means 900 posts per month if they were strict with the two hours limit. After all, aren't people allowed to waste their spare time here after doing the work? @Shin Shut the cock up.
  5. @David Hammond Sounds like spam. But considering the source, it definitely is.
  6. I love Shin, and I love bananas, but I don't think bananas are the secret to Absolute Truth.
  7. I have suffered a lot, to the point where I stopped suffering anymore, well, most of the time anyways. There was that one time that I suffered too much and then got enough of suffering, so I surrendered, and after that life became much easier. I don't suffer like the average joe, but I don't consider that enlightenment. I can distinguish direct experience from illusion, but I don't consider that enlightenment. I know that I don't have a free will, but I don't consider that enlightenment. I know that the present moment is all there is, but I don't consider that enlightenment. I have never been conscious of Absolute Infinity, or any other kind of absolutes. I have never been blown away by an insight, although I am so grateful to be where I am today, but I am not enlightened. I don't have the answers for all the questions I have, so I'm not enlightened. Any guidance?
  8. @7thLetter I mean that some people tend to be more extroverted than others even if they are enlightened. @Inliytened1 If you say so... That's great to hear, you said that people get offended when someone tries to direct them towards Truth. I'm here and fully surrendered, direct me please. Hit me with a stick, slap me in the face, punch me in the balls, I don't care. I want to be concious of Absolute Truth.
  9. @7thLetter I agree, although this is not a valid criterion.
  10. @Inliytened1 Cool profile picture ❤️ I don't get offended, tell me straight what enlightenment is, I can take it. A mystical experience is nice, but it does not count as enlightenment, because it's a memory. Enlightenment is being conscious of Truth 24/7. Are you or anyone here like that?
  11. @flowboy Okay, if you insist. I've worked in a pharmacy for 5 years. I've worked as a sales representative for one year. I've worked in a drug store for one year. I'm currently working in a photography studio. Misc: I have worked briefly on Microsoft Word, I have attended a house painting workshop and now am painting my uncle's apartment, and I have a lot of experience in computer hardware and software maintenance. I started school a year earlier than ordinary students, I had always been a top notch student, I am studying medicine right now which is the top rated field in Syrian universities, and I have failed twice in the last year due to suffering and struggling against my parents. I could go on, but I think you get it.
  12. If you believe that, then yes, you can't change anyone. However, when it comes to changing the people who love you, it's much easier, you just need to know how to play it right with their belief system. @Wasem No problem buddy. And no, I don't want to thank you. I wasn't even defending my post to need someone else to defend it for me.
  13. @flowboy Come live in Syria and you will know.
  14. @CreamCat Sorry, I should have written: "most members are enlightened, and the rest of them have no sense of humour".
  15. @CreamCat I have become so disappointed with this forum lately. So much ego and herd mentality. And the best part is that everyone is enlightened, everyone knows what enlightenment is, and yet, no one agrees with the other. ❤️
  16. @Aethereus 1) Stop. 2) Breathe. 3) Go on. Repeat as much as you need.
  17. @Pernani I understand. I saw how more nuanced your advice was, that's why I said: "in a slightly less harsh way". But still, considering the current circumstances in Syria, even if you earn £200 per month, let's say you'd spend £100, and save £100 every month. You'd need 80 months (almost seven years) just to gather the money that's required to start a bank account abroad, let alone the passport and tickets and college. You can find males who are CEOs in Syria, they may earn more than £2,000 per month, I know some of them, they've worked so hard to get there, and they're in their 40s. But women mostly have ordinary jobs and careers, like being a doctor or an architect, and those jobs don't get that kind of money. There's a hope for Syria, a project called: "Belt and Road Initiative", a continent wide project organised by China, that promises a lot of economical benefits to the contributing countries. As estimated, Syria would get 200 billion dollars a year from that project, that's almost 20 times its current yearly budget. I'm not sure about that number, but even if you take a zero out, it's still a lot. So, if all things go well, everything will change for the better for everyone. I'm optimistic.
  18. @Alex bAlex I worked in sales for over one year, and I hated it. It felt like being a beggar, only a more professional, well suited one. You say things that you don't want to say, you have to keep your clients pleased all the time. It felt like hypocrisy to me, and I don't like being a hypocrite. On the other hand, my brother is now working in my former position, he likes it, because of the money and reputation. I don't know what you should do, but I hope that gave you some insight. ❤️
  19. I'm not interested in watching the video. I'll just say this and move on: There's no point in debating about God, unless you have an ideology to spread. Doesn't matter what the ideology may be.
  20. @flowboy Your advice is so irresponsible. It will cause Sidra a lot of unnecessary suffering. If you're serious about helping her out, don't just spit egoic advice on situations that you have no damn clue about. Instead, send her the money that is required for her to live abroad, that can help her out. Sidra is only 17 years old, she has almost no experience with life, and you want to throw her in a jungle. "Climb over, we're waiting". This is the most irresponsible advice I've ever heard in my life! @Pernani Same goes for you, in a slightly less harsh way.
  21. @Nahm It's a belief, but there's no difference between belief and reality. I can also believe that everything is not perfect and it will become reality. ?
  22. @Nahm ❤️ Veils from experience. Although, sometimes belief can make one so present that they stop thinking. Example: everything is perfect and going as planned. If I believe that statement, it can stop the thoughts temporarily. If I believe it strongly enough, it can even stop the thoughts almost entirely. Being present makes everything else bs, should the questions go away. ?
  23. I know. But why do we say that direct experience is prior to belief then? Is this work designed for skeptics?
  24. The interesting question is who controls the illuminati? Are they free? Oops.