Truth Addict

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Everything posted by Truth Addict

  1. I wasn't agreeing. He/she was saying that direct experience is nothing without thought. That isn't quite right. You should stop jumping to conclusions from reading one post. Your judgements are getting very hasty.
  2. @mandyjw There are various huge obstacles in your way, here are some: Lack of previous experiences in organising such big projects. Big projects require a company, or at least a group of people with a lot of influence, infrastructure, acquaintances, finances, power, marketing, etc... And most importantly, they must share the same goal(s). Effective project leaders always consider the possibility of failure, for which they probably have a backup plan. Have you studied the population in your area? Statistics? How are you going about attracting people? Are they even interested in the services you will offer? Criticism; you can't avoid being criticised whatever you do, and it can get really nasty. Are you sure you can handle it? The pay-off; with the amount of money you already have, is there a better way to utilise it? Are you driven by money or by desire? Or by both? Personally, I'd go for financial security first, and only then I'd consider helping others. I brainstormed those just now, I'm sure you can brainstorm others, especially with other, more experienced people than me.
  3. "Open-mindedness should only serve my cause" -- Lucifer
  4. You can call it whatever you want. It doesn't matter what we call it. The label is not it.
  5. I know that. I was trying to point out to Leo that ideology is needed to overcome this issue. Ideology can be along the lines of: "you are the environment". We don't need to lie to ourselves, ideology can be very useful. Leo dismisses it all the time, I wonder if he's even aware that is already an ideology, a subtle one indeed.
  6. @bejapuskas I saw your sarcasm, it's not like you're agreeing with me.
  7. @Commodent Do whatever you want my friend, I have no interest in controlling your life. The "shoulds" that I was pointing out to you are only means to joy and happiness from my experiences. It's up to you whether you want to consider my advice or not. No need for reacting and getting personal.
  8. @bejapuskas @Shin Guys, next time please read more carefully.
  9. @Harikrishnan ❤️ This is so great to hear
  10. @WelcometoReality @Shin I know what I'm suggesting is very basic and obvious, but you have inquired the fear, right? I mean when you sit with it, do you ask yourself: what am I afraid of? Etc... Again, I know this was probably even silly to be said, but just my 2 cents.
  11. @Commodent These are your words, not mine: To me, I find everything interesting, whether it's learning, growing, playing, reading, talking, thinking, working, etc... I don't have a preference, that's what I am trying to say, and that's why I enjoy everything that comes my way, I don't resist anything (+90% of the time). If you identify joy with learning, you won't find it anywhere else. Identify joy with the present moment, and you will have fun every single moment.
  12. I don't promote anything, because ideology. I say what I think is healthy and helpful for everyone.
  13. @WelcometoReality ❤️ I hope you're feeling better today..
  14. @Commodent Why do you think you should learn? What is there to learn? What is life all about? What's the point of growing? At what point do you think that you'd have enough growth? When does growth end and living life begin? Consider that you might die tomorrow, and act from that perspective. Well, not strictly speaking tomorrow, but you get what I'm pointing to. START LIVING RIGHT NOW. LIVE YOUR LIFE TO ITS FULLEST. EXPERIENCE, EXPLORE, ENJOY.
  15. You can't escape intuition, even if you believe other people, you intuit that they know better. Intuition is what you are. I think a better measure is whether you listen to your inner wisdom, or seek wisdom from outer sources. Either way, you're using your intuition, so let's skip ahead. I think the best thing to do is to use your intuition on that measure (inner vs outer wisdom). That allows you to get a meta perspective, a thinking before the making of decision, and a pause before the action, while considering your and others wisdom in the process. Best results come from combining your and other people's experiences. This is coming from my intuition; inner and outer wisdom.
  16. Limit the number of your daily activities. Become a very strict minimalist.
  17. I'll take care of my body and mind, but I'll be a careless asshole with the environment. (I'm just playing, to make a point). Hehe, you're not going to trick me Leo, conscious is not better than unconscious, that's your agenda and life purpose (ego).
  18. @Recursoinominado Stop trying, give up. Be whatever the present moment 'commands' you to be.
  19. I think that the reason why any of you is lacking interest in anything is because you have subtly and unconsciously subscribed to the "spiritual, high conciousness" paradigm. Lose that paradigm, and see the magic.
  20. Finger pointing to the moon. Don't look at the finger, look at the moon.
  21. Direct experience. @Leo Gura Are you saying that I should care for the environment? I mean I only get to live for 80-90 years tops, and I could be the most evil and corrupt person to the environment and it still won't matter. It's the collective that really matters, so there's where ideology is needed.
  22. I'm not here to judge or teach you Natasha, you're way more developed than me. I just want the best for you and for everyone. It's not about GoT per se, but rather it's about the attitude; "so low in consciousness" "ego games" "I am elevated", etc... Teachings are everywhere if we know how to look ❤️