Truth Addict

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Everything posted by Truth Addict

  1. So, why did the chicken cross the road?
  2. Why the urge for enlightening the world? I mean, no problem, of course, but are you aware of why you want the world to awaken? (hint: ego). This post is not directed at the OP per se.
  3. @Yahya is one of the greatest sources for wisdom and philosophy that I know of, as long as you balance the theory with practice. The golden ratio for me is: 10% theory 90% practice. However, it will inevitably become an ideology unless you are very careful. I personally have noticed a lot of dogmatic people here parroting Leo's teachings. So, be careful.
  4. A waste of what exactly? Look at a dog, it doesn't prefer Disneyland over a fire hydrant. That is wisdom.
  5. @Farnaby Could you describe your daily schedule in general?
  6. Is it wrong to be wrong?
  7. It's absurd how people who claim to be open-minded turn out to be very closed-minded towards others whom they consider closed-minded, and then they justify to themselves making fun of them, hello ego @hundreth ??
  8. @Commodent It's all fine as long as you say so
  9. I didn't say that. I didn't say it must be the same, but it can be. Anyway, I'm not here to hurt you, I simply can't, I'm just some words on your screen, but you're taking them seriously, and that's why you're reacting and trying to protect yourself, and that's exactly what you need to stop doing if you want to be happy, that's exactly what I consider egoic suffering. I don't need to say that it's my opinion and my advice everytime I say something, right? You don't take anything you read for granted, right? Will you just relax?
  10. @Shin "If you want love, don't hide from yourself"
  11. Give them security.
  12. How your perception is true and your thoughts don't accept that
  13. @Sidi I think you're asking the question from a stage orange perspective. I'd say that you were born in specific circumstances, and people viewed/view/will view you accordingly. When people say: "know your worth", they usually mean know your place in life, and your value to others. However, since all values are made up, then you're free to make anything you want worthy. To me, in terms of value, less = more.
  14. @Knock It seems so, but is it really so? You are always growing. What I was trying to say is that people usually lock themselves up in the self-development paradigm, without realising that they don't need it almost at all. They seek wisdom from the outside, while forgetting their inner wisdom. "You are your best teacher!". The point when someone thinks they've had enough growth, is the point they become arrogant, which leads to ignorance, which leads to the downfall. Again, I was trying to point out that growth is always happening, naturally, with and without our intention or knowing. So, there's no point in chasing growth, because it's inevitable unless, of course, you think you have it already. Exactly! That's what I was trying to say.
  15. I was suffering like shit. Depression, OCD, ADHD, zero social skills, zero self-esteem, stressed all the time. I don't remember everything that I suffered at that point ,but I'm glad I'm over most of them.
  16. @John West "New is always better." -- Barney Stinson I mean that new experiences will grow you a lot, whatever they might be.
  17. @Scholar I wouldn't say it's impossible, I would rather say it's weird and mysterious.
  18. @WelcometoReality @Shin I wish you all the best you two. Remember that love conquers fear, and death. So, remember the ones you love when you face your fears. I love you guys ❤️
  19. @dimitri From my limited understanding, it looks like you want to have the best and most accurate maps for those different territories.
  20. @Commodent Even if someone tells you explicitly that they have the absolute truth, it's up to you whether you make it a dogma or not. The problem is in the interpretation, not in the phrasing. Although, I'll work on that. It's all you, only you can delude you, I can't, and nobody can, only you. It's true that you have never asked for my advice, but I wanted to give you my advice anyway, because I don't want you to suffer, I hope by rejecting my advice you won't. There's no problem for you right now, but I thought so, and suffered a lot for it. Again, it's up to you, I tried my best to help/guide/advice. ? Trying to prove I'm lying is reaction and getting personal.
  21. Because the definition is highly dependent on the field you're concerned with. Are you asking what is understanding on an existential, philosophical, practical, political, social, educational, economical, etc... level? The answer is different for every single one of them, so it's highly dependent on your use of the question. "Why did the chicken cross the road?" There's no answer for that question really, it's just relative to the use of the question, and the answer can take many different forms, again, depending on your concerns.
  22. I hope it will heal very soon.
  23. @dimitri I think a better question is: why do you think you should define understanding?