Truth Addict

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Everything posted by Truth Addict

  1. I think is the all-stars religion. I think Leo thinks that he can create the best religion by nitpicking what he thinks fits our time from all religions. Incarnation and nirvana are Hindu and Buddhist beliefs. They're just distracting you from living in the present moment.
  2. ??? Gravity, release me.. And don't ever hold me down.. Now my feet won't touch the ground.. ???
  3. Did you know? The highest wisdom anyone could ever reach. I can't see no Leo, no Ralston, not even Sadhguru up here. ?
  4. Ahhh, now I see. For me, that was the case in my early years in life, when I was a child, I used to get depressed in winters I think because it was linked to school and I hated school. Nowadays, I don't have a preference, my mood is quite stable throughout the year.
  5. @ZZZZ I'm not sure about this, but it seems like you have a victim's mentality, that you think the climate really has real effects on you. I mean it certainly does, but be careful not to play the victim here, and then create stories and justifications for failures.
  6. @ZZZZ I love warmth and hate cold too! When the weather is great, I work/do. When the weather sucks, I think/contemplate. It's not like I only work during summer or only think during winter, but I shift most of my time into one end of the spectrum according to the seasonal changes. And I find that to be very beneficial.
  7. @Shin How about a hug and holding hands instead? ?? All in a good fun ?
  8. @Shin If I were a banana, why would I care?
  9. Some people place fantasy way up ahead of reality Fantasies have similar, if not exact same, effects on the body-mind-heart that reality does Reality has its limitations, while fantasy doesn't
  10. What's the difference between fantasy and reality? You don't regret that phase, I see. That's great! It's about what we are, not what we were/will be, right?
  11. What if my life purpose is to sit around and talk about life? What if that's how I do it? I know you know
  12. Sticking to a daily meditation habit is good for your discipline. You can meditate as much as you feel you need to, or not at all.
  13. @Nivsch Turquoise is about accepting all the other stages as they are. It's even possible to have a stage Red mentality and be at Turquoise at the same time, because Turquoise is basically just the lack of judgement (from Blue and Green), and it's the letting go of control and manipulation (from Orange and Yellow), and allowing things to flow as they should. Turquoise in a nutshell: IT IS WHAT IT IS, AND ALL IS PERFECT. After that realisation, you will become liberated and you will able to do whatever you want. Of course, I'm not there yet, not even close.
  14. Yes, it is a religion. But what's wrong with religion? If you think religion is bad, wrong, or evil, then that has automatically become your religion. You see? Although it's good to be aware of it, but if you want true liberation, you won't give a damn about other people and their ideas. Not everyone has the time and ability to sit down and meditate for decades only to come to the same conclusions that everyone else has come to before them. Actual spiritual realisation is not superior to religion! Direct experience is just a belief! Notice that direct experience will become a memory after the experience is gone. A memory is merely a thought, and a thought taken seriously will become a belief. You see how this thing goes full-circle? You can't escape belief, even a direct experience of God becomes a belief in the ordinary state of consciousness. So, I prefer calling the direct experience of God a personal belief, whereas the belief that is learned from teachers I would call it an impersonal belief. To conclude, everything is perfect as it is, whether is a religion or not. WE ONLY LIVE ONCE. If you care about finding God, then go find God. If you care about happiness, then go find happiness. If you care about success, then go find success, etc... Total freedom, do whatever you want. Anyway, from a more practical point of view, the only thing that we can agree is a real problem with religion is its politics. If we have a religion with politics of equality and fairness, etc... Then there wouldn't be a problem at all. But that won't happen by a long shot, so the struggle will keep going.. (this post is not directed at the OP per se).
  15. ? And yet, some people with their ignorant half-baked enlightenment come and say very confidently that there's a free will, or that it's both and neither. We know it sounds cool to say mysterious unverifiable things, but cool is not the truth.
  16. @mandyjw ❤️ Thank you Mandy ? It's easy to learn and grow when you have such a great, and lovely teacher
  17. @DrewNows Consider Maslow's hierarchy.. Sometimes even very simple deficiencies, if not brought into awareness, can cause serious problems. The basic needs of our biological selves are very important, they control the ego-mind to a very high degree. If you feel thirsty, go drink. If you feel hungry, go eat. If you feel horny, go fuck, jerk off, semi-jerk off, whatever. If you feel tired, go rest. If you feel sleepy, go sleep. Although that might seem very simple and basic, but never underestimate the power of fulfilling the basics. The ego-mind feels threatened when not fulfilled, therefore causes unconscious chaos on its way to get what it wants. Give the ego-mind what it wants, and get your freedom in exchange Of course, it's not always optimal, but make sure you don't trigger the ego, cuz it's a fucking beast! It's hard to tame a hungry beast.
  18. Classic: Meditations. Creative: Foundations.
  19. There is no problem with the ego as long as you are aware of it. Watch it, ask it some questions, re-evaluate it from time to time, re-direct it if necessary, and finally let it do its job.