Truth Addict

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Everything posted by Truth Addict

  1. That makes sense. Yet, we can't deny the fact that the eyes are the portals for consciousness to operate in a certain dimension which we call "the visual field" in the ordinary state of consciousness. I'm not a materialist, the consciousness paradigm makes more sense regarding Truth, but in the practical mundane life, the materialist paradigm is king. After all, they're all paradigms, and Truth is one and is true. So, I don't think it matters what I think the truth is, because it just is what it is. Yet, I believe that in the future, maybe, we will be able to manipulate reality with thought. Of course, assuming that there will be a future in the first place. @Nahm I tried, but I failed. I can't pinpoint myself because I'm not a certain material object. Not necessarily because I'm infinite. The awareness that is trying to pinpoint awareness is me, but I am finite, which does not negate that I'm whole. @Aeris Yes, I think so. But still, they say it's infinite and I couldn't prove it's otherwise yet.
  2. I mean by BEING; doing nothing and feeling good and liberated. From my past experiences, when I let go of something, I struggle at first, but then eventually I experience freedom, and yes it's always been worth it. For example: I've been so active on the forum for the last few months, and now that I have withdrawn from it for a little while, I feel so much better and liberated than before. Most activities lead to excitement, a high that begs for a low, I don't want that. BEING, on the other hand, is effortless happiness, a high without a low. Right now, I am mostly addicted to music, not that hardly though, it's just that I always prefer listening to music while walking, I don't crave music if I don't walk unless I stay at home for a very long time. There's no struggle for me about it, I'm fine with that addiction, so I'm not asking you to tell me to let go, I can still be addicted and happy. My question is: Is completely cutting off music worth it? Will that bring me more peace and happiness? And is that a general rule of thumb? Does cutting off addictions reward non-linearly? Is less always more? I'm asking that and I kind of know the answer, but I want verification from people who have done something similar, just so I can make a better decision. It'll be hard, I know, but is the high worth the pain?
  3. If, only if. And if it isn't? You see? It's just a paradigm, not the truth.
  4. @jbram2002 ?
  5. So eyes don't see anything, and LSD gives vision? How come this is the case? Isn't that materialism?
  6. Wrong conclusion. Just because I can't pinpoint awareness, does not necessarily mean that it's infinite, it just means that my ability to pinpoint is finite, which I assume is the awareness itself. Why is it so hard for people to accept that we don't actually know?
  7. Belief. Since trust is concerned with the future, and so is belief. So, why not?
  8. Everything makes 100% sense except for the bold statement.
  9. Everyone is ignoring the fact that we don't actually know! The earth is banana shaped according to @Shin. That's the ultimate truth.
  10. @Aeris That's your version of non-duality, since it's not solipsistic. You think it's easy to explain non-duality? How simplistic of you! You've already failed.
  11. @7thLetter What is help? That's a hard question to answer.
  12. You should stay away from me. Your move.
  13. ? How could anyone know anything else? Is there anything to know other than stories?
  14. Learning in the modern era is a means of survival. It's a profession like any other profession. The better your memory gets, the higher grades you get, the better job opportunities you get.
  15. @arlin Yes, keep ignoring the facts and living in your own bubble of fantasy, until 10-20 years from now, armies of Self-Actualizers come to invade your country in the name of love and evolution. You don't realise how significant this is. Look at ISIS, it's just a misinterpretation of spirituality.
  16. @arlin He does not have to speak it. He is doing that deliberately. No amount of telling people to do the work can actually make them do the work. Also, reality shows that his teachings are actually being used as dogma. So, he might have to make some corrections before it gets out of control. I'm not jumping into conclusions, where have you seen that?
  17. That's why we're here, for him. Let's not assume the worst. I believe he is willing consider our perspective.
  18. @arlin Leo does not want to become an ideology. Leo keeps repeating his conceptual understandings of God in his videos and on the forum. Leo keeps trying to win hypothetical intellectual arguments about God. Leo insists that his understanding of God is Absolute. Leo clarified that he does not think his understanding is Absolute. Nevertheless, people keep clinging more and more to his metaphysics. Ideology. I'm not saying Leo is deliberately trying to create an ideology, and I don't think ideology is inevitable. I think it can be avoided if Leo becomes more careful with the way he teaches, that's why I created my thread in the first place. That's all.
  19. @arlin Don't believe my critics of him, just take them into account, and don't dismiss them out of hand. I'm not here to convince you of my views, since they are my views. It's up to you whether you want to directly verify my claims or take them as dogma. I think that's what Leo would say, and I respect him for that.
  20. @arlin So, your criticism of me is valid, but my criticism of Leo is not? Okay, have it your way. @Drake140 Maybe you deserve to think that I have missed your point of the comment. What a silly argument! You never discussed my criticism of Leo, so anything you say is irrelevant to being with.
  21. @arlin since you're deeply confused about everything, then learn before you make judgements about me and Joseph. We actually know what we're talking about, we're not confused. @Drake140 Will you ever stop worshipping Leo? You think nobody can have a valid criticism of Leo's approach?
  22. And you're not doing the same thing when you are absolutely sure about your judgements? Guess again.
  23. @arlin No one has attacked Leo. Why do you think he's being threatened? You don't even understand the significance of what we're saying. We are criticising his way of teaching; he talks beliefs about God all the time as though they're absolute truths, but at the same time he does not want his teachings to become an ideology. Well, that's a pipe dream. By insisting on doing that, will certainly become an ideology. Leo is always trying to rationalise God and trying to defend his ideas about God in his videos by making intellectual arguments. I fail to see how that won't create an ideology. He's trying to win ideological arguments, and then expects to not create an ideology. It does not matter the metaphysical foundation that Leo had built earlier in his work, most people won't watch them, and they will become Actualized fanatics. I and @Joseph Maynor actually know what we're talking about, you don't. But you won't beleive me, cuz I'm not Leo. It's not a big deal though, just keep an open mind like we do.