Truth Addict

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Everything posted by Truth Addict

  1. Detailed answer in my journal: Nothing and everything is not survival. It's a paradox, and both sides of the coin are true, depending on how you look at it. If we examine any system that exists, whatever it might be, we will always notice the same dynamic. The parts of the system, in their struggle to survive against each other, are always working for the survival of the whole system. In other words, every part is an ego trying to survive itself but what the ego is blind to and cannot see, is that it's working for something greater than itself, whether it's aware of it or not. So, all the parts are trying to survive the whole. But part vs. whole is an arbitrary thing, and there are no parts to being with, parts are concepts. If we keep zooming in, we will always find more survival, smaller systems against each other. If we keep zooming out, we will always find more survival, larger systems against each other. But who is zooming in and out? Reality as a whole is not survival. Yet, all of its parts are. Nonduality is not survival. Yet, all dualities that constitute it are. I, consciousness, am not survival. Yet, I, human form, am. God is not survival. Devils are. The being of everything (existence) is not survival. Yet, the doing (which happens inside of being) is.
  2. First day passed, no progress was made on studying for exams. I spent most of it just observing and absorbing the pain of withdrawing. That's what my intuition has led me to. Second day just began, and I'm willing to study, that's what my intuition is pushing me towards. I trust my intuition. ... Let the light keep shining every minute Fill up my cup I'm living it up I'm not giving it up
  3. Leo asked us to contemplate the question: what in my life is not survival? I'll use the verb "survive" in the same weird way that Leo used it in the video. Nothing and everything is not survival. It's a paradox, and both sides of the coin are true, depending on how you look at it. If we examine any system that exists, whatever it might be, we will always notice the same dynamic. The parts of the system, in their struggle to survive against each other, are always working for the survival of the whole system. In other words, every part is an ego trying to survive itself but what the ego is blind to and cannot see, is that it's working for something greater than itself, whether it's aware of it or not. So, all the parts are trying to survive the whole. But part vs. whole is an arbitrary thing, and there are no parts to being with, parts are concepts. If we keep zooming in, we will always find more survival, smaller systems against each other. If we keep zooming out, we will always find more survival, larger systems against each other. But who is zooming in and out? Reality as a whole is not survival. Yet, all of its parts are. Nonduality is not survival. Yet, all dualities that constitute it are. I, consciousness, am not survival. Yet, I, human form, am. God is not survival. Devils are. The being of everything (existence) is not survival. Yet, the doing (which happens inside of being) is. Done.
  4. @mandyjw Thank you Mandy. I'll try that. @jbram2002 Yes, I am still fasting. I'm not keeping count, but I think there are 8 days left. Fasting doesn't help me, it hinders my ability to focus and recall and be alert actually. I am used to never start my day without breakfast. I don't really feel tired during the day, but my energy levels are very low. It's like I do have to limit certain activities for others. I could do that already, I don't know why I haven't yet. I didn't feel a strong need to do it, but now I do. I have to stop wasting my time, it's easy for me to do that, but it'll be painful at first, since withdrawal symptoms. Thank you for asking, it doesn't seem like a challenge, your questions are more than welcomed. The benefits of fasting usually come after Ramadan, although I feel some of them now especially at night. I understand myself better, I experienced some suppressed emotions, I feel more detached, and I feel a strong desire for change after the tradition is over, I am willing to start a daily workout that includes: free running, Swedish exercises, push-ups and pull-ups, I might decide to shoot some videos and post them here, I'm sure I'll post one at least, I might decide to start looking for a relationship, I am planning to go on a vacation to the coast city in my country during the summer. It's going to be really interesting! I'm so excited!
  5. @whoareyou I don't want to engage in discussions. I'll just suggest the same thing you suggested for Mandy. Contemplate: How are direct experience and belief are the same? Keep in mind that memories are not direct experience, even if you experienced something personally. Direct experience is the present moment, it has no opposite. It's nondual.
  6. I still keep distracting myself from studying for exams. Seriously, I'm activating the ultra-survival mode, only 12 days left. I'm not using the forum anymore except for updating this journal. All other topics are now collateral and I'm not reading any of them until I get a grip on my monkey mind. I'm limiting my use of the internet in general. No more YouTube, no more Whatsapp (except for work matters), Facebook is allowed since they post some helpful topics about exams and specifics about each material. Engaging in discussions is a hindrance for my studying process. It eats up a lot of my RAM and energy. Going back to basics.
  7. If dreams are what makes you happy, would you let anyone steal that joy from you? Although I see what you mean. You want her to actualise her dreams, and that's great, but not obligatory. Happiness is what everyone wants. Whatever delivers it to them is the best thing to do. It's not about neither dreaming bridges, nor building them. It's not about anything. Perhaps the building process is a foregone conclusion. Perhaps the dream is reality. Do what makes your soul shine. ?
  8. @mandyjw Be grateful for how much equality you have in your country. Come here and you will find true hell as a woman. Women here are treated as objects from birth. You wouldn't last even for two days. You might even do some criminal activities since anger problems ?
  9. @tsuki Heart = Authentic = Spontaneous = Relaxed = Comfortable = Confident = Connected = Easy = Simple The mind gives a blurry image of you, which doesn't represent who you are. The heart speaks the truth.
  10. @Shin And you're saying that because?
  11. @abrakamowse But wait. Isn't God alone? Who is he talking to?
  12. That was intended I like to keep it a mystery. God is confusing.
  13. He gave you the answer though. Read very carefully.
  14. @tsuki I'm not sure my comment is welcomed, but I want to say that I like the video. I noticed how you got more comfortable talking towards the end, which is a great sign of getting in touch with your heart. I'm inspired, I want to make a video as well. But probably next month. Thank you, I'll watch the Annihilation movie ?
  15. I don't know anything about him. He might be driven by fear, or a neurotic kind of desire to win and be the best. Then again, he might be very authentic. And basketball is his passion. I don't know. I wasn't implying free will. I want what I want, but I didn't choose to want them in the first place. Growth happens with experience, the more experiences you have, the more aware and grown-up you become. You can learn from the extremes of course, but if you keep your self there, you'll stay stuck and your growth will end. In every area, you develop easily up to 80-90% of mastery in that specific area. But the other 20-10% is very hard to achieve. Therefore, I think it's better to chase some other 80-90% from other experiences rather than trying to master and obtain the remaining 20-10% of that specific area. At least that's my experience.
  16. Just had a nice night out with my brother. He is my mirror and I am his. He is my journal, and I am his. There's not one person in the world who knows me or understands me better than my brother. Not even my parents or my best friend. I really love him. I'm kind of his guru. I learn, contemplate, and do the work, and then I give him the conclusions, wisdom, and insights, he just applies them directly. They always work! My brother is very happy and successful. He always needs my guidance though and I'm happy to help him. He's only 20 years old, and he's in tune with his authentic self. I am happy and satisfied. ... This journaling thing is amazing! So much awareness throughout the day picking what's worth putting in here. It opened up to me a new huge possibility and potential for growth. I am willing to take it to its fullest.
  17. As usual, Leo nails it. Charisma, body language, eye connection, voice tone, abundance of information, well-organised presentation, very methodological presentation, well-thought content, no lagging, no stuttering, a totally perfect production. Structure Rating: 10/10 Key insights: Don't delude yourself and think that survival is bad, it's not the enemy. Just be aware of your mechanisms. Actually, the thought that survival is bad is part of the survival of your spiritual ego. Survival of the ego is dependent on the survival of the authentic self, which is the body, but not the other way around. Stop thinking, stop doing, be in the present moment, and your authentic self will start the healing process on your shadow, and eventually you will meet with your self. Selfishness is survival, selfishness is selfish. But survival is not selfishness and is not selfish. Only human beings can be selfish, because they can be inauthentic. Inauthenticity creates the false self, and therefore it's selfish. Animals are completely authentic, they don't have an ego or a self-image, they act directly from Source. They're in tune with God. Reality is always expanding, there's no loss of energy/matter. There are only increases. Thanks for God, not the ego. The ego is actually a hindrance for the expansion of God, but ultimately God prevails and you find out that the ego was ignorant that it's been a sincere servant the whole time. That's what survival does. Understanding survival does not solve why there is death. Death is a mystery as much as life. Why does the ego have to die? Why can't God be eternal from my single point of view? Doesn't make sense. What in my life is not survival? I will contemplate this question for the following days. I'll see what I'll get, and I'll post my answer here in my journal. Content rating: 10/10 In general, it's all common sense to me. I didn't really get much insights from it. But it's got many good reminders. Not to say that I figured all of this stuff out on my own. Actually Leo played a central role in my understanding of my self and of survival in his earlier videos. This video was like organising all the thoughts in a very coherent way, my observations mixed with Leo's earlier teachings. Overall rating: 10/10 Thank you Leo ❤️
  18. Just started watching Understanding Survival video. I'll keep some notes and critiques afterwards.
  19. @Knock Yes, I think it's possible. Although not always, sometimes you need more than just one post on the internet to recognise where people are coming from. But I still think that you get better over time if you are consistently trying to get there. Plus, contemplation, journaling, self-inquiry can get you to very advanced levels of understanding yourself, therefore understanding others as well.
  20. @How to be wise I agree. I think it's related to politics. Former religions when they tried to awaken people, they always did work on politics as well. Bringing peace to the world is one of the main goals of religion.
  21. @Leo Gura ?❤️ So appreciated.