Truth Addict

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Everything posted by Truth Addict

  1. I was naturally high earlier today, without substances, and some insights came: The purpose of the ego is not survival. This is a shocking truth! The purpose of the ego is to fulfill its purpose. If we are to integrate ego with God, then we will have to love life and fear death.
  2. @CreamCat Of course there are blind spots. Everything has its blind spots, that's because perspective is inherently limited. That does not mean Leo is wrong or anything. There's still a lot, to be honest, I can never stress how valuable Leo's work is to me. People who would even argue against the OP are just unconsciously worshipping Leo. @Rebec Hold on, that doesn't sound like Rumi.
  3. Bullshitting = deluding Animals go directly from point A (hunger for example) to point Z (food). Human beings go from point A to point Z through all of the alphabet and even more. Don't think of bullshitting as a bad thing though. That'll make you suffer. Think of it as a magic show.
  4. @Paul92 What you believe becomes reality. It's just as simple as that. Pick and choose your beliefs very carefully. Choose the ones that make you happy.
  5. I don't. How else do you think many religious people across history had become enlightened? Belief = LoA
  6. I like this and I so much agree with it. I disagree here. I think either cases are equally negative/neutral/positive in the short term, aka life (which is what matters to the individual). In the long term, however, I can't tell.
  7. @GreenWoods I don't know about mystical experiences. But it certainly works for enlightenment.
  8. @Onecirrus Imagine someone whose hands are terribly shaking, trying to reach their mouth with a spoon. That's most people, unenlightened. How can you solve the world problems when you are the biggest problem?
  9. @DrewNows It is, but not merely love. It's also a simple fact of life. Most people will not learn the real value of health until they lose it. It is an invisible crown on the head of the healthy. Only the ill can see it. It's really not up to you whether you can keep it or lose it. You've been gifted with good health and good information, you're one of the luckiest people on earth. That being said, I don't know how could there be suffering anymore.
  10. @DrewNows No, I'm not saying any of that. I'm just saying that health is THE MOST IMPORTANT part of Samsara, and if you ignore it, it will come back to bite you in the ass really hard. Contemplate how difficult your life would be if you lose a hand, a leg, an eye, etc... All of the other stuff are available for you merely because you have a perfect healthy body. Contemplate the case of your uncle as a homework assignment. (The thing that does not like hearing what I'm saying is ego, so watch out).
  11. @DrewNows Yes, all of them. And perhaps even more. And no, I disagree. It's both, but you're taking your health for granted, because you haven't contemplated its importance. Making the best out of your situation requires the best health possible. They're both interconnected. The healthier you are, the more efficient you become. Be careful not to dismiss the relative in the name of the absolute.
  12. @DrewNows Everything you mentioned that caused you suffering is expendable and can be easily replaced/gained/fixed with good health. On the other hand, without good health, you would be a cripple and wouldn't likely be able to help yourself. You won't realise how important health is until you lose it (at least temporarily), or 'actually' see someone else not having it. Health is the key for life, it's the key for all the ego games you mentioned. It, and dare I say, is THE KEY to the good life. Watch your health. Wake up!
  13. @Leo Gura That's absurd! You did give credit to the founders in each single video. That's certainly bad politics. Good thing is I have most of your videos downloaded ?
  14. @DrewNows Amazing work buddy! All of this will seem nuts compared to something someone else is experiencing right now. It's easy to google how much suffering around the world there is. If you read a few stories, and watched a few videos, you would immediately realise how much you have and how your life is literally a paradise compared to them. For me, as long as I have good health, literally nothing else matters. Health is the most important thing for me and I won't suffer for something else. Not clinging to health, but acknowledging the power I have that others don't.
  15. @Justincredible76 It's tricky, because you are already conscious of it. You merely think you aren't. Perhaps if you stop listening to thought it'll appear.
  16. @Ampresus Actually, they're even more important, because new videos are mostly the same stuff being repeated over and over again. New videos can be summarised in very few words. Leo takes every letter and explains the shit out of it. Plus, old videos are not just about information. They contain a lot of motivation.
  17. @Joseph Maynor ❤️ That's so true and accurate! I feel like I'm in a place of leadership but I'm still not quite comfortable with it, I'm not even confident enough to be totally comfortable. Thanks for putting this in my awareness ?? Going to bookmark your post and screenshot it to keep it in mind and work on it.
  18. I notice in myself many times when I argue for my perspective that I tend to want to be right and win and probably change others. I'm not sure where this is stemming from, but I'd say it's related to insecurities and the traces of dogma, both of which I am working on resolving. I notice even when I see the other person starting to accept my perspective, that I tend to want to knock it out completely, not necessarily to feel superior, but sometimes to make sure that we're on the same page, which seems quite nonsensical to me right now. Some people say: "Honesty is the best policy", and I agree. But also, sometimes complete honesty triggers the ego's defences and creates walls that hinder the communications that are meant to be communicated in the first place. On the one hand, I want to share my perspectives and I want them to be accepted. On the other hand though, it's easy to lose focus and start to argue just for the sake of arguing (that's one big downside to philosophy, is that it's highly prone to arguments). It's the same issue that I asked for help with earlier this year, although I have made a huge progress, I guess (you wouldn't believe how blunt I was). But I still think there's a lot more for me to learn. I see how other members here respond and I say to myself: "Damn it! How do they do it?" I don't lack compassion. I just lack the ability to demonstrate it. So, my main points are: If anyone had gone through something similar and had gotten out, I would like to hear some advice. Awareness alone is curative, as Leo puts it. But I think there's a limit to that, and I think that I have reached it, unless there is something that I'm missing which I have no idea it exists. Is this a lack of experience problem? Will more experience help me with solving this issue once and for all? I am an introvert, I don't know if that's relevant, and I don't know a lot about personality theories, I don't know if they're worth looking into. Any thoughts on this would be appreciated. My main concern with any communication I make is to communicate my ideas as clearly as possible, but the ego and old patterns interfere and lead me astray. How do/did you manage to solve this issue?
  19. @bejapuskas What if we apply that to itself? Could we stop holding the idea that ideas are malleable?
  20. @Justincredible76 Terms like "faster, more, beneficial, pursue" don't work in enlightenment, since there's no one to get enlightened. That's ego (imagination). I don't know which is better for you. All I can say is listen to your emotions.
  21. @Commodent Thank you! Priceless wisdom and gracious advice ❤️
  22. @Justincredible76 You are already doing that every single moment. But your desire to do it is blocking you from seeing it. You don't need anything, you already are everything. Not to say suppress your desires, but that's the highest truth you can reach. You can still chase experiences all you want, if that is what you desire.