Truth Addict

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Everything posted by Truth Addict

  1. @Nahm I understand that you're coming from a loving place with the best of intentions. But that doesn't mean you can continue a conversation with a different context. You probably need to re-read the conversation before going any further. That's conflating the relative with the absolute. "Greatest life possible" makes sense only in certain contexts, but not the absolute context. Your communication with me makes sense only in the relative context. Otherwise, there would be no communication. No, I'm not. I'm aware of who I am. Yes yes, super obvious stuff. Even saying it's consciousness or eternal is not precisely correct, it's just a pointer to what is, and language is limited. I never even hinted at meaninglessness. I'm living a blissful and meaningful life. But it's on the other side of meaninglessness, and I had to go through it to arrive at where I'm at now. It was part of my path, as I now am able to see it part of others' paths as well. The thing that I was trying to point out to others is the egoic attachment and clinging to the parts, that you should do this or that. It's an obstacle on the path towards liberation, perhaps the hardest chain to break, because it worked well so far for someone. One has to let go of everything, including the teaching of letting go and the letting go itself in order to become liberated. I hope we're on the same page my dear and lovely friend ❤️
  2. Okay, but would the answer affect your life? I mean what's the difference? It's just language and semantics, symbols and pointers. They don't affect reality (you) unless you let them do.
  3. That's flat out wrong. Enlightenment = no more suffering as a human being. It has nothing to do with your desires. Meditate.
  4. But then you would have to use brainwashing techniques in order to market your products unless you're not planning on marketing them. sidenote: I really enjoy reading your posts, but I find them hard to comprehend, maybe because English is not my first language, and maybe because you use sophisticated terms that are rarely used, maybe both, and some other factors, I don't know. I also wouldn't want you to change for me or for anyone, in fact I like the way you write. Somehow my subconscious started to absorb it and maybe copycat it. I was just trying to figure out the reason behind me having hard times making sense of sophisticated language. And I want to learn, maybe you could suggest some tips if you have the time.
  5. @Hardkill It seems to me like you're afraid of taking risks and trying to perfect the map that you plan on using. I think this has to do with being a perfectionist (Leo has a video on perfectionism). Be bold, try, make mistakes, fail, learn from your mistakes and failures, change your plans, get your hands dirty, etc... Success arises from failures. Don't be that guy who makes a perfect plan then not do anything with it. Perhaps that is the case, perhaps not. I'm just assuming.
  6. @How to be wise @Conrad @Angelite Hadith qudsi means a revelation from Allah to Mohammad while, in opposition to the Quran, Mohammad is free to use his own words and language to communicate it. The Quran must be communicated in the exact same words, no more no less. Or so they claim. @Inliytened1 Are you aware of how confusing these kinds of answers are? Plus, do you realise how useless these kinds of answers are? What's the point of answering if the answer makes no sense? My suggestion is to at least make some effort to put your answers in a context where they could start being valuable to the reader instead of just trying to communicate them through a linear logical approach. To me, it becomes a form of mental masturbation. I'm saying that with no intent to bother you. Much love and respect for you David ❤️ @Schahin I too am excited to hear what Leo has to say about this topic. The way I see it is not a logical form of understanding, but more of a realistic/pragmatic understanding. From observing reality, I realised no free will. The way I see it is that it is the ultimate freedom that a human being could get. Think about it, if I have no free will, but then the thing that controls the whole universe and keeping balanced through everything, creating life from death and causing death from life, etc... With deep observation, it becomes obvious that this universe is infinitely intelligent and loving. Now, if that is the case, then I am free to do whatever I want. I have the ultimate freedom because I am blessed and protected by infinite love, infinite intelligence, and infinite goodness. No free will is an advantage, not a limitation. It's a feature, not a bug.
  7. Mystical experiences are cool, but the absolute qualities of reality are not reality, they're not the absolute truth. These absolute qualities are only possible because of duality. A human being can experience those qualities because we are separate from God, not to say that we're not connected as well. Without duality, all meanings dissolve and reality becomes raw. The human mind projects meanings on the absolute truth for its own purposes. It just is what it is. Anything we say beyond that is an interpretation, and it's relative to our individual experiences. For example, some people have experienced hell realms, is that absolute love? Absolutely not from their perspective. And via belief you can discover that directly. Many people have done it. @yellowschnee Sorry for going off-topic. I like your OP.
  8. You can't become conscious of the Absolute Truth, because you are already conscious of it. This claim that something has to be done is what I'm critical of. It is a brainwashing. I was just saying that direct experience is not the absolute truth. It is relative and biased by the thoughts. You might say that you won't know until you directly experience. But I could say the same thing about beliefs, you won't know until you believe. And we both can be either right or wrong, cuz it's all relative.
  9. @Dimi I have. The question is: do I want to trigger you? The answer is: you're not ready.
  10. From what frame of reference is it better than belief?
  11. @Hardkill That's his opinion based on his experience, and I gave you mine based on my experience. I disagree. There's a point where things go full-circle and stop being opposites.
  12. @yellowschnee WOW! This is very interesting. It explains a lot. Thank you. Here are some screenshots for those who are lazy to read the whole article: By the way, what isn't a brainwashing? ... @Esoteric It reminds me of our conversation earlier this month.
  13. @Nivsch Better than the do-nothing technique. Do what you like. In other words, do (with moderation) what you've been keeping yourself from doing, staring from the base of Maslow's hierarchy.
  14. @SoonHei More accurately, we could say that misunderstanding = judgement. Because: We can't judge without a frame of reference, which is a partial understanding. And we don't judge with unconditional love/proper understanding. Between the two, all judgements happen. Between not-knowing and knowing lies ignorance.
  15. @seeking_brilliance What I meant was that modern cities are not healthy for us. It doesn't matter whether they are natural or not. Modern cities affect our physiology negatively. They're like poison. It's basically the difference between breathing oxygen vs. breathing carbon dioxide. Oxygen is better for us. Nature is better for us.
  16. @Preetom I prefer living in that dream, better than living in your nightmare Devilry is temporary, it will eventually inevitably end. What are you talking about? I was referring to your claim that humanity would go extinct if everyone had become enlightened. Enlightened people have sexual desires, we're animals after all. Enlightenment won't castrate us, don't worry. The enlightenment that goes against nature and evolution is not true enlightenment.
  17. @Hardkill It does not need a calculator. If you feel motivated about your passion, you can work 10-14 hours a day if you have the power. Use your own body/emotions and energy as a compass, you need nothing else.
  18. All sources distort the truth, not necessarily for profit, but objectivity is impossible. You can't know what the truth is through the media, no matter how educated you are. Plus, there are many of the things that they dismiss on purpose on the media, let alone the blindspots that they don't know about. To me, media's objectivity can't get higher than 50%, considering that you're very aware and that you're taking multiple sources into account. @Preetom Enlightened people have desires. They're not soulless robots. Heaven on earth is possible without the extinction of humanity.
  19. @Solonius This idea has always been interesting to me. I don't believe in election or democracy. I believe that there are deeper layers of government that almost nobody knows about but you can know a little about them if you research (this is the case in my country, and where I live is clearly a dictatorship where everyone freely elects the same President ?), and that those people are the ones who pull the strings. Those who are in power will never let anyone else share their power. I believe that politics is just a red herring, and that it's something to convince people that democracy is real.
  20. @Master of disguise Thank you for the answer. I'm really glad for you! I have some questions about the words in bold: What do you mean exactly by control? How much control do you feel you have over your life (percentage)? Is this control neurotic (egoic) or natural? Is it equal to having no control at all? There are things that are out of our control (diseases, economy, natural disasters, etc...), how do you cope with them? What do you mean exactly by the best life? Isn't that term relative? Would you be able to say the same thing if you were living on the street while making conscious choices? (would a beggar be able to say the same thing?) would you be able to say the same thing if your life was going straight to hell (economical breakdown on a national scale for example)? Most importantly, what would all of that lead you to? I mean what's the point of controlling life and having a great success etc...? (not denying them, just shining awareness on them). I'm not asking for answers, I'm just suggesting some questions for you to contemplate. Cool thread by the way! Thank you again.
  21. I realised that there's no point in trying to isolate myself when it's not really possible. I'll just accept whatever is.
  22. @Bill W Cetus56 is right. is tailored to suit an atheist audience. Atheists pride themselves as 'scientific' and skeptical, they deny anything that cannot be experienced. If you tell them to believe you, they will immediately reject you out of hand. So, direct experience is your best marketing strategy. In truth, belief and direct experience are the same thing, just another layer of illusion. God is beyond and before both of them, and It includes them. God is absolutely direct. God is just God.
  23. @dharm4 It means magic; appearance without no substance.
  24. @Joseph Maynor I totally agree ? I was describing the current situation. Definitely not talking in an absolute sense.