Truth Addict

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Everything posted by Truth Addict

  1. @Serotoninluv Yeah, I see. And thank you, really. That's another approach for the same insight. I find my approach to be free from thinking and free from strange-loops. For example, if I said: the earth is round is a true statement. There would be a ton of thinking included to explain that claim, and then to say that it is true, I would have to prove that the attached belief of truthfulness is true, and then I would have to prove that once again as well to infinity, which leads to a strange-loop. The same process goes for a claim that is described as false. So much thinking included (which I've grown tired of). Whereas, if I stepped back and just observed the situation, I would be able to detach from it and become free from its consequences. That's what I'm advocating here. So, in the end, both of our approaches will lead to the same conclusion, which is that everything that is, is true, and that nothing ever is false. But I still prefer my approach.
  2. @Serotoninluv What are you trying to say with quoting me?
  3. What happens if you do that? What's the end result?
  4. @Serotoninluv I see. Believing is another matter. I acknowledge my beliefs as just beliefs, neither true or false. Saying that a belief is true or false is just adding another layer of belief upon the original belief. Saying that a belief is true/false is a groundless assumption. Holding beliefs does not contradict being in a nondual consciousness as long as they're seen for what they are.
  5. @Serotoninluv Saying that this or that is true or false is pointless unless it's put in a relative context. In a non-dual consciousness, these concepts don't make sense. I hope that helps. @Nahm Okay, just a suggestion, breathe from the stomach and contemplate what I said. You may be able to see it, if you want to.
  6. Mood right now ? Sean Paul is a musical genius!
  7. Being is a very abstract word. I want something tangible.
  8. What is the 'it' that you don't see? Care to explain?
  9. If you're asking seriously, then you'd rather be asking yourself. If you're being sarcastic, then be my guest; you ever heard of no-mind?
  10. Yeah, but also remember that the clock is ticking. You don't have eternity to decide. I believe you've done enough research by now. Time to do something new.
  11. I'm not bypassing anything. I've done the work and gave up. That's the whole point of spirituality. Anything else beside that is egoic manipulation, not bad or anything, just egoic (mostly limited). Life is not pointless. This concept is just a result of being stuck in the mind, which I'm trying to break you out of it. Who cares about Spiral Dynamics? It's just a model, a human invention. Not the truth. Again, it's not pointless, nor an illusion in the sense that you mean. I assure you. You can do whatever you want, I didn't say you can't or shouldn't. I just asked you the questions that if you bothered to ask yourself seriously, you would have found liberation. Don't ignore my questions, they're not as naive as they seem. They could be the way towards your liberation. So again, what is the end goal of all of human endeavour? You can ask teachers for the answer, and they can give it to you. For me, I didn't need anyone to tell me the answer, I realised it for myself and then found out that it's the same thing that others have found. I don't. We're just having a discussion on an internet forum.
  12. @Aakash You're still not taking things to their conclusions. There is a deeper insight here. What's the point in helping people/changing the world? What's the point in avoiding suffering? What's the point in doing nothing? What is the end goal of all of that? Egoic also means unconscious/limited, not necessarily selfish.
  13. Apologies accepted, but next time try to not put words I didn't say in my mouth, in other words, try to not assume things I didn't say. I've gotten beyond the true vs. false duality. To say that something is either true or false is just to add a layer of belief upon reality which, to me, is unnecessary. I believe that true vs. false is just an egoic game that some people use to claim having some absolute knowledge of God, or it's something that deluded people cling to due to being stuck in their mind models of reality. Cool perspective.
  14. Yeah, so what? What's the point? Does that worth all the struggle and mental masturbation?
  15. What's the point? And what's the difference between someone who is completely ignorant of the absolute and someone who has found it? If the absolute is everything/everywhere, then claiming to know it is just like trying to have monopoly of it, it's completely egoic, and it will not liberate anyone at all.
  16. Spiritual techniques basically aim at exhausting/killing the ego one way or another (including depriving ego from material attainments). Once it is exhausted, you will say fuck everything and then you will start the liberation process. Some egos are more persistent than others. I'm just giving you the answer straight away, there's no point in doing any spiritual work, there's nothing for the ego to find. Some will get it (surrender), and some will not (will keep struggling). Why don't you let the OP decide what they find useful? Don't put your words (theorem to win a nonduality debate) into my mouth, I just asked the OP some questions, it is a civil discussion between people. I didn't push my beliefs onto anyone, and I didn't disrespect anyone or use any offensive language, I don't know what you're complaining about. It's just a civil discussion and I am allowed to ask questions/offer perspectives.
  17. Yes, from the OP point of view, there is. That's what I was pointing him/her to, you drunk-on-a-cheap-local-vodka Osho. Sober up! And then re-read the original post.
  18. @Preetom You can't become free as long as you're seeking freedom. There's a quantum leap here, and it does not come from thinking or inquiring, or even meditation, it comes only if you're lucky enough. Get that or don't.
  19. What I said was a practical pointer. But it might have not resonated with you because you already assume that it's not a pointer but just a "nonduality theorem like osho drunk on cheap local vodka". Someone might find it helpful and make use of it, probably with a different attitude.
  20. @Aakash Trying to re-arrange wordes in the correct order? For what purpose(s)? What is the absolute truth? Where is it? Sorry, direct experience of the absolute? That assumes that the absolute is a temporary state which can be experienced, which makes it relative, not absolute. Bullshit for the same reason above.
  21. @Aakash I mean truth only has meaning in opposition to falsehood, but there isn't a falsehood. Right? The word itself has some asserted meaning. The number 1 also has no meaning except when compared to other numbers. So you're basically grounding the groundless in a meaning. That's why you're not getting anywhere.
  22. @possibilities You're awesome! Some people are simply empty, and only empty jars make a lot of unnecessary noise. @assx95 Great question! It depends on your goals. What do you want to achieve?
  23. @Aakash LOL. You really don't get tired, do you?! Okay, so what grounds both reality and illusion?