Truth Addict

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Everything posted by Truth Addict

  1. @AlldayLoop Have faith that nothing can ever go wrong and that everything that comes your way is absolutely good and meant to be. Good luck ❤️
  2. When the master said: "you just said it!", he meant that "I" is the greatest name (I should have explained in my OP). Still, he couldn't say it explicitly because he knew he would be misunderstood, and that he would create a devil. The best they got at that time was probably the spinning technique and even that was viewed as stupidity. Of course ?
  3. Hehe, how can there be a path that goes beyond God when the path itself is part of God? God is not a concept, but It includes all things, including concepts. And hey, nice opening post! ?
  4. Yes, I believe so. @Aakash I don't know why I'm failing to get what you're trying to communicate. Perhaps you have a monkey mind and I have a donkey mind ?
  5. Ultimately, there's no why. But relatively speaking, we do specific things to achieve specific outcomes. Haha! I like this kind of lines! ? @mandyjw If the master and the student are just characters in a story, then the 'I' that you're referring to as me is also just a character in a story. So ultimately, I'm not the reader, nor even the author. I simply am just an illusory identity. I communicate higher truths because I want to bring peace/well-being into everyone's lives and to the whole world.
  6. I see. But if I could be 100% sure that my words would fall on deaf ears, then I wouldn't be wanting to spread no wisdom. I mean the only purpose of communicating is communication. Why even make a master of myself then? Why not just be some ordinary person?
  7. That's probably the answer. Have you tried taking a 15 minutes break for having a little snack?
  8. Then why even trying to communicate truth?
  9. I personally believe that all spiritual techniques aim to exhaust the mind and make it to submit and eventually dissolve. It doesn't matter what the technique is. No technique can show you the truth. The mind/ego is the only obstacle.
  10. Right, so now I can finally live my unconscious chimp life ?
  11. Please bare with me. Have you asked yourself: Do I really want to understand life? If so, why?
  12. Hating one's hand implies loving a mental image of an ideal hand. How's that for a proof for love? See, you can't escape love. But you can limit it, and therefore limit yourself. Love is Absolute. Hatred is relative.
  13. Yet, I still love you ❤️ No worries man. Whenever you're ready, come back to Me. I'll never never never never never never refuse you.
  14. ? Said the ego. If God didn't want the ego to exist, It wouldn't have created it in the first place. There's a purpose for the ego, and it is to serve and obey God. The ego thinks that it's not serving God. What an ignorant devil!
  15. You don't understand. Truth/Pure Awareness also is a label. The furthest we can say about it is that it is nothing, and even that is not it. The Tao that can be named is not the eternal Tao. You're tricking yourself by using the word awareness as the absolute truth, cuz it isn't. It's merely a label on what is. The point is: love is a facet of being, just like awareness and truth, they're all one thing. @AlldayLoop ❤️?
  16. @Mikael89 You're so disconnected from God right now. You've created walls that should fall before you can see love. I'm talking about logical walls in specific. You don't accept anything that is not logical, but to see love you must drop logic. Until then, keep an open mind. ... @AlldayLoop You shall find what you seek. Remember how much we all were free and uninhabited as kids?! We used to have no rules. We used to never care about the future or the past, or what other people think or say. We used to trust and believe anything and everything, without no fear and no reason. All of these things we've picked up from society. All of them are walls that are keeping us from love. We were literally vessels for God. Until we've been taught to limit ourselves and our behaviours to very specific ways. Love was and always is unlimited, we were it until we'd differentiated ourselves from it and chosen limitation over freedom. But we are who we are, we are love, we can't escape it, no matter how we try to cover it up. The core that never lights out is us, and is love. If you want to find love (Truth), look at hatred (illusion) until it melts away. Love remains and everything else goes is dust in the wind. How? Whenever you feel a negative emotion (hatred, suffering, anger, clinging, jealousy, etc...), stay with it, and question it. Especially use the question 'why?'. Why do I hate such and such? Why do such and such get me angry? Why am I jealous of that person? etc... And don't settle for less than tangible answers. Apply that for everything in your life. And soon enough, you'll find who you are, and that is love.
  17. There's no confusion, really. It's all about your circle of concerns. The larger it grows, the more loving you become (less suffering, more blissful). If you love only yourself, your love will be limited to what serves you. If you love your neighbours, your love will expand to include them, and so forth to infinity. Imagine what infinite love is capable of loving. Now you get it ?
  18. Yes, that's one form of love. It's not permanent either.
  19. There's no eternal hell. That's just a lie. Everything eventually comes back to source, bliss, when they're ready to accept it.
  20. Because there is none. Love is beyond reason (if that wasn't obvious). Because you don't know what Consciousness/Truth/God is. Check in with yourself whether you only accept what passes the filter of logic/doubt/the mind, or not. Can you see how limited that is? The inability to perceive love stems from fear and clinging, those which stem from misunderstanding of reality, and are resolved by deep suffering/deep questioning. Love knows no fear. Once you have broken past all of your fears, you will be able to see love. Fear is usually expressed in the form of logical filters, such as: "is this true or false?" "can I trust this?" "what should I accept?" etc... Love breaks all of that shit. Love is trust. Love is acceptance. Love is Truth. You must learn how to love before love can show itself to you.
  21. Yeah, I don't care about that (Right now).
  22. Don't ever stop meditating. Ever! If you want the best results, meditate for 10-15 minutes first, and then inquire/contemplate for however you want.
  23. Is spirituality only true when one thinks of it, just like materialism?
  24. Be who you are. Don't care what people think.
  25. @tatsumaru I've had this problem in the past. What worked for me is when I finally realised that thoughts don't matter! Thoughts are just thoughts. They don't have any freaking value. When the doubt arises, it's like someone is talking to you. You can learn how to detach from that narrative and ignore it like it's never there. When a thought comes up and says: "what if you're wrong?" or something like that, stay with it and say to it: "yes, I am wrong. But you know what? There's nothing wrong with being wrong. Is that all you've got bitch?" (hint: that is all it's got, mere thoughts). Imagine a closed book, without a title. You look at it from the outside, it doesn't seem scary at all. You decide to open it and read a little, and then you find out that it's a horror story. Notice that the book itself had no value or effect until imagination started working. That's precisely how thoughts work. They're just words, voices and images in your mind. Only you can give them your trust, and therefore the permission to mess with your mind. Once you have seen thoughts for what they truly are, you will not be affected by them at all. Contemplate the nature of thoughts. Video on point: That video alone can be a huge part of your liberation. That's one. Two, maybe you are facing some difficulties trying to find out the goal of life. It seems like nihilism is overweighing your thinking. The key here is to know that nihilism stems from overthinking, nihilism is never true. Once you are aware of that, it will become more easy to detach from thought. Also, there is something deeper that you're programmed to, unwillingly, ignore (like all of us) that is creating all of these negative emotions, it is your authentic self. It is trying to communicate with you through emotions. Listen to them very carefully, they have the key to your freedom. Negative emotions are signals, their purpose is precisely to tell you that you should stop whatever is causing them to arise. What you want deep inside is peace and happiness. You know it. You just have to go for it. How? By placing your peace of mind at the top of your priorities, no matter what. By placing your own well being before everything else. That will lead the way, just have faith. You deserve the best life possible, and you will definitely get it. Keep that in mind Much love for you, and best of luck ❤️