Truth Addict

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Everything posted by Truth Addict

  1. @RickyBalboa I know that you mean that this place would have been very toxic without me ? You're welcome, and I'm blushing ?
  2. And God is/does all of that! Careful not to separate the ego from God unintentionally. It's not about the yin or the yang. It's all about balance, my good friend.
  3. Politics is a conscious business. Unconscious people don't know nothing, the unconscious must serve the conscious for the good of all.
  4. There is no awakening. Awakening is just as illusory as the ego.
  5. What's the difference? Just mental scaffolding.
  6. True. But also, every aspect in and of itself is the whole thing. Different aspects don't make God separated. God is Truth, and Truth is Love, and Love is Awareness, etc... They're all the whole thing. Just different ways of saying the same thing.
  7. We can't talk without language, and language is dualistic. That doesn't mean that what it's pointing to is dualistic. I mean it could be, but not necessarily.
  8. @Robby Suffering is an option. But conscious acceptance of everything at every moment is the best option.
  9. People insist on asking unanswerable questions, and he finds it an opportunity to get more fame, money, etc... It's a win-win situation. When people stop asking stupid questions, Sadhguru and his likes will run out of business. By the way, Sadhguru was not lying.
  10. @Beginner Mind There is no choice, really, since there's no ego. But there is the illusion of choice, just like the illusion of ego. It's important to not take this wisdom and turn it into a victim's mentality. If everything is already determined, then you're free to do whatever you want.
  11. Ego backlash is a concept related to taking certain routes in life. In short, it means that what goes up must come down. It means balance and homeostasis. So, in terms of Self-Actualization, ego backlash is the temporary loss of control and motivation that was thought to be had. There isn't such a thing as ego backlash, because there is no such thing as ego to begin with. The goal with growing oneself is to watch the process happening and take notes of everything, especially the new, sneaky, or nuanced stuff. The goal is not to remain in a certain state. The goal is to detach from all states and watch them like in third person. The more you watch, the more you learn, the more you grow, the more aware you become, the more enlightened you become, the better life you will have and share with others. You will notice after a while that it is a pendulum pattern, you can't keep it in one place, it will inevitably return. And when you force it to go further in a certain direction, the backlash will be stronger. However, growth happens spontaneously with age and experience. You just need to be present for it to sink inside of you.
  12. @mkrksms Turn the tables. Trap infinity inside of you. Create your own world
  13. @Nahm My friend, we're going to have a problem. Leave a little room for others, you just nailed it! ??❤️ ?? @tatsumaru Just adding to what our awesome friend Nahm said, have you noticed that thoughts are merely thoughts? I mean it's great that you've succeeded in detaching from them, but have you yet seen them naked? Have you ever seen thoughts for what they actually are? This is critical, make sure you don't skip it.
  14. @Peo That seems like egoic seeking which will never work. Ego is the biggest obstacle towards realising the self. Don't desire knowing. Let go of everything, surrender, and you will find.
  15. It's not merely a meme There are many ways of expressing love. Thank you for the beautiful post @FoxFoxFox
  16. You obviously just need more food. Food = energy. And believe it or not, negative thinking patterns are caused by not eating well. Also, try to work out, or at least do some Swedish exercises in the morning. And try to sleep earlier.
  17. That changes everything. I thought you do as you said "low consciousness business" in your OP. If we were to say that, then the opposite of it is just as problematic as it is. The need to fap always can be controlled by being neurotic, but that's not a healthy form of sexuality. Same with not wanting sex at all, it can be forced by "deluding" oneself of separation and difference. As you see, both are problematic. Okay, that, in my opinion and experience, is unnatural and needs to get fixed as soon as possible. Not by being neurotic, of course, but rather by bringing awareness into why this is the case. In my case, it was fear that caused the absence of desire. In your case it's the "yet unknown reasons". Maybe you could take a closer look at them. I'm not saying that you're being dogmatic about not wanting to have sex. It seemed to me from what you said that you think that an awakened person shouldn't desire sex but rather use it as a tool for procreation, it's just like thinking that hunger is an illusion and that we shouldn't eat or drink unless we want to survive, which is simply a thought coming from the mind, in other words, the mind governing our lives. So if you don't think so, then that's great. Yes, that's true. I believe we'll get there in the future. We'll eventually come back to our animalistic nature only in more organised ways ?
  18. @flume I have been there too, and it was an unhealthy phase in my life. I don't regret it though. It was a lesson for me to become aware of the importance of samsara. Reality is already kicking his ass for not completely satisfying his partner. That will probably expand to cause more problems if he does not work to solve this problem. Not desiring sex is a form of disconnection from source. Sexual desire is a part of our psyche, thought is corrupting it by judging it as "low consciousness business". This judgement must get questioned and eventually dropped.
  19. That's not true awakening, awakening is about balance. What you're doing is just being a radical, due to over-practicing intellectual spiritual techniques. I suggest working on your heart chakra and opening yourself up. You've gone too far in the opposite direction. You have to balance consciousness with unconsciousness. That's a judgement that is coming from the mind. Drop it. I suspect that you have an image in your mind of an awakened person who has no desires. You might as well not want to eat or drink. You see how backwards that is? I also suspect that you have some fears slightly below the conscious, which makes them even harder to spot.
  20. @ActualizedDavid There's no such thing as dogma. You created that term and associated it with a bunch of stuff. Of course, that claim seems to be a dogma. The question is: what's the difference?
  21. Okay. What/how much have you uncovered from this mystery so far?
  22. You don't have to stop playing video games unless: You're hurting yourself or society, whether directly or indirectly. You're attached to them. You're addicted to winning. Otherwise, they're fine in moderation.
  23. Just read this on Facebook, thought of sharing it.. A conversation between a Sufi student (S) and a Sufi master (M). S: Could you please teach me the one greatest name of Allah? M: Why? What are you going to do with it? S: I'm going to ask Allah to answer my prayers (he seeks materials), by the grace of His greatest name. M: Son, the greatest name of Allah is no secret, everyone already knows it, but almost everyone misuses it. S: Master, please tell it to me! I seek nothing but the truth. M (smiled and said): You just said it! S: What did I say?! M: You said that you seek nothing but the truth. So, know, my son, that the key to knowing Allah's greatest name is to be truthful. Truthful with Allah, yourself, and other people through sayings and deeds. That is one of the keys to Allah. Son, be truthful and you'll see the wonders! Be truthful and you'll find resolution. Be truthful and you'll have all of your prayers answered. In the end, the master concluded: "Promise me to be fully truthful, and you shall receive all the good". The student had a grin and kissed his master's head and said: "I promise you. Just pray for me". .. Seriously, how to communicate higher truths with materialists? I can clearly see the gap between the master and the student. I wonder if that student ever got it.
  24. @mandyjw Nice! ?? I would say that even unconsciousness is not a waste. Unconsciousness has a purpose, and it is to serve consciousness. That's its nature and its rightful place.