Truth Addict

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Everything posted by Truth Addict

  1. No no no. All of the above answers are hitting around the bush. The ego is suffering (pun intended). Period.
  2. My deepest realisation yet is that Slavery = Freedom. In other words, for you to have total freedom, everything must be predetermined. But this is kind of hard to explain.
  3. And they say science is not an indoctrination. Hmmm ?
  4. Yeah, but keep in mind that there's another force beside the gravity towards bliss (being), it is the gravity towards evolution (growing). Make sure you don't ignore either of them. Godspeed!
  5. I don't disagree with the points you made, but you seem very biased against Leo, for whatever reason. Neo was still stuck in the matrix until he took the pill. Once he was outside, he did not need a pill anymore. Anyway, get ready to disappear, probably...
  6. That's a distinction made by the mind.
  7. @Tausif Ahmed Religious texts are not meant to be taken literally. In Abrahamic religions, God is often referred to as "He". "He" implies that God is a male, but that's obviously a silly notion. You see? You gotta look at the moon, not at the finger. The devil is the one who disobeyed God and wanted to have its own will. It wanted to have control over things. It forgot that it's an angel, so it rebelled, and therefore it was doomed to rot in hell (suffering) until it surrenders to God. The devil is just me and you. It's not a separate entity. I hope I wasn't representing old information.
  8. The problem is that you're saying that infinity is not infinite. The other problem is that you think that the mind is something different from reality. But reality is imagination, so...
  9. No, unless you create this condition.
  10. @Leo Gura @Shadowraix Okay, cool ?
  11. Yep. Rumi was the student of Shams Aldeen Tabrizi. Shams taught him everything. Shams was a Sufi, and Sufism was a sect already. A Sufi was known to be a "Darwish" which means something similar to a modern-day hippie. @Leo Gura Sufism happens to share the same perspective of yours. It's just one way of looking at the world, not necessarily the right way. Right? I would bet there are enlightened masters even in ISIS. I would say that Sufism is Islam at stage Green. Stage Yellow and beyond integrate all perspectives, they don't call other perspectives devils.
  12. Consciousness is the key. Love is the door. Truth is the doorknob. God is the doorbell. You are the whole thing. And the whole thing is nothing.
  13. If you're an American and I told you that Americans are stupid retarded people, but you're special and I care about you, you would probably have the same reaction as hers. That, in my opinion, is the worst compliment ever, and the second worst thing that you can say to a girl (the first thing being telling her she's fat whether she is or isn't). I think you still have a chance, you can probably retrieve your relationship, but you have to apologise and admit how wrong, closed-minded, and racist you were (make sure you use better language in your apology), and then make up for her because you've hurt her feelings. And also make sure you don't repeat the same mistake again, whether with her or in any future possible relationship. The most important thing right now is fixing your racism issues.
  14. A useless conclusion = ego's ultimate disappointment Yet, saying that everything is true is not how it sounds to you. The word 'true' becomes meaningless and useless. It gets replaced with something prior to it, it gets replaced with the word 'is', and you finally become free from the mind's captivity. Notice that even in discussing this, you're still highly dependent on your skepticism. And no, truth does not need to be distinct from anything else, precisely because it is everything. It is all-encapsulating. Nothing can be different from the truth. To think otherwise is the assumption. A lie is not actually a lie. It is a mistaken Truth. For example, if I told you that milk is black, am I actually lying? No, what happened is that I produced some sounds with my mouth and you did the interpretation. The truth about that scenario is that the milk wasn't neither white nor black, but that you heard some sounds and imagined a black liquid. Now, if you go and discover that milk is actually white, then you discover that you only had a wrong image in your mind. The image existed in your mind, and the actual milk existed in your direct experience. To lie is to mistake this for that or that for this. To lie is to mistake the map for the territory. That's how delusion gets created. But the encapsulating thing that was always present throughout the whole thing was you/being/the present moment/God etc... In truth, lies do not exist, but you can create a lie by mixing truths up. That's all. No. Truth is a word that points to the actual thing, be it ideas, sensations, chickens, or anything else. Jed's statement is a little bit misleading for you. Why use the word truth? How about the word existence instead? What could there be but existence/being? Let's rephrase Jed's statement: 'There is existence'. Of course there is. How can that even be doubted? Jed did not start his journey from there. That "premise" was actually the conclusion at the end of his journey. He just said it that way so he doesn't give the answer and spoil it for us. Anyway, why would you assume that anything that is, is not true in the first place? It's ridiculous how easily we can delude ourselves with our own thinking. What more than being does it need for something that exists in order to be evident? Isn't the being itself evident without anything else? How would being fit inside of any paradigm when it's always bigger than the paradigm? Look at a rock and try to prove it. How ridiculous would that be?! It's clear that it's already there, what the fuck am I doing? Why is thought required at all? Who said that thought is required? Thought, of course. How ridiculous is that? Do you see the importance of going meta and being aware? Notice your dependency on thought. Notice how it is grounded in fear of not-knowing. Notice that you know that you will have nothing to ground yourself in if you lose all of your paradigms, you might have referred to this as going insane. The question is: why do you think you need a ground in the first place? The answer is because you're attached to survival, and survival is your only frame of reference that you use to make sense of everything. Thoughts are maps, you fear that if you lose your maps you will be lost, you fear that if you become lost you will not be able to survive. But think about it; Do trees, animals, or even baby human beings have maps? No, of course not. Well, then how do they survive? I don't know, they just do. On the other hand, a very sophisticated thinker who knows everything about survival could get run over by a bus anytime he's not looking. So, this survival argument of the mind becomes silly, because it's completely out of control. It takes courage, yes, but it's worth it, cuz it's freeing. ... I haven't read the rest of the post yet. I will do sometime soon, and I might reply or might not. I hope something got clarified up to you.
  15. Actually, I was just done eating some chicken. Did I surprise you? ? I swear I'm not lying.
  16. With ignorance, or in other words, transcendence of the mind. As stupid, ignorant, and cliche as it might sound, but yeah, that's the answer. "Stupid" is a judgement. Moreover, it is a stupid judgement. Isn't that hilarious?! ? I would say that what you're experiencing right now is just an ego-backlash. You'll get used to your idiocy just like you did before, and just like I do. That's why I said that it's a half-truth. There's a conflation here between the absolute and the relative. You might say that they're the same thing, but that's not the case from the relative point of view. So yeah, you're an idiot regarding that point This is nothing new to me even though I haven't took a psychedelic ever. I naturally experience highs every now and then. What you wrote makes it clear to see that you're just experiencing an ego-backlash. Notice how it's bringing out your shadow. You clearly value intelligence over ignorance, and so here you are. If you want to overcome any kind of problem, go meta.
  17. That's a half-truth. You might have died, but you're not dead yet (as in still breathing), you still have to live in the realm of duality, so there is a balance to strike. If there wasn't, you wouldn't be asking that question in the first place, and there wouldn't be 'others'. As for your question: It seems that my parents are always 'offline'. Yeah, that line is imaginary. You're free to place it wherever you want, depending on existing agendas or without having agendas.
  18. Kind of, but not exactly. Obviously, there's no shoulds or shouldn'ts. Everyone is free to do whatever they want. For me, I value health (external) and well-being (internal). So whenever I see a form of dis-ease, aka suffering, I try to give treatments. I now even started expanding that whenever I suspect a possibility of potential suffering or a possibility of a collective conflict, I know I have to act on it. What I'm specifically suggesting is to put everything in its rightful place, to make life flow smoothly, and to live in harmony and in tune with reality.
  19. @Dane What you need at this point is the integration of God and devil. You need to learn how to be satisfied with what you have and at the same time strive for more if possible. The trick is detachment. Detachment means being serious without being neurotic, and being relaxed without being lazy. It's a desire for the best out 'there', while at the same time being content with what is here. Balance is a process of trail and error, but you will eventually find that perfect balance. Be patient. You're working hard, and that'll pay off ?
  20. I'm not sure I'm allowed to contribute. But anyway, I keep learning time after time that what you said is a complete myth. I used to think that my work caused me to suffer, but then I realised that it was me. I always wanted to make the best outcomes possible out of it, until I realised that all of that was just perfectionism. I realised that it's not worth it to put +50% more effort only to get 5-10% more results. I was shocked! It's a complete loss for everyone! Because this will extra effort you put will turn into resistance, and will deteriorate your efficiency in the future, as you can obviously see, it's making you suffer. I understand now that if everyone would work like I used to do, it would be a disaster. It's hilarious! Look at everyone, almost no one takes their jobs seriously, and still, things work just fine. So, why should I? Whatever is happening, just roll with it. It's also important to embrace suffering when it's required. I mean sometimes things can happen against your will, and you need them to stop/change, so you take the suffering and act from it, whatever that means. It's very important to learn how to use suffering as a tool, not as an attitude. This is critical for integrating success with happiness. I hope at least some of the things I said give you some insight. ?
  21. @tatsumaru (Just my thoughts, I could be wrong about all of them. I find it better to share them as you seem very open-minded. Otherwise, I would have remained silent, or at best, sugar-coated them). ? Here's a list of the obstacles that are possibly keeping you from resolving the suffering, I believe they're all interconnected: Paradigm lock. You're a skeptic, you believe that for something to be true, it has to be proven first. Well, obviously, that's a groundless assumption. The whole notion of proof is just absurd, a vicious cycle. You hold on to this skeptic position so much that you're afraid of letting go of it. You believe that you will become prone to delusions if you lose that filter. Therefore, you limit Truth to what passes through that filter, which, I hope you can see, is very limited and myopic, if even possible. You doubt the existence of Truth, and you use skepticism to do that. But the mere fact that you are trying to disprove something assumes a 'thing' to begin with, which is, in essence, prior to proof or disproof. That 'thing' is Truth. Similar to Descartes' famous statement: "Cogito, ergo sum", but without a self. You still haven't 'killed' your ego yet. You favour your survival over liberation/realising Truth. You still haven't transcended morality yet. You still haven't transcended the meaningful vs. meaningless duality yet. You're disconnected from your emotions, you always keep them under the surface and never embrace them, and you underrate them tremendously. You believe that realising Truth will lead you to a happy/meaningful life. I mean it certainly will, but from your current position it will not until you drop that belief, because ego is standing in the way. I'm just speculative with this one, but you believe in free will. You believe that to get 'here', you have to do something. But that belief of something needs to be done, is itself a move out of 'here' so to speak. In case I am wrong with all of the above, then that means that you don't believe them to be true, but just possibilities. In that case, you need to detach from thoughts, and transcend the mind. You need to pass through the gateless gate. If everything above did not work/resonate, could you please give me your best definition of Truth? Even if it's just a concept. I hope something clicked for you.
  22. @LucyKid The only evident ego to you is your own. There are no other egos, you simply imagine them. You're literally living inside of the selfless God, and you're the only self there is. (of course, from your pov). As long as you have a self, you will still see other selves. In other words, as long as you are a devil, you will still see devils. When the self (agendas) is gone, you will be able to to see things as they are without being biased.
  23. The sane among fools is, ironically, no longer sane, but rather a fool. Just speak their level.
  24. I also once introduced Spiral Dynamics as a model to my Facebook friends, the replies were mostly butt-kissing and egos trying to appear scientific, knowledgeable, and open-minded. At that point, I knew that it's way above their heads, so I stopped.