Truth Addict

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Everything posted by Truth Addict

  1. Here's an additional wrinkle: the fear is identification with thought-stories / thought-self. But the suffering isn't. The suffering stems from not accepting the fear, i.e. from resisting it. This distinction can make a big difference in how you deal with fear. The fear will start to decrease by time as you start applying awareness, and after enough time and practice, the fear will diminsh like it never was, and so will do the suffering.
  2. Why would you call this infinity? I would call it an inability to know beyond one's subjective experience.
  3. @DrewNows This psychological fear and suffering had been something that I struggled with for a couple of years. It basically boils down to 'childhood vows', or the shadow. For me, what did the trick was Shamanic Breathing. This simple practice is very powerful. I used to do it in strong sets with maximum duration of 1-1.5 minutes per set, and the number of sets is optional, do it as much as you can/like.
  4. What does that even mean? Can you point to them?
  5. If anyone did this, then all they would realise on psychedelics would be similar to your teachings. It's all about former metaphysics, I guess.
  6. I don't quite understand this. The intellectual explanation seems to make sense though.
  7. @Monkey-man It's just different pointers, my friend. Everything points towards God.
  8. Ignorance is a contracted state of consciousness.
  9. Leo's video about fear came out just in time. Yesterday, I figured out that my laziness basically stems from fear. I fear change, not that it frightens me or anything like that. It's a mere unconscious layer of resistance directly beneath the conscious mind. I could step out of that resistance for the whole day yesterday, and I don't find any problems yet that would prevent me from improving. I find working(out)/making effort/doing physical tasks helps with that, and with raising awareness in general. But it's necessary to meet the basic needs as well. It doesn't work either ways, it requires fulfilling both ends, contraction and expansion, deconstruction and construction. It’s an uncanny phenomenon that whatever seems to be on my mind at a certain time, tends to usually come out as the title of one of Leo's exact next video. This is either synchronicity as Mandy would say, or just a result of being brainwashed and imprinted by Leo. I would go with the first one. Mandy's got a point, God is winking to me. Thank you, God! ?
  10. I'm not sure. The more accurate definition to me would be thinking or acting in an unusual way. Then again, I don't see any problem with that.
  11. Nope. What do you mean by the word 'sanity'? Seriously, I can't relate to this.
  12. What are they? I'm not sure I understand your question. But I think you want me to give you a list of possible beliefs that are causing you to please people? Here are some: I am not enough. I don't smell good. I don't look good enough. I am less than others. Others are better/smarter than me. I can't be a leader. That's how it is, and I have no say in the matter. I am born to be submissive. I don't have enough power/knowledge to influence reality/others. I am a very important person. This one is counter-intuitive, because it makes you super-critical of yourself as you think everyone is watching every single move you do or word you say. Of course, you can mind-storm a lot more. Also, research the 'Alpha Male Mindset', that'll give you a taste of how it feels to not be a people-pleaser. EDIT: Nevermind. I think I understand your question now. It's a survey kind of question, probably. I'm currently struggling to remove some of the beliefs I have about females.
  13. I don't get it. How come so?
  14. Cool! Now try to get there without shrooms
  15. You definitely should! 'Beliefs' is how we human beings operate in the world. You can't not have beliefs, but you can change them. Your beliefs dictate the quality of your life. Don't underestimate the importance of beliefs, they work in the most sneaky of ways. One of the best belief changers is direct experience. I think this creates a bridge for understanding what Leo talks about. If you're asking about enlightenment, then you can post your questions in the other sub-forum so you can get more relevant answers.
  16. Thank you Nick! Well, I think spirituality is more tricky than that. It doesn't focus only on the long-term results, but it includes the short-term results as well. In fact, I think the short-term is the stepping stone for the long-term, i.e. you have to live in the present moment fully, and at the same time make sure that it leads to a healthy future. This is something I'm struggling with right now, as you know I'm kind of stuck in the present moment and find difficulties in creating my future how I want. Also, in terms of business/work ethics, I don't think of stage Blue vs. Orange as catholic vs. protestant. I think of it more as communist vs. capitalist. The former which is common here in the middle-east, and the latter which is common in the first world countries. I think this makes it clearer how we, employees, think and what motivates us and why. And at the same time, it makes it easier for us to understand the game that our employers play so that we can learn how to evolve and get there.
  17. No problem man, feel free to share whatever you want.
  18. @mandyjw Loved both songs! ❤️
  19. I want pancakes I doubt love can make that.
  20. I didn't talk about my current fucked up situation in life, and I don't mean to be rude but I really don't feel like talking about it. But here's a little trailer: economical breakdown of the whole country, barely affording to live. Not saying that I'm suffering or anything right now, in fact that suffering turned into peace and then happiness and bliss through surrendering. And well, good for you for acing your education! I was/still am never interested in theory/abstractions.
  21. @DrewNows Thanks Andrew! ❤️ My mother completely over-loves me right now. She used to be very critical of me when I was a kid, but for certain reasons she became so loving that she lost her position and power over my life and I lost direction. I can see now how that plays a role in my current situation.
  22. While I don't neglect the value of love in every matter, I still think there is something more that can help me fix this issue. There's a saying: love does not make you breakfast.
  23. Do you know that I don't know what you're talking about? I've seen some of his worst posts. He's grown a lot. There was a girl posting a thread in the serious emotional problems sub-forum about her brother raping her. Nahm suggested that she was trolling. I don't know if I can find the post, I read it once when I was reading a criticism of on reddit or quora. EDIT: found it: I don't mean to criticise Nahm or put him down by any means, just justifying my judgement of him. He's one of my favourite people of all times. He helped me A LOT. Nahm is awesome! Yet, I don't want to overestimate him. He definitely is way beyond me, and beyond many people here. But to me, he doesn't seem to be at the highest levels yet. Maybe in some areas, he is. For example, he does not lock threads at all. While this seems like a positive trait even to me, but it shows a vulnerability on his side, more of an empathy really, but still something to integrate. This video is one of my favourites ❤️
  24. I see. All of this I understand. The problem is that I can't make it real. Part of the problem is my laziness, and part is lack of experience. You see, as I grew up, I've almost got everything I wanted, I mean that I got everything that I can work for and get, not what my parents provided me with, they didn't/couldn't provide everything I wanted, obviously. For example, I didn't need to study hard to get the best grades. I always got that easily until 14 years old when I got into high school. In other words, there was no competition for me at all until 14 years old. After that, there was so much competition and the students were way out of my league that I couldn't even compete, so I kinda gave up. Then at 17, in the summer right before college, I randomly stumbled upon a Sufi book that was sort of a little biography of an early Sufi called 'Al-Fuḍayl ibn ‘Iyāḍ'. It was a book filled with wisdom, mostly focused on surrendering and letting go, and also some mystical stories. That book made a lot of sense to me, but never sparked my hunger for wisdom. However, at college, there was so much competition as well that I gave up even more easily than high school. The point is that I grew up without experiencing stage Orange. I was either completely successful or a complete failure relative to my community. I never had a chance to know how it feels to compete. I even used to despise it as some kind of barbaric mindset/behaviour. At stage Blue, I was mainly concerned with principles and morality. At stage Green, I am mainly concerned with functionality/health. I lack the ability to create that health. One funny thing is that I used to give to charity even when I needed money the most. I was mostly broke, but I would still give money away. It's been only a couple of months that I stopped giving to charity completely, and it was something so hard to maintain. I've always been neglecting and demonising stage Orange as it being egotistical and barbaric, probably confusing it with stage Red. So, part of the problem for why I don't come off kindly is because I don't know how people think at stage Orange. I don't know what they value (I know it only in theory). I can't manage to find a win-win solution, either me or them. And that sucks, because at stage Green I can't function properly, I want to share my love, but I don't know how to translate it into people's language. I do lack social skills. I don't think I'm well grounded in Green, thanks to my Orange shadow. Perhaps I'm exaggerating a little bit about the lack of social skills. I mean I certainly was pretty bad, but I've got a lot better during the last year. So, if that's not the correct understanding of stage Orange, then please tell it to me straight, because that would mean that I need to study it once again. @mandyjw Nothing fascinates the eye of a thief more than a fascinating caterpillar bead See, this right here is why I think you still have some Blue in your psyche. This absolutist attitude is a hallmark of stage Blue. Blue doesn't necessarily require religious ideas, you can be religious about any idea. It's a very sneaky mindset that I was able to notice it in myself only recently. To think that I truly know something is already enough of a bold claim. Also, Spiral Dynamics is not my only lens for judging people's development. I started developing an intuition integrated with my knowledge, that's why I spoke confidently about you and the others. I use Spiral Dynamics because it's popular here, it's sort of a common language. About Nahm, I don't even know what Coral and Teal are. I don't feel comfortable even learning about them, Turquoise is already way above my head. Even when I said that Serotoninluv is borderline Turquoise, I wasn't really comfortable saying it. Of course, the human psyche is way too complex to simplify it in models. I would guess there are tens of ways to categorise and study the human psyche. Emotional vs. Intellectual can be one of them. Feminine vs. Masculine can be another one. And so on...