Truth Addict

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Everything posted by Truth Addict

  1. @How to be wise Roses are red, the past happened in the past, the future will happen in the future, now is happening right now. If that didn't help, maybe it's because you're asking the wrong question. Contemplate time and you'll find the answer. Or simply use a time machine ?
  2. Doing science and isolating philosophy is like cutting off one leg BELIEVING (and I mean it) that one is enough.
  3. @brovakhiin Thanks ? Success (even materialistic) itself is not bad, just like money, it's just a tool not the goal. Though I find it worthwhile trying to succeed at anything as long as I don't cling to it. Plus you gain XP and consciousness more than what you gain from just living an ordinary life. Varying one's lifestyle is very important imo. Always do what's emotionally harder.
  4. @vanish Leo is already on it bro! But he's aware of the danger of zen-devilry.
  5. @egoless "So many people here linger through the topics like self-proclaimed gurus - repeating what they heard from other teachers blindly. What is happening to us? Is this place turning into cult or new religion?" Well how do you know that? Why are you assuming that they are lying to us? What if they really are gurus? Why are you not comfortable with that? I myself have found many profound and delicious knowledge and wisdom here, I'm not really concerned with the source of information as long as I have my direct experience. It's really about removing the old deep layers of wrong information (beliefs) and replacing them with nothing. Filling your page with Truth! ? The only one you should worry about being deceived is you. No-one can deceive anyone unless they let them do ? Leo keeps saying that all the time: Don't buy into dogmas of any kind.
  6. @Jamie Universe Positive body sensations are bonus for calming down the monkey-mind. Focus on the mind and enjoy how you feel simultaneously ? But don't make the mistake and cling to these feelings. Feelings come and go, you want the Truth which is there for you all the time ?
  7. Exactly! But media and mainstream people still won't agree with you ? Yep, you infinitely end up being exactly at where you started ? Imagine yourself walking on a solid ground, and then you see a ladder, you climb it up, you put effort depending on the length of the ladder. The goal appears more solid as you climb higher, at some point you reach the top, you get your success, but where does that leave you? Nowhere! You're at where you started. It has no substance! So your excitement levels fall down after your success and then you're addicted to it so you try to make another one endlessly unconsciously. This is mainstream success. Success doesn't mean happiness, modern society is so much success-oriented. You don't have to be successful (at any level) to be happy, though of course you can be, what you really want is authenticity, not success. There is happiness. It's everywhere all the time. Much more to say about this pic but that kills the art (what isn't said is equally important to what is) imo, doesn't it?! Hope I was successful trying to make this clear to you ?? ?? You're welcome, glad you find it helpful ?
  8. @Deep 1) does that matter? 2) does that matter? 3) does that matter? To really answer your questions, you need to stop assuming things you don't really know. For example what is existence? What is the "mind"? And so on...
  9. Notice you're saying they're all colours. ? I'm not going to debate over first person experiences. You have to see it for yourself. Avoid debating and mental masturbation, then try to view the world from your own perception.
  10. @electroBeam I've been stuck in your paradigm quite a bit of time. I never broke out until I realised that 'wait a minute, why am I concerning myself with things out of my perceptions field?' There's no proof of existence for anything outside of your perception in the moment. It's just mere memories and beliefs. The Truth is right here, it's right now. Here is the clue: you need to make a distinction between your thoughts and what's there, and after you do that, all distinctions collapse. Thoughts and beliefs become reality when you lock within and limit yourself to them. You just don't realize that, this is how it works, you imagine stuff and dream them up and therefore they become reality in your consciousness. There's nothing outside of your perception. I hope you see it. There is true happiness.
  11. @electroBeam Try a psychedelic, and then let us know if your world view is any consistent anymore. ?
  12. @Shanmugam I watched both videos, and I can easily say that they're both untrustworthy. He lacks references, he uses language and his own intuition to talk about history, also he does not know much about Islam obviously, his information is very superficial. Language similarities does not mean connection necessarily. For example: 1) he talked about al-khidr whose name was not even mentioned in the Qur'an itself. The name was delivered to the Islamic culture through other cultures after the death of Mohammed. 2) he said that the word Allah was the name of a pagan. This is completely false, there was a pegan named 'allat' and old Arabs worshipped it (next to many other pagan gods) to get closer to the true God whose name was Allah even before Islam the name was known. 3) Arabic language is not like most other languages, all words are connected to a root word (past tense verb) called the 'source verb' (words are not connected to the same root word, but every word has its root word) for example: the word 'Islam' (which is better written 'Isslam' because the 's' is pronounced ç and not z) is derived from the root word 'salima' سَلِمَ which is a past tense verb. See this link:سلم My conclusion: there are many wrong information and many other reference-lacking in these videos. They're not helping to deliver the truth to you. Anyways, I think I might share more information about Arabs and Isslam and Qur'an in the future, but I don't want to commit to that.
  13. In this screenshot you see two consecutive verses from The Qur'an. [Sura: The Cow: verses 190,191] The two verses talk about physical Jihad against others (those who fight with you). And they frankly say that Allah absolutely (not relatively) does not love those who exceed the limits, (though the translation is not very accurate but I'll agree with it) So whenever a Sultan, king, Khalifat,or any kind of religious leader wants to take control over other countries he will say: "Hmmm, I am the true Muslim and all other people are unbelievers of Truth (kaaffir). Let's conquer them." These very two verses are the invention of ISIS, Taliban, and Al-Qaeda. So what would you do if you were a leader who wants to get more power and lands etc..? Of course you would dismiss the first verse and take the second verse literally and actually misinterpret it. So you would say: let's kill all people in the way of Allah, they are all infidels (see how devilry ego works), and then of course you go crusade and slay and cut heads off "in the way (name) of Allah". You can clearly see that The Qur'an itself does not support killing others. And if you spend quite time studying it, you will see that it's all about killing yourself rather than pointing fingers out to others. But again how will that serve your ego? It won't, so the ego corrupts it. In Qur'an, the only crime that deserves death penalty is killing others (killing innocent people) . The family of the victim can forgive and actually The Qur'an encourages forgiveness, it says about this topic: "And if you forgive, it will be definitely more beneficial to you". The point that I'm here to make is how good religions were and how leaders distorted them to serve their ego. The first verse [190] is better translated like: "And fight in the way of Allah (in the sake of Truth) those who fight with you (because you say the Truth), nevertheless, do not go over the limits fighting (do not start the fight, do not invade, etc.. ) because Allah never loves those who exceed the limits. The second verse [191] is better translated like: "And kill them (the invaders) wherever you meet them in the battle and drive them out from whence they drove you out, 'and persecution is severer than slaughter' (I don't know if this phrase is accurate but I don't know any better), and do not fight with them at the Sacred Mosque (if they hide in it, which means it is a safe shelter even for the invaders), but if they do fight you, then slay them; such is the recompense of the unbelievers (fighters of Truth)." I am an Arab, I know Arabic language and a lot about Arab history. I was not a big fan of religion until recently although I grew up a Muslim in a Muslim family. Now I started to see the Truth. It's all inside of me. I am Truth. I can see clearly now that I always had a book of enlightenment, it was The Qur'an. I might post more about this book in the future. With the help of I started to know. Thank you Leo ?
  14. Think about it this way: your body will eventually die, but you're not, because you're not the body. You think you need a body to be alive, but where does your body exist? In your consciousness.
  15. @frnsh There's no such thing as a will to be free or not. It's an invention of the human mind. You only choose your destiny.
  16. Sura Al-Mu'minoon (The Believers): verses 1 to 11: ... "In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful: The believers have definitely achieved the true success {1} (The believers) Who are conscious during their prayers {2} And who do not involve themselves in (time wasting and not beneficial) chatter {3} And who clean themselves and their money through 'Zakat' (giving the poor-rate) {4} And who guard their private parts (genitals) {5} Except before their mates and those whom their right hands possess (slaves), for they surely they are not blameable {6} But whoever seeks to go beyond that, these are the unjust people (who exceed the limits) {7} And those who are keepers of their trusts and their covenant {8} And those who keep on doing their prayers (routinely) {9} These are they who are the heirs {10} Who shall inherit the Paradise; they shall live eternal life therein {11}" ... Replace the word 'believers' with 'actualizers' or 'Truth seekers' etc.. Also notice that the verses are talking about the Chakras, and how to best balance them. Every single chakra is involved. I don't know if it fits with the forum privacy. But I felt like posting this because I find it identical to the stuff that Leo teaches. The circle is complete.
  17. From my Arabic background: Shirk literally means sharing; Believing in other Gods next to Allah. Kofr literally means cover, and a kaffir is someone who covers the truth, and does not believe in Allah. Kofr is the rejection of the fact that God exists. The day of judgement also mentioned as the day of Truth, the day of religion, the hour (zero-hour), the day of resurrection; is the last day of this realm according to the Qur'an. It happens suddenly, causing great horror to every creature on earth. Believing in the day of judgement is essential to being a true Muslim. I don't have any non-dual interpretations to share. And I think it can be literal. But anyways, don't you see the motivation? There's nothing more painful to avoid than eternal hellfire, and there's nothing more blissful to want than eternal peace in eternal paradise. ?
  18. The Azan is saying: "Allah is greater. (x4) I witness that there's no other God but Allah. (x2) I witness that Mohammad is the prophet of Allah. (x2) Come on to prayer. (x2) Come on to true success. (x2) Allah is greater. (x2) There's no other God but Allah." ... All the problems you mentioned with Islam don't really stem from the original version (except for the humor thing). Sufism is the most spiritual cult of Islam. It focuses on the relationship between human and Allah, knowing that we are part of the whole. Still, there are many false beliefs that they have, for example, children are not supposed to be punished for their innocent crimes. That's the original version of Islam. Same thing goes for females vs. males, they are not equal, that's true, but everyone must be treated with justice according to the Qur'an. Unfortunately, these new versions of religion are always corrupted. Therefore, you will have to do the research.
  19. Of course he can't. He probably means that he knows everything he ever wanted to know, everything that matters to him he is knowledgeable of. For him there are no more questions. He knew everything back then, he could give you the answers. After all, it doesn't matter.
  20. Here you might find your answer.
  21. "All beliefs are false" Isn't that a belief? This means that some beliefs can be true. Am I right?
  22. Lucky you! Hopefully I will experience that someday.. And yes you can re-experience it through psychedelics. Check Leo's videos, I think there will be a lot of valuable information for you after you realized the Truth.
  23. I honestly don't know. I'm still living an ordinary life, nothing special happened yet.
  24. I agree, but what I'm saying is that beliefs are not totally bad. We need beliefs to communicate, build, exercise, etc.. You just can't be here if you don't have any beliefs. I understand, I'm the consciousness that's conscious of this very moment, given the fact that on psychedelics my consciousness will change, which means nothing really exists. Does that mean also that I need to experience change in my consciousness to understand? Because I understand everything theoretically but I honestly don't feel anything special about it.