Truth Addict

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Everything posted by Truth Addict

  1. @iyfe In reality, there's nothing to really care or worry about. Worrying is thought-driven and so are all emotions. If that's the case, then you smoke because you don't want to face that fact and take responsibility for your own emotions. What's even trickier is that you think it's not an existential problem while in fact it is. It feels that way from an addict perspective, but you can see it clearly in others if you know what's really going on. Good luck ?
  2. @Source_Mystic I'm with you. But I still have to do some research, then I might try that technique again. @moon777light Running and swimming etc... are exercises, you can't exercise too much or too hard or you're gonna kill yourself, this is a physiological limitation of having a body. Breathwork is an intense exercise for the whole body when it doesn't need to. Nobody wants to mess with their physiology.
  3. Your mind is a bubble-generator. It creates bubbles all the time out of nowhere. - Every bubble is an idea. - A state of problem solving sequence results in firing sets of bubbles as many as possible (much thinking), a bubble vanishes in a while unless you revoke it over and over again (consciously or unconsciously). - Bubbles differentiate from each other by density, volume, content. - The bubble-generator's job is to protect itself by a (or a set of) governing bubble(s) that contains the engine and the whole generator. A bubble very soild becomes a ball (belief). - Meditation is the process of shutting down the engine. Self-inquiry is the process of popping up the solid bubbles. Enlightenment is watching the engine, the whole generator, and the bubbles, working at a whole, knowing how this generator works and the nature of bubbles. Non-duality is the biggest picture possible of everything above. - Leo is a technician who teaches us how this thing works. - This post is a bubble inside of infinite number of bubbles alongside an infinite number of infinite sets of bubbles in infinitely infinite dimensions. - A bubble that says it's not a bubble is normal. - A bubble with no substance is everything. - Reality is the biggest bubble you lock your self up in. ... Any corrections or other metaphors are welcomed. Have a nice bubble ? ❤️
  4. It was very intense to me, I couldn't get to minute 3.
  5. Wisdom is the proper thinking/behaviour to all of life circumstances.
  6. @Yonkon It is a cult only if you take what's said for granted.
  7. So, if all what I'm concerned about is what's here and now. Am I not being closed-minded to all the other possibilities out there, and therefore totally happy? Any opinions?
  8. It's then the belief that all beliefs are not true? A strange loop? That's exactly the closed-mindedness I'm talking about. There has to be some beliefs running in the back of the human mind, but when being enlightened, you shut down all the beliefs that you used to believe in before, like tomorrow's plans, work problems, etc.. See how limiting 'being in the now' can be. There is no future in the now. But there is a future in the future. Ignoring problems won't solve them, considering though that problems are relative.
  9. Nice, much to learn from you. ?
  10. For your questions, morality and free will are strange loops. Once you give up morality, you become most moral. Once you give up control, you control everything. A strange loop.
  11. Bro, are you high right at this moment? Very wise though.
  12. Guys, I've been thinking for a while after reading many times that being is the only existence and that it is primary to consciousness. Could anyone please give me a brief of explanation about that? Is that another distinction that we make? Am I confusing consciousness with being during my meditation (the no monkey-mind phase)? All I know is that things are the way they are because they are. Is there anything else more to know about that? What is the maximum understanding that one can reach?
  13. Tell me something I don't know. It's obvious to me, this solipsism. I call it consciousness, you call it being. Is that the difference?
  14. 1) I don't know, that's why I'm asking. 2) I don't know, and I don't think I need. I just read that there is a difference between them on this forum. 3) I don't know, I call my calmest experience of the present moment during meditation: "consciousness". Thank you so much, that helps a lot. ❤️ ?
  15. Why do you think I don't understand that? I might, but how do you know? Is it the way I'm talking or the question itself? Then I guess that leaves me with no choice but to do psychedelics. I don't know yet, I don't think I'm ready. Thanks though. ?
  16. @Telepresent I only recognise it as consiousness. That's why I asked my question in the first place. @Faceless Quite interesting, I think I understand that. But I'm digging deeper, is it just a word game?
  17. I appreciate difference. I think the man did what he had to do. The idea of God back then was very acceptable, also, you can't make people want to increase their awareness. Mohammed made the motivation for them. Even nowadays, though we suffer a lot, very few people choose the way of Truth. I think the man did a great job making the motivation, unfortunately wasn't enough, because the ego corropts everything. But also he realised throughout his life that life is a game between the ego which he called the devil, and awareness which he called Allah, he realised that you can do nothing about it, both are necessary and inevitable, yin-yang. Intuition must support the idea of God, in any kind of way. It's only after we disconnect from our intuition we can't see God anymore. Glad to hear your opinion dude. Recently I just realised that life is one, for me and everyone else, it's just the point of view is the only difference. And it's inevitably inevitable, and absolutely infinite.
  18. First of all, I would like to thank Leo for all of his effort and open-mindedness. Last episode was great and brave. Thank you so much @Leo Gura ? I chose to talk about Mohammed's death because it was very special, because he had his last mystical experience, and he gave his last will during his death, and an important event happened after his death. So let's start... The mystical experience: The most reliable sources say that when Mohammed was on his dying bed, in the house of his wife Khadija, he told her to open the door for Gabriel, then he spoke with him saying: "no, I want nothing but the highest companion, the highest companion". They say that he was being asked to choose between this life or joining his Lord. Many things happened there but the most important thing I think is his last will. The last will: Mohammed was being carried to the mosque to pray, he couldn't take the role of the "Imam" (the leader) because he was so weak. After finishing the prayer he said to his companions (Sahaba): "I order you to keep on your prayers, the prayers, and take care of the people you own (your slaves)". After Mohammed's death: People went crazy, some shifted back to paganism, some couldn't believe that he died, but his closest companion Abu Bakr (the righteous one) came out to the people, he stepped to the stand then said, (probably the most eloquent words of all time): "WHOEVER WORSHIPPED MOHAMMED, KNOW THAT MOHAMMED IS DEAD. AND WHOEVER WORSHIPS ALLAH, KNOW THAT ALLAH IS ALIVE, HE NEVER DIES". Now I know I'm a terrible writer, but I'm just sharing wisdom here. Thanks for all.
  19. Yes it is history, and I want to know the facts. Beliefs are beliefs. And no, we can't delete verses or hadiths because that would be a distortion of the real history. And actually there are no controversial verses, I would bet on that. But you can find a lot of nonsense hadiths that are not originally said by Mohammed. If you want the most reliable references of Isslam, I recommend only the Qur'an and what's called the forty hadiths of al Nawawi (الأربعين النووية). Here are some examples from the forty hadiths: Mohammed said: 1) "None of you is a true believer if he does not like to his brother as much as he likes for himself". 2) "Allah said: whoever fights my servants is involved in war with Me. Nothing is more pleasant to God than what He ordered his servants to do. And a servant keeps reaching God with voluntary work (prayers and fasting, etc..) till I (Allah) love him. And when I love someone I become his ears by which he hears, and his eyes by which he sees, and his hand by which he grasps, and his foot by which he walks. And if he ever asked for anything from me, he'll absolutely get it, and if he ever asked for my protection, he'll absolutely have it". 3) "Be in this realm like a stranger, or a passenger". You see how these words are full of wisdom. And as Leo once said: "Conscious people never lie".
  20. The tree is the ego (immortality) according to the Qur'an. ?
  21. @AstralProjection @Spinoza Guys, I studied Mohammed's history very well, there's something very important when you study the history of Isslam and it is that you have to know the resources that are reliable and only pick facts from them. I can tell you easily that the image you have about Mohammed is completely false. Yes, the Qur'an shifted its language to violence later, but that was very specific and for special cases (battles), the problem came when dictators used the Qur'an for their own egos. They turned the "particular" into a "general". Therefore they invented what they call: "CALL FOR JIHAD" (conquest) which is something invented after Mohammed's death. The only jihad in Isslam (from the Qur'an itself) is the other kind of jihad which is called the: "JIHAD OF PROTECTION" which is completely valid. I'll talk more about that in the future and I'll give my evidence from the Qur'an itself. P.S I'm an Arab.
  22. Same thing happened to me. Just realised how stupid I was. Leo is a really good teacher, I owe him every single penny of my happiness. Btw, @Cudin thank you for your eloquent post.
  23. @Tearos It is dogma and you are a fundamentalist until you know for yourself.
  24. It is true, just like the dream you had last night. ?