Truth Addict

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Everything posted by Truth Addict

  1. Love is what holds Reality together. God is one because of Love.
  2. @alankrillin The point I was making is that this vegetarian and vegan movement is just complete nonsense, and complete waste of time and energy. Eat whatever you want to eat. It doesn't really matter. Again, beware of the ego and its sneaky projections.
  3. Actually quite the opposite. First of all, it depends on ignoring the fact that everthing, including green trees and plants are alive. How do you know that trrees don't suffer? Why are you so sure? Every idea is created by the ego, including the ideas of murder and animal rights. The ego which is comfortable with not facing death, will find a way to survive by claiming that trees and plants are not alive, when if fact, they are. So if we're to be truly honest with ourselves, eating green is also a crime. By the way, people eat each other all the time in business, marketing, etc... But since the ego is not seeing death directly, it will just sweep it under the rug as if everything is fine. Basically, survival happens at the expense of others, whether they are plants, animals, or humans. And believe it or not, for you to survive you must have been criminal and evil your whole life. Otherwise, you'd be dead.
  4. @How to be wise @Nahm I live in a Muslim society, and I myself had been a Muslim for a good 5 years. Most people around me pray every single day five times at least. None of them is enlightened, not even the oldest and most wise of them, guaranteed. I used to do the same for 5 consecutive years. I almost never skipped a prayer back then. Only to find myself nowhere near Allah. I even used to wake myself up at 3 or 4 a.m in the cold (which I am very sensitive to, since I have some thyroid problem) just so I don't miss the prayer. I didn't know the essence of prayer, and I used to make it somehow imaginary, until I learned about meditation from Leo. So, how can someone be meditating for 30 years without getting enlightened, or at least, make some progress? Well, ask my parents and my "sheikh". Prayer in my society, is done for egoic reasons, escaping an imaginary Hell and and winning an imaginary Paradise. Also, it is done in a very rigid and dogmatic way, where your eyes must keep looking at the ground directly where your head touches the ground with your right hand is over the left one, and both are put on the belly, etc... It's also irrelevant to the practical life, so you can lie and cheat and steal, and your prayers don't have anything to do with that. It doesn't make sense to my society that their prayers should inform their behaviour. For them, it's just irrelevant. (of course, in theory they can easily write an odyssey about the benefits of prayer, which nobody really knows about). I am planning to return to my prayer practice when the winter is over. I might find something of value there, since my consciousness now has expanded more than ever.
  5. @Aakash What do you mean exactly by the word "quality"?
  6. @EvilAngel Do you workout? If not, I suggest you go everyday in the morning to a park and make a free run. When I was depressed, I used to do 30 mins a day. I put on my headphone, llisten to my favourite songs and just run non-stop for 30 mins (actually I started with 10 mins, and by the end I reached 30 mins). And I guarantee it. It's the best feeling in the world. Gradually then, you will withdraw from your depression and start feeling better. Also, try to look for beauty wherever you are and in every possible way. Beauty will purify your heart from depression. Listen to your heart, focus on your breath, and whatever you do in your life, just try to do it more slowly. The main causes of the problem might be hiding somewhere between the little activities you might think are okay. May love always lights the way for you. Best of luck.
  7. @Amun Yes, I do. Just because plants and trees don't move and scream (or at least, seem so), doesn't mean that they don't feel pain. An animal eating another animal is brutal, but this is life and this is survival, and don't forget that we 'human beings' are some kind of animal, so deal with it. If you stop eating you will die. The choice is yours. Notice the collective ego of vegans and so, they are tricking themselves and others with their egoic agenda, of no more suffering for animals and no more savage-like behaviours. Life is brutal, it's a fact, if you were not to be brutal, you would be dead by now. (everyone is brutal, not everyone knows).
  8. @pluto sorry I haven't seen the video yet, I'll reply when I do. @Preetom do you see? We've just gone meta with the illusion. It's quite interesting how God is playing and fighting and deluding Itself, playing disguise, what's the point? You might say: there's no point, it is what it is. This is not an answer to the question, it's just you stating a fact. Maybe we don't know the answer yet, therefore we cover it with some clever ways of not knowing. We say it is what it is when we should simply say I don't know.
  9. Because it's infinite, and infinity must include every model.
  10. The question is deeper than that. Why is there an illusion? If Truth is sufficient by itself, why does it need lie? Not necessarily 'need', but the point is it doesn't need anything, why is it manifested in form?
  11. @Dan Arnautu The paradigm is in the background actually. It should guide and shape your personality, not replace it. You gotta know how to find the balance between the two sides of you. Only be practical when you need to be.
  12. @herghly If I understand correctly, you need to learn about chakras. There's a lot there. For example, you can learn how to move your energy up and down the spine, and to the head. Basically, sexual energy can be manifested in other forms like love and care. Also, why try to fight the urge to be horny? Your body is not your enemy, if it wants something then it clearly needs it, and it's probably not faking it. The problem comes with egoic-mixed sexual desires. I think you're fine. Just stay aware.
  13. Sorry, this emoji " " destroyed all my understanding abilities.
  14. @Aakash Consider this: zero = infinity. I mean since it's formless, it can manifest in infinite forms. Now, consider your situation: You're alive, you have a body, and it needs to survive. If it's all meaningless (and that's true, in the absolute), you'll be dead. But see, you're surviving, that itself is meaningful, of course, only in the relative sense. Ignoring duality and the relative would cause the death of your body. Ask yourself. Do you want that? Of course not. Rather actually, you want to live life to its fullest, experience and explore as much as you can, share emotions and feelings, do something of value to others and to yourself, make new discoveries if you can, make others happy if you can, etc... See there's infinite number of meaningful activities! You just need to be balanced and guided by the absolute. Work for both life and death. That's what is all about. What do you think? Interesting huh?
  15. I'm really interested in this figure (Ibrahim). He's claimed to be one of the greatest grandfathers of Mohammad. And he's enlightened. Imo, every verse that mentions him is very important. Any non-dual explanation for this?
  16. @Nahm You mean the intelligence of creation? It's a metaphor for Allah's ability to give life? And that everything is alive and intelligent?
  17. @Aakash Add also, direct experience vs concept. When you're thinking of the concept, that's your direct experience of it. It's all one consciousness, manifested in infinite forms. That distinction must also collapse eventually, because the Truth does not exclude falsehood. God did not kill the devil. Embrace duality as much as you embrace non-duality. In other words, master the dream as much as you want to break out of it. Isn't that worthwhile and meaningful, and most of all, SACRED? I hope that motivates you and gives you a taste of what you can accomplish. (I might seem arrogant, but really, all I have is love for you). Good luck!
  18. @Aakash It's not meaningless. Because when you say it's meaningless, that itself is meaningless. You see the paradox? Drop the idea of meaninglessness. Really, it's no more than a concept. Truth is not a concept. Look closer, focus your attention on every little detail. It's mysterious, full of joy, full of love, and most of all, SACRED. Probably you knew this, but a reminder is always valuable. Let go, and enjoy your meal! Food is the goal of life!
  19. @brugluiz I would go with psychedelics without thinking. Haven't tried them yet, cuz thirld-world country. But given the chance, I would never hesitate. I have seen some psychedelic effects on meditation alone. If it's a boost, then there's no reason not to give it a try. I don't think there are better forms of them than others. I think each one of them has a unique set of effects. Some of them have some mix of effects, others have other mix of them. You have to know what kind of effects you're looking for before you go try one. Research is always valuable.
  20. Enlightenment is everywhere if you know how to look. And I'm familiar with the Qur'an since I was a kid. I want to recontextualize it in a non-dual way, maybe then I'll get a better understanding. But thank you anyway. I looked it up in the internet for 'tafseer' (scholar explanation), they talked about the other story of Ibrahim when he went to some king known as 'Namrud' and had a debate with him, here's a screenshot: Namrud claims to give life and cause death, by giving orders to kill or not, equating himself to God. Ibrahim knows that Allah can actually give life and cause death, but maybe he wasn't certain, or he couldn't understand how. Also, the actual story of my original post, according to scholars, is that Ibrahim must kill the birds and merge their dead corpses together, and then split the mix in different mountains. So, that he could see how God gives life after death. Does that help?
  21. Thank you. We tend to forget. It's good to have remiders from time to time.