Truth Addict

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Everything posted by Truth Addict

  1. @Jonson question your fear, what is it? How does it arise? Where exactly do you feel the fear in your body? etc... And if a doctor will be of help, why haven't you asked him yet?
  2. @Jonson running away from your fears will only make them worse, try to find out what fear is and what its purpose is. Masturbation has nothing to do with that, I mean, sure it keeps you stuck in your imagination and that's a part of the problem. But also, being with a gf is no less thought-provoking. So... My advice is that you question your fears to death.
  3. Women in general don't focus on the content of what you say in your approach. Make up a story and go tell it to a girl, she'll listen. And if you give the right vibrations, you'll connect. Just be comfortable with your body and voice as if you are talking to an old friend. I once played a dramatic role. I selected a character and built a story to it: I played the angry guy who desperately needed a cigarette. I just walked to her, and asked politely for a cigarette (watched her smoking a minute earlier), and as she was giving me the cigarette, I started to talk spontaneously, I said I had a rough time today and I really need a cigaretee etc..., that instantly got her attention (always speak emotions at first approach), she couldn't help but to feel for my act, she even joked about me stealing her lighter, after that everything worked itself out etc... Point is:on approach, speak from your heart or act like it. Shut your mind down.
  4. @FredFred Don't feel pathetic, most guys went through the same experience. You're attached to her because you trained your mind unconsciously to do that, and now you think that she's someone so special, while all that's only happening in your mind. There are more than a million girls in the world. Why do you think she's special? It's not the end of the world. You will find another one, eveyone does.
  5. @Jonson Fear is an illusion, created by thought, which is also an illusion. There's nothing to fear ultimately. You need to stop believing your thoughts, simply by just sitting in silence and watching them more consciously.
  6. @Nahm okay I understand, but you're using thought here which can't be trusted. It's true, we can't answer these questions, but I have to be skeptical here, I equally can't know if anything changes at all or stays the same, it's just a belief, time and memory are illusions, how do I know if anything perceived from memory is true? I've been betrayed many times by memory, that's why it can't be trusted. In my direct experience, there's the awareness of something that I suspect is an illusion. The question is, if I am all, why am I perceiving from this specific perspective? Of course, there's no answer, because that implies belief. Where does this end? Insight has to occur. How? Practice, I think. How much? A lot. Q: is it better to cram practices in one long sit? Or a little every time?
  7. @Wisebaxter Notice when you are having a meal, do you need any knowledge to chew and swallow? Your whole life was run by the old same bs concepts you had back then, and they got you here. Point is, there is no need to question basic survival to death. A little questioning from time to time is healthy, but you need to stay alive for the big event
  8. @Leo Gura sure thing, thank you for everything Leo
  9. I don't want to seem arrogant. It's just an insight that hit me while I was playing video games today, which were completely irrelevant. My mind was all over the place, and I was watching it. I thought: it's really nice to know all that I know, how can I share my insights with others? I thought: Hell! Not possible. I could spend a lifetime explaining to someone and they won't ever understand what my insights are. And the reason that is, is because wisdom can't be taught, it has to be earned. Otherwise, it'll be turned into dogma, and that's exactly what happened with religion. And that's what Leo does not want to happen with his teachings, because that'll turn them into ideology. It's really that simple. I don't know if there's a better way to fix this issue, and I know I didn't discover anything new. But, that's how insights work, you don't know until you know.
  10. @Leo Gura I think I'd have to start with destroying the illusion, but that wouldn't be enough, because the mind is an illusion-creating-machine, therefore I'd have to teach them somehow how to stop the illusion or at least detach from it. I also need to find their motives, and find a way to encourage them to die. Of course, I must, first of all, not be deluded. It seems easy on paper, but the Devil is always a sneaky bastard! And it will be much harder to convince others to abandon their comfy illusions, because I already know how hard it is to fight my own devilry.
  11. @RichardY let's focus on the main topic here, which is religion. What is religion's aim basically? Ego death, Truth, enlightenment, etc... So, any other activity is not religion-related. The other points you suggested can be valid, it's a matter of perspective. @Joseph Maynor thank you for the correction, but you understood what I meant.
  12. @EvilAngel It's not meant to be putting people in boxes. It's a map, use it wisely.
  13. @Shadowraix yeah, I also have had that pointer insight recently during self-inquiry. @RichardY I don't know man. It seems more complicated than that. Most essentially, you need to get people out of their little perspectives and teach them about open-mindedness (which I assume was called "faith"). Also, other people are on it, and it's not of my concerns. And after all, maybe that's how it's supposed to work: an enlightened leader to lead unconscious people. @Nahm a devilish comment passed with minimal damage, why wake the devil up? Lol, wait. I just did that too ? @Serotoninluv I will find you, and I will hug you ? ?
  14. @George Fil you want to know what advances you the most? Not having strong opinions on anything. Everyone has a point, you want to be very open to (what might seem like but isn't) criticism. Believe me on this, the most growth you'll ever get is through accepting criticism, even when you are completely sure that you are good and the critique is wrong, you don't want to miss an opportunity to grow, so double-check with yourself and doubt your certainty about your beliefs about yourself. What other people are telling you here is reasonable, and even if they are wrong, it's always worth it to take another look. There's a room for growth for you in every new perspective you consider. It's really their advice and criticism that got me where I am today. And I'm grateful for them.
  15. @Serotoninluv you're welcome. And yes that's exactly my point: every concept has to be contemplated. @Aakash there's a fine distinction here: the map is just an assumption, it has to be verified by experience. Enlightenment is not a great insight until you start to experience it. Before that, it was just a belief that was either taken dogmatically or with an open mind. And that's what matters here.
  16. @George Fil Don't worry a bit. Take a look at Turquoise stage people, like Gandhi, Osho, and others. Inspiring, huh? Keep working on raising your consciousness, questioning your judgements, accepting others, etc... You seem very kind-hearted to me. @bejapuskas I was just guessing, he definitely knows better.
  17. @George Fil The solution is very simple: always lower your expectations. You're probably at a higher stage than others in your social circle, I'd guess at a transition between green and yellow, but mostly yellow. The gap between you and others will grow even bigger, until you reach the highest levels on the spiral, and then it will go full-circle, and you will be able to enjoy the dumbest, stupidest, and most boring interactions with people. But until then, keep this in mind: "the price of Truth is everything." and obviously, you've chosen Truth over illusion. So here goes.
  18. @now is forever I agree. I don't think "self-actualization" would be the best term. But you know what I meant. The devil is in the details. We have to always look for the biggest picture.
  19. Inspiring! I suppose it'll be possible at some point of human development. It will be completely based on Leo's work. It will be even more interesting if they include self-actualization in school programs. But yeah, an academy for each domain sounds amazing! Sure, egos will take over and such, but that's how it always been.
  20. @Paul92 If you want to live among sheep, you must learn how to become one. She's just being herself with complete honesty, and either one of you will drag the other towards their end. Your choice. By this point, you should expect that 99.99% of people you'll ever meet are totally in the dark about consciousness. And you must learn how to cope with that. That being said, if you're not ready for a commited relationship with a regular 'zombie', then stop wasting your time and others'. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? A question for you to contemplate.
  21. @Cepzeu For this matter, even everything inside direct experience is an illusion. For example: does your room exist when you close your eyes? (illusion=relative) (Truth=Absolute). I think what's best for you now is to know what a thought is, and how it ultimately is no more than a pointer, just like an arrow. Ask yourself in your direct experience, what is a thought? Really, try to find out. When you do, belief becomes irrelevant.
  22. @Joseph Maynor If we want to be systemic in our thinking, we must know exactly what one needs to hear to move up the spiral. I think it's better for someone to have such ideal in his head.