Truth Addict

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Everything posted by Truth Addict

  1. @Aakash What are you doing man? I thought you've given up seeking!
  2. @Shadowraix right. But then again, who knows? It's infinite intelligence controlling everything. Who are we after all to know?
  3. Three examples describing precisely how all logic and religion and politics look like in reality: 1) Starting with logic: You see, logic cannot run without an initial assumption, or the "A Priori". So it assumes that it's true and move on believing that it's true. Funny thing is that logic assumes that logic is true, and hence there was born the strange loop. ___ 2) Religion and spirituality (false religion vs. original true religion): All religions are false according to Spirituality. And Spirituality is true according to all religions. ___ 3) Politics and ego in general: Nothing to be said here, I think it's pretty obvious. ..... Cool stuff, huh?
  4. Nope, the picture is not about the ultimate Truth. I'll mention you soon on a post of mine. The need for 'seeking' dies by the discovery of Truth. But that does not mean you can't search further.
  5. @Aakash A sleeping-dream compared to this waking-dream is viewed as illusion. That's what you're doing here. You're splitting hairs. There's nothing but illusion (form). That's the Truth (formless).
  6. @Aakash The journey is far from over. There's infinite depth to God for us to explore. There's no rock-bottom to infinity.
  7. Nope, Sameness vs. Difference is longer, about 4 hours of one single juicy video. It's fun too.
  8. How exactly does this happen? I see evolution does advance devilry. The most unconscious humans get to survive and reproduce the most. I see humanity approaching a "dark" tunnel which gets darker and darker.
  9. I feel like a baby, I don't know what you should call me! Lol
  10. @Aakash There's nothing to say about it. It always just is.
  11. @Aakash I started to understand the story of Adam and Eve and the Tree of Knowledge. A kid already knows the Truth because it is It. It's only when the kid starts to believe (eats from the Tree), when the illusion is created, and identified itself as the Truth. It's really not that we don't know Truth, it's just that we believe it's something else. @Nahm congratulate me! I'm done.
  12. @Aakash Everything is Truth, even illusion. Everything you experience is true. You are Truth. The mistake that I used to make was to identify myself with some beliefs about Truth and believe them. The present moment is the Absolute Truth. So was the past, and so will be the future.
  13. @Aakash Yeah, I just realised that this morning. There's no seeker, only the thought of a seeker and seeking. Even saying that there's a thought is too much. There just is what is. How ignorant was it of me not to see this a lot earlier. I've been deluded by Truth all the time since I was a kid, while it's been right here right in front of me. How can anything be but the Truth?
  14. @Nahm It's only one perspective, my perspective. And who am I? Everything, since that's all there is. Identification with some part is just silly. It all makes perfect sense, and I can't doubt it. Why the heck am I not sure? Yes, I can't step outside of me, but I can make models for myself. (preparing a funny and interesting post, very soon). ok, I’m gonna look at myself once and for all.
  15. @Nahm thank you man! I don't care about the consequences of finding Truth, I just want Truth for Truth's sake. Let the Truth come (realisation), and the rest is peanuts.
  16. All perspective is relative, and ultimately is bs, therefore one should step outside of it and find the Absolute.
  17. I can't really point to it.
  18. @Dima logach Nice! It's infinite intelligence. No random coincidence could ever be.
  19. @Nahm I understand, all thoughts and concepts are projections. But also there's no thoughts or projections, because they're all experience, and experience is ultimately one Consciousness. Even to say it's Consciousness is too much, because it is just what it is, and even that is too much. There's really nothing to say. But....... We use language and metaphor to communicate ideas, nothing more and nothing less. I was just trying to be practical. In the ultimate level, I understand it's just me. But what does this even mean? (I'm not speaking from full consciousness of the matter, but it seems right, and I haven't been able to doubt it yet in any possible way.
  20. Just keep watching this "pendulum" dynamic. And stop wanting to stay at any extreme, because wanting to be something and not something else is an egoic trap. Let go of control. Control is an illusion. It works counter-intuitively, once you stop wanting it, you have it.
  21. @Dima logach If you weren't watching, who would be? Watch Leo's episode: What is Consciousness?
  22. @karkaore The Devil is always a devil. Nevertheless, God allows it to be, and showers it with love. Only an ego is not capable of love.
  23. This thread is of my own creation, I don't claim any value within it. Imagine if we'd removed all pronouns (subjects and objects) from the English language, and have replaced all of them with one single pronoun, let's say it's: "X". Now imagine what life would be like: You see people talking: "X thinks about X" for "I think about you". "X was walking in the X, and X fell down directly to the X" for "I was walking in the street, and I fell down directly to the ground". "X has succeeded in the X" for "My friends have succeeded in their exams". And so on.. Notice, you don't get an actual practical value or understanding of the situations without pronouns. The point of this exercise is to appreciate direct experience. What is there to understand without belief? Who can say what's true and what's false but the experiencer? How does belief affect your direct experience through veils of delusion? Now Imagine the same X phrases written on a wall with no one has written them. What do they even mean? That's what it's like to be deluded. And that's what we do all the time (occurring right here) ? What this thread is, is just an arrow pointing back towards the experiencer. Now let's take it one step further. Imagine if we'd removed all the verbs and have replaced them with the same "X". "X X about X" for "I think about you". "X X in the X, and X X directly to the X" for "I was walking in the street, and I fell down directly to the ground". And so on.. The goal here is to remove the doership from the doer. Who's doing anything at all? What does it even mean to say that someone or something is doing anything at all? When is a verb occurring? When does it start and end? And where is it occurring? Now let's move one step further. Imagine if we'd removed all the miscellaneous words, and have replaced them with the same "X". "X X X X" for "I think about you". And so on.. The point here is to silence the mind by removing all language once and for all (mantra-like). Notice how crippling this exercise is in the everyday life. We're just using it here as a tool for Truth-realisation. And well that's about it. Let me know what you think about it. All comments are appreciated.
  24. I get that! I am Silence. I am the source of all sounds, which must always be Absolute Silence, allowing sound to occur.