Truth Addict

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Everything posted by Truth Addict

  1. @Beeman Yeah, that is a good starting point. Have you watched this episode yet?
  2. @ChimpBrain Check out the "A Rant Against Morailty" episode.
  3. @TheAvatarState Actuality is the appearance of the present moment. No matter how it is interpreted.
  4. @Beeman I think I don't understand what you're implying. But yeah, even when you say I want Truth, that's a lie.
  5. It means that you remove all the layers of fake knowledge (beliefs) about that 'something' and just experience it as it is. Q: How do you become directly conscious of a banana?
  6. The mind wants to survive, it doesn't care about you or me per se, it only cares about its own survival. Don't trust anything. Doubt everything until you're left with the undoubtable Truth. _____ You're not the only one that's living in a fantasy, life itself is a fantasy, a dream. Start meditating if you haven't already. Watch the thoughts without interrupting them. Start doing self-inquiry if you haven't already. Remove the illusion layer by layer. Try to become present. Stop thinking about the past and the future. Use this simple actuality exercise: Bring a banana or any other object. Put it in front of you, that's the actual sight experience of a banana. Put it behind you, now it's just a thought. Put it back in front of you, it's an actual sight experience again. Touch it, feel it, focus on it, etc... experience it in every possible way. Remove all the experience, and try to remember how it was. That's fantasy and illusion. Smell the banana, strip it, eat it, chew it, do all of that on a slow pace. That's the actual experience. Go back and forth with this exercise, and watch Leo's video: "Direct experience vs concept" for more help. Also don't multi-task. Stop multi-tasking if you already do it. I hope that helps. Good luck.
  7. I don't recall saying that there is no watcher. You can't become aware of the awareness, because you are it. That's the end of the inquiry. You are simply aware.
  8. @Ook Because you trust the appearances, especially the voice (thought) that says you are not you. Let alone other people who trust even more appearances.
  9. The question is: why would he advertise it?
  10. Because the mind is the map, not the territory. Watch Leo's episode: Direct experience vs concept. The mind can only take you so far, then you'll have to see what it's actually pointing you to.
  11. @Actualizer777 Go on a retreat. Or simply, just limit your daily activities, and replace them with spiritual practices. I like walking, so there I meditate, sometimes for 5 hours straight. Also, stop thinking of your free time as an opportunity, that's the ego, and it's easily bored or angered. Instead, try to become present all the time, especially when you're doing dumb activities like eating and drinking and showering, etc.., do everything at a slower pace and give more attention to everything around you. Enjoy the beauty of reality. I would also ask myself : why do I want to grow? What am I running away from? What are the benefits? What are the motives? What is the worst possible thing that could happen if I waste this much time? Or, forget about everything and go back to normal if your life is going well. Treat yourself and others with more love and compassion. Enjoy your life man, do whatever you feel like doing.
  12. How come we don't normally see that rocks are aware?
  13. Throw away this belief that there is no watcher, and look for actuality, what is actually going on? Example: - Who am I? - the answer will be some kind of object, this or that, everything or nothing, blah blah blah... None of them is you, you are not the answer, you are the one who is perceiving the question and the answer. There will be a realisation that every answer you land on is not you, because the answer is an object, but you're not. You are what's made the inquiry possible in the first place. Also notice, the nature of the answer is merely a thought. Are you a thought? Yes or no? Either way, it's not you, because that's just another thought. You see how this works? You are the thing that is watching (perceiving) the thoughts, not a thought of it. You are it, but you don't know it yet. I hope that helps.
  14. But, whom am I gonna worship? ?
  15. @Wisebaxter Throw away all of these concepts from your inquiry: "focusing, awareness, nothingness, Adyashanti, meditation, technique, 'no thought', void, quietness, etc..." Consider that the inquiry is like a radio interview, or a TV show. Who is watching?
  16. @Highest Nice! There can not be anything apart from God. It's only that God doesn't like to admit it all the time I wonder, is every cell aware as well?
  17. @Tony 845 You're talking about awakening as if it's some kind of object. I don't know about that, but I know I was more deluded before than I am today, if that helps.
  18. @iamnotahumanbeing I mostly meditate whilst walking. It's working perfectly for me, especially after I reach the 2 hours mark. Self-inquiry requires concentration, so I do it sitting or laying down, depending on how I feel at the time.
  19. Who is watching the inquiry? That's you, that's the higher self.