Truth Addict

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Everything posted by Truth Addict

  1. It's aligning yourself with the present moment, and making your mind disciplined enough to have control over your imagination about the future and the memories of the past. Therein, there is no attachment to results, therefore no fear and no grief.
  2. Perfectly put! I like your articulation. ??
  3. @Joseph Maynor of course, and some other times, you just have to use whatever is available at the moment and make the most out of it. Self-transcendence is fundamental in both cases.
  4. For me, I've recently had two great weeks, I was the most aware through them in my entire life (not saying that I realised higher truths or anything, but I was just hyper aware). I thought it would not stop, but rather to grow more and more, but then suddenly, I am now having the worst flu in my entire life. I guess that's my ego reacting and refusing to die. I couldn't be able to maintain awareness anymore, so I took a rest.
  5. @Highest Stop lying, you can't even show your real image! You're hiding behind a fake name with no profile picture. I see fear lying deeply within you. Get real!
  6. @OmniYoga Surrendering is key. You can't navigate through the river when you're swimming against the stream. Act from your place in life, be present, be realistic. Don't expect a doctor to end poverty. A doctor's vision is to cure people. The point is, you don't create your vision in the first place, life is infinitely complicated, your vision chooses you. You just have to absorb and accept and embrace. Be well.
  7. Stop talking shit, can you stop the war in my country? You're just saying what you're saying because your life is going your way (ego), remember when you were a little child, and think about the future when you become weak and ill, maybe that'll humble you down. Get real!
  8. @Shadowraix I understand that your point is that we can't project our ideas upon reality. And I agree, that is true, because reality does not have qualities we might say (of course, that would be limiting, so it does have qualities as well). But on the other hand, intelligence is absolute, just like love and consciousness, they all point to the same thing: God. There's nothing left for me to say. I might be wrong, I think time will tell us both.
  9. @peanutspathtotruth Me too, sometimes it gets out of hand, and I like to keep it simple, so I keep reminding myself of that.
  10. I used to think that reality is random, but I was wrong. Just because I don't "identify" any pattern or order, does not mean it's random. It means that I am not conscious enough to see reality as it is. Does Mario need to be conscious of the order and design of Super Mario World for the game to be intelligent?
  11. @Shadowraix What is chaos? Please don't skip. Give me one example of chaos. My problem is that I only see order, help me see disorder.
  12. @Shadowraix What is chaos? Have you ever experienced randomness? Yes, everything we say about God is not it, but still there are things that we can relate to through experience. I suspect the problem on your part is that you think intelligence has an opposite, which is what you call chaos. But that's not true. Chaos is just a concept, whereas intelligence is an experience. God is Intelligence. Are we on the same page?
  13. @Shin I don't understand why you're undermining my own path, I make lots of money out of it, I make jerks fall into my cult and give me a blow-job. What is wrong about that? You're always undermining me. God! No wonder my path never works out! Thank you dude. But jokes aside, of course there is a path, I think the guys are at the finish line. @Nahm ??
  14. I simply don't see chaos, why would I assume it? And what is the point of assuming that anyway? God being boundless does not mean it should follow certain rules we create, that's why it's boundless. Somehow, I find the boundlessness you're talking about kind of limiting. I would also ask myself: what is chaos exactly?
  15. @SoonHei @peanutspathtotruth It's really simple, stop trying to know it, just be it. Don't try to be it, just be it. You are already it.
  16. How to achieve non-trinity?
  17. @CreamCat True. That's how it works. We always want happiness, but we fail to see that it's just right now. We think happiness is at the top of the ladder, but really the top is just a portal to the starting point. The point of the ride is the ride.
  18. @Thequestioningacc We can guess, but we can never know. At least that's what I believe for now.
  19. @ivory I edited the comment, there was a second misspelling.
  20. @Annoynymous Yes, it is possible. Being present is key. You must face your emotions. Embrace them with acceptance and love. Thinking equals running away from them and not facing them. Meditation, mindfulness, self-love, self-acceptance, humility, compassion, and conscious breathing. It will take some time, but it is worth it. Good luck.
  21. @Mafortu Love has no opposite. Are you conscious of this fact? Love is what holds Reality together, it's one facet of the Absolute, just like intelligence. Of course, "love" is a projection of the mind, but it is a precise projection. It is what it actually is.
  22. God seems to be bad at English. Lol.
  23. Then it's probably about Spiral Dynamics: This is the overview of the model. There are specific videos for the stages: blue, orange, green, yellow, turquoise.