Truth Addict

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Everything posted by Truth Addict

  1. @Shadowraix There's no free will, to me that's a fact, to you it's another concept. It's impossible to communicate insights through language, you have to experience them for yourself, or they are mere beliefs. It is always about experiencing reality with no concepts, or else how would you truly know? All concepts are not the truth. I'm done with this, if you want to know, go and know.
  2. What do you mean exactly by the term "free will"? Because in my experience, it's a thought. Remove the thought and poof! No free will. You might say "no free will" is also a thought, yeah, remove that thought too, and experience reality as it is.
  3. If you have a method to prove free will, why haven't you shared it yet? I'd be glad to hear. I gave you my method. Notice yourself turning everything into a debate, and in my experience, debating is a waste of time, and that's why this will be my last post on this thread. Notice your stubbornness and insist to make up a debate and win it. If you have any practical tips, please share them. If you don't, I'm not interested. Thank you.
  4. Because I'm not interested enough in discussing something very, very obvious. Plus, what do I get? I have more important things to do. The work on your part has to be done, or you'll never know. Try contemplating the concept of free will, try to locate free will in your direct experience. That's the only way you can discover truths about reality. Thinking, talking, arguing, discussing, etc... Are nice, but still won't get nowhere near contemplating by yourself. I would agree with you that I'm closed-minded, only if no free will was a belief. Where in fact, free will is certainly a belief, but you're not able to see that because you don't want to spend some time asking yourself a few questions. Why are you making this about me? Or us? It is/was/will always be about you, and only you. Truth is subjective, and subjective is objective. You think reality must be logical and rational, but that turned out to be wrong, reality is arational (not-rational), rationality is a concept created by the human beings, it's just a concept, like the free will concept. No free will is not the ultimate Truth, but rather it's just one step on the way to Truth. It's normal to think that you know when you don't know, but when you truly know, you know ☺
  5. So what is your point? Why are you here?
  6. @Zetxil And that's why I told you from the beginning that it's a very simple truth. It's up to you if you want to verify it or not. Debating with me will not get you anywhere, and I could easily debunk every single argument you used, or ever will use against that simple truth, because it is a fact, not a perspective. However, you might not be able to comprehend what I have to say, because it will require a certain level of awareness. And of course, it might seem as a perspective from your point of view, because you haven't done the work, have you? Have you inquired free will? What is 'will' in your direct experience? Etc... Leo has an old video called free will vs determination, I guess that's a good start. All of these arguments are blocking you from realising that simple truth. Instead, look in your direct experience for free will, and if you ever find it, I'd be glad to know. Speculation is not the answer, it's just another "train of thoughts". Realising no free will doesn't mean that you run away or hide from your emotions, in fact, the opposite happens to be just true, you will embrace your emotions to death. But you won't know how to do that effectively until you reach there. There you will find peace with everything, all the emotions, the positive and the negative ones. And ideally, such distinctions won't make sense to you anymore.
  7. @Zetxil As for the free will discussion: I'm speaking on a different level, you think you have free will, and that's fine, I think I have free will as well (because superficially it seems so). But there's a difference between what I think (what looks like it) and what really is the case, and as I develop myself more, I am becoming more comfortable with dealing with paradox. I never choose my thoughts in the first place. That's a fact. In my experience, thoughts come out of nowhere, and I have zero control over them. If you experience something different please feel free share it with me. Why would someone want to remove the experience of an emotion, positive or negative? There's no reason ultimately. And yet, there's a desire to do it. The author of the post wants to remove the feeling of guilt, and I shared my experience on how I remove any kind of unwanted feelings. As for your advice, thank you very much, I'll work as you suggested, I'll read some English myths and maybe some novels, I think my problem is a lack of vocabulary.
  8. No, it doesn't mean that, but the thought likes to say so. There's no point in arguing with me about it, it's a very simple truth, and I can't lie to myself. Verification is now on your part. Ask the author of this thread. You seem to not know what you're talking about, whether serious or sarcastic. You're right, this is an issue I'm working on, I'm not like that in real life, it's just that English is my second language and I find myself lacking better expressions. But that doesn't mean I haven't come up with my ideas genuinely. Most of my posts are ideas that I've realised for myself. Thank you for your positive criticism, I'd appreciate it if you add anything else
  9. I've already proven it to myself, and you can too. Free will is no more than a thought, remove the thought and see the reality as it is in the present moment. When one realises that they never had a choice, all guilt, fear, blame, hate, conflict, shame, sadness, depression, despair, etc... (negative emotions) will be gone, it might take time though to remove all of them. Surrendering happens when you realise that nobody is/was/ever will be in control. And therefore, no more suffering.
  10. Please, next time don't forget to mention the member you're talking to, by using the @ symbol, or at least quote them so they get notified. As for the questioning of duality, I didn't have any mystical experience after I realised non-duality either. I don't think mystical experiences are required to realise Truth, I think they're rather a bonus. My guess is that you are overthinking, and I suggest that you look for something more tangible instead, which is direct experience. Watch this video for help:
  11. @SoonHei No self, no problem. Realise that free will is an illusion, you'll become free from all guilt instantaneously.
  12. I'm now even more confused! Thank you dude ?
  13. Sorry, but I'm not sure I understand what you mean. I'm not a native speaker, I'd be thankful if you please could reply in simpler language
  14. I myself am not fully awakened. I just understand awakening in theory. Or, you can say I'm awakened at the level of the mind. So, I still have a lot of work to do. You're welcome! ☺
  15. Nothing, they come out of nowhere, but they probably come blended with thoughts about the future or the past, and thoughts come out of nowhere as well.
  16. There's no perceiver. There's nothing perceived. The perceiver and the perceived are the same thing. Of course, to you that's just another story. If you want to verify it, do self-inquiry.
  17. @nistake It's mostly a leadership issue. Search for how to become a leader.
  18. Great! I wish you all the best! If you find value, then keep it up.
  19. We think so, but 'is' it so? Why do you think that there is something called awareness? Have you ever seen, heard, smelled, tasted, or touched it? Could it be just an assumption? Why do you think that awareness is something other than the "objects"? It sure seems like this, but how do you know for sure? What if they are not-two but rather One and the same?
  20. @andyjohnsonman Also, there is a basic assumption that you forget to question, and that is the subject-object duality. We think that there is someone who perceives and something that is perceived, by the same realisation that you have (everything is a thought-story), you will see that this assumption has no ground whatsoever, and only one thing really exists, which is 'you'.