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Everything posted by peanutspathtotruth

  1. Dying into this... Beautiful. I generally love "this", it's so direct. This is truly all you need as a pointer. Thanks!
  2. Not attacking you at all I've seen this over and over and over again in this forum, and I'm seeing the same thing now. Absolute claims being made that get aggressively defended and all that is brought your way is interpreted as an attack. I said it in the beginning, I said it now: these discussions could be open, exploring perspectives together, making points on behalf of the beauty(!!!) of what reality/God/nothingness/whatever is. But people even, and especially, in this corner of the internet always have to make their own claims to be the only true one. That's not mature or integrated enlightenment at all. People were taking 5-MeO and having these insights for years here now. Me included. And all I'm trying is to soften us up a bit, with love and some humor, so we can stop being so adamant about it all and have a loving, non-defensive discussion. I love this forum and I'm willing to infuse it with all the love I can bring up so the overly dramatic seriousness is taken out and we can truly be helpful to each other. Defending is not helpful. Don't take it personally, you don't exist anyway This is not about you, it's about the whole attitude and energy of the forum. It's just not very integrated. I wanna help with that because I see great potential here.
  3. "But, but... they say I'm wrong, but I'm actually right!! 2+2=4 is the only reality. When they don't see it I have to tell them over and over again." All you're doing is talking about words and symbols and defending yourself unnecessarily. For what? It doesn't matter. Love your heart instead ♥️ Just chill, man ?
  4. No one is attacking you ? If you truly realized the ground of all existence, at least take away that you ultimately can't be attacked, and even relatively are safe now, no need to defend yourself. Who are you defending? Take it easy, but... take it ❤️
  5. If that's what you feel you must do, then go for it I feel this could be much more of an exploration instead of having to take any opinion as a counter-argument about what you're saying.
  6. @johnlocke18 I like what you're pointing to. But I also feel you're quite defensive when you really don't need to ?? That's not a criticism, it's an observation to set the stage for a calm, loving discussion about this immense beauty we are exploring here. So to let some ideas flow, with ease and without attacking anyone: Consider that exactly what you realized might be the realization someone else had - exactly the same - and they just call it God instead of emptiness. They mean the exact same "..." that we dare not speak about and then..they do speak about it. And their minds just work differently or they learned concepts in a different sequence and thus coined their insights in a different sequence. As @Adamq8 said - we could call it anything, really. To make a description of something you can not describe the only possible description for that which cannot be described is... indescribably backwards ? And the sad thing about it, which I see here all the time, is: while we might talk about the same thing, we argue about semantics or keep on playing "I'm deeper than you" games. Instead of recognizing: oh yeah, no matter how complete someone's recognition is, we all just are on a journey to see what this wonderful reality truly is. And we are that which we want to explore. We. Are. That. Why don't we ease into this whole thing a little and be truly loving instead of making this more complicated than it is? In the end, where is it written that with truth in our experience we need to tell others exactly what it is? What if we start channeling it in ways of love, kindness, compassion, understanding, playfulness and being super chill, for example It's all beautiful is what I wanna say. Thank you for sharing your insights, I found them highly stimulating
  7. Just adding here that I think Christopher M Bache is probably one of the deepest realized beings when it comes to true Understanding. Most of you probably know his book. He's done 20 years of structured high-dose tripping, he's way ahead of most of us here. His insights are incredible, rarely has anything ever touched me this deeply. And the beauty of it all? He embodies his understanding. This "man" just radiates love and humbleness all the way in such an ordinary human expression. I am learning, again and again, that THIS is what's worth feeling into and using as a way to evaluate teachings that resonate. How much true, honest love a being is radiating. How thin is self importance? How far-reaching is the love in the sense that this person truly wants realization for all people and understands where we are. Nobody is at fault or doing anything wrong here. We're perfectly where we are. We have to be careful not to make this into a spiritual mission that just fires up our egoic feelings of having to change anything - and at the same time, we must recognize the urgency of seeing that all this is us. I like "us" a bit more than "I". Sure sure, there is no other, yeah yeah <3 Two, not two, one, not one, zero, not even zero... It doesn't matter. It's all God/Love/One, and we are that, as one, period and over. Let's do what's necessary to see that, love ourselves along the way and come together (!!!) to find out how we can paint this beautiful creation more lovely still. How much love can we express? ??❤️
  8. I know exactly what you mean. But this energy, when you look at it through a microscopic attention, it is just vibration, just a movement. It's not solid at all. So it's not really there as a something. It's just a modulation of nothingness, as Rupert so eloquently puts it.
  9. Change Is Accelerating With a deepening awakening of our collective consciousness, things are changing more and more rapidly. Nothing false in this world of form can sustain the illusion of separation and permanence for very long anymore. We’re all experiencing this while we’re growing older and wiser, especially when we’re on a dedicated spiritual path. We’re slowly coming to grok that there is nothing whatsoever to hold onto. And right now there is an invitation for us to look at our lives with fresh eyes, and to accept that all we ever encounter is always in a process of change. For our own good, the very belief in something that is safe, stable and lasting in the objects of this world needs to be completely seen through. Only this way we can let go of all interpretations of reality and rest in the one true security – the security of Being. When we’re finding the mental movements of identification and grasping to be fruitless, we stop. And all that is left is the unfolding reality of this very moment, without us having to do anything. If we allow ourselves to feel completely safe and let this reality reveal itself, the ground of all change turns out to be itself changeless. But this direct raising of our consciousness is not the only way this process is unfolding. With a pressuring realization of our blindness as a species, even people who have otherwise not been spiritually oriented are now starting to question their conditioned thinking. The pandemic and an ever growing global information economy are pushing us quite roughly into a place of having to face reality and the fact that we don’t know what is actually going on here. And for some of us, this is a new and uncomfortable truth. The I Sees Itself In the midst of this collective paradigm shift, there is something very beautiful happening. You can feel it, too, can’t you? Truth, the universe, god – whatever we may call it – has looked so deeply into the mirror that its gaze seems to be passionately fixated on itself. There is a burning desire of reality to know and understand itself through the human species. If we are receptive enough, we can feel the air being thick with buzzing energy, and we can be witnesses to our experience slowly turning into a magic display of what had previously been hidden from our cloudy minds. The beauty of existence is indescribable. Seeing it is the means of melting away all sense of fear, and our being naturally expanding into unbounded, unified love. This is obvious when we actually look at ourselves as we really are. But it is not so obvious when we can’t even look straight because we are so confused and lost in our own minds. We are frantically looking for ourselves while missing the obvious: There is nothing but ourselves. We are one being, and this one being is everything there is. And deep down, we know. We’re desperately longing to stop playing this game of hide-and-seek with ourselves. Whatever reality is, whatever we are, is an infinite mystery. This is one of the inherent insights we can have by consciously being what we are. We are infinite, we are mysterious, we are full of love and, for some reason, we are experiencing ourselves as the human species in this strange, beautiful universe. Looking at the spiritual landscape of today, we can observe ever deepening insights bubbling up into our collective consciousness. This is us recognizing what we are. We’re returning to the knowledge that we are utter perfection beyond any understanding. Our Responsibility To Explore Together Is this journey over when we fully know ourselves? Is there even such a thing as full knowledge, full self-realization? Is all this about slipping into nirvana and being free from all suffering? Or are we here to create and love ourselves as the dream of reality? What is all this REALLY? We can study and incorporate all teachings that have ever been recorded, but we have to take full responsibility of being the evolution of consciousness that is already happening. And that means freshly exploring what we are – together. The awakening process has been morphing into a collective endeavour, and we are naturally all a part of that. The individual is not only healing itself but also the whole. Truth is waking up to itself in the entire human species. We’re waking up to the fact that this right here is heaven. And whatever the ultimate purpose of all this may be – if there even is such a thing as purpose – we are here right now. We are here right now as infinite beauty and innocence in our hearts, and seeing that, we can’t but love ourselves. So let’s love, let’s create, let’s explore ourselves as a family of one unified heart. Originally posted on my blog
  10. Yes, it seems like spiraling onto the brink of collective realization, the illusion keeps tightening. It's fighting for its made up life. We all have lost our minds through misperception - and that is okay. While we here and many others are starting to recognize that fact and are sobering up out of false beliefs, some of our brothers and sisters seem to have to sink deeper into illusion first. What else could we offer but love and understanding? ♥️ Amen ??
  11. I'd recommend not forgetting your heart. Focusing on your heart instead of your breath can be an interesting experiment. Also listen to what feels good at the moment - do you need some focus because every thought is pulling your attention? Or are you safe, soft and present enough to let reality engulf you? Or are you curious to look at what this very experience is? Try to understand when the mind is attempting to distract you and why. Then see what technique is best to fully face whatever is there.
  12. ??❤️ That's exactly what it feels like. It is "we" as the only we there is.
  13. Amazing! Don't stop melting ??? The side scroller analogy is amazing, never realized that, but I had similar inner representations of this experience and your analogy is quite fitting. Always in the center = there is no center
  14. I have had the same experiential insight - all encompassing, omniscient knowledge. But as far as I understand/interpret that at the moment, ultimate infinite knowledge is not accessible from any position within infinity. So for infinity to explore itself, it creates itself. I like Christopher M Bache's insights into the future of humanity. He has seen what we "will" become down the line through collective awakening. I'm saying "will", because to me all future visions that Truth gives itself are only in the form of potential, and possibly tendencies of archetypal nature that make reality resonate in certain frequencies rather than others. So I feel like there is no certainty in specifics, because all possible specifics are held in infinity. "What will it be this round, no reply, a long reply, or will all experience stop any second now?" ?
  15. "My Son, sorry but this is too much. Banned from heaven."
  16. Truth doesn't know what it will do. That's the nature of infinite mystery. It's an infinite unfoldment, and there is not even a time to look somewhere "in advance".
  17. I was skeptical, too, thinking that this is what humans have said at all times. But yeah, there is something actually taking place here, and it makes a lot of sense. The whole social circle that has evolved for me lately has been experiencing this independent of one another. It's truly like magic. I feel that only with this trust and surrender can we bring up the courageous love and strength we need to support everyone.
  18. As soon as the mind sees that it is misperceiving something and hurts itself, it automatically stops this action and comes into harmony. Either we have not really pierced into the heart of the misinterpretation or we are simply in the process of purifying the pattern. It's rarely a quick final release. But once it is truly seen, the days of the belief that took itself to be real are counted.
  19. Glad to hear ? In the end, direct experience and how we put that into loving action is all that counts
  20. Alright master Yes you are wrong. Do the meditation.
  21. That might be true for you, that's about it. In another culture, you might have learned the signifier ullhabrrhathi and whenever you encounter the inifinite, THAT word comes to mind. It's arbitrary, it's just language. Don't get cocky. One of the best guided meditations I know:
  22. I agree with everything you said. Regarding my question, do I understand you correctly that you're saying infinity has in it existence/consciousness/form and thus is always and will always be that, because it is contained in it? If that's what you mean, I agree, but I sense another perspective: doesn't infinity also include the lack of experiencing itself in any way? With time and without time, there is this big gaping (w)hole of just unexpressed infinity. Like the idea of a singularity containing all possibilities, but those not even having germinated. Honestly I don't know. It just intuitively feels like infinity would both experience itself forever and also not experience anything at all - and the "alternating" of that would of course only happen in time, which is already a specific experiencing of infinity. Tricky...
  23. How do you know? Maybe yes, maybe not. What if the trillions of years of existence are just a blink of God's eye, and then it decides to just be itself as nothing at all - until after eternity, it feels like experiencing itself as something distinct again. Experience is not fundamental so I don't see why it can't stop entirely. Even consciousness is not fundamental, when you understand it as self-knowing. There is unknowing pure reality without anything. This is the only non-reducible eternal infinity. And I tend to intuit that all archetypal ways of making itself concrete can collapse - if God chooses so.