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Everything posted by peanutspathtotruth

  1. Damn. Never went above 420ug. 22 hours is crazy... Even my 420ug trip didn't exceed 12 hours. Did you fast before taking it?
  2. @davidomni Amazing! I never heard of someone going that deep with only 10mg. Maybe it's your sensitivity. It's also interesting that this deep phase only went on for 3 minutes. Maybe the higher doses just prolong your absorption. Keep us updated, good work
  3. Exactly! That's why building up the dose is important. And for the first high dose I will definitely look for a place/situation where this won't happen. Because as I said - screaming is common.
  4. Just because you didn't doesn't mean it's wrong. Read Martin Ball's "Entheogenic Liberation" and what Octavio Rettig has to say. Screaming is nothing bad and you should feel free to do it as long as it is an authentic energetic release. These facilitators smell instantly if it's coming from the ego and will tell you to stop. But screaming as an authentic purging is super common. Maybe it's because you never vaped it or don't go as high anymore as other people. Maybe you forgot you screamed when you did the higher dosages in the beginning, how can you know? You can't. Most don't remember it. You let the substance do what it has to do. That means giving control over, otherwise there is insecurity and a sense of having to limit oneself which is detrimental for the proper mind set.
  5. The word faith is not the best to use because it is often correlated to the religious faith as a blind belief. The faith you talk about is indeed very important. But instead of belief I would rather call it trust. Before you have direct experience of truth, there can only be belief and curiosity. Curiosity is good. But as soon as you are having a mystical experience, whereafter you see directly how your ego gets restructured you can actually understand this process. This is why psychedelics are so powerful. Yes you get back to ground zero. But you KNOW from direct experience that there is a higher truth. For example you can experience love as the absolute, nothingness, or some other facet. Most importantly, you experience truth in comparison to illusion. And you notice how illusion works. From then on, it's important to remind yourself of this higher Self which you are. Paul Brunton has an amazing book centered around this idea called "The Short Path to Enlightenment". Yes the title sounds off-putting but it's a really good book. Adyashanti highly recommends. I think he was the first bringing Ramana's teachings to the west. So faith for me is these two things: Trust in the perfection of existence and remembrance of your true Self. It is only possible once you have seen it.
  6. That's seriously the number one thing I'm concerned about since I decided I will try 5-Meo soon. But what options are there? A place where you feel safe + no one will hear you? I'm living in a big city, so I really don't know where to do it, at least the first few times. Do you think doing something like primal scream therapy (just screaming as loud as you can, I can do it in the cinema I work at) might help with this? As in, might it work on the energetic purging so you don't necessarily do it when tripping?
  7. I'd also say deal with that first. Really try to stop using the weed for a while and see how things develop. I'd say psychedelics might be a huge help to deal with anxiety but I think better play it safe until you're off the meds, then start with LOW doses to work on your psyche first. High doses might be too risky now. Maybe try microdosing right now, it's powerful for psychological work and healing.
  8. @peanutspathtotruth What is your view on psychedelics? Did you edit that part out or am I mixing it up with something else?
  9. @rothko Thanks so much for your detailed answers, it is highly appreciated I will definitely look into the routine and try it. I am also going to incorporate 72 hour fasts every week, I'm excited to see the effects combined with the detoxing. And for the root, now I got you. I'm not running (I'm still too heavy) but riding the bike quite often. Surely feels grounding.
  10. I have no idea what you mean by "run for the root". Could you clarify?
  11. @rothko I live in Germany and it's more expensive here as far as I know. The Aquagear filter I have is supposed to be the only filter filtering fluoride. It has test certificates for that online. So I think that should be fine, no?
  12. I'll really build those detox methods into my routine! Wanted to tackle this topic for a while, thanks for the inspiration Neti rinse, sutra neti I will start next week and enema will follow soon. Do you do normal enemas? I think about doing detox enemas with organic green coffee. I heard it's super healthy. Also Kunjal Kriya - you say it's not the healthiest. I researched a little and it sounds very healthy actually. Also, the vomiting reflex is actually utilized in Reichian therapy. It's advised to do it daily. There seems to be some benefit. I actually think I'll try that My roommate will be confused, his room is next to the bathroom and I'm always the first waking up so...
  13. @rothko How often do you do the neti rinse? I found out boiling the water for 5 minutes will get rid of the dangerous bacteria. I would also filter it (Aquagear filter). That should be just as good as distilled water, what do you think?
  14. @Chumbimba Welcome to the forum! Thanks for sharing your process and asking for advice. This is really important. Why are you scared of doing it again? Yes you said going insane / having a bad trip. But even before going into a trip again, contemplate this deeply. What lies behind these fears? What are you ultimately fearing? @tedens Exactly. The more you raise your everyday consciousness level, the more brave you will be to face whatever arises during even the worst possible trip scenarios. Awareness alone is curative as Leo put it. Your "spiritual instinct" regarding how to deal with the phenomena arising will become sharper and sharper. I made the two mistakes you made - one bad trip was due to a too high dosage (6g of shrooms) and a wrong motivation behind it. The second bad trip was due to a toxic environment, even though the dose was not that high. Play it safe when it comes to these factors. Preferably alone, work your way up. Start low, go higher. Not much that can go wrong. Of course, this is a sensible topic and I have no idea about the psychological things that CAN happen. The only thing I know is I've been in hell a few times. I always came out stronger, wiser and more humble
  15. @phllip103 Maybe you need something completely different than I needed but I'm still gonna share: At the beginning of this year I had a terrible phase of insomnia, which was later joined by a fever. Not the sweetes combination. I couldn't sleep at all for 5 days or so, I felt close to going mad. I figured I didn't supplement Vitamin D & A for a year or so. Both of them are super important for regulating your hormones. So I introduced them again and since then my sleep is better than ever before. Could be a coincidence though, just saying. (If you're a meat eater, you might have no need for Vitamin A supplement. Just eat some liver. I'm a vegan so I need Vitamin A in the form of retinol, ß-Carotine won't cut it.) Also, you might look into Ashwaghanda. I'm not a fan of taking something which may become hard to get off of later.
  16. That's beautiful...
  17. @davidomni Enjoy the journey, keep us updated
  18. That would be interesting to have your opinion on that. As far as I read in their books, James Oroc and Martin Ball highlight that there is not a difference when it comes to the major effect and benefit of 5-Meo as a spiritual tool.
  19. @SOUL Do you have the feeling she seeks knowledge? I actually had the same feeling as Mu, that there is some valuable truth in her perspective. I'm just not sure how to evaluate someone spiritually, since I'm still far away from being liberated/realized. I'm just asking out of curiosity about what you think of her especially. I sense an interesting vibe but am skeptic
  20. @Joseph Maynor Same here, otherwise I wouldn't have looked deeper into it. Ok back to topic then
  21. @thesmileyone I'm happy you could draw something positive from it after all. Yes same for me, it confused me real good, but it luckily only took a few weeks to notice the strange smell.
  22. @Joseph Maynor Haha yes. I was sneaking into the discord sometime last year. At first seemed like a place to learn something from. Then it went crazy really quickly and I raaaaan
  23. Are you talking about Rali?