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Everything posted by peanutspathtotruth

  1. @Preetom Nice, but I find it confusing. What is the practice after phase 1)? Hunting for the same observer? When I‘m out of it, it reeeally confuses me, I don‘t know if should just do nothing or look intensely. Effort or no effort.
  2. All that is, and evolution with it, is pure magic. I like to think about waaay into the future, when being cut off from the truth is „biologically“ impossible. Our form is as fluid as everything, and we will probably look extremely different in, say, 10 milliion, 100 million, whatever number of years. And then, what if reality itself starts to change with us? Dimensions intermingle etc. I have no clue what will happen. But looking into infinity clearly makes me excited like a child to experience all that. Luckily that‘s what‘s „going to“ happen.
  3. Wow great summary. Really helpful, thank you ??
  4. I plan to go 14 days starting on Monday, combined with a retreat. Oh the sweet suffering...
  5. @actualizing25 Wish you the best for your journey. Trust that the path will clear up. And don‘t believe psychedelic are the only tool, can be a big trap. But they help for suuuure
  6. Have you experience with any of those? Researched a lot about some of them some time ago. Really never thought about reaching out for any of those.
  7. Where will this end? Imagine a world where everyone is raised to go explore infinity, and this is the technology. The human vehicle itself as it is now seems pretty limited
  8. Great questions, now take responsibility to inquire into them. I think to some of them you know the answer, but it‘s not a knowing from the mind. Hint: actually feel into your heart. #6 If you still think about suicide, please get professional help. But when this pain is there (we all know it, even thuogh it might not go that far), use it!! Don‘t try to overcome it. Look at it. Be gentle to yourself
  9. Sorry but this is stupid. „Should“.... Look at what he is doing, he wants to help all of us. When there‘s a reason not to mention it, then accept chilling in the unknown - it helps you know?
  10. This is a powerful pointer! Sleep, not being awake, not getting it, being deluded, being unconscious - all halucinations.
  11. Very good point! That‘s something I‘m inquiring into a lot at the moment. It‘s like any bit of discomfort and I‘m closing the gates, it‘s quite childish (that’s where the pattern came from of course!) when really seen. In some sense, to accept all suffering IS the deep desire to be free from falsehood/suffering.
  12. I would have to accept that everything else needs to be sacrificed.
  13. This question collapses within the realization, don‘t worry. If you can be the only light in and endlessly dark chamber, you will go through anything to light as many candles as you can, whatever is necessary. But you have to see your light first, and then nourish your willingness to never let it go out.
  14. It is your nature to want to know yourself/truth. You love exploring your endless depths, that‘s what ALL THIS is. That has absolutely 0% anything to do with the body or the mind or even the „physical world“ - you are that desire for truth. This desire tends to be clouded the quickest, so when you see it once - never let it go. NEVER !
  15. @Jo96 There is eternal peace, inquire into that longing into the future. It’s a great entry point. And the word „peace“ beholds all the other words you could use for that beauty. It is always what you are, there is nothing other than that. Go to that place, you have all the tools you need, you‘re at the right place. And once you‘ve seen it - trust it fully.
  16. @Illj Great and honest question @Forestluv great answer I can just speak for myself. Have realized infinity today, went in and in again for multiple hours. It‘s crystal clear, and it beholds all that could ever be desired. Utter, final perfection. But since it is infinity, and if one is humble enough to see that it‘s COMPLETELY mysterious, there is also the potential for this: - Why not exploring this mystery further and further and further? I was starting to ask myself today what is it I want to do with this power, this recognition? And you‘re right, there‘s nothing wrong with doing whatever the heart desires, for it is all perfect anyway! But I feel like we are granted this reflection of ourselves to dive all the way - and all the way might mean it will never end. How could it end? I see infinite potential for understanding + infinite potential for making the world a playground for this perfection, this love. Whatever we do is doing that ANYWAY. I feel like I‘m entering my own mysterious library that is literally infinite. Consciousness studying itself. Infinite possibilites. It doesn‘t change anything about the truth that everyone is. „No one“ is less than anything, no compartmentalizations. I find this talk to seem reeking of ownership, but quite honestly - I have no idea if Leo is genuinely just not able to speak the truth otherwise. I understand it‘s hard. But indeed nobody should feel attacked, that‘s unskillful.
  17. I‘ve been wanting to explore some microtonal music lately. Tripping turns out to be excellent for that Melts away any rigid structures, perplexes the mind. Like a new universe of sound, I love it!
  18. Greetings from the caravan
  19. What a beautiful view ??
  20. That's definitely how it feels like to me, too. Fractal mirroring of the Absolute. We can't know but somehow it's the only logical way seen from God's perspective. ? Well what does hedonistic mean here for you? Pleasure maximizing? Depends on the level one sees it from, from a human perspective I'd say no. From God's perspective self love and self pleasure... It's just words at this point. Maybe it's the same thing. Cool idea tbh. We have no clue. There's something to these energetic beings, more than just a human hallucination, at least that's what would be super amazing
  21. @Call Me Whatever Man, this is so classic, I know how hard this feels. You can not work against the mind, ever. Because you're not two different "things". So let even the superego voices, the hitting and screaming happen. Let it be as long as it is there, and let it pass when it passes. The only thing you can do is notice. Hint: Notice as precisely and closely as possible. That might feel like effort in the beginning.