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Everything posted by peanutspathtotruth

  1. Because you can't really force understanding, no matter how hard you try. But trying to understand is a very good place to be in Ultimately, when the theoretical foundation meets direct experience, understanding ripens. Read a lot, contemplate a lot (journal!), but most importantly inquire into direct experience and let yourself dissolve completely when it is time to do so. Nothing more you can do, don't worry about it
  2. @KingCrimson Your experience very much sounds like what I‘m going through. It‘s so funny, I‘m exactly the same with the music: for 2-3 years only ambient music, and recently more nature sounds than actually music. And music had always been an important hobby for me. The difference is, I grew up here in this big city (Berlin), so I don‘t know anything else. But it must be 10 years now already since I feel and actually express to others that nature and silence is calling me. @Recursoinominado You also make a great point, for first there is a need for building a career, and for that a city is (in my case) preferable. But in the end, I see no reason, if you are financially settled, to go out into nature. That‘s very likely to be my path as well. Listen to your heart <3 (By the way, thanks for the recommendation, going to get these noise canceling headphones asap!)
  3. @WaveInTheOcean Amazing trip report. Thanks for sharing
  4. You don't "remove" anything. You can't remove what is not real anyway. To put it more practically: When you see that you are not anything you can perceive, then see that the "you" you are looking for is nowhere to be found, what remains? You can't do this, you can only undo everything you're already doing. Regarding your specific question, I like what Sunyamurti says in one of his guided meditations: "drop the need to have an observer of all of this". Basically, just listen to what is beyond all mental movement. It is self-revealing. In short, it's a non-effort approach, but with an inherent, non-mental curiosity for what is actually true. So no dull unconscious sleep, rather a present, focused awareness without mental movement (which means, even when there is mental movement, just don't "add" anything to what is already there). I hope this is helpful in some way.
  5. If you want to grasp it directly without veils, just stop. Stop everything you do. Direct consciousness is what's always there, when you stop everything it becomes clearer and clearer to you. You can not not be conscious. For you are direct consciousness! Actually, you're beyond even that, but that's another thing altogether (or is it ?)
  6. A good question for this stage, which I found through Fred Davis is this: - When everything else is gone, what is left? It's a pointer from Nisargadatta, and it's one of the most powerful questions for me. Take all there is, all that is perceived, even the perceiver, and look -> what is it that remains beyond all that? This goes beyond non-duality to the big emptiness, the Absolute
  7. Beautiful! Very relevant to the process that's happening here right now. It's so confusing, and yet so sacred and clear. Thank you! ?
  8. It communicates: stop any mental movement. It IS as simple as that, so what else to say?
  9. After realization of Infinite love, which practices do you find most potent to purify this vehicle to receive and emit more love, more unimpeded? In other words: How do we serve love? How do we become the impeccable, utterly pure "warriors" of Truth? There is truly nothing else to want for "me".
  10. @RedLine Logic and mind have no way to dive into the question you're asking, it's as simple as that. Without thought, utterly absorbed, you know because YOU ARE. End of story. Love is a word, but it's one of the best to point to the heart of reality. Peace as well. As soon as you try to do anything with that word, it's too late. This. Also, we are waking up to see that suffering is our own making - ALL of it. Why do you think awakened beings have nothing on their heart but freeing people of suffering? That's not only done in the phenomenal realm. It is the ultimate act of love without hesitation. Again: Only absolute silence reveals what is true. Questions melt away, for they are too flat for infinity, they don't matter.
  11. I personally don't see any benefit in alcohol. And so for years now, I only drink one or tw glasses of red wine a year. For new years or a very special occasion. I don't judge anyone drinking, but I have to be honest that I feel consciousness drop immensely when I drink and likewise around people who drink.
  12. ? Let us know how it went
  13. Causation is imaginary, don't let em take the magic
  14. Hahaha I love your way of expression
  15. Thank you <3 She‘s amazing. Just realizing how 99% of all the teachings I „consume“ are from men. The female energy is powerful...
  16. This happened to me and a friend for years, we were the most materialistic, atheistic orange kind of guys baxck then. For me, it „stopped“ since I‘m on the journey. ?
  17. Martin Ball style, hm? Still going with the GVG, the disadvantage is that when I thought I hit the whole thing and it turns out at the second hit that that was not the case. Once I wanted to „just look“ if there is some 5-MeO left in the concentration pad because I wanted to use it for someone else for N,N-DMT (stupidly not even considering that I have clean, unused pads..), and it turned out to be 4 deep journeys. That‘s why I‘m thinking of a pipe or bubbler as well.
  18. Thank you ?? I have had plenty experiences showing me clearly that it is full, complete surrender that is the only way. But when clouding myself again, it is so hard to „remember“ in practical terms.